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@Basj u there ?
is anyone around ?
3 hours later…
Cabbage all! :D
cbg @GamesBrainiac
@GamesBrainiac you remember my situation chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/6?m=12721019#12721019
now I resolved and I would like to say thank you (in general)
Lets take a look
@MirkoCianfarani Ahh, thats awesome then man
Glad to hear it.
I resolved with:
	l=cherrypy.url(path='')+"?"+ cherrypy.request.query_string

	if l in ("","http://localhost:8100/?"):
	      raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/index?json_data=" + n)
        return self.tmpl_out("draft_ipol_editor.html", urld=urld)
    index.exposed = True
Cabbage @Games
@samrap hey man
@MirkoCianfarani good, but who uses cherrypy these days?
How are things
I know that now there are other server and I use this for the project and wednesday (18/12/13 or 12/18/13) I discuss and I graduating in engineer informatic @GamesBrainiac
there isn't a scope or objetive for work and only for study
@samrap pretty good, I just set up my blog :)
@MirkoCianfarani what do you mean?
I not know who use Cherrypy (
I think a few people) @GamesBrainiac
What's the link? :) @Games
@samrap gamesbrainiac.github.io
@MirkoCianfarani No, I was talking about objective for work and only for study?
I really did not understand that
I say only that I use Cherrypy for study and it is a fast and simplier server @GamesBrainiac
@MirkoCianfarani Ahh, well don't then.
Use flask, it has a lot more resources behind it
and it far more widely used.
Hey you have a face! @Games ;)
I like the blog
Also Ruby is the tenth most widely used programming language @GamesBrainiac
@samrap Yes, most people do :P
Sorry for the late reply, I was a little busy
@MirkoCianfarani Take my advice, start with flask
it has a great bunch of resources at your disposal
I will take his advice @GamesBrainiac
after the wedneday because now I am occupied
@Jerry Hey man!
exams over?
@inspectorG4dget did you just wake up or something?
hi @GamesBrainiac Yup, since last Monday
so what're you up to now?
cbg ya'll
kinda rainy here.... :(
yam thundering tooo.....
i can't get pycharm to register ipython as an interpreter
Hi all!
Can I create a variable named Y that is linked to root.winfo_height()?
so that if root.winfo_height() change, Y change automatically ?
@GamesBrainiac I was out at the supermarket with colleagues
got to get some things complete now
@Jerry Oh, okay! :D
@JonClements Cabbage!
How ya been jon?
of all the file types I have to work with, PDF is by far the worst 90% of the time
cbg again... phew that was close
@Games cbg
Still a bit yucky - but not so bad today thanks
oh, was that the cold you were speaking about some time ago? :(
@GamesBrainiac you asked 'em support center about stackoverflow.com/questions/20562170/…
@Jerry day before yesterday/yesterday it was a bit more than a cold.... yuck :( But anyway... still alive it appears :)
ouch. Yea, I hope things get better sooner rather than later.
@KDawG Their support isn't all that great :P
Its just better to ask on stackoverflow most of the time
@GamesBrainiac you gotta be kidding me....
after you pay $99
Yea, it sucks, what can you do?
Most of the time its not their fault, but rather how the os works.
I've been having a lot of problems on linux
-1 for impersonation. (Referring to your profile picture.) — devnull 1 min ago
pycharm works like a charm on windows
Damn, and there was I thinking it was really a world class tennis player asking a ruby/python question :)
@KDawG I want to do something at tkinter startup :
# Initialization of the objects , using root.winfo_width, but this is 0 before mainloop

Yeah... I'm amazed Roger Federer has the time to do programming :)
Where should I put the things at tkinter startup but such that I CAN use root.winfo_width()?
@Basj ask @KDawG that. He's used it a lot more than I have.
@GamesBrainiac asking me right now :D
@KDawG And I was helping :P
BTW I hate the super() function:
btw, I just love this song, so thought I'd share
@KDawG me too.
it sucks.
infact python's OO isn't all that great.
can't understand a thing : stackoverflow.com/a/20562891/2425215
stackoverflow.com/questions/20563284 O_o 250,000,000 rows in an array...
holy O.o
...I am using it is because it only takes 30 mins to build the record array from scratch whereas it takes over 24 hours if using a conventional 2D list format. o_o
cbg all
@JonClements This permalink http://chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/13498079#13498079
is valid also for you
beautiful cabbage morning for all
@Peter it's raining...
umm.. rain is also beautiful.. doesn't it? ;)
You're in one of those moods are you?
oh, I'm always in those moods ;)
But - it seems to be better than the "entire of the human race is doomed - why do we do what we do - what's the point of trying" mood :)
// you know I want to move to Iceland some day, don't you?
@JonClements yeah, a tiny bit better, I guess I'm coming out of that valley
although.. I still don't know what is the point of this whole thing we call life, world, universe and everything else but for now, I'm focusing on absolutely no-reason small tasks..
back guys
how we all doin?
heya @GamesBrainiac
same ol', same ol', how 'bout ya'?
@JonClements What do you usually use for file system monitoring?
@PeterVaro You're gna rant about Adobe again? if so I'll gladly join in XD
@Games whispers: I think Peter might actually be a woman... these mood swings are a dead give away...
@GamesBrainiac Adobe is my own archenemy, but now today morning :)
@JonClements you don't say :P
@JonClements hey-hey-hey...
@PeterVaro took you long enough
umm.. do we know any woman on SO who is a Python dev?
@PeterVaro Erm no.
Which is a shame really.
heya @KristianGlass
@KristianGlass You're here?
@KristianGlass How ya been Kris?
@KristianGlass So glad to see you here! :D
@Games wow... I never get that kind of welcome! :)
@JonClements well, he dsn't head-scratches now does he? :P
Good point...
Anyways, he's a mentor of mine. He helps me out a lot and gives me some good advice.
@GamesBrainiac Hey, good thanks, and you?
Actually a lot of good advice XD
Aww shucks
@KristianGlass Doing great man. I was hoping that you'd come here at some point.
heya @IntrepidBrit
@IntrepidBrit You're here too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Morning you reprehensible bunch of reprobates
@IntrepidBrit Except me right?
@GamesBrainiac Especially you ;)
@PeterVaro Hey bud
@IntrepidBrit you after a Gorbals kiss sonny?
@JonClements You just made that name up! :P
@JonClements Nah, we call it a Glesge kiss
@IntrepidBrit Erm, what the heck is that?
Oh ffs, well - I can't keep up with all the bloody nuances of you Scots
Is that a brit way of saying facepalm ?
Hahaha. No, it's a local term for "headbutt"
Haha.... ya feckin jessie
@JonClements I think I hear that line in "The Escape Artist" :P
@IntrepidBrit but anyway.... greetings and salutations :)
Fantastic - LBC are going to be discussing Scientology and something to do with it being a religion or something
So, straw poll
Django on Tomcat - instinctive reactions to a talk with that title?
@KristianGlass Why not just use gunicorn + nginx?
@JonClements Haha cheers
@GamesBrainiac Multiple reasons, including "liking tomcat", "having tomcat", etc.
@IntrepidBrit my apologies - I get confused between Star Trek and Scottish... they look similar if you squint...
"Provoking a visceral reaction in readers"
@KristianGlass Ermm, honestly mate, nginx + gunicorn works fine for me.
What benefits would tomcat give you?
Try it. If your audience performs Sepukku then perhaps it garnered too great a reaction.... (or they interpreted your desired result too literally)
@JonClements Heh that's the current plan
@GamesBrainiac I never claimed it didn't work for me
Well here's my reaction -> Meh.
"Hey guys - I'm doing a talk to get everyone to kill themselves. What should I call it to achieve this?" :)
@JonClements ;P
I wonder if there's an SE site for that :)
@JonClements I think that might be "Django on IIS" or something, but I have standards
Gotta be careful with that one. That inspired a great burst of a feeling that was more leaning towards wanting to kill you, than myself :) IIS indeed :(
Haha point
@KristianGlass ".... why?" that's my reaction
@IntrepidBrit was that before or after drinking scotch and wanting to kick the toley outta 'im ?
@IntrepidBrit I think my current response is "Why not!"
Fight Fight Fight!
@JonClements can you please help me?
yesterday, we can't figure this out with Kevin, but maybe you can do some magic -- at least hint me with some advice..
@KristianGlass It just sounds painful for little benefit I guess
here is what I wrote ^
@JonClements Don't you mean "breakfast"?
It catches all the arithmetic methods and 'saves' them for later
@IntrepidBrit So's writing things in InterCal, BF, Whitespace, etc.
@KristianGlass Again, whats the benefit? Are you planning to use jython or something?
then, if you pass a value to it, it will replace the variable with value and calculate the actual
value of the expression
now, the problem is, when I do this:
it will give me, something horrible wrong:
@Peter let me get more tea first
^ this is what is happening in the background
@GamesBrainiac Using Jython is necessary, afaict
instead of this:
which means that the problem -- as we saw it -- is in line 75
Ultimately I'm a bit bored of talks like "Using $new_tool with $current_tool" and going for something a bit more...controversial
@PeterVaro that is atrocious
self.expression = '({}).{}({})'.format(self.expression, operation, variable)
@GamesBrainiac is it?
@KristianGlass Again, what is the benefit? What are you trying to achieve?
probably it is not as simple as I thought: by relying on the order how the interpreter calls the methods
and then put one after another
since that won't work..
@JonClements so after the tea, what do you think?
@PeterVaro He's probably thinking "Woof Woof! That was awesome tea"
which is okay, but after that?
@PeterVaro I can only read one move into the future.
@KristianGlass I'm sure people have their reasons for doing so, it just seems needlessly painful is all :)
@peter what are you doing???
@JonClements I tried to explain it above :)
//does it look that bad, that it deserves 3 question mark?
I'm errr... wow... okay... what are you doing this for ?
for a GUI layouter
That requires this because?
there are Pathes, that you can constraint together in a very high-level way, but under the hood, there is a Solver, which needs Layouts, which needs Containers which holds Variables, so when you add the constraints to Pathes it will calculate the minimum values for it and solves the linear equations and inequations
and what you see here is the Variable class
Have you looked at sympy ?
oh ofc and I now lp_solve and glpk and cvxopt as well
but I want to learn linear solving
so I'm trying to make it my own
@PeterVaro, do you where I should place (in the code) the things that happen immediately when the app start (tkinter)?
If I place them **before** root.mainloop(), I cannot have access to some things like root.winfo_width() (not set before mainloop)
@Basj this is where you should create a class for your app (a subclass of tkinter.Tk) and put all your "setup" into` __init__` method
hum.... put in the init will mainloop be running ?
@Basj a rough sketch:
@Peter I'm struggling to work out what all that extra work is outside of the eval
class MyApp(tkinter.Tk):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
         tkinter.Tk.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         # my setup goes here...
    def run(self):

# Create app and enter into event loop
ok thanks, but when "#my setup goes here" is done, the loop isn't running yet
@JonClements you mean the naming thingy in __init__ of Variable class?
so the problem is the same : in "#my setup goes here", I wouldn't be able to access to things like self.winfo_width() ...
Nope... pretty much what all that's doing outside the eval :)
@Basj that's right, but then all your values are stored in the instance, so you can always look at them and use them
@JonClements you mean, the whole extender functions?
@PeterVaro : where shoud I put the code that runs immediately after the mainloop has started ?
inside __init__ --> that's why it's called initialization
when you call MyApp() <- the init will be called, when you call .run() <- it will enter into mainloop
    class MyApp(tkinter.Tk):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
             tkinter.Tk.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
             # here the mainloop() hasn't started yet so I cannot do things here

        def run(self):

    # Create app and enter into event loop
why not?
because I need to access to things like self.winfo_width(), etc.
and this won't be available before mainloop() is running
@Peter ahhh okies... gimme a mo.... let me think about that one.... ugh though ugh :)
@JonClements thank you!
@Basj you bind a function to the event when you want to access to it
that is the big secret, that is the event-driven programming
//or at least I think this is what they call it these days
Ok , @PeterVaro, is there an "event" which happens immediately after mainloop has started ?
some sorte of WINDOWS_CREATE like WINDOWS_DELETE protocol ?
@JonClements if you remove the import error and raise ArithmeticValueError line -> you can run it yourself with this code for example:
x = Variable('x')
and the substituted and the "interpreted" one won't be the same
@Basj I guess here is the time when I have to ask -- what exactly are you trying to do?
give me a technical or a user story
At init of my app, the XML is read, then it's time to display the Entry
the entries
For correct display I need to know the app windows' size
well, in tkinter you will decide the app's window size
instead of using a fixed width=X= 600 (this will be false if user maximizes)
so you put the size definition inside __init__ before the line you call the read_back function
I would like to use root.winfo_width() => then my display function will be always good, even if user maximizes, etc.
but at the first moment when your window is opened for the first time (the program starts running)
there HAS TO BE an initial value
and the truth is, you pass it
so there is no need to get it from the user
I initialize root.geometry(...)
or from anywhere else
when the user maximizes the window, that means the window is already there
What I could do is :
so you have to bind a function to the event which will be called anytime the window has been resized
yes why not!
but am I sure this event will happen?
and you do this binding inside __init__
@Basj I think when you specify the window size for the first time it will run..
but I'm not sure
i.e. if the user uses a software OUTSIDE of mine : "Un-maximize all windows in the system"
will this event be called ?
that is the other weakpoint of tkinter, that you can't tinker inside the mainloop -- it is ready-made for you
@Basj absolutely not
that is the OS level -- you can control only your windows inside your app
ok... so if some other apps decides to resize mine
that this RESIZE event of my app won't be called :(
other apps can't decide that!
even task manager ?
or things like that ?
well, I think (btw those are OS Window Manager level apps) your resize event will be triggered
Do you know by heart the named of the resize event , or should I google/SO ?
you should google it:)
"tkinter window resize event" -- I guess these are good keywords for a google search
@JonClements any idea? or are you still trying to figure out what I am doing?
I'm replying to an email... bear with me
umm.. okay..
@Peter you missing an import for Number somewhere?
3rd line?
Nope - I just deleted that line LOL
well done me
@Peter so how do I get it working even...
declare a variable, then do what to provide the equation?
20 mins ago, by Peter Varo
x = Variable('x')
the last line prints what value it should be
the line before the last prints what is happening inside it
which is wrong ofc
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'int' and 'instance'
that is the problem
umm Python 3.x ?
Nope - I'll switch interpreter
(__truediv__ only exists in 3.x in 2.x __div__ is there, but I did not implemented that)
okay one sec
Thanks to my poor math skills this was a tough one :

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