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Ehh. It has a lot of downvotes, but we all know what the OP wants to do. I could see closing it as a dup of one of the "how do I create dynamic variable names" questions.
Yeah, was just about to break out the variable variables dupe.
@Wann welcome
That works too.
is this a place we can ask questions or more about discussion?
@Wann Both. Read the link in the room description.
If it's not a place you can ask questions you're already in trouble. :-) But yes, we answer questions here too. Some questions are better fits for the main site, though, if they require a lot of setup, and sometimes (to avoid saying the same thing for the umpteenth time) we might point you at an existing answer or a tutorial.
thank you
that was painless
Darn, I really dislike the fact that wx sometimes just straight up crashes your program without giving an error message
It should at least take me out for dinner before doing that
I still think I'd hate debugging C more than that.
@Programmer I personally would never touch C unless someone paid me a million dollars... I took a C class in community college in highschool and it was painful
@Programmer Try debugging C in an environment that reboots if you try to de-reference an invalid pointer. You learn to be very careful. :)
@PM2Ring Embedded software?
Not quite - the original Amiga. But I'm sure plenty of embedded systems do that, too. OTOH, they'd probably reboot faster than an Amiga running off floppies.
I am trying to start threading in kivy. But i am getting an error with the self in args
j = threading.Thread(target=self.detect, args = (self))
@PM2Ring: I had the 500. :-)
i tried not including any args but received an error as well
@Wann I bet it needs to be j = threading.Thread(target=self.detect, args = (self,))
IIRC, args must be a tuple, and (self) isn't a tuple. You need that trailing comma to signify a one-element tuple. Otherwise it's just a scalar value inside syntactically useless parentheses.
thank you
@DSM Good times.
Although it's possible that you don't need any args at all, here...
how does it know when to kill the thread if my function does not have a return?
But that depends a lot on what self.detect is doing
hmm, wondering, is there something like this in python?:
self.detect is using pyusb to try to detect if the usb has been attached
for i, x in enumerate(y) and i < 6
specifically the and i < 6 part
@Wann Even if your function doesn't have an explicit return statement, it will still return once it finishes executing all of its statements.
... Unless it loops forever, of course
or would you have to do if i >= 6: break within the for loop?
I did C in college and my professor was utterly useless.
@PM2Ring dude, go to bed.
@OneRaynyDay You could do for i, x in enumerate(y[:6]):
Ahh, gotcha. Thank you! I actually did read about that part, I just forgot to apply that to this situation
Assuming y is indexable. No iterators please.
islice for the win!
is_lice? Sounds gross.
In kivy i am trying to fire a function after text is entered into my textinput widget. I tried binding but it runs it regardless. I added the clock just to give me some time
And grammatically incorrect. Should be are_lice.
t.bind(text=Clock.schedule_once(self.run_test, 2))
Or is_louse.
@Wann If kivy binding is anything like Tkinter binding, you need to wrap your text argument in an anonymous function to keep it from firing right away: t.bind(text=lambda: Clock.schedule_once(self.run_test, 2))
i prefer i_slice the library for cutting pizza
@OneRaynyDay Another option is to use a range & zip instead of enumerate:
g = (10*i for i in range(100))
for i, v in zip(range(6), g):
    print i, v
Or possibly t.bind(text=lambda *args: Clock.schedule_once(self.run_test, 2))
@PM2Ring ah right, zip means basically iterate in parallel until one of them terminates right? If my memory serves me correctly
@Ffisegydd Yeah, I really should, I s'pose...
all I'm thinking right now is TGTIF..
zip is just like the zipper on a jacket. Think of the two arguments as the interlocking teeth ;-)
will it ever fire the function?
@OneRaynyDay Yep. It stops as soon as the shortest iterable runs out.
ah gotcha. Thanks python gurus :^)
no dice. still executes
@Wann Presumably it should two seconds after you type text into the thing.
(But again, I know nothing about kivy specifically)
Is it a bad idea to bind groups to a slug rather than an _id?
supposedly that text is supposed to listen for changes and when it does you can bind a function to it to do what you want
From the outside it feels weird to be setting an argument called text to a function, which itself seems to be a scheduler.
@corvid yes, I generally avoid groups of slugs, they are gross
its a property on a TextInput widget in kivy
one slug is gross enough
it is suppose to hold text entered in the field
Are you binding anything else to t?
Well, skimming through the docs it does look like text can accept a function which behaves as an onValueChange.
(earlier in the code) t.bind(text = l.setter('text'))
Does anyone suggest a VPS host? I think I need one.
Probably ought to be t.bind(text = lambda *args: l.setter('text'))
actually that brings to me another question. What i did is placed a TextInput widgett inside a label widget. Was this necessary to show the input box ?
@QuestionC I like Digital Ocean, myself.
i assumed it was but maybe it isn't.
Incidentally @Wann, your question on SO is more likely to get attention if you include the main tag instead of a version specific tag such as
you edited for me. thank you
also that did not work as well
this example was given in the kivy docs
Use append() That way you can Join both dict — eddwinpaz Oct 12 '14 at 13:17
you speaking to me?
I am not. :)
@Aaron: Well, I've managed to completely miss things someone wrote very explicitly and then had to sheepishly admit my mistake in the past.. although I admit I'd have to be pretty tired before I'd make that particular one.
Should I flag it and move on?
I wouldn't even flag it. Not worth a moment's thought, for you or the mod. But now that you've brought it up, a puppy might happen to chew it up, or a ninja might assassinate it from the shadows, in passing.
bleh... I'm having trouble with a csv parsing problem. I'll put it on pastebin because the code is too long, but for some reason, I'm getting duplicates
How inefficient would it be to make a dict of dicts?
I'm getting this: `'TFPN Gb': array([ 32.337738, 32.337738, 26.45327 , 26.45327 , 25.828581,
25.828581, 23.713346, 23.713346, 23.565949, 23.565949])` instead of `'mCFPN Gr': array([ 1321.788737, 787.891439, 393.857422, 306.613159, 397.969564])`
@Programmer: Not at all, it's very common.
Now don't fret I shall post the code and explain myself one second
Thought so, maybe the method I'm thinking of just seems inefficient
@AaronHall Ia! Ia! Semantic markup fhtagn!
I changed your **headers** to ### headers
This is the way I'm reading the csv file: pastebin.com/URyEVxK9 I shall supply the csv file one second
Not a bad habit to get into
oh ew... Okay not going to post that on pastebin, will just take a screenshot
I don't believe that code generated the output you say it did.
For some reason my csv code is getting everything correct except for one field... where it's giving me two of the same entries (In 'TFPN Gb')
@DSM Oh it doesn't generate that output. It reads that as the input, and parses the values into a dict
I'm ok with it, I usually use bolded words as headers because I prefer the smaller text. But maybe it's an accessibility issue?
Wheee, I'm about to offer my first bounty. Here's to hopefully not throwing rep away.
You never had it to begin with. :D
I couldn't stand it, so I flagged it.
could someone check my code and tell me if anything incorrect jumps out at them?
@Wann Only the Jack-in-the-Box.
@Wann: are you using Python 2 or 3?
Then you should have newline='' when you open the file (see the python 3 csv docs.)
@AaronHall I used to do the same thing, and it took me a little bit to get used to, but the third-level heading is only slightly larger and it is potentially more convenient for screen readers to see the header
The indentation definitely jumps out at me as being wrong.
And the fact that you have [[]] in your csvlist.
i thought it would autoformat but it didn't :-(
@MorganThrapp: I think writerows is fine with a list of lists.
@DSM Oh, maybe. I'm not sure.
i tried adding newline after like "with open("results.csv", "a", newline='\n\') as csv_file:" but got error
@Wann It's the second \, it's escaping the '.
@Wann: please read the csv docs and compare what you tried with what I wrote and what the docs say. :-) That said, the only problem this should cause would be some extra newlines on some occasions. But since you just asked for what jumped out, that's what jumped out.
I'm out. Good luck to the rest of you :^)
nevermind, sorry for that question guys
it's the guy who wrote the code in C to generate the csv files who screwed me over
when i set the focus property to True for my textinput field it does not allow me to type in any text in kivy.
type in any text in the box, in kivy
do you see the cursor blinking? are you using a keyboard? or is this on a touchscreen?
keyboard for right now , wil eventually be a scanner but i tried the scanner before an it works. I can see the cursor but it does not blink
can you have a screen with 2 textinputs and make sure the cursor is only in the one you "Focus" ?
If you are plotting a log-log graph where x/(one of axis) has zero values what does it mean?
Should you not take log of that axis?
The points disappear as log(0)=-inf
yea i can make one with bunch of them. Kivy docs state that focus can be to only one at a time and when one is focused it unfocuses the other
@AbhishekBhatia how does this relate to Python?
and the cursor is always the one you target?
are you doing it like
textinput = TextInput(focus=True)
or textinput = TextInput()
textinput.focus=True ?
textinput = TextInput(focus=True)
along with other properties i set
yay, it's gone!
My smoke test is now passing. Woot! :|
@AbhishekBhatia you're asking about mathematics, not Python code.
i dunno ... maybe it will work as expected on a touch screen :/
I havent done a whole lot of kivy ... and I cant remember having done autofocus ...
thanks for your help though
lol would have been better if I could have actually helped :P
but A for effort huh :P
its probably better if you can formulate the question with a small example of runnable code that demonstrates the issue and a small writeup as a normal SO question
Anyone have suggestions for Fabric alternatives for Python 3? I saw invoke, but that's pre-release and I don't want to be careful about changelogs
well maybe you can answer this question. I am posting a date and time to my csv file. right now i have 'dt = datetime.date.today()" and i am sending the dt into the file. Will the time be updated each time it is sent in?
ok i wil try that
Well, the time won't, because that'll only give you today's date. But every time you call that line and write the result to a csv, it should give you the right one.
in the python docs i though this gave me the date and time
>>> from datetime import date
>>> date.today()
datetime.date(2015, 9, 10)
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> datetime.today()
datetime.datetime(2015, 9, 10, 17, 35, 6, 48854)
Don't save datetimes in csv, save time.time() in sqlite or a more fully featured DB.
yolodb supports a -ish time stemp. e.g. 6-ish pm
yolodb. That's a new one
@Wann: yeah, but you did datetime.date.today(), so that gives you the date.
working with pyhton pandas, I've got a column of years.. however it is recognized as float. How do I convert it into year? e.g. 2015 should be recognized as YYYY.
yes the date and the time
I tried df['Years'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Years'], format = '%Y'), the error I get is 'float' object is unsliceable
i meant i wanted the time as well and i thought i was getting that with that
hmmm.. hey guys, I'm using a wxcombobox
and when I bind it to an event, it doesn't initially fire the event like most wxwidgets
I want it to fire on-create though. I looked online for ways to artifically trigger the event but I don't know how to insert a widget that's the "culprit" for creating the event
@JoranBeasley Like, self.listCtrlComboBox.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.changeListCtrlDefault)
I want to call def changeListCtrlDefault(self, event): with a proper event injection
I'm also trying this method: self.listCtrlComboBox.GetEventHandler().ProcessEvent(wx.Event)
but it does not seem to work because wx.Event's init is only (self), and ProcessEvent() takes in (self, event)
Hi guys! What is your favourite python book ?
I did exactly that but it's giving me the error: in method 'EvtHandler_ProcessEvent', expected argument 2 of type 'wxEvent &'
I still dont understand ... you just want to find out when self.listCtrlComboBox is created?
@JoranBeasley no I already know when it is created
I'm trying to trigger the event of selection of an option in the combobox upon creation
but unlike other wxWidgets I don't think it calls the changeListCtrlDefault as it is created, so I'm triggering an event by myself
so somewhere something is saying MyClass.listCtrlCombobox.SetSelection(0)? and you want to figure out where thats happening?
Im pretty sure that event only fires when a human selects
give me a bigger picture view ... there is always a way to win ... sometimes you have to think differently though
@JoranBeasley ah okay, maybe I didn't really explain it well, i apologize
Let me see... I'll give pictures
Here is the initial state of the application:
Here is when I click the button "clear canvas"
You can see a select has been made. I want the right side to populate with the data from the file
It's supposed to be like this:
and you selected it as a human?
Yes, I would select it as a human(but only if there's 2 or more options)
so all you want to do is listen for selection change?
It does listen for selection change, as you can see I changed options and it loaded the second file's data on the right side
but by default it selects the first option right? I can't really change a selection if there's only 1 option
So I want to fix that by whenever the combobox is made, the first option is always the automatically selected option
what does clear canvas do?
because when there is only one option, the event will never fire
It clears the matplotlib figure.
and then it creates the combobox
as you can see at the first picture, the values in the right tabs are "X ___" and "Y ___"
well at that point why not just repopulate the right panel? why do you need an event? why not just do self.OnComboSelect(None) or whatever your function handler is
since it only happens after you clear the canvas right?
just add it to your clear canvas button handler :/
hmm I guess that could work, but then later on it might get really confusing
or spend a whole lot of time trying to force an event to fire when it does not want to and end up getting it working ... but its a hacky solution ...
hmm, yeah I understand where you're coming from
I dont think calling your event handler from your button press is hacky ... since you know it doesnt do what you want
just add a comment
true true, I see
while its not as elegant as the event just working ... its much more elegant then trying to force the event
alternatively you could create your own ComboBoxCreated Command Event and fire that from the clear button ... and then listen for it (or bind it to the same listener)
oh there's a comboboxcreated event?
its very painful to trigger events that are built-in and not be hacky ...
you could create your own ComboBoxCreated Command Event
oh, as in create an object that extends wxEvent
I see, gotcha. Yeah, I just wanted to follow strictly to D.R.Y, and here I'm repeating a little bit(just 2-3 lines) where I'm calling the function and stuff on create
see the second block of code there
specifically when he forces a CommandEvent for the Checkbox ... maybe you can just trigger the event you want
@JoranBeasley hmm.. can't seem to locate the forcing commandevent
oh nevermind - this block: `checkEvent = wx.CommandEvent(wx.wxEVT_COMMAND_CHECKBOX_CLICKED,
34 self.GetId())`
oh interesting! I haven't seen the CommandEvent object before
here is how you can create your own events as well
A: Generate a custom CommandEvent in wxPython

Alan BriolatI know this is an old question, but there is a newer, slightly nicer, way to do this in wxPython. Paraphrased from http://wiki.wxpython.org/CustomEventClasses and the above: To define the event: import wx.lib.newevent QuantityChangedEvent, EVT_QUANTITY_CHANGED = wx.lib.newevent.NewCommandEvent...

ahh, I see - that's how you pass in the event object. Thank you very much! You've helped me a ton lately, and I'm super grateful :)
no worries ... good luck
Ugh. I updated PyCharm and now the automatic indentation is FUBAR and I can't seem to override it...
what do you mean?
I updated pycharm and it works exactly the same from where i sit :P
of coarse I use pro so maybe they just busted it for community users to try and incentivise them to go pro :P
Or maybe you're a horrible person who already had it set on 8-space line continuation indent
umm im not sure (line continuation like the line ends with `\`) ... I dont use that often enough ... maybe thats busted up
but ofc like everyone indents are 4 spaces ... I think it auto indents newlines inside of parens to align with the open paren
Wait, I think I fixed it
I was confusing its confused attempt at interpreting the indentation of a paste dump with its actually correct behavior of adding an extra indent to a multi-line for declaration
Man, even when an IDE is actually smart, it wastes my time.
I still can't decide if IDEs are necessary or unnecessary evils.
Use ViM then? Or turn off autocomplete and the annoying smart features?
Vim... How long does one take to get comfortable with that crazy editor?
Because vim has no learning curve
it takes a week to learn how to save and quit
(Im exaggerating of coarse)
It's worth it
meh im pretty productive with pycharm :P
Yeah, I like Sublime actually but ViM is a close second.
(it has lots of vim concepts ... anyway)
I use vim in shells but even with a cheat sheet taped above my monitor it's really slow getting my fingers used to it.
I also have dropdown and tiled window terminals... So ViM is more intuitive with my desktop environment.
lol i use nano most of the time in shells (Im trying to use vim more though :P)
haha, sounds like it's quite a challenge
I much prefer ViM, I used to use Nano but....
In theory, I love the keyboard-centric mindset. Back in the days of windows 95 I did almost all my navigating without the mouse but steady improvement of desktop environments have severely eroded those habits.
Vim is much much much better
than nano
Just remember not to press "d" unless you want to... and then most of the risk is averted.
but nano is much much much easier
Yeah exactly.
i am getting an error with the 'newline" parameter
and im less likely to start typing only to realize later i wasnt in "INSERT" mode
And as long as you remember :q and :q!, and :w, most of the issues on leaving the editor gets a lot easier.
yeah I know enough vim now that I can usually get out ;P (without restarting the whole box :P)
Also, quick shortcut if you're worried is to do "Esc+a" if you aren't sure you're in insert mode.
I have a half-formed .vimrc sitting in my home directory on one of our server machines that was really helping with usability...
but then I got distracted by actual work
Esc always goes to command mode, even in command mode, so you don't have to worry about what mode you are in to enter input mode.
;newline' is an invalid keyword argument for this function
t.bind(text=Clock.schedule_once(self.run_test, 2)) #where i am having trouble
what are you thinking that will do?
t.bind(text=lambda:Clock.schedule_once(self.run_test, 2)) #where i am having trouble
you need to bind to functions that it can call ... not None
or whatever Clock.schedule actually returns ...
the lambda might need an argument
i think i did the wrong pastebin
although i am still having issues with that..lol..
open only takes a filename and a mode ...
i'm using python 3.4.3
interesting maybe its different in python3
so how would i make sure it makes a newline everytime it appends?
ok so i was wrong here is py3
are you 100% sure you are using python3?
is it possible for me to paste a pic
i took a snapshot of my kivy as it starts yp
Just do sys.version_info.
Python v3.4.3
weird ... I didnt even know kivy worked in 3+ yet (I thought it was only 2.7) ...
anyway that seems like that open is not the python3 open ... im not sure where it is comming from ...
And apparently Kivy supports Python 2.7 and Python>=3.3 now.
if i was to do it in 2.7 how would i add a newline character?
so i don't have everything on one line?
can i do 'wa'?
"a" means append ...
"w" means write ... in order to append you must write ...
yes you can do "ab" ... and probably should
I thnk csv module tells you to open in binary mode
what if you just delete newline="" ?
it should still give you newlines
well i figured i'm going to go by the 2.7 version
i deleted it an added the 'ab'
(especially since you are opening it for read)
what do u mean?
do i not have to use the open to write?
i'm following the 2.7 example in the docs
the line with your error is when you are opening for reading isnt it? ahh no im tired apparently \
does it work with ab?
well no error
though something else i wrong with it but no error!
but its all on one line ... as your last line in that file just write a newline character
last line in that fn
whats wrong with it now?
something in the app. That thing i was telling about where i pasted the wrong pastebin
change it to t.bind(text=self.OnText)
then make an OnText method that calls the clock
bind expects something it can call
(although it may take an argument or 2)
Python room, you should all be aware of this module. Not that you'll want it frequently, but be aware: docs.python.org/library/atexit.html
tTypeerror: 'str' does not support the buffer interface
ok im done for the night. Thank you for all your help. i'll be back
@AaronHall yeah ive seen that many times and everytime i remind myself to take note of it ... then i forget
but if there is one must try module it is this one github.com/dellis23/disrupt
I had a threaded background writer that I needed to ensure would close before the process exited.

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