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With SQLAlchemy, is it possible to just use the connection pooling? I don't want to use the tables as objects bit.
Anyone else getting 404 for the dev survey? stackoverflow.com/research/developer-survey-2016
yes, you can just set up an engine and execute on it
@idjaw what kind of status is it? how comfortable are people with HTTP status codes? generally, i don't go more esoteric than 200, 401, 403
@davidism Is it fully dbapi compatible?
yes, although since you're not using the core or orm layers, and just executing statements, it won't translate between different dialects
@Ffisegydd Gorgeous!
so queries you write for mysql won't necessarily work with postgresql, for example
Oh, that's fine.
cbg all
cabbage o/
Cbg, Marcus.
@PM2Ring Damn straight. Shame it's full of Welsh people.
@Ffisegydd Oh come on, they can't be much different from BASH or ZSH people
@tristan 4/10. You're better than this.
I am bored and want to play.
Also, typical physicist not reducing his fractions.
Typical computer scientist being a meanie ;.;
nice, i've faked knowing what i'm doing for so long that a doctor is calling me a scientist
Is there an easy way to add a character in a format string if a given kwarg exists? That didn't make any sense, so let me give an example: 'mssql+pyodbc://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{database}'.format(**db_info). I only want that slash if database is one of the keys in db_info.
Unfortunately the complete disregard I have for the term "computer scientist" cannot be fully felt over the internet.
I could format and then do +'/{}'.format(db_info['database']) if 'database' in db_info else '', but that's super clunky.
@Ffisegydd i am to computer science as to what people that nail together pre-fabbed houses are to architects
(Sorry to any computer science fizzy-friends that got caught in the cross-fire of me insulting TeeTee)
@vaultah Yeah, that's what I figured.
@MorganThrapp congratulations, you've spent more time trying to DRY-up 4 lines of string templating than time your code will run
Oh, right, sorry
@tristan Yeah, but I'm bored.
who are you, me?
I hope not.
no one wants that
I'd have a lot of very weird questions to answer.
I always thought tristan was a Singleton.
Nah, he's a Singletan.
"so elegant" - tristan, when writing the code
"who the shit wrote this" - tristan, just before typing "git blame"
He's a Singletan by choice though. He could totally be in a Coupletan if he wanted to, but he's a strong, independent Tristan that don't need no man/woman.
i'm the cerberus of stans
@Ffisegydd nice.
im a strong independent singleton that don't need no sibling classes
my greatest hope is that some day i'll be standing at the pearly gates and god will be reading back my highlights from room/6/python and asking me to stop calling him god and to leave this section of home depot
Bleh, threads are such a pain. :/ I just want decent error handling, and threading is making it so frustrating.
what are your threads doing for you?
@tristan Stopping my GUI from blocking.
Plus some speed ups.
can you treat them like "either return, or if there's an exception, display a 'whoops thing broke', and try again?"
@tristan to actually provide more detail, it would be a long network level process that takes a bit of time to perform several actions against a switch. So this URL given back is to poll the status of this. No one is actually using this directly, and if they were it would be network operators and people very comfortable with API and that level of work.
The issue is that I want my threads to all have one central function that they call when there's an error.
I could just have them all throw exceptions and have the caller handle that exception. That might make my life easier.
so when this URL is used to poll, you get a response that translates to "we are still working on it, hold your horses". And then when its done...well they get done. I figure 200, OK is good for the done part. Before that, 204 actually made sense.
i'd say to do a 2xx on "yeah, you're allowed to do this" and 4xx on "not found/feck off" and put the status in either the headers or body, e.g.
{"status": "ok", ...}
{"status": "nok", ...}
{"status": "pending", ...}
assuming http api
and stick with 200 as the code right?
based on your suggestion of providing ok, nok in the message, it actually would make sense to get back a 200 to get these status checks.
A childish OP just gave me a downvote after being told not to change the question after it had been answered. I even said I'd be happy to post code for the new question. I hope they don't intend to delete the question... OTOH, it's not a great question. stackoverflow.com/questions/35919554/…
hmmm...very nice. I like that. It gives good transition info.
yeah, i've regretted every time that i've deviated from popular http status codes as if you return a 204, the user will look it up and then still have questions ("no content because pending or no content because processing?")
Conclusion. Regardless of your audience: KISS
i like http headers for this as a smarter/thriftier client (with the assumption that the API must be HTTP) can fire off HEAD requests to get a status when coupled with some endpoint
oh my god.
to slack that goes
e.g. `HEAD http://example.org/job/054C32A4-66B1-42ED-B71B-99E72B9C2F70`
means not having the server spend the work making the body and sending less data over the wire
boo SO chat boo
def handle_error(parent, message, exception):
    raise type(exception)(message)
Does this make sense? Should I comment heavily/refactor it?
parent is left over from the previous version of the function, I'm about to take it out.
@tristan Thank you man. Great input. The header one is interesting.
@idjaw happy to help
poutine lunch == great choice btw
@MorganThrapp Is exception a class or an instance? If it's a class, just do raise exception, message
@PM2Ring It should be an instance.
Or wait, possibly a class?
Uh, 3.5 doesn't like that.
exception is going to be something caught by a try/except and message will be a string.
hi.. I want to scrape a website that requires a password log in. I think mechanize can handle cookies but how do you actually handle the log in part?
@MorganThrapp Ah, ok.
It looks like I need to find another solution anyway, because some of the exception classes require more arguments.
@eleanora does the site expect a POST?
@tristan hmm... there are two boxes, one username, the other password
@eleanora good luck
@tristan do you mean this is hard?
@MorganThrapp How about raise exception(message) ? I think using raise somehow is a bit less cryptic than just using type()
no, it's not hard, but if that's the level of research you've done, i'm not particularly interested in walking you through introductory tutorials
@PM2Ring I thought I had tried that and had it fail, but it's working, so that's what I'll do!
Excellent. :)
@tristan oh :( Well it's not that I am lazy,.. it's that I need some hepl
how do I tell if it needs a POST
@eleanora Take a look at the HTML source of the form containing the login boxes. If there isn't a form, things get a bit trickier.
@tristan thanks and thanks @PM2Ring
doing it now
BTW, for simple sites you don't need mechanize for this, Requests can do everything you need.
yep, and some reading and a bit of research are needed to learn what is/isn't hard and what you'll need from your tools
PyPy 5.0 released.
@eleanora However, please be aware that scraping a site may be against the terms of service. And if that's the case and they detect you scraping then you may get blocked.
that seems to be the relevant part
@PM2Ring bizarrely it is the web site of my employer and it's the easiest way to get the info they need me to get :)
@PM2Ring does that piece of html answer the question?
pwr.isys.bris.ac.uk/cgi-bin/reset.pl "This service is provided ONLY for use by current staff, honorary staff, and students of the University of Bristol" i was gonna hack the planet, but they said it's not for me, so my scripts won't work
@tristan :)
Dat UoB.
I love that you can piece together what valid data would look like based on JS comments and logic
@tristan I am not sure what you are doing now... what sort of valid data are you talking about?
Dat email regex.
@eleanora i'm just playing. your question was boring so i decided to do something else
@tristan ok.. not so boring for me but fair enough :)
:) do a day's worth of reading and you'll get it sorted
@eleanora Not quite. Is it inside a HTML <form> ?
@tristan are you still in Russia?
@Programmer they have Best Buy in Russia?
@Programmer no sir.
@HEADLESS_0NE I wasn't sure if that was his own pic.
Why haven't we played SOpy CSGO then? :p
@PM2Ring yes <form id="fm1" class="minimal" action="/sso/login;jsessionid=...." method="post">
so I have learned one thing :)
thank you
AFAIK there's no best buy in russia. eldorado and technosila are common electronics stores there
@Programmer i'd be into this
@Programmer Yea, I was just being a Tomato
Tomorrow night?
@eleanora Yay! See, it wasn't so hard. Now take a look at Requests
@Programmer mid next week?
Damn. It's Friday tomorrow o.o
get it organized via sopython rec?
That works as well. I don't do anything during the week as long as I'm not at work.
@PM2Ring thanks.. I feel I am making some progress :)
mechanize seems to be the key tool
to handle the cookies
Best. Website. Evur.
That's going straight into JIRA tomorrow morning.
That is top shelf shooping.
@Ffisegydd stop reading my dreamjournal
so I am following the script from http://stackoverflow.com/a/20039870/2179021 . When I do for f in br.forms():
print f I get https://bpaste.net/show/21a45356d97a as the only form
@tristan stop putting me in it then.
One of my life goals is to set up a public wifi called "Kitternet" using http.cat and placekitten.com.
@eleanora we cannot sit and walk you through every single line of code that you're going to write.
I am confused how to modify bpaste.net/show/8c81d134b1ad
@tristan What kind of poutine was it. Classic? cheese curds and gravy?
Please go away and spend a day doing some research then come back and tell us what you're still struggling with.
@Ffisegydd :( there is only one more hurdle! And I am so grateful... :)
@idjaw yeah, cheese curds, gravity, salted fries
@idjaw Wait, is that not classic?
@eleanora there will always be "just one more hurdle"
We're not here to do your work for you.
@eleanora If you need mechanize for other stuff, then use it. But it is rather heavy-weight machinery if you don't need it. The Requests module I just linked you to can easily handle cookies.
@Ffisegydd too true re: hurdles
new overlords moderators guys
Q: Please welcome our new Stack Overflow Moderators!

bluefeetOne of our beloved SO mods, 0x7fffffff is stepping down. As a result we had a hole to fill, we've called up 2 runners-up from the previous election. Both Undo and TheLostMind have agreed to take his place and help out with the workload. Please welcome them to the team! And thank 0x7fffffff...

@PM2Ring oh ok.. I feel this is almost done now.. just need to actually enter the username and password
@JonClements i think they should have done a new election
@tristan shrugs - the results are generally considered valid for 6 months after the last
I think we don't have enough mods in sopy, we should have held a raffle to see who gets it.
err 3 and sometimes 4 isn't enough!? Sheesh - you don't want much do ya Fizzy :p
Who'll be the next sopythoner to be sacrificed promoted to modship?
I just want Tristan to be a mod.
@eleanora Fair enough. You might as well stick with what you know.
I want Tristan to be the Prez
@PM2Ring the only question now is how to select <TextControl(username=)> to enter the username
@BhargavRao I'd just build a wall between the US and Mexico (to protect Mexico from asshole-tourists from Texas)
It'll be like those crappy 90s movie tropes where the typically aggressive guy has to go on a journey of discovery and comes out of the other side emotionally scarred and a shell of his former self uhhhhhhh "a better person"
What, if I was made mod?
I'm pretty sure it would be like that line from The Watchmen in which Rorschach reveals that the prisoners are locked in with him, and not the other way around.
I tried br.form['username='] = 'mysecretpassword'
but that isn't right :(
@eleanora please stop this now.
You've been asked to go away and do some research, and it's been explained that we can't and won't sit and walk you through your work.
what's the best linux
I heard of this really good one called Window SME.
@Ffisegydd I worked in tech support in high school in the state of Maine. People would often say they had "Windows Maine Edition" (ME is the abbreviation for Maine). Welp, that's my story, thanks for reading
Is that how you got where you are now?
Lot of Maine talk today. #headscratcher
@DSM From me, or in general?
If that game gets kickstarted - we so need that for a part of rec.social.python at the sopy meet up!
Yeah. Someone I played CounterStrike with worked at an ISP and it was ostensibly better than retail
Okay, mostly from you, who used to live there..
@Ffisegydd ok... although I have to say my python questions seem more on topic than most chat here
hi @DSM
@eleanora it doesn't have to be on topic and we don't need to help you.
@tristan hold on.. I know that!
@eleanora A lot of the time we will have off-topic discussions in-between the on-topic discussions. What we won't put up with is someone abusing the room by repeatedly asking for help after they've been asked to go away and do some research/work for themselves.
@Ffisegydd :( While I appreciate your feelings I also think that in a public room some people might be more inclined to help than others
I smell garlic... bread...
yeah, i was going to type a longer response about how it's not a help desk and the role of regulars and ROs, but it wouldn't have been read anyway
I wonder how long this would've continued ereyesterday ;)
@eleanora This room has a collection of rules that are enforced by people called Room Owners. These ROs take it on themselves to try and police the room as best they can. They don't do this for kicks, and believe me when I say it is a thankless job. They do it because if they didn't then the room wouldn't be as successful as it is. There's a reason we don't like people abusing the room, because it can cause regular members (who give their help for free) to become disenfranchised over time.
@Ffisegydd you kicked me after I had stopped asking questions!
@eleanora you got kicked because you did the ":( but i still think i should ask for free help after being told multiple times to wipe my own ass"
No one likes a dirty donkey
@tristan blimey... this seems rather authoritarian! I stopped asking questions and then politely expressed a view
given that there is a lot of chat here... I didn't see the harm
@eleanora well, you're welcome to not come about. you've received quite a bit of free help already and advice, that if you follow, will make you a better programmer.
@tristan what does "come about" mean?
it's not authoritarian, it's asking you to stop trying to get someone to walk you through each line of code you're trying to write so that you can save the effort of learning, which would be better for you in the long run
and thank you for the help of course to those who helped
@tristan I did stop already!!
@eleanora cool, so take the help you've been offered, and then focus on the rest of the advice: do your own research.
@tristan well.. I also think that *.se is really helpful. You are right one could always spend longer learning oneself
@eleanora yep, this room is one of the better places on the internet because there are a number of us that take the room culture seriously. let's stop this back and forth now.
I guess you could close a lot of *.se questions by suggesting people take a college course on the material :)
Hey guys, I'm having a problem or error that I can't figure out to solve. Whoops, let me edit this, meant to do a line break lol.
@Saroekin You need to give far more details than that.
@Saroekin please read sopython.com/chatroom and then feel free to ask your question if it relates to Python.
@tristan Gosh dang, keep pressing it before I'm finished. Anyway, that was an accident.
no other guy in room has 3k :d
Wasn't nearly done typing.
@AnttiHaapala i'll hop into the C room
I should probably run myself up to 10 -- would take me a month or so
yeah you should
Yeah stop being a layabout.
IDK, sometimes it feels like giving blood to people that keep shooting themselves in the feet
@tristan you're like 237 % more useful when you have 10k
Plus you can judge deleted Qs.
So you're saying I'd continue to be of no use?
Who are you, my family?
Time for some science!
Do it...DO IT!
lol he thought he was sciencing but we're actually just banning him. reason: name too hard to spell
what if he never returns...
Wait, he's kicked? So we can talk shit about him?
@MorganThrapp i'll tell you after you try it
God, that Fizzy, what a --- OH HEY FIZZY.
we could agree that we'd ping fizzy only with @fizzygood
Okay, I was kicked . . . let's start over. First off, I meant to press SHIFT+ENTER to start a new line, though I accidentally only hit ENTER which caused that short of a message. Anyway, I'm setting up proxies with Requests and am getting an error describing that it failed to parse, which I find really odd and am not particularly sure why it's doing that. (Maybe it's the encoding?) Here's the link to the example I have on Pastebin:


The first example works, though not the second. Any idea why?
he'd be forced to change his name
Urrrrrrrgh imgur why
@Saroekin that is not MCVE
@Saroekin proxy is bytes()
Yeah it does show the room description when kicked (that was the purpose of the science
Oh, that's not super helpful -- non hyperlink to title, so many words that aren't actually the message of what we want to get across
I guess we could have a LOOONGER room description
"always be respectful of others" yeah that's not a rule here
Woah, Fizzy was really kicked? :o
@AnttiHaapala Hmm, so what would be the correct way to implement it using the second example then? Do I have to do bytes() to have it work properly?
@Saroekin no.
@Saroekin what you need to do is: tell how it "does not work"
@MorganThrapp cheese curds and gravy is the classic. It's magic in the mouth.
@idjaw not even going to say "phrasing", because that's basically what it is.
bahahahahaha I knew this had happened before
8 mins ago, by Feeds
@AnttiHaapala I'm getting a `Failed to parse` error. Sorry, I'll paste the entire error message. And also, what I'm doing specifically is pulling the data from a .dat file, then attaching it to a string like so:

`'http://' + proxy`

Then I get the error linked below:


Thanks for the help @AnttiHaapala.
hahah. Glad I still was able to see that for a sec
@Saroekin then, you should print the proxies dictionary... I guess perhaps it does not have http:// in the beginning or perhaps whitespace
Do you mean Requests's proxy argument? I'm following what's stated here: docs.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced
I do have http:// before the selected proxy if that's what your implying.
I'm pretty sure tristan removing fizzy happened about 20s after he was made a RO
@Saroekin no, I want you to ensure that the resulting structure has not something like http:// hello world and here goes my url
@RobertGrant yeah, he realized the others were talking about making me an RO, not a ROomba
@AnttiHaapala Just printed the variable, here's what I got:


So that's not the case.
............ print(proxies)
I tried this and it works! Thanks, didn't realise you need to pass anything into the max() function (this is why I hate python). Going to mark this as correct. — AlexKnight 5 mins ago
RO ~= ROomba if you think about it.
I try not to.
@idjaw What does it equal if you don't think about it? :) xkcd.com/1652
Hehehe :)
get it because programmers can't infer meaning from context
knocking it out of the park every time randall
@AnttiHaapala Okay okay sorry, man you guys are tough. I printed *proxies* and here's what I got:


Though my variable doesn't include `\n`, must be me adding a line break and no comma.
@Saroekin can you stop using five lines to type a one line message?
<img src=picard.jpg>
Heh yeah you don't even need to show it any more
So Antti's guess about whitespace was right. I reached the same conclusion by looking at the error trace, which said the issue was in line 189. That part of the code reads
@davidism Alright my bad, that's just how I break up my text or messages.
    if port:
        # If given, ports must be integers.
        if not port.isdigit():
            raise LocationParseError(url)
@Saroekin Python 101. To debug, don't print x, print repr(x)
@AnttiHaapala Ah thank you, I'll be sure to utilize that next time.
Again thanks for your time, even though it was a bonehead mistake. Just didn't know what I was looking for.
this one?
python 101.2: when you read from file, there will be whitespace that you didn't expect, use s.strip()
Good lord that's stupendous
It's gettin wild
@tristan facepalm overload
this one?
I'm watching some anime that starts with Japan being occupied by "Britannia", who effected their conquest through the use of giant robots known as Knightmares.
Oh no. Oh, no. Not.. Lelouch?
I'm half expecting King Arthur to battle the main character at checkers karaoke
Did King Arthur have any children?
@AnttiHaapala This one?
Paternity tests revealed they were Lancelot's
@PM2Ring thanks! where did you find it?
@AnttiHaapala I have it bookmarked. :)
Okay I'm still getting an error, after making sure that it's only the proxy itself. Here's the results: pastebin.com/raw/MK8qbmma
@Saroekin: are you saying that you printed a dictionary and the result didn't look like a dictionary? Because I don't believe you. :-)
@DSM Yeah I know I'm messing up somewhere, I really don't understand how to properly debug or classify what's the problem.
answered question, said "dumping structs to file is not portable"
then someone complains that "such remarks shouldn't be in answers, should be in comment"
well, that is a comment. vvv yep
Depends on the question, I guess.
I mean it was at the bottom of my answer
Oh, that's different then.
If that was I'd summon level 13 Martijn with 450k rep that would silence the 20k n00bs :D
This programme is really weird
can't tell if typo or british
hey wim
Cabbage @wim o/
I just come here to check the starred messages for funny gifs and stuff
@AnttiHaapala Weird. That info adds very useful info to your answer. And info like that should be permanent, not put in a comment, since comments are temporary.
@PM2Ring it was shorter in the beginning but yes essentially the same
Comments are temporary?
I use it as an appendix to my answer sometimes. It works really well.
@wim Thankfully there's been a deluge of funny gifs today.
Or at least images.
I use it as an appendix to OTHER people's answers as well. They add very useful info to most answers.
@QuestionC Potentially. And when they're deleted only a mod can see them.
@QuestionC I do that too. But if the info is sufficiently important it should go in the answer itself. It's just like when an OP responds to clarification comments with further info but puts it into a comment. That info belongs in the question itself.
I just hate to do it. You can make a good answer mediocre by adding too much.
Alright, I have my first complaint with sqlalchemy. Calling stored procedures is way more of a pain than it is with the raw DBApi.
Ah yeah, never tried it with stored procs
I'm still not even totally clear on how to do it. :/
I'd be surprised if that's what it's for
@QuestionC I'm not saying you should edit the additional info into someone else's answer (unless it's an old answer and the poster is no longer active). If you add good info people will often incorporate it into their answer themselves. Or you can be more explicit and say: "You may wish to mention..."
And once they've added the info then you can delete your comment.
This HAS to be the wrong way to call a stored procedure in SQLAlchemy:
    call = 'EXEC {} {}'.format(procedure, ','.join(map(lambda x:"'{}'".format(str(x)),params)))
As opposed to pymssql's database.callproc(procedure, params).
results = sess.execute('myproc ?, ?', [param1, param2]) according to here
Doesn't that just seem crazy pants?
@RobertGrant Yeah, I tried that with no luck.
I think that wants session objects instead of connection objects. I suppose I could change that, but I have a feeling that's going to break other stuff.
You'd think a 132k user would look for a dupe for something that basic...
I'm speaking from a specific example. I had a good answer on Math.SE. It was a really elegant proof about cardinality. I like this proof, I like sharing it, and people liked it. Worked out well.

*But* I also comments from people (most importantly, OP) who did not understand a counting lemma that I took as given. So I added an explanation of that lemma to the answer, it took most of the answer space, and my succinct elegant answer lost its quality.

I much prefer short answers to long ones, but that means cutting info. I have to pretend the comment section is permanent sometimes to de
That said, I haven't answered a question in forever, which puts me in the peanut gallery.
@QuestionC Ah, ok. I've often thought that it would be nice if Stack Exchange sites had a "spoiler" button mechanism to hide extra info like that.
Comments work really well. In said example, it was just way too much info for a comment.
Why isn't 10 a kaprekar number?
0 doesn't qualify as a part.
Oh - I got it. Sorry.
@QuestionC If a post accumulates too many comments they get folded, so future readers may not even notice some useful comment. Also, plenty of people just gloss over comments anyway, figuring that if the info were that important it'd go into the answer itself. Of course, on the Meta sites things are a bit different, since a lot of the action happens in comments. OTOH, I've been a bit dismayed when visiting Meta posts I'd commented on to discover that my comments were deleted.
@PM2Ring rejected edit on the post that removed the [python] tag
@BhargavRao Oops! I didn't even notice that he'd modified the tags.
Mods seem to flex a lot more on meta. It's not something I worry about on SO.
Except for that mod that deleted comments on the "Can't find clit" question. Screw that guy.
@BhargavRao Rejected now.
@PM2Ring Yep
Q: Room description isn't formatted on kick page

davidismThe page that a user sees when they are kicked from chat shows the room's description, but links in the description are not clickable. We want users who are kicked to read our rules, which are linked in the description, but this makes it more difficult for them to notice and visit the link. Ple...

I want to comment there Why were you kicked from Python room? o_O :P
took me forever to draw that freehand circle right
Rhubarb, time to sleep
@davidism A masterfully crafted circle which makes it look easy.
The "mutiny on the bounty" saga continues.... meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/318497/…
That shag guy literally rewrote the question.
You can't put the word "largesse" in other people's mouths!
@QuestionC tell me about it, I thought he miswrote "largest", edited, turns out that makes the text even worse:D
the one time I try to be helpful...
@davidism you can't pass off an obviously computer-drawn circle as your own! At least add in some imperfections.
Does this bounty thing have anything to do with the cv-pls room? It almost seems too perfect.
@QuestionC the people involved are regulars in SOCVR, but that's it
it doesn't reflect the situation in the room at all
and "the people involved" is essentially 1 dude who assigns bounties (having a lot, and being unsatisfied with the quality of SO nowadays), and another one who badgered the mods about them reverting the bounties
leading to that meta post
@JRichardSnape Yes please. I'd really like that PDF. And let's make that room.. whenever you have a chance, I'd like to download your knowledge on this

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