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@JRichardSnape I see what you did there.
Or I get results like: stackoverflow.com/questions/28251314/… - but then going the recommended route I can't find visual studio 2010 express edition anymore. (So answers are outdated). And newer results from google all lead to stackoverflow which then close questions linking to above.
When google fails you, try reducing the number of search terms. Also, consider gohlke
Whoops there's a fatal logic error deep in the core of my class. Hello darkness my old friend...
Hi guys. Well i need to calc some big sets of data. Is there more effective way to do something like this.
data = [{value:1},{value:2},{value:3}] 	#	Array of objects a1,a2,a3,an+
sessions = []
event_stored = {}
for event in data:
	if event.value - session_store.value > 3:
		event_stored = event
The latest pycharm doesn't support the new 3.5 syntax. how am i supposed to write code without someone wiping my nose and holding my hand? :[
Employ a minion
@Darius what do you mean by more "effective" and what's wrong with your current approach?
What new syntax construct is there tristan?
@paul23 async def x() for native coroutines
@tristan I dunno maybe more effective algo..
scratches head That sounded to me as gibberish XD
You can't use the word "effective" in the answer to the question "what do you mean by more effective?"
vs. the 'old' @asyncio.____
Does it need to be faster? Less code? Less memory? less I/O? More Pythonic? A better pine-fresh scent? Note that several of these are mutually exclusive so you can't say "yes, I want all of these"
@JRichardSnape I'm afraid I'd have to pay him/her quite a tidy sum
@Kevin Go the scientific way: and question what factors you point to all those settings. Using normalized values.
@Kevin Yes it is. I think maybe i think in wrong way. I mean maybe my algo is usefull on small dataset but on really big data set i need first split, then run async tasks with calculation like this. Maybe you can suggest me something in that way?
@Darius why don't you test it to see if it's a problem?
Otherwise you'd just take up (both your own and others) time in fixing a non-issue.
I don't think this is something you can make faster with multiprocessing, since the output depends strongly on the order of the initial data list.
@Ffisegydd Testing isn't always possible lol, last time when I had to make a program for Simona (our flight simulator) I couldn't test at all (well other than code verification). - Testing would've costed the university way too much.
@paul23 What are you trying to say here
I was just happy I could find a 30 minute timeslot to use the hardware.
@paul23 Okay? Do you know something about Darius' situation that we don't?
I think there's a bit of a confusion going on right now. StackOverflow isn't a code-writing service. StackOverflow chat is even less of a code-writing service.
If you're asking others for help, it's on you to qualify what you need and want.
Well that the solution "test before you go try optimizations" isn't necessary the best thing to say. Many optimizations you have to predict and implement before you even start testing. You'll have to predict bottlenecks based on asumptions and not on tests.
Not talking about this specific case lol
@paul23 No, it really is. 'Optimizing' without profiling is fucking stupid and a waste of time.
@tristan How would you optimize a program when I can't even run it - other than in a vitrual environment, where it runs on a complete different set of hardware.
Premature optimization is the root of people getting mad at you on the internet.
@paul23 Is that what we're talking about here?
I'm not sure what you're talking about - it is what I'm talking about. (Though I write those things in C/ADA)
I didn't say "write the ugliest, N^2 solution hack all the time" and for almost all cases, you're not coding via punch card or begging for machine time.
We only have to make it until the end of the day to be out of September. Rejoice, friends!
September never ends.
Yeap it's depend on flow. We have events flow and we need to know when and how much sessions that events contain.
I can test on sample data but it would be enough.
I'll wake you up when September ends. :^)
Also, if your virtual machine is nothing like your real machine, I wish you well, but don't care to play anymore
@tristan I usually get J.F. Sebastian mad at me for not optimizing.
@tristan Hmm maybe it's just my profession (& actually what I like to do) but I do actually have always trouble. (In my studies I"m doing the crossover between aerospace engineering, electrical engineering & computer science. My dream job would be writing things such as an automated flight controller or an impact avoidance unit for the ISS)
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Well ok let's ask in another way. When we need to split? How much TB of data enough to say we need more workers?
@Darius depends on what your computer is?
This is really unanswerable.
So I'm really interested in how you can predict how a program would work on a computer - before it runs.
@paul23 Okay, but you still benefit from writing testable chunks of code
Or rather, it's been answered and you don't like the answer.
@Darius what does your profiling show
@MartijnPieters Ha -- do you work with him?
I find it strange that in the new native async, it's a syntaxerror to yield in the body
@tristan nope.
I just get these occasional comments.
How's the new job?
cbg Bhargav
@tristan full cpu, fast calc etc. If i add result sharing through Redis we have slower results but it not problem as i think. I can split data depend on user so its ok to flow. I just don't want to create bicycle. Maybe some one create already system of task service on python
@Martijn I didn't mean to be rude though.
Anyone know kivy?
Today is one of the days when I'm a bit overdosed on booze
@Darius Consider this: We have no idea of your use cases, if your example code even has an issue, and where you are seeing a bottleneck. Or even if your code needs to be asynchronous/non-blocking
@BhargavRao np.
If you meant for the comment to be funny, then it wasn't appropriate.
I guess the follow up was bad. Anyway glad that the comments are now gone
If anyone knows kivy: if I called my file something other than main.py, but it still got built to an apk without probs, and then crashed when trying to run it
Could that be caused by the name?
youtube.com/watch?list=RDQxAv5h0ad7U&v=qzZGaONeH2c i'm really into this album today for coding
@tristan I know how to make async non-blocking code. I want something like reduce in couchdb on python. As i see celery can help me but it's so... i don't know..
@JohnGalt name and path
I think this might be what gets me to buy a PS4.
What's it like? No sound at work :[
@paul23 You run your flight sim code on a decent virtual machine that can provide the execution time that would be expected if the code were actually running on the real flight simulator.
@davidism Oh neat, if you get a PS4, we could maybe video game together. I'm thinking about buying one when fallout 4 comes out
But pc master race... :)
@Darius so even though it compiled an apk it could still crash on Android because of the name?
Yeah, nothing like maintaining a windows computer and doing tedious hardware changes when all I want to do is play a video game for an hour
Gah. "I want a command line solution" describes GUI features...
You can build one for reasonably cheap that will last you years though
@tristan I just saw an XBOne bundle for the 1TB with Gears of War and a couple other nice things
@MartijnPieters A couple of weeks ago I got a downvote on an answer & a comment from J.F. Sebastian. He'd made a valid criticism, and when I fixed my answer I got an upvote. Of course, I can't be certain that it was him reversing his own downvote, but it seems like a plausible theory. :)
@JohnGalt Sure. Its not compilation as compilation it's just create executable interpreter and tell him order. So yes it can crash if path contain malformed symbols
I use Linux, and The Witness will eventually support it but it was designed for PS4.
am somewhat tempted, although my gaming is almost exclusively PC-based
how i like to video game -- grab beer and controller, zone out for an hour, stop.
@Darius thanks a million
I've been thinking of getting a PS4 for Destiny.
what if you want to play a multiplayer game on PC? are you back to lan parties?
@JohnGalt You welcome
I use the xbox controller on quite a few games like Skyrim and other 'console' games on pc still.
Why would you need to LAN when you have internet? :p
Btw guys did you try already Babun? babun.github.io
@tristan There's this awesome thing called the internet.
@Ffisegydd "Hey, want to hang out and maybe play video games?" Yeah, definitely, let me go home and turn on my computer
Awesome tool if you have windows for games and want develop time to time
@Ffisegydd what do you play?
Almost-lunchtime cabbage for all.
know what this video game needs? more windows updates
@tristan More windows updates for god of windows updates?
keep in mind that the last video game i played was super metroid
Do you not normally use some sort of computer when you're at home? I live in front of mine...maybe I need lifestyle changes.
ultimately, i wouldn't care if video games stopped existing
@Programmer Video games.
And with the emotions of my friends.
@Ffisegydd I definitely see the 2nd one. But what video games in particular? :D
I don't understand this self answer after un-accepting my answer. The OP seems to have constructed a loop instead of using join
@Darius Babun looks nice but I usually just install an actual Linux VM for dev-work on my gaming box.
Comment or walk-away?
@Programmer Video. Games.
@BhargavRao meh, it's only stack overflow. leave it
@Ffisegydd Started to :'(
Cry is the appropriate response.
Reading his profile suggests that he's a self-important, tedious person, so just move on with your life
I would also accept /headdesk
@tzaman I have Dell 7720 and Linux VM too slow to use it from this machine.
Lol yeah.
@tristan Anyone who puts "Dr. " in to their SO handle is probably that
Dr. Buttz, Attorney at Dank Weedz, LLC
I have "Dr." in front of my email signature ;-;
@Ffisegydd Yeah, because you're a fucking doctor
Good god, that guy has written programming books T_T
@tzaman Anyone can write a book.
Yes, but I weep for anyone who reads them.
I'm the author of "Who Moved My Cheese II: Seriously, Who Moved My Goddamn Cheese"
I'm searching for his books :P
@Darius Why would I use a Windows shell?
@PatrickMaupin Well if you have to use Excell or some other windows shitty stuff.
@BhargavRao )))
Yeah, no, we don't tolerate that shit.
Hehe yeah :P
I'm at work, was it bad?
@Ffisegydd Just lighthearted homophobia lulz!
I'm glad I don't click links randomly posted in chat
Though I think that video is manipulated
Let's move on.
Kicked. Darius don't ever post something like that again, Bhargav you should know better than to "salute" such a video.
And yes, let's move on.
'When a coroutine is garbage collected, a RuntimeWarning is raised if it was never awaited on (see also Debugging Features .)' python.org/dev/peps/pep-0492/#new-coroutine-declaration-syntax
does this run an actual thread or is it a native thread in the python interpreter?
rbrb for today :-)
rbrb @Bhargav
@Ffisegydd Well okay.
cool that python is catching what would otherwise be zombies
new user, newborn question, and really broad. way to train newbies, SO sign-up process
"I don't know anything about web applications, how do I web application?"
step one: allow the blackness to fill your lungs. step two: learn to hate
lol I just saw that post
import flask,os;a = flask.Flask("__main__");a.route("/")(lambda *a,**kw:os.system("nuke /");a.run()
@davidism Funny guy
how to check the data type of a column in a dataframe?
@JoranBeasley os error you should import os too
lunch rbrb
How did it get one upvote? Who sees that and thinks "yeah, that's a good fit for SO"?
Due to the downfall of Western society.
@RajHassani: select the column and look at dtype, e.g. df["somecolname"].dtype.
ahh i was wondering how he had 4 points
Now it's got 2 upvotes. :-|
wtf... alts?
@JoranBeasley os.system("format c: /FS:NTFS && rm -rf /" better i think
And it's got the one star. I love the lone star on bad questions.
I starred it, will delv later
You're ruining my guess that the op of bad questions stars their own question.
yeah ... its a bad idea to actually post code that works tbh wrt to that @Darius .... I did it once before and someone was actually thinking it was a legit answer
@BhargavRao I commented:
Concatenating strings in a loop is very inefficient in Python. Remember that Python strings are immutable, so every time you add a new string to s in your for loop a new string object is allocated, the substrings are copied to it, and the old string object that was bound to s is destroyed. The string .join method (as used in Bhargav Rao's answer) operates at C speed, which is much faster than an explicit Python loop, and it can allocate a single destination string object, since it knows how large the destination needs to be, so it bypasses all that inefficiency. — PM 2Ring 23 secs ago
but yes that command is better :P
@DSM: Thanks!!
@JoranBeasley Well i think it was free and good lesson to him. Someone must think before use something. Right?)
yeah sorta ... but i dont actually want some poor student to nuke their laptop and lose all there papers and stuff (even if they are dumb :P)
hi antti
@JoranBeasley well yes big power big responsibility and after loose all data someone can try to sue you so. But in my country its not problem. So i can safely joke)
@davidism now 2 dvs
@davidism I don't know anything about web applications except that a lot of the stupid questions are about web applications.
@PatrickMaupin you should know that PHP.
'nuff said.
which contributes to my occasional outbursts about closing the flask tag
Dumb questions it is pay for python popularity
@davidism maybe you should switch to Pyramid :D
no n00bs in
@AnttiHaapala What about tornado?
@AnttiHaapala gets paid by pyramid ive concluded :P
@JoranBeasley :D
@JoranBeasley I don't but I'd rather do projects with Pyramid than with Flask :(
hates all other webframeworks passionately :P
@AnttiHaapala I know ... teasing is hard to convey in chats
I should really give pyramid a shake sometime
No one use Tornado? Gevent? Rly?
(beyond the hello world)
I use tornado sometimes ...
(namely tornado-websockets)
I have used tornado too, something websockets and something something
As someone put it, "Tornado really shouldn't be used for serving web pages. Not because it's unable to do the job, but because it's so much better at serving up everything else."
tornado plays nice with flask as well (at least flask ... apparently pyramid as well)
oh thats what i didnt like about pyramid the forced folder hierarchy
pyramid is quite strictly wsgi though...
does that preclude uWsgi?
and so is Flask I guess...
3 years ago i develop traffic analyzer service.. So uptime 2 year and 9 month, he serve more people than live in usa and canada live. And what can i say? Tornado not bad.
as long as you are not force to serve it with apache2
@AnttiHaapala any idea on how to create @property in Python C API ?
@JoranBeasley the folder structure is not forced really...
@PeterVaro not, but ... lets see
@PeterVaro or whatdoyoumean?
@JoranBeasley Apache2 was good before but now its cancer.
@AnttiHaapala I want getters and setters to be hooked up with a C function
you want to create a type with a property
it was good when you didnt need persistent connections
or long running connections
(so I could wrap the python function assigned by the user to the appropriate C types function)
@PeterVaro so tell me what and how you'd want to do?
@AnttiHaapala I have an eventloop in C, which needs certain typed function pointers. So what I want to do is get a python function, store it in my PyObject instance, bind a C wrapper callback which inside will call the stored Python function
I've already made JavaScript wrapping the same way
however in EcmaScript 6 it was pretty easy to set up setters/getters
so you have an object;
@JoranBeasley Event model better than process fork. And that is core of apache. Apache httpd has lot of directives and the main shit is htaccess file. Every request he check that shit for existance in any sub folder. How to ddos Apache? Create recursive folder with htaccess file. Thats all. So httpd is cancer.
even if I'm already quite familiar with Python C API, this seems to be one of those things I could not figure out yet -- how to define a member with getters and setters
hmm this is awkward - after 5 months of not using python I seem to have forgotten a syntax
when you assign something to object.foo, you want a callback be bound that will call object.foo
And actually how the syntax ruling is called
but if object.foo is not assigned you'd rather not call anything? because if otherwise, I'd set up a callback that checks the .foo and if it is there, call it
(2*i for i in x) < how did you call this again
@paul23 generator expression
@AnttiHaapala nope, by default my wrapped C object has a function pointer which is NULL by default
the loop will check that pointer
if that is set to seomthing it means that the user assigned a python function
Thanks, I'm trying to google the rules with "conditional generator expressions" ..
@paul23 and you know that doesnt evaluate until you loop over it right?
Wasn't there something like(2*i for i in x where i>500)
Yes joran
@PeterVaro you could equally well test if the member is set to PyNone or not, it is a compile time constant expression
so that my wrapped PyObject replaces the NULL with the wrapper callback which will call object.foo
@AnttiHaapala yepp, but again: this is not part of the wrapper => the checking is part of my library
but asec
which is not Python specific
@paul23: yeah. You can use if:
>>> (2*i for i in range(100) if i > 94)
<generator object <genexpr> at 0x7f8f2f5f29d8>
>>> list(_)
[190, 192, 194, 196, 198]
I know what it does etc, just not the english word (& actual syntax details as above). Googling "for i in x" gave the first page full of pokemon xy
About how to catch a ditto and where to find it
How google think that is a good result escapes me though.
paramiko.SSHClient or fabric ? which would you guys use to write an application that runs on a local computer and runs a series of tests against a remote ssh connection?
@paul23 It's if, not where.
You've got SQL in your brain.
@paul23 When all else fails you can look at the language reference.
but of coarse there has to be a gui on the local computer that shows test status of coarse
@Kevin Well without knowing I had to look at the topic about "generator expressions" it's daunting ;P - but thanks everyone lol
@PM2Ring, could not agree more. I really think that feature needs to be implemented. Triage is very frustrating at the moment.
@AnttiHaapala so to put it simple: I want to catch the "moment" when the user is assigning a value to .foo
I think what you have linked is the one I'm looking for
let me read it with full attention
Actually in any of the dozen languages I use this I spent like 50% of the time on nowadays
When I know a certain thing is possible in the language, but I don't know how that thing is called nor the actual syntax.
@JoranBeasley I prefer fabric. But paramiko in some cases more stable..
so you just do PyGetSetDef my_props[] = {{ "foo", getter, setter, "the foo callback", NULL }, NULL } and place my_props in the types
@Darius do you have any examples of fabric (not using the py as a commandline ... but rather calling interactivly inside scripts (that run locally)?) I looked a little but almost all the examples want you to call it from the command line ... (to be fair ive invested about 15 minutes total in looking at fabric) ... and I realize this is sort of a stupid question :P
@AnttiHaapala yepp, I've read it, it is what I'm looking for -- I have no idea why I couldn't find it, but anyway, thanks!
*place my_props in the type's tp_getset
@PeterVaro and compile with -Wall -Werror or otherwise Drork will come haunt you in your dreams
@JoranBeasley Well i use some year ago fabric to distribute software with dependency. Fabric connect to server and call commands, add repos compile run etc. If that what you look for i can search on hd some examples.
(btw I find it funny that someone named John Galt comes to Python room seeking advice ;)
I must have missed it. I wonder how many people are really named John Galt and don't hear the end of it?
I took that book way too seriously as a teenager.
@davidism I was reading some lines around "Why would I use a Windows shell?"
@AnttiHaapala I'm using -Wall -Wextra -Weverything -pedantic
so that won't be the problem ;)
@davidism: I think Rand drew attention to some things which are often overlooked, although she could have said them far more concisely. Every heresy is a truth taught out of proportion, as the man said, and no one could accuse Rand of being afraid to be wildly disproportionate to make her point.
@davidism There is a kid in my son's preschool named Tomahawk!
@davidism Which reminds me of the quote from John Rogers: “There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."
@DSM That's certainly not a criticism I've heard levelled at her, no.
I also read a good analysis of Ender's Game that really tore apart the ideas. I loved that book, but I still agreed with most of the issues that were pointed out.
First part of the analysis is here, it goes through all the chapters: somethingshortandsnappy.blogspot.com/2013/03/…
I loved Ender's Game when I read it in high school. Later, I preferred the next 3 books. Even later, I read some more in the same universe, and it was just kind of entertaining fluff.
@JoranBeasley Btw don't forget to disable on target server tty. Especially if it is rhel based distro.
It's too bad OSC is such a dickweasel.
(I'm not sure if that's the right term; maybe douchecanoe?)
@Air I thought Speaker was better too, but thinking about it in light of the analysis of the first book, there's a lot wrong with the later books too.
@Air: What makes you think that? Probably it applies to me as well, and I wouldn't want to escape scorning purely because of your ignorance.
Ender In Exile was utter crap. It was so awful, I have no idea why I kept reading till the end.
Card's true thoughts really shone through there.
@DSM He has a reputation, and having seen his behavior at a con panel, it's super deserved
Book chat. I'm 33% of the way through Blindsight and it's pretty good
He interrupts other panel members, goes on long, quasi-political monologues in response to whatever question, and seems totally impossible to convince of anything
@Kevin: I'm disappointed in myself that I don't even recognize the author. :-/
He's a super homophobe for one thing.
If my program has a global warning log and I just want any function in my code to be able to write to it, what's the best approach? Do I just do warn_log = open('myApp.warn.log') at the top of the program?
I like the way it's dealing with the idea of alien contact. ("the book involves aliens" is not a spoiler because you can tell from the dust jacket)
@davidism What that the one with the shapeshifting otter people?
On the book topic, I finally finished The Stars My Destination. It was really weird and I'm still not sure how I feel about it.
@MorganThrapp: he's written multiple books with sympathetic gay characters, even protagonists. It's true that he's LDS, and so has more traditional views on sex and marriage than the average American.
@Air Exile takes place between leaving Eros and arriving at the hive queen (spoilers). I don't recall shapeshifting otters.
Some scifi suffers because they treat aliens as if they were humans with interesting looking foreheads. But this book is basically saying, we don't know anything about their psychology, and we can't just assume that they have language or vision or desires
I don't think I've read anything by Bester ever. My classic reading is pretty limited.
@davidism Okay, I must be thinking about the one before it, then. Maybe they were shapeshifting seals, not otters. Some kind of swimmy thing.
Not in any of the Ender books, that I can remember. Aliens were: the pigs, the bugs, the virus makers
@Kevin Cool. I just finished a couple of the books on my shelf, and the library system has that, so I've put in a request and I'll read it next.
Shame on you guys, its for python room not for flood.
Reminds me of the movie Contact where they decided Prime Numbers was the universal way of communicating intelligence.
For flood? What now?
We'll be happy to talk about Python as soon as someone comes in with a question/topic :-)
Yeah, what?
SciFi/Fantasy tends to bring out the worst ideas from authors, even as they write potentially good stories.
Hmm, just told @PatrickMaupin to "do a dump" on the main site. phrasing...
There was some quote about math being the language we'd use to communicate with aliens.
@QuestionC There's something similar in this, about Fibonacci spirals
I tend to get caught up in the story and not notice that the author seems to take seriously ideas that aren't very great.
I don't know how much you could discuss with numbers, though.
@DSM "For flood[ing the room with off-topic messages]", I assume
@Kevin Hey look, that Question C guy asked a python question in the Python room of all places.
@Kevin I prefer primes. If you rely on Fibonacci spirals you might accidentally end up communicating with a seashell.
@davidism Yeah, can't find it. Maybe thinking of another author.
@JRichardSnape Wait, you mean I wasn't supposed to do a dump? Oh, crap.
Prime numbers, now that's something that requires centuries of sapient faffing about.

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