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what is this guy talking about?
Q: How convert String to DOM?

simply denisorder that would make getElementsByTagName ("s"); and give value = '2d331be47563423424abdb7fe2eee6401c7b00417' my string: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=windows-1251' /> </head> <body onload="try { document.getEleme...

@drachenstern He's smoking something strong enough to make him think a simple string can transcend it's mere bits and bytes to become a full-fledged Document Object Model.
I mean seriously
also, the name "simply denis" sounds so familiar ... I wonder if I've answered his questions before or ....
seems like that's from a movie... but I can't place it
The really confusing part is that it has an upvote and and answer, rather than being [Closed]
his name that is
what libraries in Java do HTML decomposition into nodes, or what breaks things down from forms into fields? I don't do Java so I have no clue. Is it part of the standard library?
org.xml.sax? :P
Oh wait...
org.w3c.dom is less pointless.
it doesn't matter. He should learn the language and his platform rather than write kludgy hacks
I still think he's doing something auth related
ok, off to write SQL this morning instead of garner upvotes. My rep curve needs a break anyways ;)
I can downvote you if you think it will help :P
I got suckered into answering a question from someone who repeats the same question worded slightly differently every few days and never accepts an answer:
A: asp.net sending data

mootinatorYou might use a socket. It would help if you're more specific about exactly what you're trying to accomplish. Do you need live communication, or would connecting to a shared database do what you need? Is the web application on the same computer as the server or a different one from the forms a...

I make it policy to never answer someone with a 0% acceptance rate
@CodingGorilla I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. Though it's clear the person in this case was being willfully ignorant.
@zerkms is it too early for you to be around?
yay supermulticollider! it announces things to you when you're not online and you come back later :P
I can't downvote, I already upvoted to prevent it being a useless answer :p
this is getting fun now :p
Q: How convert String to DOM?

simply denisorder that would make getElementsByTagName ("s"); and give value = '2d331be47563423424abdb7fe2eee6401c7b00417' my string: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=windows-1251' /> </head> <body onload="try { document.getEleme...

I'm enjoying the arguement over whether it's Java or Javascript
seems like by default the OP should win that one
I think my answer has all the reasons listed plainly enough. I'm curious to see if he'll post a better version of the question. I wouldn't mind it being posted in Russian, just to let someone translate it.
(aka Google Translate)
lol why can't we give him the benefit of the doubt? lol people are more desperate to change the tag, rather than actually answer the question
@Sagar I am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt ;)
oh not you
I mean Erik Robertson and the other guy
"Insist all you want. This question is Javascript, not Java. I replaced the tag" - Erik Robertson
yea, that's funny as hell to me
apparently Erik is in the OP's head and knows what he is really thinking
Well I agree with Erik on this one, but I'm trying to give the OP a break and see what he means
that it's Javascript and not Java?
Yeah, because of the get element call at the top
but sometimes you only know one metaphor
am I the only one annoyed by the fixed column width in Skype after you expand the window a certain size?
and he agrees with you
"drachenstern, YES YES!! – simply denis 19 secs ago"
but that bit of javascript is irrelevent to his question, it may just be part of whatever document that's trying to parse via java
(which I thought you pointed out)
no, I mean, he knows that in javascript he can get an element by id or class. He doesn't know how to do that in java
so he uses the one metaphor he knows to describe the metaphor he doesn't
Oh, I gotcha
Javascript, Java... omg...
I updated, if anyone here reads Russian can they translate better than Google or give feedback in Russian?
how do you know he's russian?
He's actually Ukrainian
and if he is, we're probably helping him hack some military website :P
it says he's from the Ukraine ... I'm so Amerikan
I have no clue, I thought the Ukraine spoke Russian
they do...but its a second language
anyway, translation the best i can get:
oh ok, well fine, see, I'm an american :p
they spoke ukranium
there is a value he needs to get from an html page and put into a java string
he knows this can be done well through a dom, but he does not know how
i don't speak russian, but i have enough experience with translating google translate's translationa
I'm going to upvote for the comedic value
lol i already did, because someone downvoted the question
if you don't understand the question, ask for a translation or an explanation. don't downvote it because someone else's first language is not english (and the consequent confusion)
Yep, hence I'm trying to help.
@drachenstern Not sure if I'm better, than GT, but I'll try: "I have a string in JAVA and it contains html file (page of a site). I need a function to get 'value' in 'input'. I know, that it is easy to do through DOM model, but I unable to do so"
aah...wow I was sooo off that translation :S sorry :(
@OlegKuznetsov do you by chance think you can work with the OP to get a better resolution on the question?
You can see we don't mind helping with the confusion of the translation
Is anyone here skilled in objective-c?
@RichardJRossIII not necessarily, but ask anyways
@drachenstern Not sure, sorry :-/
I need to copy an nsarray, just like the System.Array.Copy() method in C#
System.Array.Copy(array, i + 1, array, i, len - i - 1);
I cant find an equivalent in objc
@RichardJRossIII can you give it in the form of a question? (yay Jeopardy)
Yes... are you saying to put in on the parent site?
does this help at all @RichardJRossIII ?
Q: deep copy NSMutableArray in Objective-C ?

ivanTheTerribleHi All, Is there any built-in function in Objective-C allows me to deep copy a NSMutableArray? I looked around, some people say [aMutableArray copyWithZone:nil] works as deep copy. But I tried it seems no. Right now I am manually doing the copy one by one (a 9*9 array): //deep copy a 9*9 muta...

nope :(
I looked at that 10000 times..
Q: Objective-C copy an NSArray properly?

Kelso.bMy iPhone app keeps crashing, and I've narrowed it down to this one line over the past bloody week: NSArray *fetchResults = [managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:request error:&error]; I'm getting the right result from the above, but the app crashes after accessing it (EXC_BAD_ACCESS)....

nor that one I take it?
If we can eliminate what we know doesn't help, then we can fine tune to what does help
I dont think so...
thats all coredata..
i just have a simple array
ok, like I said, I don't know Objective-C
and need to copy a range of it...
but we're good with helping people find answers
ok, ill ask on parent site then
why not do it the simple naive way?
foreach(element in range) array.add?
theres some weirdness with foreach in objective c though.
Ok, ill come back if i have more questions
serious limitations
well in this case you would do a for (i = 0; i< target; i++) style copy
that probably what I will do
I would only do a foreach to add non-keyed elements from one to another
well back to work with me
good luck!
@simplydenis welcome
Now we can figure out the issue on the java question :D
errr lol? :P
check the right, he's supposedly here
@drachenstern yep
@CodingGorilla you seen thisiswhyyourefat.com ?
Chocolate Mousse Burger! :(
didn't know uz were all talking about it here
My hobby:
Using a CTE to solve everything.
A: T-SQL script - logic issues with timeline

mootinatorIf you use a recursive CTE to combine the results of the query you have above, you could chain up to 32767 records together. You might consider that approach if you don't think you'll ever get near that amount. I created a working example, because I wasn't sure. Your grouping would be differen...

It's from working with SQL Server 2000 for so long I just can't help myself.
i once wrote a view that acts just like a table using triggers ^_^
@simplydenis I'll try one more time. If you're here, please comment. Thanks.
@mootinator Wheee! Tumbleweed! \o/
My wife still laughs when she sees tumbleweed.
I have a meeting in 5 minutes, and I completely forgot to read the relevant document :S
@OlegKuznetsov Those tumbleweed need freehand circles around them.
@mootinator that would be on meta.chat.so ;)
@drachenstern Riiight ;)
I really should do some work...
... but I really dont want to
I just created an SVN repository.
That took 10 minutes, because I did it wrong the first time.
From what I hear of Git and Mercurial they would have psychically known what I want, or something.
@Chacha102 Hello.
With Git, the repository would already be present in the directory by the time you decided you needed it
Complete with all the changes you've made so far, with sensible commit messages
oh crap, I just detached a database and didn't look up the path first /facepalm
That's ok, we use sensible naming and I found it pretty quickly
LOL @ all of you :P
sensi... what?
I know, such a foreign concept
also, 1920x1080 is the only way to live
how did I ever live without it before?
Sensible names, like: c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\2399\DB093289\x5w678.mdf
what is this "sensible" creature you keep referring to
I mean like F:\z_redirect\f_redirect\ldap\modem\com\mickey\minnie\sa1239adfasd0123adfa.mdpf
could you imagine a nested set of _redirect directories like that? Oh the horrors
I don't get it... I'm totally lost, maybe you can translate it into russian for me :P
(those who've already seen me asking this question please ignore) is anyone here familiar with opengl?
hi all, btw :)
@Anton I know how to spell it: O-P-E-N-G-L, but that's about as far as I go
@drachenstern did he every respond? (simple denis)
@Sagar I have no idea. Not in the chat room.
@Anton I've found that questions get better responses here than meta questions
for meta questions you should probably goto meta.so
Q: how can I check that a point is in a triangle?

user472221Hi also consider that I have 4 points and I will have 4 triangles how can I check these four triangles for each point that is the point within the triangles or not. thanks

when did basic trig become NOT a requirement to be a programmer?
@drachenstern I'd like to point you back to my previous comment about the inability of the masses to actually think for themselves
@drachenstern i want to find out who knows opengl and then i will ask my question. why asking it when no one is intrested?)
I'm interested, but I doubt I can help, but let's give it a try
@CodingGorilla a doughnut just entered the room!
@Anton because the art of programming allows us to help you solve a problem even when we don't know the language.
@Sagar u give donut at me!
It's an amazing thing, that concept of thinking a problem through
as a matter of fact, we often solve problems by merely letting you ask them. It's called rubberduckdebugging
Actually, I just had lunch, so I'm good (but I can save it for later ;) )
so, @Anton I ask you again, what's the actual question, we'll see if we can help you
@Anton you might as well ask, for all you know, we might know more than we think we know
or less
@CodingGorilla likely as not we're wasting his and our times ... ah well
@Sagar I think this is likely to be the case ;)
I know everything there is to know, I just have a hard time explaining a lot of it :P
@CodingGorilla it would seem so...you have never asked a question at SO?
@drachenstern unfortunately, its a question of optimization, so without experience of using opengl you cant help. Guys, really, i understand what you say, but it will be just wasting of your time:)
@Sagar Nope, I've not come up with a good question worth asking yet lol
@CodingGorilla wow!
Perhaps your question really requires someone with opengl experience
But most of the time, when someone asks "Who here knows Linq-to-sql", the question usually ends up being "why does my constructor not work?"
@CodingGorilla like I said today morning, genius man
@Anton then in that case, post it as an SO question.
In other words, sure, you discovered a problem when using linq-to-sql, but the question is not really about linq-to-sql
@Sagar in reality its more like: my job really isn't that challenging so there's not a lot that I really struggle with
So the general advice is don't ask to ask, just ask your question
@CodingGorilla If you say so :P
@Anton However, questions of optimization are usually either tightloop problems which are often simple enough to understand and reverse the logic of for optimizing, or they are convoluted messes where the whole reason for optimizing is the convoluted mess in the first place
can we get @LasseVKarlsen last post pinned? :p
That and I'm a good researcher, so I can usually gleen answers to my questions based on the tons of information that's already available
except that damn silverlight designer issue, still haven't figured that out
@CodingGorilla you would google it? NEVER! Traitor!! TRAY-TORRRR!!!
Off with his head
and paint my roses red you!
Even worse, I use Bing!
That is an awesome, awesome movie.
oh, well that's different, then you at least get facebook results :p
@Sagar the book is better ;)
I love the Red Queens Race
Lots of good programming advice on facebook
Oh of course!
Most books are better than their movie counterparts...except LOTR...could not get through the book (IMHO)
Anybody know how to attach an MS SQL 9.0.4305 database to an instance running 10.0.1600?
I think I need to do a backup and restore :(
Open SSMS, right click the Databases node, hit "Attach Database", point to the right files
@CodingGorilla did that, got an error
ooooh, wait a second
Wha.... waiting .... waiting.....
said "read-only" so double checked the flags
not read-only, tyvm
Whats the error?
Error code is 3415 for SSMS ...
I'm gonna have to upgrade the files somehow, gotta search the intartubes
Is there any text to go with that? I've done 9->10 upgrades like that dozens of times
I've got a nice no-copy dialog I'm working on screenshotting (stupid Core 2 CPU)
so slow
@drachenstern try adding AUTHORITY\NETWORKSERVICE to the permissions for the directory where the mdf file is
You sure it's not a permissions thing?
Damn, @sagar beat me too it
I'm not sure
I did a naive detach, copy reattach on source, trying to reattach here
figured it was faster to delegate to you bored ones while I got to the business of looking at property windows ;)
and the screenshot (sorry for the redaction, you guys know the drill)
If you copy from a network source, its likely the permissions were copied as well
why did my PC beep? grrr
Beeping PC!
Alert flashy yellow beacon lights
@Sagar to the directory? it's in the same dir as all the other database files
Check the file itself then
Tell the directory to reset the permissions on it's kiddies
what he said
which is better, that way the permissions are consistent (imo)
I think it is perms tho
working, right clicking, waiting, drinking, left clicking
I love that movie (cloudy with a chance of meatballs ~ Or whatever)
Disney is the devil!
hey, there's a donut in the room! (Wait, is that what you were talking about earlier @Sagar?)
@CodingGorilla yep
heh.. just caught that
more waiting
big database?
not really
I can haz data nao?
crappy server? ;)
@drachenstern I would not take that if I were you
no, I meant I have data
oh, so it worked? I (we) were right?
and many thanks
yay! @CodingGorilla good job!
network services perms
yea, 2005 always installed with local service by default, starting with 2008 it started defaulting to NETWORK SERVICE
A Ha!
People are asshats with their downvotes.
You get downvoted?
and now wants to test flagging, it seems
@MarcGravell Hello.
Someone posts a solution which is equally complicated and questionably as efficient then votes me down, I won't mince words.
I continued contributing to this community in the first place because it is often cooperative and fun, but if people want to flag me for calling asshats asshats, I can find other things to do.
If you think you've been unreasonably downvoted by someone, perhaps ask for feedback in that place. But right now we have no context, so it just comes across as a bit ranty.
I know its been mentioned somewhere, but it would be kind of nice if downvotes required an accompanying comment
I'll also cite from the FAQ:
> Do have fun, but please keep it professional and always be respectful of your fellow community members.
I try to explain my downvotes
@CodingGorilla likewise
@MarcGravell In my mind better to rant here than say something disrespectful and probably incorrect there ;)
well, more specifically I try to use comment-based feedback in preference to downvotes; there are times when a downvote is warranted, though.
@mootinator for sure - and if that helps you blow off some steam, then within limits go for it. But asking for feedback there would be even better.
@MarcGravell agreed
Ok, so I've been working on this unit test for like 3 days now, and I finally have it passing
and now I'm worried that the test is broke and I've got a false positive
3 days on a unit test?
mainly because I'm not seeing the appropriate db activity
well not the unit test itself, getting reasonable test data and such
oh ok
Sunshine and/or rainbows.
Snow actually
nice..where's that?
Stock photo!
It's snowing here too.
Its not snowing here...I wish it was though :S
It rarely, if ever, snows here :S=
If I could I would ship you truckloads of snow.
haha thanks
The view from my "office":
I lived in Iowa for 4 years...loved the snow, and just winter in general
View from my "office"
Living in England and what-not.
@AidenBell Wowza.
@mootinator - yea it's like that 24/7
@AidenBell I am envious. Seriously.
@AidenBell I'm sure it is ;)
3rd window in from the right ... the queen gets changed at 7:00am every morning. Regal.
That must be why it's so busy all the time. Everyone's just waiting for a glimpse.
@MarcGravell so you have a filter in place that alerts on naughty words?
Down here, you rarely see crowds, or people walking about, or the craziness city. I crave that. :S
@drachenstern lol @ 'naughty'
Courier just dropped a package off at the front door, rang the back doorbell then left...
so why does it seem like the less information is present on a bugticket leads to an inverse relationship with the amount of work required?
did anybody realize that as anxious as @Anton was to have his question answered he never posted an SO question NOR did he ask the room... shame that.
Maybe you made him feel really bad so he just left
well that's a silly reason to leave ...
and how did I make him feel bad? I only said that he needed to ask the question, even if we didn't know the answer, we would try to help, that we're good at helping
He's still in the room though...just afk...or following the chat in silence, stalkerstyle
no he is
I'm not worried tho. I realize that everything I say in this room
I see his blue icon on my screen, you don't?
refreshing his screen
I do
That's why I said he was afk, but still in the room.
oh, but then you said j/k "aka just kidding"
oh...that was for the stalkerstyle comment
I was joking, but I don't know if someone would take offense to that
You never know...
if you're on here and afraid to get called a lurker ... idk
Can I ask a question about the Entity Framework (glares @drachenstern) :P
anyway.... Anyone know off the top of their heads how to force the load of an entities child records in a lazy load scenario
All of that just flew over my head...
I don't know EF.
I have an EF question though. Should I use EF or Fluent NHibernate for my next project?
I don't really know either of them very well :P
I like EF myself, I like the cute little model designer
they're different beasts really, for now, the code first stuff they're working on is getting closer to nhibernate
Guys, i was afk to check my friend who feels sick at the moment :) I will ask my question when i will finally add all i need to the scene im rendering, only after that i will start thinking about performance. Nothing to feel bad about, im not that silly :)
I might have to hammer out my fridge door
I suppose a large washer might work.
@mootinator what are you talking about man? :P
@CodingGorilla Someone dropped my fridge. Now the door doesn't close.
I can't solve this problem using code. It makes me terribly sad.
How do you "drop a fridge"? Was he carrying it up some stairs or something?
@CodingGorilla I guess you're glad I was /afk? :p
@Anton Ah, I was curious, but only slightly so
@CodingGorilla Yes, on an appliance dolly. Though I wasn't there at the time, so I'm still not sure.
Do you suppose appliance repair is on-topic at diy.stackexchange.com? :P
how does it not close? can you snapshot the door?
Can you give me a stack trace for that door?
It's hanging too low on the opposite side.

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