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I still cannot tell if questions to do with Pythonicity are actually legit.
I mean, they're inherently subjective, but it's the subjectivity of a collective more than of an individual.
Does a group of users have privileges that its members do not individually possess?
what is Pythonicity?
The degree to which a particular coding style or format is Pythonic.
Weakly, how closely does it follow the PEP8 style and design guide? More pointfully, how comprehensible is its design to the bulk of Python programmers? Does it follow the sorts of patterns and idioms that Python users seem to share? As I understand it, that's what it is to be "Pythonic."
Q: How can I learn to effectively write Pythonic code?

user39685Doing a google search for "pythonic" reveals a wide range of interpretations. The wikipedia page says: A common neologism in the Python community is pythonic, which can have a wide range of meanings related to program style. To say that code is pythonic is to say that it uses Python idioms w...

I am completely prepared to be wrong about this, though.
Pythonic I knew but didn't connect the -ity ending
It's possible that I'm the only one who uses the work that way. :I
I try to speak clearly, but I don't try very hard.
I-- sorry. ¬_¬;
I could see that as fitting on SO but probably better on Programmers for concepts and better on CodeReview for suggestions about particular code
Unrelatedly, I know that putting lists and dicts into a declaration line as keyword argument default values causes problems in Python 2, but which types are they, exactly? Do tuples break, too?
@JGreenwell Oh right. Those are places, too, aren't they? =_=; Thanks!
I totally forgot about them.
my definition of Pythonic code is code that fits how my school/workplace defines good programming practices and standards ;)
I was just going to say something about the weird space between "Pythonic" and "least astonishing." :y
@Augusta tuples shouldn't break as tuples are immutable, and also if there aren't any mutable values in there, i.e. a tuple of strings/ints will be fine, a tuple of lists will not be.
Mm, I was just reading more about it, about mutables and the like. It felt like a bug for a long time, but I doubted it was because it's in such a glaring spot. I just didn't know why until now. :D
But yeah, mutables.
I just Googled SO looking for an answer to a programming question I had, and ended up reading one of my own answers without realizing it was mine until I saw my name at the end.
lol, that's awesome
I've done that before.
Anyone know how to set interpolation keys in ConfigParser options without quote marks mucking everything up?
Like, I want to replace an element in a tuple or a list with a key that points to another option in that section.
The problem is that when I put the key in there, it gets set with quote marks around it, so when I evaluate it later, it always comes back as a string, even if the interpolation key's value is something else. If it's a string, it gives me a string with extra quote mark characters inside it. If the value is a tuple, it gives me a string of a tuple.
Is this something you're trying to do entirely within the ConfigParser API? Or are you willing to muck around with strings?
I've been resisting mucking with strings so far.
The problem is that I don't know how to swap out the values with the keys without the keys being interpreted as strings, and then having the key, but not the quotes!, interpolated on load.
I could probably replace the whole value with a single string and then let the evaluator figure it all out later.
Which is what it's looking like.
But I dun wanna. >:I
On load, I have a thing that parses options into the correct types, but if it sees quotes, it thinks 'string', as it ought to.
If I run the evaluator on the interpolated values twice, I get the value I want. But running the evaluator twice for every option is not a thing I'm very happy about having to do.
Not at least because it's hacky and inelegant.
Because ConfigParser interpolates before I evaluate the option values, there's also no way to tell the keyed values from literals.
I was hoping ConfigParser would have some native solution.
I'm reading the ConfigParser doc now. It is large and scary.
Just so.
If it helps you to know, I run the ConfigParser option values through ast.literal_eval on load to put them into the right types.
I was going to suggest that, but it's not part of ConfigParser.
Come to think of it, I could probably just use optionxform = ast.literal_eval
..but that's neither here nor there.
I tried it and it didn't work for this, exactly.
Anyway, yeah, the thing is that the interpolated value gets plopped into the leftover quote marks from when I set the key, since it had to be a string when I set it.
If I could pull those quotes off before I save, either using some sneaky function or by making the whole option value a string, the problem would (maybe) go away.
Can you give a line or two with expected/actual I/O?
I saw a question post that suggested that, but the problem is that the whole value I'm setting isn't a string until it's actually been set. Before that, it's a list with a bunch of other non-strings in it.
It's a mess but I'll try and give you a good example...
I am afraid.
You might want to remove all that and link it in pastebin or something.
That would have been a better idea. =_=;
I've never used Pastebin, actually.
..And it looks like I can't remove the messages, either.
Maybe @davidism can stop by and move them into the Rotating Knives.
Unrelated, but MS seems to think that an update for the Manat and Lari currency symbols is just as "optional" as an update for a Windows Explorer memory leak.
Well, here it is elsewhere, at least..
Here's a Two Problems solution:
>>> a = "'%(_interp0)s', "
>>> re.sub(r'''^(['"])(%.*)(\1)(,\s*)''', lambda x: x.group(2) + x.group(4), a)
'%(_interp0)s, '
Not tested on anything but that particular string.
Oh! God! Wait! I can probably just load the value after it's set during save and strip out the extra quotes there! 0_0;
And then re-set the corrected-- god fffff why didn't I--
..actually that doesn't work, because it's stored in its correct form until it's written, I guess. I don't know whether that makes me happy or sad.
Hey how do you guys normally benchmark python code when using mulitprocessing?
@JonClements Thanks. -_-;
no worries :)
anyone familiar with Qt? Specifically the QWizard class? I need to disable the back and forward buttons on a specific page until an operation is completed. I can't seem to figure out a simple way to do this.
gtk made this so easy -.-
@PM2Ring should have guessed it :P. Nothing passes you :)
@TigerhawkT3 how was your day mate
Well, I've only been awake for five hours, so it's not quite done. :P
where are you from
PST (UTC-8).
Yes, I woke up at about 4pm.
@TigerhawkT3: I ended up swapping everything out with strings and it works perfectly. It's not a huge mess, either, but I feel a little let down by ConfigParser, somehow.
@TigerhawkT3 was slightly thrown off as I've not be around at this time for a while and for some reason wasn't expecting you to be... :)
Not using ConfigParser at all anymore?
Oh no, I'm still using it. I just process the data differently as I save it.
Ah, okay.
I've never used ConfigParser or argparse; I just roll my own.
Not expecting me? Lunch is prime time! At 9pm! That is lunch, puppy!
@TigerhawkT3 it's a fairly late lunch, but I suppose one could still consider it lunch :)
9 pm is dinner time
Dinner is 3am.
heh, nightshift
When I started making this thing, I didn't know that much about data structures, so I went with this canned one. It treats me well, and I could probably try and extend it, but I've already got so many little fires burning... =_=;
3 am can be considered as breakfast time.
I think you have your clock all wrong .
Look at you patricians with your meals at regular intervals. >:I
I used to eat lunch at 12am then dinner at 6-7 am
My arg parser: dict(pair.split(maxsplit=1) for pair in (' '.join(sys.argv)).lower().split(' *')[1:])
remember getting crazy looks from people when I was drinking a beer with "breakfast"
My clock isn't wrong, it just doesn't matter.
time is a lie?
my lunch is 1.30 pm but dinner is around 10 pm
long gap there
..Bourgeois bunch of.. -grumbles and stuffs another granola bar into her face-
It's truth, but mine doesn't matter. I don't really have to be anywhere at any specific time.
..with their 'meals' and their 'clocks' and 'jobs'.. -eats the wrapper-
I bet you guys don't even live in your cars. >:I
Are you trying to get asterisks? Use our psychopathic friend, Mr. Backslash: \*not italic\*.
@TigerhawkT3 I think you are a free man :P
Free of employment.
@TigerhawkT3 I was thinking of it but I actually prefer hyphen-italics. :y
Gainfully unemployed.
Technically, I'm about 5% employed - I have 5-10 hours of telecommuting work every month.
That is not even a part time job
Wouldn't that mean that 100% employment gives you a 100~200hr workweek?
That might be a micro part time job
Maybe you "landed-middle-class" types are busier than I gave you credit for.. ._.
Augusta, 5-10 hours a month.
Here in India full time job ranges from 160 to 200 hr. Doing some difficult calculation yes you are 5% employed
It's my friend in Oregon who's been pulling 100hr workweeks.
I remember being at this horrid little art school and routinely putting in 120 hours a week. Everyone had to. You can't imagine the smell. =_=
"Alcohol is the friend of humanity."
-- Yang Wen-Li
I think the cost of a degree should reflect its financial utility. Engineering tuition would, in effect, subsidize the starving musicians.
"Wine brings joy to G‑d and man" (Judges 9:13)
I'm just glad I found an easy data entry job to make up paychecks between contracting work (still looking for that actual job though)
@TigerhawkT3 The problem with that it sorts professions by wealth. I remember getting pretty mad at a friend for arguing strongly that less-obviously-economically-productive degrees ought to be more expensive than ones with clearcut utility.
Living in a society where only millionaires become diplomats or philosophers would be a hell of base and mockery.
Also, you end up with a lot of doctors and engineers who don't have any real talent, but had to get a degree in something because all the grunt work is automated or overseas.
You have it backwards.
My friend's argument is yours, inverted.
I believe education should be free[This might be not attainable]
Free education is not only attainable, but it's been accomplished.
There are places that give students a stipend so they don't starve while they learn.
Your friend's argument is weird. Why should the most profitable degrees cost the least?
Basically, my BA in Communications should've been about... hm... twenty bucks.
His reasoning was, because they contribute the most to the economy, the economy ought to encumber them as little as possible.
They'll also get the most benefit, though.
'Not if there's a surplus of labour,' he said.
depends on your definition of "free" - i.e. those who attend on grants and scholarships (even stipends through the school) are costing taxpayers, trustees, and/or the school
At the time, he had a rather strange idea of what people will do for compensation.
@JGreenwell 'Free' to the applicant.
Labor surpluses hurt those without the valuable educations. E.g., art history majors don't do well in periods of high unemployment.
Obviously, because people will not work gratis, there's a cycle. But they don't pay into it directly.
Basically, many majors are a bit "you're spending thousands of dollars to learn something that no one will pay you for."
An employer's market hurts everyone in that profession, regardless.
Here in India same education[i.e. B.E. ] costs are for different institution
It just happens that skilled occupations tend to experience surpluses much less often than do unskilled tasks.
It's not even just skilled/unskilled - it's not like art history is simple or easy. It's just that it's difficult to get a decent job with that degree.
Well. There's also the applicability of the degree.
What can you do with a masters' degree in organic chemistry? Lots of stuff. How do you use a doctorate in Greek and Roman History? Outside of teaching, things are less clear.
Go to Italy or Greece or Macedonia and teach regular history, maybe..
That is a reason for those majors' low financial value, yes.
I think that, if tuition must be a thing, then linking it to the economic viability or "value" of the skillset taught is a mistake and an apostasy.
If the purpose of society is to advance its people and culture, then making it reliant on money is a very, very strange handicap, I think.
It's like charging as much for a pair of rollerskates as for a car.
It's like charging more for water than for gasoline. Which we also do here.
It already is reliant on money. I just don't think it's right to charge fifty grand for a useless Communications degree.
It's like charging more for water than for gasoline, and then heavily implying that this water can power your car just as well as the gasoline.
But that reliance is a mistake. The relationship between economic viability of the degree and the encumbrance in actually pursing it is an accident, but making an actual commercial link between them is the folly, rather.
Why is it folly? All the current system does is burden artists with huge debts they can't pay back, or, worse, push them into fields that they don't like and might not be very good at.
Because actively making that debt burden worse is purposefully retarding your society's ability to further itself when its needs do not explicitly intersect with commerce.
How would cheaper art degrees make that debt burden worse?
The opposite; it would lighten it.
This would make it easier for noncommercial educations.
Wait, what do you think I'm arguing here?
Did I use the word 'folly' wrong?
Hold on. =_=;;;
I think you're thinking that I'm taking your friend's side.
I explicitly said that I held the opposite opinion.
And I'm agreeing with you. <3
We aren't arguing.
We were arguing like in Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
All we need now is Jaden. :y
I know. ;D
I think it is more like predators vs aliens :p
Wait, I can do better..
Of Jaden Smith, I will say this: He really knows how to .capitalize on a Tweet. :y
(Hyek yek yek)
More like, he knows how to title(), and we wish he knew how to capitalize().
Nice :D
..is there a word..
..for that deep feeling of shame..
..when you're working alone in a 24hour restaurant..
..and you realize, "Oh my Hell, I smell like a stack of gym bags!"?
It's fine if it isn't in English.
What's fine?
The word.
(There was supposed to be a message I sent between that and "Nice :D" but it is possible that nobody can see it but me.)
Oh I see.
I think it's "shame."
I thought it might have been, but shame has a lot of flavours, an I thought this might have been one.
could also be pathetic
Anyway, I guess I'll go take a bath. =_=;
Gym bag-flavored shame.
That's more like it
I can settle on that. <3
also guilty if you feel bad specifically for not bathing when you know you should have
Just wait; one day you'll decide a better word for it is "apathy."
And then one day, if you're lucky, "pride."
"I smell like ick? That means I've been working hard rather than hardly working ha ha ha!"
P. much.
Anyway, off I go. Rhubarb, you lot~
rbrb Augusta
Oh, and thanks for the help earlier, Tiger.
Steve Jobs dosen't actually take bath .
He certainly doesn't, nowadays.
And you're welcome... not sure if I did much more than let you rubberduck.
well, not The Steve Jobs, but a Steve Jobs might
@TigerhawkT3 yeah I am sure he doesn't :)
anyone know how to do this in SQL(or even Alchemy): I have in db "OCCUPY" and "RELEASE" messages, along with their timestamps, for given resources, and I'd want to get rows of resource, timestamp(OCCUPY), timestamp(RELEASE), or NULL if the other does not happen within the select interval...
and ofc OCCUPY is before RELEASe
using postgresql so there are recursive ctes and whatnot
Do we want to create a tag and symlink the tag to it?
What is the highest stared comment in this room
There doesn't seem to be a sorting function. =\
Knowing this room - it wouldn't surprise me if it was by Kevin :p
heya @Uğur
how are you.
Ahhhhh! @Ian your face changed!
How to get remote file size using pysftp?
@Ffisegydd ARghgh!!1 What is it?! :D
o/ cbg all
stackoverflow.com/a/2573229/3459110 this answer encourages going to the #python irc channel. Can we have it burnt with fire? :P
hello @va
Hello, Can anybody tell me why i am not able to redirect the o/p of subprocess.call

@Chirag what makes you think it's not redirecting?
I see the prints of it on default stdout
Are you sure it's printing to stdout and not stderr?
Yeah, thanks it is stderr not stdout
Hey, is there an algorithm to find the longest everincreasing key value pairs in a dictionary such that both are strictly bigger than the one in their back and strictly smaller than those in the back
Another appraise for martijn comment
Anyone uses pypi.python.org/pypi/pudb? Can suggest any alternative?
@VigneshKalai wow.
@poke why ?
Because that comment is just crazy
> 415k defeats me so bad that I've been sent to the dark ages where I can find 6 elements wood, fire, earth, metal, water and Martijn Pieters.
Yeah he must have thought a lot :)
I don't know why this op's question did not throw any error. It should have thrown an error here x.replace("(", "") saying there is no replace method in tuple
2 hours later…
just looking at that code i have the feeling web.py is a terrible framework
web.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
reminds me way too much of php's header() (no good way to modify headers once set)
Not sure if there's a good usecase
@ThiefMaster But you don’t know if it just sends the header, or if it’s add them into a dictionary that flushed out when the response starts
yeah, my guess would be on the dictionary
still, explicit>implicit
Can anybody help me in redirection of subprocess.?
Lets say, i havd FD=open('abc.txt','w')
i am writing into a file using FD.
now i am executing a command using subprocess.call and redirecting its output to the same file, but both are not using sequential position.
how will i make o/p of both in sequentilal
Perhaps it would be better to use subprocess.check_output and write the result directly to the file yourself. Then you have full control over what gets written, and when.
Did the answer on the question you asked 4 hours ago not resolve it? As the answerer commented, it waits until the call is complete.
@TigerhawkT3: That was resolved but i am having issue with the position of FD in file
Incidentally, it is polite to accept a post if it resolves your problem
Oh, Sure, sorry i am new to stackoverflow
with open("output.txt", "w") as file:
    file.write("Starting subprocess.")
    result = subprocess.check_output(["my_command.exe", "-r", "-s", "--more_arguments"])
    file.write("Finished subprocess.")
Oh, Ok. thanks :) @Kevin
I feel the top voted answer is wrong on this question since groupby requires the input tom be in sorted order
@Kevin: buff=subprocess.check_output(cmd,stderr=None)
i am not able to redirect stderr
If I was facing the same issue as in that question, I would just keep two dictionaries and be done with it. They're tiny.
Coincidentally, I myself posted a "your dictionary is backwards" answer on a similar question just yesterday. Why do people keep trying to code the wrong way on a one-way street? :P
People that know what they're doing don't post questions. Only half joking.
@VigneshKalai I think you're right. There's a comment to that effect - you could suggest an edit to the answer author, I suppose.
I'm glad I could read one last Kevinism before going to sleep.
People that know what they're doing don't post questions. (Almost) axiomatically true
"No true scotsman programmer"
It implies that I know what I'm doing, though.
You do get the odd person who is so pleased to discover something that they "ask" and answer their own question. But philosophically, is that asking a question?
Although - you did say "post a question", so...
In response to the no true scotsman allegation, I shall deploy an appeal to authority. As Kevin is an acknowledged expert in programming and aphorisms, I submit that his assertion must be true. The end.
Everything I say is true, and you know this is true because everything I say is true.
@Kevin But all generalizations are false, including this one!
And eveything I say is a lie, and I say that everything Kevin says is true. Hmmm
Maybe it'll make sense in the morning. Rhubarb, all.
Rbrb @TigerhawkT3
Morning, cbg.
Morning @morgan
You didn't make him look like an ass. He did that all by himself.
Haha, That's true. :)
Why do I get a feeling that I'm going to get personally attacked for editing out a personal attack?
Hello everyone, I am a Django developer. I am working with the admin and I've found a problem. Somebody knows why I can't see a model in the list on setting user permissions? (I know it sounds silly) but, the models shouldn't be added to this list automatically
@Kevin :D Prescience
@Kevin Last seen Aug 10 at 4:53 .... Your edit will bring him back to SO :D
I feel like I am on a short fuse today so I probably shouldn't go looking for trouble...
That's exactly the time to seek out trouble and then vent forth
I just noticed I have pycharm installed :/
On Friday I wrote five items in my todo list. Four are descriptive sentences, and one just says "ViewReport.aspx". I have no idea what this could refer to.
There is a page with that name in my project, but as far as I can tell, it's working fine
Why is there “xxPython” in the title?
Is that a new Python implementation I don’t know of?
What are you trying to tell me, Past Kevin? What did you see?
The new python. C became C++. Python will become xxPython.
Also @poke Congrats on 100,000
I thought we were sticking with Python++?
Thanks :)
Python++ is too mainstream
Oh, I get it!
Instead of Python++, we do pre-incrementing, so ++Python, and then as a stylistic element, we rotate the pluses: xxPython!
In maths that X is for multiplication ;)
Take two snakes in "V" and "^" shapes, and overlay them. Result: XX
When possible, adjust the kerning so there's no space between the Xes.
Does Python (3) have a Map data structure? Basically a dict, but using objects/lists as keys.
@AwalGarg Did you look at a recently asked question by any chance? ;)
I don't go to the main site much anymore :/
class Map(dict):
    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        if isinstance(key, list):
            key = tuple(key)
        dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        if isinstance(key, list):
            key = tuple(key)
        return dict.__getitem__(self, key)

m = Map()
m[[1,2,3]] = 42
print m[[1,2,3]]
Regular dicts can already use objects as keys
>>> d = {}
>>> d[object()] = 42
>>> print d
{<object object at 0x00000000025080A0>: 42}
@AwalGarg You first need to decide whether those keys should be based on the value or the object
I was just about to say that :-)
Kevin’s examples show each of those possibilities respectively.
Here's a different and completely impractical approach:
>>> class ReferentialMap(dict):
...     def __setitem__(self, key, value):
...         key = id(key)
...         dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
...     def __getitem__(self, key):
...         key = id(key)
...         return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
>>> m = ReferentialMap()
>>> a = [1,2,3]
>>> b = [1,2,3]
>>> m[a] = 42
>>> print m[a]
>>> print m[b]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "<stdin>", line 7, in __getitem__
KeyError: 44247624L
@Kevin why are we casting the key to a tuple here?
Because tuples can be used as the key of a dict, and lists can't.
but... why? :(
good morning friends
I want to use lists as keys
Because tuples are immutable, and lists aren't; and it's necessary that the keys of a dictionary not be mutated while it is being used.
Mutating an object that is a dictionary's key will invoke... undefined behavior. (thunder crashes in background)
@Kevin so when I want to access the value pointed by my "list" (which got converted to a tuple) again, we convert the list back to a tuple. Isn't it a different key now?
a = [1, 2]
d[a] = 'foo'
a.append(3) # a = [1, 2, 3]

# now decide which of these two results should work:
print(d[[1, 2]])
@AwalGarg For my Map class, no. For my ReferentialMap class, yes.
@poke latter
Then you want a by-reference key.
@poke exactly
ReferentialMap it is, then.
@Kevin hmm, I didn't know about this id function ^^
>>> d = ReferentialMap()
>>> a = [1, 2]
>>> d[a] = 'foo'
>>> a.append(3) # a = [1, 2, 3]
>>> print d[a]
@AwalGarg Can you do for key, value in my_dict.items()? Does order matter necessarily? If so, you can probably use collections.OrderedDict
@Kevin this is indeed what I want. I shall try to implement this myself, then.
ofc this may backfire horribly for keys that aren't lists, ex. long integers. Numbers with the same value don't necessarily have the same id.
Small numbers do in CPython thanks to interning, but that's implementation dependent.
@Kevin Either you have a referential mapping, or you have not. We’re not going to mix things here! >_>
Yeah, caveat emptor
d = ReferentialMap()
x = 'foo'
d[x] = 'bar'
x = x[:2] + 'o'
d[x] = 'baz'
assert len(d) == 2
@Kevin @poke @corvid I don't know the room's view on JS, but devdocs.io/javascript/global_objects/weakmap this what I want in python :D It is a referential map, and doesn't allow primitive keys. Neither does it allow enumeration. But it is extremely efficient which matters to me in this use case.
Yeah, Kevin’s ReferentialMap is pretty close to that
Except that it doesn’t have any references.
So it’s ultra-weak.
(i.e. when you do d[x] = 'foo' you cannot find the object x in d.keys())
Yes, but at least it doesn't hinder garbage collection, in an apparently desirable fashion.
But if it doesn’t allow enumeration, you shouldn’t even notice that fact :P
@poke gotcha. Thanks @Kevin!
although, the key-value pair itself will still remain, so it doesn't exactly mimic WeakMap.
I'm not sure about the weakly referenced part tbh, still don't understand what that is in js
I am familiar with the concept through C#, but I didn't know js had it.
@corvid It’s pretty simple actually. Imagine you build an event system using the observer pattern (aka publish/subscribe).
@Kevin It is new to JS as well. ES6 brought it.
Then, if you do someObject.addListener(myListener) then someObject will hold a reference on myListener. If you now get rid of myListener, then the reference from someObject will keep that object alive although you no longer need it.
A weak reference will not keep it alive so it will be garbage collected.
Oooh, that makes a lot of sense the way you explain it
And that weak-reference pattern can be applied to many situations where it’s helpful, this is just one example :)
>>> def frob(d):
...     x = [1,2,3]
...     d[x] = 42
>>> d = ReferentialMap()
>>> frob(d)
>>> #x should have been collected by this point, so if d was a WeakMap, it would have zero elements.
... print len(d)
Python has a weakref module but I've never used it.
I think I actually need weak references in something I am working on right now then. I want to listen until receiving a specific message (or until some timeout is reached), then remove the listener. Is that a use case for weak references?
Reading the module, I suspect a true WeakMap is possible, but requires more effort than I'm willing to exert

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