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@tristan I generally agree, but I also see how it's difficult to decouple the guy's ego from that text dripping with contempt and arrogance and incompetence
@tristan I finished the article. Poor guy, actually. That's no way to treat a human being, and productive that is
Huge dick, still, that's a sh*tty thing to live
I think poke did a great job of refuting the author's assertions while implicitly stating "we both know you're smarter than you're suggesting"
I had a similar thing where a former asshole boss was sh*ttalking when getting called, while he was the one who pushed me out of his company.
It's a very upsetting thing to feel
@khajvah I should have used that image as the cover image of the article @Antti
Still, no f*cking excuse to be a dick about Python 3 and level down the discussion to shenanigans
@poke would be a little but too much :D
@tristan I didn’t understand that
i don't think he's being a dick. i think he's worked his way into some strong positions and, in the absence of counter-positions, he's made fortifications. now he's decided to send a forward party
Oh, now that I’ve read it four more times I got it. You are against taking this to the personal level.
@poke e.g. "If you can’t even figure out a simple string formatting API, then I don’t know what you should do…No. If you struggle with Python’s strings, then I’m sorry but then you just appear to be bad at programming; or bad with change." to me, at least, it reads like you're saying "look, we both know you're being very hyperbolic"
Ok, saying dick isn't explanatory. What I meant by that word is using the paranoia of being a noob to shove further irrational fears is unethical, at the least
That's very Fox news like
@tristan I’m actually not sure about that. I took that as a serious statement, that he couldn’t figure it out.
@poke like I'd rather point out that an average newbie wouldn't have to work with plain HTTP, which I guess is the biggest pain point of Zedas.
That doesn't sound metaphorical at all
@poke Oh. I'm positive Zed doesn't actually have an issue with string formatting. He's a very smart guy.
but if he doesn't have any actual issues with the language, and insists on people learning py2, at gunpoint, doesn't that make him a dick? (I mean false advertising, and consciously misleading his "students")
@tristan I am not that sure that he's a good engineer, say.
@tristan I just feel like an experienced and cocky guy, who praises himself and calls all his criticisms just a propaganda should know what dynamic typing and turing completeness are.
no good engineer would say that Python 2 as such is a better language
@tristan I’m actually not too sure about. He also wrote that he—multiple times over the years—attempted to use Python 3 but always failed to do so.
And that multiple decades line
I think and ~~~feel~~~ he's taking a militant stance from the perspective of his audience, which are typically online newbies that he's taught in the way of Python 2.
I remember having trouble with the Python 3 str/bytes difference when I first encountered it. I could imagine if I weren't willing to admit that I'd been doing the wrong thing for years, I could talk myself into saying that the new version was deliberately obscure.
But this is not really about them. This is more about him and his opinion not to go forward with Python 3.
@tristan Confusing situations where you can't say who's taking who hostage
What I'm suggesting is that he doesn't go forward with Python 3 because he's only interested in using it in-so-far as teaching it to his existing audience.
@DSM Yeah, I think so too. I think it’s easier for people who are not preoccupied by Python 2 standards. I.e. beginners.
I periodically struggle with strings/bytes/unicode/whatever, but I freely admit that the flaw is mine and not Python's
@Kevin You’re still using Python 2 far too often.
Well, the fault isn't 100% mine. The Windows command prompt doesn't display unicode characters unless you use the right font and invoke the right magic commands.
You know what to do. </davidism>
@Kevin Also, remember BADTIE
With charming errors like these, perhaps my illustrious audience can understand why I stick to ASCII
That's because windows uses their stupid what, cp1552 encoding? Rather than a sane UTF-8
I don't know what Windows uses, but I'm sure it's stupid.
do you get the same error running from powershell?
Let's see... Yep.
– I added another note, maybe putting out a bit of the fire of my post…
Did anyone tweet poke's article to Zed ?
I really hate being mean.
tell them I said it's OK
I can get unicode to display if I do chcp 65001 beforehand, but I have to search through the room history every time because I can never remember the number off the top of my head. (and now the next time I search, this message will appear at the top of the list. Hello from the past, future me)
@Kevin well it's simply 65535-534
534 of the highest craftsmanship and whatnot
Dear future Kevin: In order to print Unicode within the Windows console, you need to do chcp 65001 to change the code page. (SEO: powershell cmd windows console codepage code page chcp unicode charmap codec)
Moonwalking With Einstein didn't say how to remember three digit numbers. It might destroy my body.
Just "c h c p" should suffice for SEO. I can remember that part of the command because it reminds me of chocolate chips.
cubic piecewise hermite interpolation? no, that's pchip...
@AnttiHaapala Is that "Case against Python 3" article recent or is it older?
@Kevin Have you tried The Memory Book, by Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas?
No, I've only read the aforementioned book.
@Carpetsmoker Yesterday
... Unless I did read The Memory Book, and then forgot about it 0_0
@Carpetsmoker was Nov 22 2016 recent in your frame of reference or not ;)
That is some seriously stupid shit
"This document serves as a collection of reasons why beginners should avoid Python 3 as of November 22nd, 2016."
hmm, you still talk about this article
And it's so infused with loaded terms like "propaganda" and and includes so many personal attacks against "Python developers" that I have to wonder the author's emotional state...
Most people have crank-like opinions on something or other. His, given his hobbies, are just displayed in public. If it weren't for the effects on beginners I think it would be more polite to pass over it in silence.
wait that "Zed A. Shaw Strikes Back" is a satire or is it serious?
@marxin I only just saw it :-)
@Kevin and short for "change codepage, stupid Windows. Get on the UTF train"
> Python 3 Is Not Turing Complete
Oh fuck you, twitter, seriously
@zedshaw LPTHW made me switch to reading textbooks. “The Case Against ‘The Case Against Python 3’” by @poke http://bit.ly/2glPbGj
“LPTHW made me switch to reading textbooks.” – Not sure what that means?
@randomhopeful Every day
Ah, that explains it. It's all a big avant-garde performance art act.
Isn’t LPTHW a text book?
I am still trying to grok that turing complete argument
@poke Oh no, and if it is, it's a sucky one
Either I don't understand it, or it is profoundly stupid. I am not sure which yet
@poke I interpret it as "reading this online convinced me to only learn through paper mediums"
I think that he's gonna make more money and his book will be more popular because of the noise around it
Okay, then I understood :P
everyone will want to see what else stupid he wrote in his book
@Carpetsmoker The latter
@marxin He took lessons from Trump huh
@marxin We should make our list more complete then so people don’t need to
@Kevin I think he's saying that LPTHW was so bad that getting ripped off by college textbooks full of garbage is better by comparison
@poke fantastic counter argument... go Poke go!
and in his book, first paragraph "it was a joke, just wanted to make you buy the book, python 3 is a great language..."
@joncle Did you read my post? :o
Most of the way through it now and loving it :)
If you like it, it can’t be that bad, yay ^^
@DSM I perfectly agree
my brain hurts
@poke: you say in your Py3 response "'Foo {:0>3}'.format(num) is a lot easier to read than f'Foo {str(num).rjust(3, "0")}"
From 3.70a:
>>> num = 23
>>> 'Foo {:0>3}'.format(num)
'Foo 023'
>>> f'Foo {num:0>3}'
'Foo 023'
I'd say the last is the easiest to read, wouldn't you agree?
wow, thats a nice syntax
Oh, I did not know you could use format strings there
didnt know that it even exists
@Kevin LPTHW is an edgy blog post at best
string interpolation is magic
(hence should be banned)
Oh, yes. I wrote the PyNut section on the new formatting capabilities, so I was anxious to make sure they'd included the full generality in f-literals
Wrong, Andras Dak
@holdenweb casually awesome:)
No, he's pro-interpolation
But that’s 3.7, not 3.6 when f-strings are added, right?
Also valid in Python 3.6
That's 3.7.0a, just after 3.6b0 was branched off it.
So I guarantee you it will work in 3.6 - effectively 3.7.0a is behind the 3.6 release until the final release gets folded back in.
Guess I’ll have to amend that part then.
Wouldn't want you with egg on your face ...
new syntax is much better
I mean, this f strings
@holdenweb Thank you! I changed it to reflect that knowledge :)
f'{(lambda x: x*2)(3)}' ^^
@holdenweb wheel on your face*
fiiiinally finished poke's writing
+9999 :)
man, I'm pissed
and I'm not even a python dev
@AndrasDeak hi pissed, i'm tristan
and I really am infuriated on behalf of all those people who try to learn from this
@tristan hi stanstanstan
@AndrasDeak :D
I'm trying to format a string expressing my outrage but there are too many ways to properly format it I'm just going to give up
"So there were 7 applicants and I rejected 7 because they sent in their demo assigments in Python 2.7. -N.N."
@AnttiHaapala is this copypasta spreading or are you just also in Hackathon hackers
@KevinMGranger reading HN
I still hope that Zed is doing this as a satire but I know he/she is serious
@excaza You should try building a JavaScript application!
given the 5 minutes I've spent trying to learn node I'm not sure I want to
maybe 10 minutes
sprintf style formatting is the only acceptable formatting, so there
JavaScript has tools that give you tools to choose tools you can use to build tools to build your application.
written by tools
And I’m not even kidding.
so the application would be a toolbox?
I don't have anything against them, just found it punny
my town is ridiculous. closing down main roads (access to highway, basically boxing in most of the town) for an amateur road race on one of the busiest travel days of the year for the morning/early afternoon
@tristan :/
everybody knows that amateur road races should be held in the dead of night, with blue flames spewing from your exhaust pipe
it's more "lol wat", not "omfg rage", but still
This is why I got to the train station by 10 when my train isn't til 2. I'm not dealing with that ish
my TA commented on my last homework assignment asking if I was aware of the newer string formatting options
gah. When my 8mo old son plays in the cat food+water
well...I am now :|
@excaza poor thing:D
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@WayneWerner hey, it could have been the litter box...
@AndrasDeak me, or the TA? :p
@excaza you?:P
He's just too dang fast for his own good.
as long as the cat doesn't eat his face in retaliation
@excaza your TA is good
no disagreement there
although they keep telling me that comments should always be above the line
As opposed to on the same line? Or are you talking about docstrings
@excaza mine are even old for python 2
do_a_thing()  # Does a thing
# Does a thing
@excaza I kinda like in line comments ....
@excaza Neither. do_a_thing() is already sufficiently explained enough :P
(rbrb for real now)
I vote for second one
TIL the language 'GO' is 7 years old ....
I use inline for short comments, otherwise it'll be above. I'm pretty strict with code width
@MooingRawr Crazy because I remember when it was released :P
@MooingRawr The thing I like about go is it's package manager: "go get my_package"
@excaza PEP8 all the way
@AndrasDeak PEP8's code width is ridiculous
I always disable that warning
perfect for excaza:P
The thing I like about go is most of it
@AndrasDeak yes
@khajvah I should go read up on it
@KevinMGranger is it that cute?
@MooingRawr tour.golang.org you can do this in a single sitting
I know what I'm doing in an hour for my lunch! thanks
"In one sitting, with a catheter and three boxes of pizza"
I wish I can eat pizza T.T I would have it for lunch almost everyday
@khajvah it's refreshing, if nothing else. A nice toolchain and philosophy about it. Simplicity, CSP, batteries-included stdlib, modern OO (implicit interface fulfillment). I definitely have criticisms of some expressiveness issues and certain gotchas, but it's overall a treat.
@khajvah I think its fine, it lets me open three columns of code in vim and still dont have wrapped lines
with reasonable font size
@marxin I usually have 4 windows
I'm quasi-pragmatic about it, but mostly I keep to the < 79 chars
if I go a couple of characters over I might only feel a small sense of guilt
but yeah - more windows open side by side is better
code editor or two
program execution window
that's what you have line wrapping for, sillies
Have you seen what line wrapping looks like?
you need to see its underlying beauty
line wrapping makes me anxious
@WayneWerner Why 79 and not like a nice number like 80?
I type until the bar tells me to stop :D
> Limit all lines to a maximum of 79 characters.
@excaza "Python programmer goes to the bar..."
A python programmer goes to the bar, then hits \
(I spared you guys the 79)
I don't like Go's casing
@AnttiHaapala well - calling it "gO" would be a bit odd, no?
Go is for the public. go is not for the public.
i can no longer recommend this book because i am no longer sure its author has ever used a computer
i'll probably get back to this tomorrow but now i'm remembering my previous encounter with zed https://twitter.com/eevee/status/477275291157397504
The pictures on the link in that second one are great.
Hey, it's the guy that wrote the "fractal of bad design" PHP editorial.
That's not real... right?
And who is this eevee?
I don't think eevee is the type to make that up.
They're a reasonably famous Python dev / blogger.
I've seen their stuff around a ton, I just didn't know why they were well-known
Err, I guess that's kind of a self-answering question
thats really annoying thing about people nature that stupidness comes along with the confidence
@eevee The math checks out. The author is correct*. >>> 2 == 3 False >>> ᒿ = 3 >>> ᒿ == 3 True *Δε https://t.co/JuZsAU4Lx1
I'm envious of his eevee name
so clean no numbers I wish I had thought of taking that @ name
It's not easy to get an Internet handle that's both pronouncable and has 5 or fewer letters, these days
her * sorry T.T
it's not entirely clear looking at their page, and it's on purpose, it would seem
has somebody linked Zed's new table-turning tweet?
no, nobody has
rhubarb for a while
While we're discussing Internet personalities, I'm trying to find a blog I read a few months ago that 1) had a dark background and green text(?); 2) was written by someone on the original Netscape team; and 3) had nice photographs of their trips to foreign countries. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Reading eevee's blog and other writings I'm fairly sure they're gender fluid. And poly, for sure.
or that
I'm fairly certain he has XY chromosomes though, FWIW
Apologists?! Python 3 is the mainstream now, surelys?
@Kevin: you almost google-sniped me there.
I think the author went by a three letter name/initialism, and/or had a three-letter url. Which is why it's coming to mind now, since we're talking about Z.A.S.
Whatever else you say about him, he has an awesome name.
Maybe if I looked at a list of Netscape's early contributors. Its Wikipedia article is not being helpful, though.
@zedshaw So.. are you a beginner?
I couldn't help myself
@zedshaw I love Python but the Python 3 apologists need a serious reality check. Good article btw.
this is the dangerous echo chamber i was talking about
"python 3 apologists"
I really don't see exchanges with Zed leading anywhere positive.
BTW, @tristan, how'd you get to 8889 from 8888?!
@DSM dox
got 1 point for one of the edits i made on so.documentation
Oh, I get it now. I was first thinking "what, someone realised who tristan was IRL and conspired to give him exactly one rep point?!" which didn't make much sense.
"i totally agree with you on the circular saw versus miter saw debate"
Ah ha, found it. jwz.org.
There's even a Z in there.
@Kevin do you have an aeropostle t-shirt per chance?
Possibly deep in my drawer, but not one I wear regularly, I don't think
Ahh... okies... 'cos I think you turned up as "you might possibly know" on FB last night...
Hmm, not impossible that it's me. I get tagged quite rarely, so a picture of me from a decade ago might still be in their top ten images for me.
> the easiest programming language ever created
> "python is abusive to beginners"
There's definitely good arguments for preferring 2 over 3... and he didn't use any of them
@WayneWerner hehe that "my partner and their husband" gave me a headache :D
When Python goes from being Python $2 to Python $1.97, only then will I accept that it's deprecated
Our office still has two legacy applications which are in Python 2. I hope to convert both of them earlier in the new year-- we need to finish generating a reasonable test suite first (one of them is entirely untested).
That's probably the best incentive for moving to Python3. But careful, the all-knowing-Zed will probably call you test-focused ;)
#Anti-TODO: Be on the wrong side of a technical topic with Poke around
#Antti-TODO: Find Python 2 users for the Finnish variant of Thanksgiving
I think I'm going to start learning multiprocessing/threading and async stuff exclusively by reading dano's answers
So much knowledge
I misread that and was confused as to why he would want to argue with Poke
I forgot about this gold img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aMwKeER_460s_v1.jpg National TV Champs
That's what we call pandering. I read this article on a plane while tired and drunk about how pandering is going extinct, so I try to do my part, y'know?
pander bears, eh?
@tristan Haha Exactly :D
@tristan: oh, and props on the Antti-TODO, that was clever too. Everyone's doing pretty well today.
Thought I'd put in an effort. But like, not a real effort.
@DSM I'd use the futurize approach first
Hey guys, question about encoding/decoding a csv file in Python 2. I need to use Python v. 2.7.5 because our projectpartner has those requirements (school project) I read a csv file with a simple method, but it contains special characters like ß,ü,ö,ä rows = []
with open('test.csv', mode='rb') as csvfile:
reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
for row in reader:
urow = [unicode(cell, 'utf-8') for cell in row]
return rows but i get
FWIW that code, with the input file ß;ü;ö;ä [encoded, to be clear, in utf-8] seems to work for me. Could you find the minimum failing input?
@ConstantinM your file has different encoding, not utf-8
2.7.12 (default, Jul 1 2016, 15:12:24)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609]
[[u'\xdf', u'\xfc', u'\xf6', u'\xe4']]
first you need to check what encoding is used in your file, then decide which codec to use when decoding to unicode
how can i check what encoding i use in my file? its a simple excel 2013 file saved as csv, comma separated
It's time for everyone's favourite game: guess the encoding!
@ConstantinM check latin-1 maybe
ok thanks ill try it that way, because in the excel file the characters are displayed normal
rhubarb guys. Try not to completely engulf the pythonsphere in flames
My guess would be cp-1252, but that's easy enough to check.
@IntrepidBrit: we'll do what we can. No promises, though..
He's poke, not "stoke". The flames are stable... for now
@poke I am tempted to share your post in my company, but people are already not considering me seriously as I was supporting Python 3... :-/
@thefourtheye: you're one of the people in charge of one of the most important software projects in the world. How much more do you need to bring to the table?!
@DSM The problem is that he's bringing node to the table, so he already brought it to the table before they were ready.
@tristan btw I just saw your message now. Feel free to message me on Steam if you see me on. :P
@tristan crazy shit.
@tristan Nooo, you can totally be on the wrong side. Just don’t give shitty arguments that aren’t actually arguments.
@thefourtheye Hahaha.. that’s so sad. :(
but btw. reading about that stuff Zed tweeted, and those tweets by eevee, I don’t feel sorry anymore.
@Programmer :D if you have overwatch, we can form the room/6 broverwatch (lady-broverwatch also if that's how someone in here self-identifies)
@AnttiHaapala a serialized room 6 greeting
@tristan lady-broverwatch of dudes and dudettes
@KevinMGranger "kimchi" is "cbg", but said in a sour tone
@tristan I do have it and I'm usually not doing a whole lot outside of work hours.
@Programmer sweet. kevin m and i played last night. he can regale you with how amazing i am at the game (if he wants his $10 that is)
If I have a class, can I override the __getattr__ of a child to change the MRO? I'm trying to do roughly this:
class Foo:
    blar = 1
    def bar(self):
        print("It's a bar! Scary Bar!")
class DummyFoo(Foo):
    def __getattr__(self, item):
        if callable(getattr(Foo, item)):
            return lambda *x : None
        return None
dummy_foo = DummyFoo()
dummy_foo.bar()  # Should do nothing.
__getattr__ only gets called when the member was not found. So you need to use __getattribute__ here which is the lower-level special method:
def __getattribute__(self, item):
    if callable(getattr(Foo, item)):
        return lambda *x : None
    return super().__getattribute__(item)
Ahhhh, I forgot that both of those exist.
I have a general rule: if I need to use __getattribute__ I rethink what I'm doing until I don't need to use it any more.
That sounds like a good rule
Yeah, I'm using for an answer.
I wouldn't do this in production code.
+1 for writing an answer that doesn’t reflect production quality code
(never stop trolling bad questions!)
It's not actually a completely terrible question. They're using it for mocking an object.
Oh, that even makes sense. Nice
now let me just generate 10 wrong versions of my code real quick
That moment when you open some delivered package and it contains more ads than actual products you bought…
in what universe do company think it's acceptable to advertise deep fried tofu and give you deep fried tofu skin ..... T.T
@poke just make sure there's no anthrax (now that you've debunked yourself as a paid shill of Big Python)
@MooingRawr in what universe does tofu have skin?
What is a paid shill?
our universe.... T.T
@poke someone that gets paid to promote a product or cause, traditionally while pretending not to be paid. unrelated: man, this Tide™ brand detergent sure does leave my clothes smelling fresh!
And I’m that… why?
Time to dive back into C++ for a few hours. std::cout << "rhubarb!" << std::endl;
I'm getting a tin-foil-hat conspiracy theory vibe from reading some tweets, is all
gets me in the mood
Possibly interesting to nobody but me: this guy reverse-engineered the manufacturing process for nixie tubes and made a detailed video about it:
@poke You're defending the oh-so-terrible Python3.
@Kevin oh wow, I thought those were called pixie tubes!
I love them!!
Well now you can make them in your own backyard. Well, the guy in the video makes them in his castle, but I assume a backyard is just as good.
Backyards usually have power sources for autoclaves, right?
@MooingRawr A universe that understands how delicious tofu skins are.
@Kevin I have... *looks behind back*...an electric oven and a microwave
Hey, you're closer than I am. I don't have a microwave.
Brb, checking my privilege
yup, still got it:>
@MorganThrapp this sums up most of the questions you'd have if you're trying to do that
@KevinMGranger Oh, cool. I'll give that a read, thanks. I know his stuff from pytest-coverage.

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