I have edited it out of posts, for example there was a correct answer on UTF-8 in urls with python where the guy starts wondering that: "but I do not know, w3school says that only iso-8859-1 characters are allowed percent-escaped in URIs."
when you feel you are a senior software engineer then probably you are one.
say I did talk with 1 company that wanted to hire a senior engineer about writing linux drivers, the requirement was that from first day on that SSWE would go to the customer premises and teach their junior staff how to write linux drivers.
so the seniority depends on a field too...
I had to said: "I wouldn't qualify"
@JonClements @MartijnPieters 3-yr-old toddler shot at parents in New Mex...
@AnttiHaapala I find these kind of jobs to be rare as opposed to people who claim to be,, and are accepted as, senior programmers. Maybe i'll know more when I move to the city
another way to put it is that, if you are a senior it means that there is probably no one in the company that can teach you about your field of expertise...
if the two more actual programmers need to learn from you all the time and you need to tutor them about the tech then yes I'd say you are a senior software developer; or engineer...
ofc there might be places where the titles are protected...
as both have 10+ yrs working experience and we are like applying solutions by our own judgment though we ask each other about which would be the best way to do some new X.
too bad in my hometown I couldn't assume seniority in most of the companies where I'd want to go to work. They don't do Python, or desktop java or C or something else...
On the other hand I cannot get any better in what I am doing right now. Just doing remash of the same thing over and over again...
You really should run the code under debugger, compiling the .so with -g etc.
But one obvious error is that char* pcReceiptSignature is declared an out parameter? thus I guess you want to reserve some space for it, to be filled by the function, but none is available (you are using c_char_p inste...
woot I wrote an answer and as soon as I submitted, the guy edits the code and removes half of it
64-bit long would have the wraparound at somewhere around the year 292,277,026,596, which is ~20 times the current age of the universe from now. As the Earth's rotation would be unlikely to hold until at that time, and neither would people really care much, at that time it is very apt to return (...
NOOB Q: This has probably (definitely) been answered before but not sure what to search for... I'm looking for a way to run a python script in a console window without actually typing the "python" keyword before it. An example of this is how 'brew' works. E.g. We don't have to type "python brew.py" in the terminal. Is the correct approach to doing this just creating a source file without the ".py" extension and chmod'ing? E.g. "myApp" chmod 755 "myApp" or are there other tricks to doing this?
C:\Users\harry>npm -f install socket.io
npm WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing.
> [email protected] install C:\Users\harry\node_modules\socket.io\node_modules\engine.io\
Oh, wow. I've found the task that we're going to be given for GCSEs. I saw the first sentence (I was given a hint towards what it was) and scrolled back up.
well, i have a bunch of fields in the dictionary, and i need to check if any are blank, and if they are i need the user to edit them and carry on checking, and the most efficent way i could think of was using a while loop
@Inthuson you can have i = iter(dict) and then key = next(i), but whenever the iterator is exhausted it will throw a StopIteration exception which you wouldnt necessary like
and nope, while loop is almost never the most efficient way
def sumOfPositiveNumbers(li):
while True:
return sum(i for i in li if i > 0)
Though I prefer the following function because instead of sum, it uses lambda expressions only
def sumOfPositiveNumbers(li):
while True:
return ((lambda f: (lambda x: x(x))
(lambda y: ...
I use regex to check the values entered into the field and when the button is clicked, I'm using this to check if any of them are blank and then setfocus ?
@JoranBeasley like, with angular there is two-way dependency injection, but you still have to include every javascript file on the HTML page. I wish you could just say "include all javascript in scripts/ folder"
> Actually, the LinkedIn themselves transfered their developpers forum to stackoverflow!! There should be then the possibility to ask legal questions!! – Hassan-Roland Nasser
@vaultah: probably best. Faking code transcripts -- which is fortunately rare -- annoys me more than anything else on SO. I'd link to some of my favourite examples but @Antti would just get them deleted, so :P
thanks @ThiefMaster and @JoranBeasley fixed it! :) Works properly now
def verifyfields():
if checkpass():
for key in user:
if not user[key].text():
return False
except AttributeError:
return True
Review completed 3 mins ago:
vaultah reviewed this 3 mins ago: Leave Closed
rkhb reviewed this 4 mins ago: Leave Closed
davidism reviewed this 7 mins ago: Leave Closed
manlio reviewed this 16 mins ago: Reopen
James A Mohler reviewed this 19 mins ago: Reopen
When a question isn't well put together, I wish people would wait at least a few minutes to have the OP turn it into something more respectable, rather than immediately guessing and hoping for the best. Experienced users usually guess right, but then the OP is seldom motivated to fix the Q. :-/
Anyway, time to go get ready for some championship gridiron!
@JonClements I'm not an expert on this stuff, but this does sound like a typical politician idea re: education policy: appeal to adults sense' of "what? they don't know their times table? Grr etc."
def mult1(a, b):
return sum(a for _ in range(b))
def mult2(a, b):
return TIMES_TABLE[a][b]
>>> mult2(17,23)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 2, in mult2
IndexError: list index out of range
I just think it's possible that people who've been studying educational methods for decades might have come to some conclusions regarding which method works best, and that a brand new Education Secretary's gut feeling shouldn't necessarily supercede that.
Probably more a function of English not being your first language. It's harder to read for a native speaker (though certainly still very intelligible) so since all the answers seem to have come in within a minute or so of themselves, the easiest one to vote up is the shortest and easiest to read
yes English is not my first lan , but about answer i dont care about vote i just think that there is a problem with and i dont want to have any miss understanding about coding
@KasraAD I wouldn't assume there's a problem unless you get downvotes. A similar answer getting upvoted when yours didn't might just mean the upvoter saw the other one first, or they found the explanation easier to read, or they noticed the other answerer had a higher rep and therefore thought their answer must be better for that reason, or they're mates with the other answerer in some chatroom or other ... you've no way of knowing, and it's pointless to worry about it.