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@idjaw Well, you know, low quality questions are low quality questions...
haha...one of the first articles about Allo that popped up for me: independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/…
Yeah, but lots of people just sneer at the code without remembering their own struggle to understand. Hence my sympathetic comment on that question.
@idjaw we should go there and comment on it
like, do not migrate crap to stack overflow just because it doesn't work
Yeah, that looks like a code review site question.
'Other than that, things seem to be OK. Some requests for other things to add would be nice as well' off topic for SO
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is a question suited for the Code Review site. It's unfortunate that someone migrated it to SO, because this will definitely get closed as being too broad. — tristan 3 mins ago
@tristan No! NONONONONO! It was migrated FROM Code Review because the code does not work as intended. Code MUST work to the best of the author's knowledge before it's on-topic at Code Review. — Mast 2 mins ago
@Mast just because it doesn't work as intended does not mean that it belongs to Stack Overflow either. Please do not migrate any more open-ended questions to Stack Overflow, enough of those already there. — Antti Haapala 49 secs ago
Is this hot potato or something? :p
is there any way of seeing comments on a question before migration, e.g. view the stub?
Q: I need some help on an RPG battle

ColiboomSo I wanted to make an RPG battle game in Python 3.4.3, and I've been having trouble trying to get some randomization in the attacks. I'm going by the Pokemon style of damage calculation, and I can't seem to understand resetting the critical hit and random modifiers. Other than that, things see...

this just redirects to SO now
migrated to stackoverflow.com by forsvarir, Mathias Ettinger, Mast, Graipher, Jamal♦ 26 mins ago

This question belongs on our site for professional and enthusiast programmers.
Yeah... I've already pinged Jamal :)
Fine. Close the question before I can respond to respond to someone talking to me. Mod abuse.
thanks :D
@tristan you can talk on codereview, mast is there too
oh god no thanks i don't care about code review or the other lesser forums
@AnttiHaapala there isn't a migration path between CR and SO without a mod doing it...
@JonClements ah is there not :d
stupid sexchange software
went to see Explosions in the Sky last night -- unexpectedly amazing live show
I hadn't heard of them before, but I like it.
Oh good. EITS are a great "full album" band
they have more of catchy sound in their new album; not entirely sure i like it as much
Is it all instrumental?
@tristan wat!? It doesn't randomly mention China!?
thankfully not. china.
Nice. I'm digging
Can anyone help with a scripting question ?
@Alex ask the question :)
I just started learning selenium . So, I have to go to a webpage and press arrow keys .
The problem is that "there is no webpage element that i can "send_keys" to " like in a form or anything else .
I'll give you the link . gabrielecirulli.github.io/2048
basically user just opens the link and presses arrow keys to play . How do i simulate that ?
Which element do i call "send_keys" in ?
@AnttiHaapala I thought "migration rejected" was a thing
Celebratory cbg
oh right, a mod moved it here to begin with
Have we dispatched the puppies in retaliation?
If you're into Explosions in the Sky, you might also like Caspian and/or Russian Circles
Russian Circles are amazing. (is amazing?)
is ;)
Haven't heard Caspian... spotifys
@tristan any ideas ?
@Alex Sorry, playing 2048
@tristan lol
Okay, I lost. Taking a look
you heard God is An Astronaut, Tristan? Similar vein to the others.
:3302103 I've had their stuff bookmarked for a while and have been meaning to. I'll do that right now.
moonlit sailor also worth checking out in that postrockesque vein
@Alex Naively, can you send it to some arbitrary element like div class="game-container"?
you guys are thawing my heart, quit it
Puppies deployed.
then I can head home in peace:P
safe travels :)
@MartijnPieters what's their kill command? :p
@tristan (you have no idea how much I need that wish)
@tristan I tried with "grid-container" , didnt work
@JonClements dude.
@JonClements rosebud
@JonClements who said I told em to lick?
@AndrasDeak Was that a Columbo or Murder She Wrote?
Hehe... bet you didn't think anyone would get that hey!? :p
@AndrasDeak what about the sled?
@tristan says "can't focus element"
oops, spoilers.
I always reference with the hope that somebody catches on:D
otherwise it's just UDP
@MartijnPieters I learned about dis from an answer of yours the other day ;)
@Withnail i'm listening to the 'All Is Violent, All Is Bright' album by God is an Astronaut. What would you suggest for checking out by moonlit soldier?
the song that got me was... looks
@enderland and so I slowly sow dis-sent, my plan is working!
'minutes from somewhere else'. It's got that swell that a lot of these great songs have
but that got me wondering about the efficiency of how you import various things
Super enjoying caspian btw, excellent shout.
:) glad you're liking the suggestion. i'll check out that moonlit sailor song when this album is done (~45 minutes)
@Alex i'd open a question on SO with an mcve. i'm sure someone will come along with an answer before too long as this is just a trivia-like thing
@tristan okay , i am always scared of asking naive questions on SO :P
@Alex well written mcve questions are fine regardless of naivety
just don't post "plz halp me its urgent" with a screenshot of your code
@Alex pff...don't be. this is just a "what function do i have to call to send arbitrary input to a page"
@enderland heh, i peeked at some of his/her other questions and i don't think that's a concern here.
btw, I don't think I've seen you around the room Alex. Welcome :)
Hey Alex! :)
@Withnail congrats!
Congrats, Withnail!
@Withnail wooowoowowowowoooowowowooooooooo
Remember ridiculous recruitment consultant with the 'to £XXX' job, that seemed to be 'to £xxx *0.8' when I applied? Well, I tried to pull out because it sounded like BS, got convinced to interview, told the IT director about his problems in the interview, got a callback, and a 12 month contract. :D
I called send_keys() on the body and it worked :P
Database Dev at a public affairs firm. 8)
@Withnail lol
@Alex yeah, i was going to suggest either 'clicking' on an arbitrary region or just sending it to something general
is this your first FT?
As a dev, yeah.
Now to the eternal struggle of Not Being Found Out. ;)
this chat isn't a good place to make yourself feel better :P
well done @Withnail
Happy Equinox!
felt like autumn here for sure
Antti's law: if something bad can happen, and it is not related to seasons it will happen in the autumn anyway because it would make you feel the most miserable :d
autumn is one of the best seasons!
morning everyone
Oh, I actually really prefer autumn/spring, so I'm harder to make sad/frustrated when it's not summer.
Morning covid
@AnttiHaapala where do you live though? our summers are hot and humid
oh so you guys are probably a lot nicer summer season :P
Yeah, high humidity and heat make me exhausted and irritable. It's 24º and 60% humidity and I couldn't be happier with the weather.
it was lightly raining when I biked to work today so probably bout 100% humidity :P
25 C here is a "heat wave"
normally people would use that term for a loong period of hot weather, here it seems that 2 hours is a looong period
What is the comma in this syntax supposed to imply? rs > ri ? (wi * hs/hi, hs) : (ws, hi * ws/wi)
@corvid wrong language
actually it doesn't make sense at all. which language is this
@AnttiHaapala temperatures of 20c+ have been known to cause stampedes in Glasgow, as pale scots seek to maximise their vitamin D intake and go tapsaff
@tristan cool! I was not in to their latest album. How was it live? (I guess good since you liked the show?)
@Withnail congrats on acquiring employment
@Withnail 17 people / km²
Finland does? :D
not that big chances of stampede
as many say: "there are too many people in one place when they start living on top of others
@corvid In Python, that'd be (wi * hs/hi, hs) if rs > ri else (ws, hi * ws/wi)
@PM2Ring how do you know
@PM2Ring but, what is the comma?
ah sorry yes
They're (width, height) tuples.
@idjaw Their opening act was so boring that everyone was talking and looking at their phones, but EITS was amazing.
Oooooh sorry I am dumb for not thinking that
@corvid in the context of that question they're nothing, that's not any real programming language I know
-> a Python programmer writing "javascript"
"oh why doesn't this work"
@tristan remember the name of the opening act?
@AnttiHaapala yeah I figured there would be something easier to emulate the behavior of background-size: contain
@AnttiHaapala Yeah, davin's using pseudocode that assumes the reader is familiar with the C "ternary expression" condition ? true_stuff : false_stuff syntax.
@idjaw yeah, i didn't want to name because it was so boring that it's not even fun to talk about how boring it was.
@idjaw @DSM are you going to watch the Finland vs Russia today??
everyone was on their phones and even people that thought they were better than us that were talking over it eventually got bored after 20 minutes of it and started browsing the internet as well
if Finland doesn't win, Russia will advance, not NA
PM2, by chance do you have experience with image manipulation?
@Withnail Sheewet. It's a balmy 60 degrees. That's perfect weather for me
@tristan oh...that's a bit too atmospheric for me
@idjaw dude. like 45 minutes of that.
Yeah, as a chubby scot, I'm pretty comfortable in the 58-68 range :D
@tristan ick...yeah...that's unfortunate for the artist it was totally the wrong crowd...
this is like if the girl in the office that's always on tumblr and talking about her etsy side business invited you to see "her band" at an art space
reminds me of the Soophie Nun Squad show that I went to - I don't remember who opened for them but it was some kind of weird toga-wearing-poetry-reading act
@tristan get out of my head
@AnttiHaapala will be on and off with it, have a lot of work today and mama-idjaw is working tonight, so gotta leave early to pick up the nutsos spawns
This act sounds kind of like Enya - but without the edge
Oh man, that artiste would go down so well round my way.
We have many such art spaces, including carparks. She'd be right at home.
@WayneWerner if that is F, it's too cold by a couple degrees, if it is C, it is still too cold :P
Oh, Enya....can't listen to that....on that note, I can't do Florence and the Machine either because there is just way too much going on in there
almost like each song is trying way too hard
@idjaw yeah, exactly. EITS has a specific audience and having sparse, boring music just is a poor fit. i don't know who would want to go stand for 45 minutes while one person loops her voice and doesn't do anything on stage, but it's definitely not any group of people i've met
too much going on or bad or busy is fine, but don't be boring.
Hey back me again with @decorators question... I'm going over code sniper of another author and annotating each line how I understand what does it do.. can some1 please help me understand annotate the decorators part of this code > pastebin.com/HvGVQTT8
Really? Was going for ~15c-19c. My comfortable range. ;)
@corvid Yeah, I have some. But it's a big field, and I don't know the really advanced stuff, or fancy image manipulation / analysis libraries.
@Dariusz I think you want this
Many congrats on the new job, @withnail
Is it me - or does that look kinda freaky?
Looks like you should name it. Looks like some metallic pet of some sort
It's like it's looking at me... and about to leap or something...
It needs a mouth under the fans eyes...
I think it needs more atmospheric candles.
@davidism Man, she's really trying to appeal to millennials
I'm intrigued about the candles behind it. Is it some sort of sacrifice to the Machine Lord? Is it about to make some sort of sacrifice? Is it perhaps, some sort of insufferable daemon, summoned from the depths of WindowsHell?
@tristan Halfway through: "I really regret doing this."
Or is it just going to put some EITS, light those candles and have a nice bath, shorting out the entire block?
god this political year is depressing as hell
@tristan hell is looking kinda attractive compared to politics this year :)
> kid rock becomes secretary of state
@Withnail @idjaw okay - we need to find a decent name for it
"What's the best way to stay in touch, Mrs. Clinton? Email?"
He looks so pleased with himself for saying it with a straight face.
@JonClements jeff
Does it look like a jeff?
@JonClements Gus
That'd be confusing - the dog's called Gus
(Related: I know two separate actual people who have cats called Alan)
Jeffgus - problem solved.
Make room/6 great again
(one of the said people's cat arrived from rescue called Graham. Except that was his name. So he changed the cats name to Alan. Which is his brother's name. Weird family)
people name their pets the weirdest things
@tristan get the hats printed
@tristan again? :(
Room/6 First
Always wanted a dog called Alan. Never got one
Make Room/6 Room/1 Again
You think that Code Review is sending us their best?
I Will Build a Great Wall' and Make Lounge Pay for It ...
@JonClements Lamarr
uh oh - panic stations!!!!
Definitely a Lamarr
the shadowing on that is quite mysterious...
My friend's cat is named Eno and apparently every veterinarian pronounces it as in "Brian Eno" but it's actually pronounced Enno. Lesson: make sure your cat's name isn't spelled identically to a famous person's.
@JonClements so that diamond cap exists for real?
@idjaw jeebus dude
@AnttiHaapala haven't I presented photographic proof!? :p
wait...what if that is Jon????
was not expecting that, I have bigass monitors man.
TIL that moderators really do have caps with embroidered diamonds
TIL that moderators turn in to freaky metallic contraptions
Python 3 needs a from __past__ import comparison_of_unorderable_types
@idjaw How do you think they got to be mods in the first place?
@idjaw ahhh... kinda like the replicators in Stargate!?
@Kevin NO!
@idjaw true story
@Kevin you've been abusing your lists again
@Kevin It's called lambda x: yourtype(x)
I don't need it personally. This guy needs it: Sort a list where there are strings, floats and integers
repeat after me: "the list is one type of homogeneous sequences"
A: Sort a list where there are strings, floats and integers

Daniel RosemanOn a very basic level, you could convert everything to a string: l.sort(key=str)

Do they all look like the same metallic contraption? Or do they give them their own shape? I wonder what Martijn looks like....
See? Someone else gets it :P
My lists are very nearly always homogeneous.
Same, but grocery lists (I drink a lot of milk)
@Withnail What is with the weird techno finish on God is an Astronaut - All is violent, all is bright
> I would like to use Python 2.7 but I am not allowed to.
Interesting, it's usually the opposite.
@idjaw You'll only know when it's too late! muhahahh muhahahaah! :p
I would like it to be sorted by value by floats and ints, and then by type : floats and ints first, then strings, then booleans and then lists. I would like to use Python 2.7 but I am not allowed to... — Silveris 1 min ago
yeah, it's a bit out of place, eh?
@Kevin plot twist - OP is being held captive by Antti
Programmer Trouble Shooter
i immediately started looking for a tab playing some old movie trailer
@JonClements I suddenly don't trust anything around me
@AnttiHaapala That's probably a good thing
think about it, you've got to be crazy machine to want to moderate SO
@WayneWerner why?
That they're not allowed to use Python2.7
@idjaw you can trust the cute puppy!
@JonClements take a scooby snake snack
@enderland yeah, i'm a fundamentalist SO
I believe in the literal interpretations of stackoverflow.com/help/asking
I'm a moderator on a non-SO site and am firmly convinced those that do SO are crazy
Scooby snack. Scooby snake. Scooby sake. Booze but for dogs. Brilliant!
Scooby crack. Drugs, but for dogs. Terrible!
@Withnail Nope I still have no idea why and what does the property really do. Does it store stuff/change ? Does it no nope no idea what it does in the example I send you :- (
heterogenous nested lists...
any approach is going to fail
Glad you finally decided to get some clothes on, Jonatron
It's preserving its modesty now...
> > inspect desk
Today I had to add a global variable to a module of mine, but in penance I cut out 100 lines of legacy cruft, so on balance I think I did OK.
@enderland Really - why's that?
@JonClements you guys deal with such annoying things on a site where asking a decent question has become a rarity :P
The global was a reasonsValidationIsFailing list, which isWidgetValid and isSprocketValid and 12 other validation functions all append to. I couldn't change the parameters or return values of any of the functions because their signatures are specified by the web framework I'm plugging them into.
@enderland mange tout with jelly and custard good is all I can say to the smiley face from the land of ender!
I guess it's good that the global doesn't have any impact on business logic, so in principle it shouldn't make the program that much harder to understand. All I'm doing with it is displaying it to the user.
@enderland I personally get great pleasure from carefully spending my 35 daily del votes.
quick question
how do you do the strikethrough in the chat room?
---stuff here---
thanks Jon
That's cool, someone signed up just to post a duplicate answer: stackoverflow.com/a/39642791/344286
Q: Agile Methods Specifically tailored to working solo?

Allain LalondeMost Agile Methodologies I'm reading about speak volumes about how best to keep communication bottle necks within a team to a minimum. When working as a solo developer, most of these don't really apply. Stand up meetings are "interesting" when done alone for example. :) My question is, when wor...

(breathing breathing...)
@AnttiHaapala I need to get 10k SO rep hah
did anyone else tutor in college? I still get emails from students asking for tutoring and I graduated like 2 years ago
@enderland 35k, 35 delves <3
Not for colleges I'm afraid
@enderland Yeah... stop slacking in the workplace or something - come to the dark cool side :)
but why not? You can create a tutor club
@JonClements honestly I get too depressed looking at SO questions
folks here who answer them have something I don't (or I have something they don't, caugh, sanity)
The depression stops as the madness consumes your soul!
Sep 13 at 14:31, by PM 2Ring
Jul 4 at 11:08, by PM 2Ring
The good thing about 10k rep is that you can see all the deleted answers. The bad thing about 10k rep is that you can see all the deleted answers.
also. organizing bash with flags. :'(
I pass most of the questions
downvote, cv, etc.
I am not trying to answer any more
Q: Lists in Python

SivanagaiahIs the List in python homogeneous or heterogeneous?

Homogeneous, it always contains only objects.
@AnttiHaapala Upvoted nikow's answer
@AnttiHaapala what a truly terrible question.
@PM2Ring I did too
and the one saying that Guido said "heterogeneous",
"A single sort method sorts arrays of completely heterogeneous elements, as long as you can compare them individually."
my favorite part of simple questions is when they get complex answers that don't even bother directly answering the question
... well which they still do, but ... find 2 random types that are comparable...
For the last couple decades I've been pronouncing it "homogenous". I wonder where I picked up that habit.
@AnttiHaapala I just noticed that nikow has a high scoring accepted answer in the linked question stackoverflow.com/questions/626759/…
@JonClements reminds me of Pretorius from The Mask. Well, some of him
@Andras Columbo / The Mask - you're a mixed bag aren't you :)
I guess:P
I have many very specific facets:D
when you have sort with lambdas, does the "x" that you are sorting on always end up as the element? stackoverflow.com/a/39642636/1048539
@MarlonAbeykoon doesn't getsizeof give you the full memory footprint of the variable? What you checked is not bytes, but a bytearray, which probably has overhead. I'm unfamiliar with the subject, but this is my suspicion
@enderland what else?
@AndrasDeak I guess I'm intrigued that almost all use lambda x:
unless it's self:P
is taht convention for sorting?
 l.sort(key=lambda main: (str(type(main)), main))
there you go
I use k everywhere for throwaway loop variables, even in bash when looping over files
unless of course someone else (including future me) is likely to see the code
I didn't think it mattered, but enough folks use x that I thought I'd ask
@enderland for some reason I always use L - I've no idea why though... seems to be an odd thing that I do...
(well - one of the odd things that I do anyway...)
people probably use x because of SO answer propagation
one person did... so other people do... now everyone does!
cargo powa
@Withnail congratulations \o/ :)
I use x or _
bash parameter expansion is neato
@Withnail Do you think there is a way to have this code without decorators? Or it is a must to use them here?
Parameter expansion generally is a great boon
perhaps close as dupe
@PM2Ring one more
>>> import typing
>>> typing.Tuple[str, int, float]
typing.Tuple[str, int, float]
>>> typing.List[str, int, float]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/typing.py", line 1024, in __getitem__
    ("many" if alen > elen else "few", repr(self), alen, elen))
TypeError: Too many parameters for typing.List<~T>; actual 3, expected 1
Meeting survived cabbage for all!
PS I use "x".
@AnttiHaapala: I'm going to try, depending on how early I can bail-- if not I'll just listen to it.
@AnttiHaapala you probably want Any or Union for that. It's a list of any (or some) types, not a tuple of specific length and type.
@davidism I don't want anything :P'
this is an argument that lists are homogeneous and tuples heterogeneous after all...
Not really, it's an argument that lists are unbounded while tuples have specific size and type.
you can actually make an unbounded tuple
Or at least that's how I've always thought of tuples, and I'm pretty sure that's the formal definition of tuple.
A tuple is a finite ordered list of elements. In mathematics, an n-tuple is a sequence (or ordered list) of n elements, where n is a non-negative integer. There is only one 0-tuple, an empty sequence. An n-tuple is defined inductively using the construction of an ordered pair. Tuples are usually written by listing the elements within parentheses " ( ) {\displaystyle ({\text{ }})} " and separated by commas; for example, ( 2 , 7 , 4 , 1 ...
Yes, you can create on-the-fly tuples from other iterables, but you're just kind of abusing tuples at that point.
If it weren't for the logistical difficulties, I'd be willing to throw in a mountain too.
The best kind of cabbage: meeting survived cabbage?
@DSM pinged you about that notebook demo earlier
Or maybe pacifist cabbage, which couldn't bring itself to do away with the meeting entirely.
@holdenweb: ah, let me scroll.
Ha! I didn't use that page, but I actually did read it after you mentioned it, and brought it up. :-)
I've seen variants of this question a zillion times, is there a canonical duplicate stackoverflow.com/questions/39630492/…
That's now the official channel theme song.
@MartijnPieters just needs some kitten/bunnies popping up rathergood.com style!

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