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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

How can I vectorize the operation

numpy.array([A[i] * B for i in range(A.shape[0])])

in numpy? I think it has something to do with adding a new axis or taking a product along a particular axis, but I keep getting errors.
@user76284 depends on B
but probably np.arange(A.shape[0]) * B
That doesn't use the values in A
Ah! I got it
A[:, numpy.newaxis] * B
A[:, None] * B
note that that's A[:,None] as shorthand
numpy.newaxis is None
At times like these I wish there were a way to write things out entirely in index notation
as piR2 already showed :P
@user76284 einsum?
So I don't have to figure out how to mash arrays together the right way
I've heard of einsum before, haven't used it though
it does entirely index notation :P
But it only works for Einstein summation?
Something like 'ij,jk->ijk' in this case? I didn't think it through much
@user76284 just go read its docs :P
I'm sure you could use einsum for this... but you almost certainly don't want to or need to
it's really powerful
but yeah, you probably don't want to use it; it was mostly a proof of concept on my part
What about arbitrary functions, e.g. a[i][j] = b[j] + c[i]**2 * d[j][i], is it possible to write something like that with einsum?
of course not
at one point you'll have to use higher-level cognitive functions
This looks like what I was talking about
@PM2Ring mobile web or app?
@Code-Apprentice I just use the mobile web view. But the difficulty in fast scrolling affects everything in Chrome, but not other apps I use.
I use the mobile web chat and Android SE app frequently
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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