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long post, but I think it's the old if a or b == c problem
@Kevin you sure?
Like 90%. Cyber posted an answer that agrees with me
@Kevin I like the fact that wall of text has "Text cut for clarity" occuring several times in it :)
Bless his heart, he respects the reader's time :'-)
@Kevin umm... it's not quite the same a or b == c... more a misunderstanding of the explicit boolean on the while...
Although cyber has linked to Martijn's post
I think I'll hold off until the OP replies to Cyber's answer
It's not inconceivable for if a or b == c to be intentional... Maybe he wants to keep looping as long as the e parameter is truthy.
The int call would be a little inexplicable then, but meh
Exactly... although probably not likely... but a possibility none the less :)
Don't wanna be the one to hammer something incorrectly :(
I know that feeling. Or, I predict I would know that feeling if I had the Hammer.
@Kevin just another 418 upvotes in Python required... you can do that by end of the month :)
@Kevin 101 sure
"when the port switches from closed (9) to open (8)"
so the values are 9 and 8 for the port read
Hi guys
arrr. Flask. Why doth thou torment me so
@corvid doth it mock ye?
Can anyone see any issues with installing git on a server since I generally develop my one site by editing files on a dev server? And doing commits from the server?
it doth. I should really finish that SOPython pr though
@Johnston that sounds like you should definitely use git on the server for that
@Johnston have a bare repo on the server as a remote, then push to that from local?
(well, it doesn't need to be a bare repo I guess...)
@JonClements is that what heroku does?
@corvid yup - that's how we had the older sopython set up
on a push, it automatically use to checkout the latest master and restart the uwsgi processes to pick up code changes
A: JS : regex pattern "? OR end of string"

Antti HaapalaMatch digits followed by ? or $, whichever comes first, as group 1. /.*?(\d+)(?:\?|$)/

lol the other answer, wrong answer and 4 upvotes in an instant
@JonClements @corvid I made this site about 4 years ago. And for some reason at the time I started just by developing on a dev server and pushing it directly to the live server.. Just using vim.. Now I realize the thing should be tracked on git.. I could just install git on the server and push from there since I normally do my dev work there. any issues with that that you can see?
"pushing"... ftp'in...
I just prefer having the live server to have a bare repo, then push over SSH from other machines to the live one
Makes sense
oops, closed the wrong tab
cabbage all
Johnston you ever use heroku?
Hi, anyone could help me with a django db query?
@chaim please check the room's etiquette sopython.com/pages/chatroom - you don't need to ask if it's okay to ask... just ask, and if anyone can help/available - they'll do so :)
thanks @Jon, I've asked because this chat is for python and not django specific
I'll ask :)
I have that model with:
Not sure our Django experts are about, but I know a tiny bit :)
fetch_date = models.DateTimeField(default=now)
followers_count = models.PositiveIntegerField()...
and I would like to fetch followers_count and fetch_date GROUP BY fetch_date (days)
I'll do what I can
I've seen a lot of questions and answers in SO but I couldn't make it work anyone
What are you trying and what errors are you getting?
For example this is not grouping by date:
ta.stats.extra(select={'day': 'date( fetch_date )'}).values('day') \
for the aggrupate group I don't care if its, Max, Avg, Min...
is there an easy way to print out a dictionary in an easy-to-read yaml like format for debugging?
@Humdinger either pprint it, or json.dumps it with an indent of 4
I just hit the nerve on my knee so hard I went blind and deaf for 20 seconds
@JonClements thanks
what I want is to remove (or group) duplicate dates...
I think I got it
ta.stats.extra({"day": "date_trunc('day', fetch_date)"}).values("day").order_by().annotate(followers_count=Avg("followers_‌​count"))
postgresql only
Glad my silence was useful? :)
kind of that :)

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