Hello. Can anyone explain to me why the following code behaves as it does with regards to printing next_page, please? import urllib.request from re import findall, DOTALL
initial_page = urllib.request.urlopen("http://www.pythonchallenge.com/pc/def/linkedlist.php?nothing=12345") next_code = "12345" bound = 0 while bound <= 400: if next_code != "": previous_code=next_code
hello, can anyone give me answer of question posted on this link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41930203/how-to-use-opencv-and-python-in-ocr-technology-to-print-letters
plz read comment also than u can understand that what error will occur after trying solution described in comment part and plz give me solution if any one know
hey guys, I have a quick question ideally for someone with extensive experience in JavaScript and Python. I'm mostly from a JavaScript background, and I'm recently picking up Python.
What is the best way to represent a JS Collection in Python? i.e. A JS Collection is an array of objects. Keep in mind that JS doesn't have classes, so I can create "anonymous" objects on the fly.
what would be the equivalent of this in Python 3.5?
Yeah, the standard way to do that would just be a list of dictionaries; the conceptual overhead of doing it any other way usually isn't worth the trouble. That said, you could use a standard factory to make a namedtuple instead, which is more like a tuple but allows named references.
@DSM I was precisely looking at the container datatypes, and thought about using a namedtuple as well. I just thought that probably a list of dictionaries was more "native" to the language itself
I'm a noob python dev, so I don't really know what I'm doing :)
so a namedtuple is almost like the row in a table of a traditional relational database, right?
Similar, in that there's an ordered series of named entries, but untyped, and because they're tuples they're immutable. So if you want to be modifying them in place, and aren't willing just to replace them with a modified copy, that rules namedtuples out.
If you're working from a csv, you can go to a dictionary directly, using DictReader. I think it'd be slightly more idiomatic to write
Station = namedtuple('Station', ['name', 'state', 'county', 'lat', 'lon'])
with open("stations.csv", newline="") as fp:
reader = csv.reader(fp)
stations = [Station._make(row) for row in reader]
A few points if you're reading data from a csv, though: 1) it's going to come in as strings, and you'll have to coerce the types yourself (or work around it), and namedtuples are immutable, remember; 2) there's a DictReader which automatically turns each row you read into a dictionary, which can come in very handy.
@thefourtheye people who know more know what they don't know :D. In Landmark Forum they teach this. 1. Knows that he knows 2. Knows that he doesn't know 3. Doesn't knows that he knows. 4. Doesn't knows that he doesn't knows :D
Someone knows the technical reason, why you can't prepend data to a file? You can extend a file at the end. The filesystem will allocate another chunk of data on the disk. It does not necessarily have to be connected to the rest of the file (fragmentation). So why can't it allocate a chunk in front of the file. Yeah, the pointer to the start of the file has to change, but i don't think that would be an issue.
I could use some help trying to decide if an edit should be rolled back: stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/15053205 . It mostly undid my previous edit + introduced a bug in the code. However only one reviewer spotted that so I'm not sure if not my edit was the mistake.
@MoinuddinQuadri It would certainly help with file based datastructures. I am just curious why it is not possible. From what i know about filesystems, it should technically be possible. But i dont believe the lack of this functionality is caused by a programmers laziness ;)
It would be interesting to know how the filesystem connects fragmented data. To my knowledge, extending a file means, that the filesystem will extend the last fragment of the file if possible. If the space after the file is occupied, it will create another seperate fragment somewhere on the disk and keep track of this new fragment, so that the disk can seek from fragment to fragment while reading the file. That would also work if extending in front i guess.
The true cabbages (Brassica oleracea, Capitata group) are considered to be descended from the wild cabbage, Brassica oleracea, a species of Brassica native to coastal southern and western Europe.
There was a gap in understanding because of the word gap. stackoverflow.com/questions/41955015/… The question seem to be okay but people were merciless :D
I’m not giving you any special privilege just because you are lazy and won’t take any effort to learn how a community works before taking part in it.
@MarioDekena Sure, filesystems can easily implement pre-pending, but standard IO happens at a higher level of abstraction. C and Unix made file handling vastly easier by unifying file handling in terms of streams. In older environments, applications had to directly negotiate with the file system, or even worse, with the low-level hardware. It was a nightmare, and easy to create horrible messes.
Streams have their limitations, but in the early days of Unix, most IO fit the stream pattern fairly well, since tape was still way more common than disk, and standard input & output was almost always strictly linear (this was before video terminals were common, so output went to a printer).
So I'm happy to accept the limitation that streams can't be prepended in exchange for not needing to know the nitty-gritty details of how my IO is being performed.
And having done IO on an IBM 360 mainframe, I can assure you that doing IO the old way was a black art. :)
I'm no expert in filesystem theory, but I suspect that it's easier to keep filesystems efficient if files are only permitted to grow in one direction. And if you permit pre-pending, then people would want arbitrary insertions, which would make things even messier. ;)
Hey @MarcusS I answered a question yesterday about subset sums, but then one of the previous answerers added a much faster solution to his answer. Check it out! stackoverflow.com/a/41930650/4014959
A Linux distro on a USB stick can be very handy when Windows machines bluescreen...
@MYGz Yeah, you shouldn't fix stuff like that in question code. Just leave (or upvote) an appropriate comment for the OP.
@MYGz Heart stress, lacerations to hands from people punching monitors...
@MarcusS I'm intrigued! I realise that the general version of the problem is NP complete, but when the items to be summed are unique and positive then simple solutions can be adequate.
> My main focus has switched to reimplement this project in Rust as it allows me to realize my vision of a secure password manager which is not possible with Python. However I will publish bug fixes and answer bug reports if there are any. As KeePassC is stable and feature-complete this shouldn't be a reason for not using it anymore.
@khajvah I admit that it wasn't easy to do hard-core crypto-grade random stuff in Python, but I assume it's rather better now that we have the secrets module. OTOH, I don't know if secrets is impervious to stuff like timing attacks,
It was hot here today: it got up to 32°C. It's now just after 10:35 PM and it's cooled down to 27°.
Probably a silly question but in the context of PyUnicode what are "code points"? Especially what does it mean if PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH returns "the length of the Unicode string, in code points." (docs.python.org/dev/c-api/unicode.html#c.PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH)?
thanks but I read that one. But that's my first experience with unicodes and when I read sentences like "these definitions imply that it’s meaningless to say ‘this is character U+12CA‘. U+12CA is a code point, which represents some particular character" I'm confused all over again.
Well, generally a character is represented by a code point, but there are combining codepoints that get combined with other cod points to compose more complex chars. There's an example here: stackoverflow.com/questions/41763318/…
I’m sure it would have amazing stories to tell. I just found a folder named new-world-test. No idea what’s behind that one, but I’m really curious.
(Note: I would be the one that has created the folder a few months ago but I have no idea what it is for)
@SebastianNielsen when I try to scale the page up so I can read it, everything scales but the graphic. Can you save the text on a pasteboard site, please? Graphics of tracebacks aren't a lot of use.
I remember a similar story where a country used plywood and painted it to look like tanks and artillery, just to fake out an army. I love those mind games tactics
Kevin, I saw a user that has the same name and "default pic" as you.... (maybe it was a different shade of green). But he had 600 rep, and I was confused on what happen to you.
@piRSquared Badly, since any "instantaneous communication" technique lets you send messages back in time by accelerating the endpoints. Next thing you know, you've accidentally killed your own grandpa.
@MarcusS That's ok. I don't have a Project Euler account. I've been tempted over the years to work through the problems systematically, but instead all I've done is solve a handful of random problems that got mentioned on places like xkcd or SO. Maybe one day... FWIW, the exact solution I found is view spoiler
Kevin, do you believe time travel entails multi-universes? Ie, if you go back in time and causes your parents not to have you, do you still exist, or does the Kevin in that "universe/timeline" won't exist?
Presupposing that time travel is possible at all, I expect our universe adheres to the "single unchanging timeline" rule. If you go back in time, you were always meant to have had been going back in time.
If you go back in time trying to prevent your own existence, then the probability of your success will be literally zero. Other previously unlikely occurrences, like you getting hit by a bus, will increase in likelihood to take up the slack.
@MarcusS Ta. I figured I hadn't made any major blunders when my numbers matched the numbers in the question. But I did make one silly mistake initially: I used r²Î¸ instead of ½r²Î¸ for the area of a sector, and was a little puzzled why I was getting negative areas. D'oh. :)
Entanglement (to my understanding) is like two people going far away, each one with half of something (imagine cutting a coin in half or something so one had heads, the other tails) -- but it isn't determined who actually has which half until the observation is made, which also instantly "collapses" the result for the other person, regardless of distance
I see, I would like to believe that time travel = different universes. ie, when you "time travel" you are just hopping to another universes that is at a different time period...
Perhaps there are different universes, and by traveling to one whose Big Bang happened a year later* but with all the other parameters unchanged, it would appear as if you traveled into the past. But that doesn't count as time travel by my reckoning
(*Time didn't exist before the Big Bang so "this universe spent an extra year not having any time" isn't quite a coherent concept. But let's pretend that it is.)
How I believe it is we can think of time as a train on a track, and the universe as trains. There are infinite trains on infinite tracks where some trains starts before others running infinitely. As time travel is just you hopping to another train.
@IntrepidBrit It's instant, regardless of distance -- see Einstein's quote about "spooky action at a distance." If you wanted to communicate information though, it would be bound by C
Collapsing the waveform doesn't transmit information because the person holding the other half of the pair has no way of knowing whether it's been collapsed by you or not.
If he observes the half of the pair himself, then it will be collapsed, but he doesn't know whether he collapsed it first or you did.
If you ask me, from the macroscopic point of view of an ordinary human observer, nothing spooky is going on at all. You could do the same thing with Newtonian physics by cutting a coin in half.
for instance if you assumed some kind of machine that split coins in half and gave each to a person -- the state of who has what being pre-determined and linked ahead of time
the distribution of results won't match up to what is expected
I don't think this really makes sense. Here's an analogy I wrote up once to illustrate one of the simplest Bell inequalities:
Suppose we have a machine that generates pairs of scratch lotto cards,
each of which has three boxes that, when scratched, can reveal either
a cherry or a lemon. W...
@Kevin Well, that's why the "cutting the coin in half" analogy is a little misleading. It's not that you don't know which half you've got until you peek, the two halves are complementary, but they're indeterminate until someone peeks.
Ok, the state of the coins are determined at the time of cutting, and the state of the particle pair is determined at the time of observation. But from the point of view of an ordinary human observer, there's no difference.
I studied Quantum Mechanics at University so I'm probably a bit more clued up than a layman. But there's plenty of weird and wonderful effects (like red shifting) that occur because of the limits of relativity.
The whole stuff about Quantum Entanglement "instantaneously" changing state (and having it being proven) still makes me a little suspicious. The lack of "information transfer" is still too wooly for my liking, and I suspect there's something else at work that doesn't break relativity.
Case 1: experimenter A entangles a particle pair and gives half of it to experimenter B, who leaves Earth traveling at .5c. After one year, experimenter A observes his half, collapsing the waveform. A day later and 0.5 light years away, experimenter B observes his half. "Yep, it's collapsed", says experimenter B.
Case 2: experimenter A entangles a particle pair. While removing it from the entangler, he accidentally observes the particles, collapsing the waveform. "Oops", says experimenter A. He gives half of the pair to experimenter B, who leaves Earth traveling at .5c. A year and a day la…
BTW, from the perspective of a photon, time stands still. I, however, am constantly moving forward in time. Therefore, I am time traveling... and I'm doing it faster than light.
@IntrepidBrit One interesting way to think about it is John Cramer's Transactional Interpretation. But that has the even spookier notion of causality arising not from information propagating forwards in time, but by a complementary pair of information channels, one propagating forwards and one propagating backwards in time.
“...1/3 is the lower bound, though--even if 100% of all the pairs were created in inhomogoneous preexisting states, it wouldn't make sense for you to get the same answers in less than 1/3 of trials where you scratch different boxes, provided you assume that each card has such a preexisting state with "hidden fruits" in each box.
But now suppose Alice and Bob look at all the trials where they picked different boxes, and found that they only got the same fruits 1/4 of the time! That would be the violation of Bell's inequality, and something equivalent actually can hap…
This chat is a worm hole... googling what one thing means, leads to 3 other things that needs to be clarify, which leads to other things that needs to be understood.... What a wonderful rabbit hole.
" the probability that both photons will have the same result (both pass through their respective polarizers, or both are blocked) is cos2(θ), where θ is the angle between the two polarizers." Ok. Why?
The odds of me successfully reading that document are near 0% so I'm just going to say "ordinary human observers can't observe the polarization of light, only cuttlefish can do that" and bask in the glow of a successful goalpost-moving operation.
Ooh boy. I need to send some files to someone at work, and when I send a zip, I get a reply from [email protected] saying it removed the attachment for security reasons. When I cleverly rename the zip to .zip.txt, it still rejects it. "typical overzealous corporate filter", I think, and send the .zip via my personal gmail account. "Blocked for security reasons!", says gmail. Et tu, gmail?
Say I have a server that serves up some index.html page from localhost:3000. Is it at all possible to make a secure HTTPS proxy that will rewrite localhost:3000 to some arbitrary domain name on each request?
@AndrasDeak Yes, even removing "zip" entirely from the file name has no effect. Possibly the filter is clever enough to detect the file signature of zips.
... Even though it wasn't clever enough to do that last week.
I remember there was some tool available in ye old gnome days that did a surprisingly good job with it but i can't find it now. Maybe I'll have to make one.
The recipient might try to weasel out of doing work by claiming I haven't sent everything he needs. In which case I will 1) lie down 2) try not to cry 3) cry a lot
I've already been made to look like a lunatic by sending him six emails in quick succession, each one failing in its unique way. I'm going to cool off for a while and see if he'll meet me halfway here.
Is there a solid way to become not-terrible at crypto in general? I know there's that regular coursera intro to crypto thing, but that's the mathematics behind it, not just trust models, etc.
@KevinMGranger Browsing SE.crypto could be helpful. True, there's a lot of really advanced stuff there, but there's a fair amount of entry-level material too, and links to good articles are frequently given.
Omg, sounds like a heaven! Actually I was needing something like that! I was almost going crazy because of the same trumpet song (maybe it continues 30 minutes) and scipy optimize! I'm feeling like listening infinite badger song. Lol. :D
I love this one. Love Your Spell Is Everywhere. Joan Chamorro group & Rita Payés & Andrea Motis & Enrique Oliver. Rita (on trombone) is only 16. But she was already a great performer a few years ago.
I remember writing a post describing how to do point-in-polygon testing on spherical coordinates, and I'd love to hammer How to tell if point is in a predefined borders as a dupe of it, but I can't find it