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01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

no, pygtk is dead
gtk3 still lives though
a 502 on room rules: sopython.com/chatroom
basically pygtk = gtk2 = dead. gi.repository.Gtk = gtk3 = alive
My day just improved
Where can I get it from?
for windows?
Yep. Linux would be nice too : )
I run both.
It's been pre-installed on every linux I've used so far. Windows installer is available here; you'll have to scroll down a massive list of packages and place a check mark next to "Gtk+" otherwise it won't install anything
You mean I can just use GTK in Linux straight away
oh, and the windows installer only supports python 3.4 and older.
No problem. I use Python 3
Thanks for the link.
Well rhubarb for all. Wasn't a bad day for me. Frustrating end - got an email to send with a subject but the body is blank - not sure what I'm doing wrong. But that's a problem for tomorrow. :)
Just don't think about it. You'll be up all night otherwise (Trust me).
It can wait till morning.
This is a laugh. I installed Kivy no errors. Got the dependencies. Ran the simple Hello World example from their official page. It compiled with errors.
Could't get it working
kivy links LPTHW
"compiled with errors", eh?
Sorry about the wait. A DLL problem
I don't have my computer with me at the moment so I can't give you specifics
that's OK, I know nothing about windows
Linux I bet
and not an expert at that either
If you think you are bad. Watch me on an Ubuntu then.
I'm a bit better on Windows after sorting out the family PC a few dozen times.
Anyway Kivy is a good project in the future for me because of touch screen support (at least that's what I have heard).
well, I could shoehorn their example pong game onto my samsung smartphone using python-for-android and a handful of other tools
if pc touchscreens are any similar, this is not a bad sign
Yep I believe they are. Have you tried QPython3 for Android?
Or is that what you mentioned above
I tried it. It seems promising but that has Kivy by default
Aug 18 at 15:33, by Andras Deak
> Location

approximate location (network-based)
precise location (GPS and network-based)


read your text messages (SMS or MMS)
send SMS messages
edit your text messages (SMS or MMS)


directly call phone numbers
qpython's permission request ^
so no, I haven't tried it
I was talking about python-for-android
Yeah. I disallowed all those.
I have kitkat :(
I always use a PC. I can't use the small buttons as quickly
as the buttons on my PC
Hey lucky online IDLE were invented.
Well night all I've got to go. Bye ; )
sorting algorithm visualization pr0n with heavy use of the viridis colormap
I have a variable which may be bytes or may be str. How can I convert said variable to always be str? Will I need to do something like if my_var.isinstance(bytes): ...?
to give more detail, I have a function that takes a file param, sometimes I pass in a plain ol' text file, sometimes I open a zip file instead. The content of either one can be handled exactly the same way. I just need to convert all output to str.
well...it appears calling decode() on str doesn't cause the problems I feared...thanks for your cooperation
>>> ''.decode()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
so...python 2?
I'm not a complete noob =p
py3 all the way baby!
so what do you mean by calling decode() on str?
That doesn't sound like Python 3.
or maybe it isn't a str object...hmmm
Oct 17 at 20:50, by DSM
print(type(obj), repr(obj)) where you put "whatever variable is active when something puzzling is happening" in for "obj" comes in pretty handy.
If you're going to be mixing zipfile and regular files, why not open the regular files in binary mode too?
oh wait...my test data only calls this function with a .gz file
perhaps you're....Kevined by user2357112
@user2357112 that is a good point...then the read data will be always bytes...
So open(file_path, mode='b')?
Or since you're on Python 3, and you're using .gz files (not .zip), you can open the gzip files with gzip.open in 'rt' mode.
Then both the regular files and the gz files will give you strings.
that's even better
inb4 tar.gz ;)
> ValueError: Invalid mode: 'rt'
works for me
oh...I was using GzipFile()
insetad of gzip.open()
Yeah, it's gotta be gzip.open (because in 'rt' mode, the file object you get back isn't actually a GzipFile - it's a wrapper).
oh man, there's actually the stdlib tarfile module that handles .tar.gz
that's completely useless to me yet really cool
01:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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