Today I saw a question that was effectively "how do I make a mutable integer?". The guy wanted two unrelated classes to have attributes pointing at the same int, so changing one changes the other.
I think that's a question that probably has a dupe, too.
In computer science, an object type (a.k.a. wrapping object) is a datatype which is used in object-oriented programming to wrap a non-object type to make it look like a dynamic object.
Some object-oriented programming languages make a distinction between reference and value types, often referred to as objects and non-objects on platforms where complex value types don't exist, for reasons such as runtime efficiency and syntax or semantic issues. For example, Java has primitive wrapper classes corresponding to each primitive type: Integer and int, Character and char, Float and float, etc. Languages...
I agree with you on "I can see that it'd be nice to not have a user that's genuinely concerned on improving their question suddenly receive a barrage of (presumably down in most cases) votes."
I expect that there's enough dorks on Meta that will downvote as a reflex, even if they know the OP is trying to improve
final fantasy, legend of zelda, good franchises. yeah the witness should be fun to experience, jonathan blow seems to have a good head on his shoulders
I have implemented a subset of Python, and I need to find some test suites that are used to testing the implementation of Python (yeah, the language itself), something like the test suites used by SpiderMonkey to test the implementation of Javascript, so I am expecting some authoritative, or ope...
@davidism I had a question for you if you don't mind -- I noticed your comment on the view_groups route, but have no been able to quite get a purely sqlalchemy equivalent for people with no groups. Is that what you meant by changing the query?