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@coltonoscopy you want to look into concurrency. thread the work and communicate back at intervals to either a progress bar or a main class to handle messages passed from the work thread
@Humdinger interesting i haven't thought much about that
@tristan i'm using threads with the Queue class, if that's what you're referring to
Yep. You can also set the priority of the "progress bar" thread higher than the others
Progress bars are actually a very significant hard problem to do correctly
i wouldn't have guessed this would be as difficult as it is; i figured just having threads and doing calculations every 2 seconds within them would be good enough
But if you think about it, every thread has to do the calculation
so you are duplicating work needed
It is better to have the progress calculation/reporting in its own thread, or at the process level
every thread needs to know progress derived from its own stderr stream though, each thread wraps a subprocess that pipes output from an executable
or is there still a better way around that?
It would be better if the thread didnt know/care about its own progress. Then you have another thread living somewhere that does.
ONE thread that knows the state of all others
so from the main process, i could just, every 2 seconds, poll each thread for its last line of stderr?
That could work.
let the main process sleep for 2 seconds between each polling
it would work even better if you set the priority of the threads lower
so no printing at all from the threads, and the main process with 90% CPU usage will still be able to print to stdout or stderr?
@coltonoscopy are the calculations discrete units or are they part of a long running process?
a main process with 100% usage will be able to print.
If you post your code somewhere I could give you better advice
specifically the thread code
@Humdinger sure, does pastebin work?
yep. anything
CPU usage is distinct from blocking.
@tristan what do you mean by your question? not sure i follow
@coltonoscopy are you doing for task in work_list or in the worker thread are you calling some_func_that_is_blocking_until_done()?
Or post your code, can look there
that's the function called from each thread once created
btw thank you guys so much for taking the time to assist and look at my code, its much appreciated
I'm at a python event woo
wait im confused... Whats the purpose of this line?:
`# get a thread from the queue
item = q.get()`
because you never use item...
your using a thread to open a new thread?
my understanding of how exactly Queue works is a bit hazy but it was more just the q.get() part that seemed important, as that takes a worker thread from the Queue and i assumed it was necessary based on another Stack Overflow question i had looked at
if thats not how Queue works i apologize
q.get grabs a thread to USE for the process
so for example, your process would call thread =q.get()
then use thread.run()
# give the Queue the right number of task threads to make
for i in range(self.get_num_transcodes()):

for transcode in self.transcodes:

# kick off all transcodes
for transcode in self.transcodes:
t = threading.Thread(target=transcode.run)
t.daemon = True

this exists in the script beforehand as well
where transcode.run is the function you saw in the pastebin
q.join is not part of that for
Ok so there is a lot going on here
but the main takeaway is that Popen waits for excecution to be finished before continuing
so your status printing loop doesnt get touched until the command is done
i thought it was call that was blocking, not Popen?
i looked it up and that was what i gathered anyways, perhaps i was wrong
i guess it would make sense....
you might be right, let me refresh my knowledge real quick.
i executed a few simple threaded tests with Popen before where several threads outputted at the same time, so it seemed non-blocking
Any GAE gurus online?
@coltonoscopy Turns out POpen gives you the subprocess but doesnt start it. I might be missing something here but it looks you never call it. So you will be in an infinite loop always waiting for a return code and never getting one
but see when i started the code, it did give me output from the processes for about five seconds so they definitely did start, and my cpu usage cranked up to 90%
and the usage stayed at 90% afterwards
well ya, a bunch of threads in an infinite loop would definitely cause high cpu usage. But why did you get some output... strange. Let me investigate
it starts a total of 11 threads
Ah yes
I remember now.
Ok Popen starts the thread and spawns it.
but you won't get the return code until you join with the thread
So what is happening is that your threads are done, but you never join, so they just sit there uncollected and your loop just runs
And BTW just so you know, you actually have a bunch of threads spawning more threads. Its somewhat odd behavior.
hm interesting so what would you propose, given the structure of the code?
@PeterVaro it's not long now!
Q: why '__getattr__ ' is not printing characters in python

momiI've encountered this problem. I'm reading this 'learning python' book, looking into delegation. And I'm running under python 3.4. class C(): data='spam' def __getattr__(self,name): print ('getattr:'+name) return getattr(self.data,name) X=C() X.__getitem__(0) When I r...

@coltonoscopy Ok you need to change your while loop to while self.proc.poll() != 0
and then when your done call self.proc.wait() to collect the thread
Jon on the SOPython site, is it okay to add an additional flask extension?
@corvid do what you wish, if the team aren't happy with it, we'll review your PR
and then discuss it further
@Humdinger would self.proc.wait() go right after the close of each while loop?
Yes. wait is what joins with the thread in order to collect it and close it. (It waits for completion of thread first hence the 'Wait')
but poll() returns 0 if the thread is done
so just to be clear, self.proc is always going to be a popen object, but the threads themselves encapsulate the run function, which will bear two popen objects
so calling self.proc.wait() won't terminate the thread being run, but rather close out that subprocess object?
when you call popen, you are actually creating ANOTHER thread
you you have a thread living inside a thread
calling wait will join the sub thread to the parent thread
but the parent thread will continue running
okay that makes a lot more sense, thank you so much! the printing is still not working but i imagine now at least the threads will terminate properly when the work is finished because the subprocesses will close out and the poll function will take care of that
swap the print statements back to the way they were
stderr wont work the way you have it set up
well so it actually did start printing for five seconds again and then stopped
the printing is still not working as would be ideal i should say
but our plan was to adopt a polling process from within the main process right?
as opposed to having each thread broadcast its progress
what you want to do is have your thread SLEEP for 2 seconds rather then keeping track of time
you are wasting a LOT of cpu cycles otherwise
.sleep() is non-blocking?
sleep wont block the subprocess
loose the time tracking, and as the last statement in your while loop, sleep the current thread for 2 seconds
what would be the function call for that exactly?
just to be sure im using the right module
I bet you your cpu load will go down drastically
still at 90% but things are outputting!
well awesome
but i lost my bet.. darn
heres $20
lol no thanks so much for your help, definitely getting closer to the end here. it doesnt look like its printing what i want still but it might be printing to both stdout and stderr
good luck
umm... just got called an ubergeek - not sure if that's good or not
whats the context?
thanks a lot @Humdinger you've really helped a lot, next step will be to try and get all of the polling code within the main process either way so its organized and not a bunch of misordered bunches of lines and spaces :]
@coltonoscopy np. Ya, that will be a major refactor. Good luck. Sounds like a fun project!
it's a bit of an exercise, that's for sure! :D
@JonClements what was the context for you being called an ubergeek?
oh... an old director of a company I use to work for about 10 years ago has got in touch
im not sure how to interpret that either...
My technical job description was "Head of Data Services"/"Senior Technical Consult" - but was always called "Head Geek"
@Humdinger know why the program would hang and not display anything from stderr just by adding line2 = self.proc.stdout.readline() (am thinking some output is directed to stdout and some to stderr)?
Sounds like a microsoft title "head geek"
@coltonoscopy you are not piping stdout. So it is not possible to retrieve it
doesnt having this make that happen? self.proc = Popen(self.commands[0], stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=True)
@coltonoscopy ya, that should work. Nothing else comes to mind atm
you could also try to NOT pipe, and when you want to print you can call stout, stderr = proc.communicate()
but that may cause other problems based on how your code is set up
have I missed something about why we're even using Popen here?
@JonClements no, i never asked that question (but it came to mind..). I guess only an ubergeek would notice :p
@JonClements i wanted the subprocess calls to be non blocking so that within the function the subprocesses are executed, i could parse stdout and stderr to extract progress from the running procs
though if you have a better suggestion i am all ears
don't start threads with processes, just use multiprocessing in the std lib
i originally wanted to use multiprocessing but it seemed to be more suited to running python functions over subprocesses
okay, at the very least use subprocess :)
(instead of Popen)
Popen is a function in subprocess
am i missing something
oh wait, sorry, it's late, I might be confusing it with some p* functions in the os module
haha no worries, i know those do exist as well and have similar nomenclature
i also know for a fact there are a million better ways to do this surely than what i'm doing, but it's my first threading/subprocess foray
so you're executing an external program that requires stdin and you're trying to get its stdouts?
it doesnt require stdin per se unless you want to send in a y flag to overwrite a file if it exists (which is a next step to implement)
im running ffmpeg, which writes to stderr and i think stdout because some of what its supposed to spit out is not going to stderr
but when i try to read piped stdout through the Popen object, the program blocks
yup - if no further input occurs, it will constantly wait
until a pipe breaks and it's broken
ok cbg all
thanks for everything, @Humdinger!
@Humdinger did you mean rbrb? :)
@JonClements so how can i obtain my stdout?
not sure... depends on your setup and OS... I'd be tempted to looking into a single process (the consumer) queueing to the threads etc... the producers.... to do it
but then you get a bottleneck of locking
and it's nearly 1am... :)
haha next step i think is to get the threads to stop reading and parsing their own streams and just do it from the main process, as Humdinger suggested too
Yup... seems a good approach
been a good learning experience
Have the main dispatch to threads/processes in shared memory and have it collect them
i dont follow :[
So if you're processing a billion line file, the main process is responsible for reading the file
then putting them in a queue, then when each process/thread can put those up from the queue...
put them back in a process queue kind of thing
hm so right now its basically a single video file is the input source, and i spawn ~11 threads to run ffmpeg on this video file to encode it in a different way
like spawning 11 instances of ffmpeg with slightly different parameters, 11 screens if you will

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