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Google beat the world's best Go player, 3-0
@QuestionC no coming back from that.
Did they end up playing two more games? I thought they'd only played one game so far
This thing is super frustrating... I really like this framework's front end part, but the back end part is holding everything back and it's nearly impossible to switch it off :|
I'm sorry, Google's only winning 2-0. They haven't played the third game yet.
For setlocale is there somewhere I can find the list of locale settings?
@QuestionC ah, I was wondering, I thought it was going to be played tomorrow.
@MorganThrapp /etc/locale.gen should list all the locales that could be used on the system, although it doesn't guaranteed that they are available even if they're uncommented
So when the computer inevitably wins, where is the goalpost going to get moved? "AI isn't really intelligent until it's better than humans at ____, which requires [mental characteristic currently exclusive to humans]"
@davidism Windows. :/ I found the format code I needed, but I was hoping I could find a whole list.
"Go, which requires intuition" has been king of the hill for a few years
AI isn't really intelligent until it's petitioning for suffrage.
Next up, the world championship of 'Guess which animal I'm thinking of'
I'm going to go with a very specific type of snake... a python, I daresay
Nope, it was "giraffe". Looks like I'm still the world champion for another year.
Ah ha, locale.py has a full list.
Source diving for the win!
Can an AI beat Donald Trump at Global Thermonuclear War?
as donald trump would say, it's a yooge problem
can an AI beat Donald Trump? <- my niece when she was 3 could have beat Donald Trump. My first year programming assignment could have beat Donald Trump (and it didn't even remove red eyes from a picture, correctly). Basically, if it can follow some form of meaningful logic, it can beat Donald Trump
@AnttiHaapala Deleted
> You have already voted to delete this post
For the second one, Yeah. :/
@MartijnPieters stackoverflow.com/questions/35945393/… there were some comments about multiple user accounts created for asking these questions
@MartinJames I had to create a new account, cause maybe for your downvotes too, I couldn't ask new Qs... I only want some infos... — Byte2Byte 1 hour ago
Trump says yooge? We really need a Trump vs Bernie debate about the scale of problems facing America.
I wonder if Trump is so incoherent and unaware of what's going on that if people around him just nod along and then do what they think's best whether he'll even notice
Glares at chorus of nods
i have an empty list, i wanna append that list with a sliced part of another list, my result is a list encapsulated in a outer list, which i do not want
@AnttiHaapala could you use a flag? On a train and nearly home.
@hmmmbob extend
i try :)
@MartijnPieters I did already...
i have a given list L, in a loop i create a templist called temp, and i do the following :  temp.append(L[b:b+n])
when i print out temp, its a list within a list
@AnttiHaapala thanks.
@hmmmbob: do you know the difference between append and extend? (Ah, I see RG already hit this! I need to scroll up more.)
i did not even know the command extend, that automatically means no i guess
Problem solved!
@hmmmbob try this
thank you, as a foreign speaker i have to ask
is append in normal day english then slightly differently than in python ?
It's less specific, obviously.
In English, "Append" and "Extend" are almost identical in meaning. The distinction is mostly a python thing.
ah ok , thank you all
yes, it was really just that
the rest of my program worked
It's subtle. Append is like "to add as a supplement, accessory" and extend is more like "to stretch out" or "to enlarge the scope of". Even a native speaker might not guess how the distinction is being used, although once you see it it makes sense.
non-native here as well, but I have a feeling that append can only ever be 1D?
@AnttiHaapala Now closed
and extend not that strict
I always forget the difference. I usually stick to append :p
yes , i mean i really did not know the extend command at all
Append means to "Add", extend means to "Make Bigger"
I mean in English language.
FWIW, you should refer to .append and .extend as methods, rather than calling them commands.
that moment when you think a 2 rep noop is trolling you and they have 25k
i actually know that i should call them methods
but you are right
Did they get that 25k from answers, or questions?
@hmmmbob Using the correct terminology helps to make communication less ambiguous. :)
@hmmmbob you just make people more confused that way
yeah, will try in the future
was not intentional
or even worse, it makes people assume that you do not know what a method is
@PM2Ring 89, 86 etc scored answers as well
while i am here, how is it that a python module can be written to work on linux and mac, and not on windows, i would understand why it is linux only, but mac but not windows left me wondering why
Because Mac and Linux are pretty similar
ah ok :)
that answers it
They're both free Unixes
@shahkalpesh never too much reputation to start reading Python 3 tutorialsAntti Haapala 7 secs ago
@idjaw btw my stacktrace from earlier is a circular import problem. Python 3.5 handles them better in certain cases (see: bugs.python.org/issue17636)
@hmmmbob google POSIX
ah i see
luckily i could install it in a vm
luckily I can install windows in VM if I have to
@AnttiHaapala I see. OTOH, they only have 11 points in the Python tag, so I guess that kind of explains their lack of Python knowledge.
What's up, guys? Was wondering if any of you had any ideas for Python Projects that would help me to increase my experience and knowledge. I've learned the language and how it works, as well as some libraries. I'd just like to get a little more hands-on experience.
@HEADLESS_0NE good catch man.
@PM2Ring ofc, but I was like thinking that "where is the self.tricks in the question" meant that "where did you get that from" or something
@idjaw Yea, I don't know how to fix it though. Laurel
@AnttiHaapala ok
You have something like this going on:

import a
import b

and inside import b you are importing a
Yea, that's right
read this actually. It will help put things in to perspective and help with figuring out how to restructure your modules
you're going to have to make some changes somewhere
On it. Thanks boss
Yea, for sure
These are the kind of things that happen coming from Java to Python
java is so funny, you do not need to care about these kinds of things there
I'd say that side of things is pretty well designed
@l1thal adventofcode.com projecteuler.net
rbrb @BhargavRao have a great weekend
If you want to have lots of fun, screeps.com .
Able to complete adventofcode == the level of programming I'd expect from a college graduate.
Thanks, Same to you :)
Possibly more if I'm feeling pseeimistic pessimistic.
@QuestionC Thanks.
Able to complete ProjectEuler == consideration for a McArthur grant.
@AnttiHaapala BTW, I added a couple of comments to that question.
Able to complete codewars == nothing really. It's just fun.
Never seen advent of code before; quite fun looking
@RobertGrant We were all doing them in the room when it first launched.
There's that crushing, paradoxical, post-hoc FOMO
@RobertGrant Oh snap. I forgot you weren't around over Christmas.
It basically took over the room.
I went MIA at that time. I remember it being on the side board when I checked in quickly at one point
We had people staying up at ridiculous times just to get on the leaderboard for the time-completed.
good weekend @BhargavRao
I decided to have a retro day, so I read all of the emails in my spambox, from that Nigerian Prince
is there a way to make an if clause that works as "if exists" to avoid a potential range out of list problem ?
i tried a simple if, but did not go well
I want to say "yes", but I have a feeling your question isn't quite as simple. Show us your list and what you're trying to do?
iam gonna google some more
@Hey everyone, What is the best neural network library for Python? Why? Criteria: Algorithms implemented, performance and ease of use.
I would go with scikit-learn
there's also theano and pybrain
Scikit-learn seems a bit difficult to understand to me. I like PyBrain's ease of use.
i thougt theano was for deeplearning, and scikit learn more for the rest like SVM etc ?
I need to use for a LSTM model
@idjaw man I created a bunch of circular imports while working in python 3.5 ... I understand the issue much better now, thanks for that link.
Very welcome @HEADLESS_0NE
A: Send JSON data with jQuery

Glenn FerrieCheckout "stringify", here: json.org

my NAA flag was disputed on this :D
@inspectorG4dget What is your opinion about Keras?
well it "technically" is an answer... to some question (which was not asked)
I've never used it. I'm checking it out now
when you write a program, do you check it just with the inputs you have , and if all works well , you are pleased, or do you actively try to come up with corner cases that might be super rare, but might not work with your program ?
based on a very cursory reading, it seems to have what I think you're looking for. It might be overkill for your purpose, but that's no problem at all. Finally, it runs with TensdorFlow at its core, which is a definite plus
what does with tensorflow at its core?
Keras runs can run tensorflow
@inspectorG4dget Keras has two backends TensorFlow and Theano yes.
from prior readings, they're both good backends - very powerful. Therefore, Keras has my vote
stupid question, but why do you need it ?
what does it give you that tensorflow on its own does not
tensorflow and theano are big beasts. Getting things done (I haven't really tried myself) seems like a pretty large task, i.e. you'll have to read a lot of documentation to do even the simplest of things
@inspectorG4dget I searching a library to implement a LSTM model "easily".
ah ok, thank you very much !
@inspectorG4dget Is there a library that pure python and no performance issue?
keras seems to be a wrapper on top of all of this, that simplifies the works for rapid prototyping
I doubt you'll have a problem with Keras and LSTM
define "performance issue"
I know it must be written in C or GPU computing if you want speed. But just I'm asking.
pure python is slower - much slower than something that runs off of numpy, etc
afaik both theano and tensorflow can run on gpu
@idjaw fixed!
that's kinda why theano and scipy work so fast - they're all C under the hood
but only on nvdia cards with cuda
@inspectorG4dget You said that "I doubt you'll have a problem with Keras and LSTM" What do you mean?
look at the screenshot I posted just before that comment. I thought you were concerned about the amount of time it would take for you to implement LSTM in Keras
would you guys agree that the python tag should be removed from here:

Changing your working directory in PHP seems like a bad idea...but it makes enough sense to me, the tag removal that is. I don't know what's proper though
not quite yet. but it's not working could reveal the problem to be with the underlying python script. If anything, that post is very underspecified at the moment
@idjaw yes
@inspectorG4dget One last question: Why PyBrain is discontinued, do you have any idea? PyBrain's coding style and docs are awesome, but discontinued :(
why not ask the authors?
I don't know exactly why the developers stopped working on it. However, you should still be able to use the available stable version. That being said, if I had to use a neural network for something today, I'd likely try with Keras first, if only because of what Ive read today
@inspectorG4dget hmm Thank you very much :)
davidism is right - if you want to know exactly why the dev stopped, you'd probably get the most accurate answer from the original developers
cheers, bud!
(I guess this makes sense) But I just learned that we have to bring birth certificates for our kids on top of their passports if we are travelling by plane.
why does that make sense? Presumably, the government did their due diligence in checking birth certificates before issuing a passport
I can't tell one baby from another.
I think it's to further prove you are the parents
@DSM up to a certain age. Absolutely :)
Wrong link, (though possibly right link too).
oh my god, I had to read that clock one three times before I got it...
@idjaw you had to go back... four more?
@RobertGrant :D
(If only you'd said four times)
But anyway, I was attempting to post the second link, but my clipboard disagreed.
it's a good thing it wasn't something else
Yeah, good thing I'm at work. :P
Otherwise it probably would've been a link to something NSFW.
Is that NSFW?
it's delicious alcohol
Or worse yet, something REALLY NSFW.
love those puns
That guy is awesome
that guy has some molten steel flowing through his veins
Did.. did you just link to TV Tropes without a surrounding warning?!
Wow, TVTropes has had a lick of paint
@DSM I told you it was NSFW.
And it tasted good
Yeah, I hadn't seen the site redesign before. It looks gooood.
This is the last NSFW link, I promise
You know I can kick-ban you, right?
And all around the world, select individuals clicked a link and then groaned to themselves
I don't know what you're talking about :D
That link is perfectly harmless tits.
Operation LureTheRoomIntoAFalseSenseOfSecurity is working just as planned.
Wait, so now I have to choose between "internal storage", which is unusable as transfer, or "external storage", which I can't use to store apps on? #marshmallowtears
Just me muttering about some new Android behaviour I don't like. Don't mind me. :-)
I get it now....marshmallow
It was that way in lolipop too.
I still don't even have marshmallow. T_T
@MorganThrapp: but I had apps on my SD card. Did I do black magic to put them there? The docs also say something about how it might grandfather some.
@DSM It must've been grandfathering. I don't think there's been apps on the SD card since KitKat, possibly even earlier.
Given the asymptotic growth of application size, that's a bit annoying.
Yup. Well, don't worry, most manufacturers are solving that by just taking away the SD card slot. :D
Which is definitely better.
Do we have a good canon dupe for convert json-to-csv?
Are we supposed to be finding letters that match those regexes?
you know what this reminds me of? Regex crossword
let the good times roll!!
beautiful entrance tristan
One of my most popular answers ever says "I don't like regular expressions and avoid them wherever possible". I'm not going to play crosswords with them..
we're like 3 months from yacht rock season
I haven't heard of this
considering getting a boat to do this yacht rock season properly
Is it sad I was thinking the same thing @inspectorG4dget?
It also made me think of the "Let's go to the Mall" one :p
@Programmer great minds... they think alike
i know they say that the two best days of a boat owner's life is the day he buys the boat and the day he sells it, but still. yacht rock
I (now) recognize that reference!
Jan 7 '15 at 20:58, by AirThomas
@DSM "I should buy a boat cat" is the meme with a cat reading a newspaper, captioned along the lines of "I should do X"
@tristan I must admit, that's a nice song
source of "i should buy a boat" cat: youtube.com/watch?v=yvgVsxaqYgA&t=3m56s
@tzaman now imagine you're on a yacht
how do you know I am not presently on a yacht
@tzaman [REDACTED]
Rbrb. Have a good weekend everyone :)
While we're doing boat songs: If I Had a Boat
pie @Programmer!
your yacht rock really reminded me of MLTR for some reason youtube.com/watch?v=4T5g-9E6PUs
@QuestionC solved :)
I have a beard! I'm halfway there.
prepare yourself people; this room is yacht rock themed as of june 1st
idjaw is about to be half the way further away from being there
the entire room has removed tristan from the list of this room's owners.
@RobertGrant Level 2: MIT
(I have not completed the MIT and likely will not)
Oh yeah...no. Unless I write something to solve it :)
Not exactly a boat song... Dreamboat Annie - Heart
@PM2Ring the name reminds me of Boten Anna for no good reason
@AndrasDeak Love me some basshunter.
@MorganThrapp I personally don't, but years ago I've seen a short clip about him on some tv channel a few times, and I remembered Boten Anna, and also that there was a short shot of a girl at a concert holding a huge sign saying something like "what do you mean boat??" in Swedish:D
I remember the most annoyingly useless trivia sometimes
@AndrasDeak Ok. I can see a vague connection there, if you strip out the techno bass and drum stuff.
clearly official source says "Being swedish, this is surprising to me, in the swedish language the mistake between bot and båt (sound very similar) is understandable"
Why would you think someone who sang about DOTA was suddenly singing about boats?
I have some Swedish ancestry, and I quite like the sound of the language. I even considered trying to learn it when I was younger, but none of my living relatives can speak it, apart from a nursery rhyme or two.

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