order that would make getElementsByTagName ("s"); and give value = '2d331be47563423424abdb7fe2eee6401c7b00417'
my string:
<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=windows-1251' />
<body onload="try { document.getEleme...
@drachenstern He's smoking something strong enough to make him think a simple string can transcend it's mere bits and bytes to become a full-fledged Document Object Model.
what libraries in Java do HTML decomposition into nodes, or what breaks things down from forms into fields? I don't do Java so I have no clue. Is it part of the standard library?
I got suckered into answering a question from someone who repeats the same question worded slightly differently every few days and never accepts an answer:
You might use a socket.
It would help if you're more specific about exactly what you're trying to accomplish. Do you need live communication, or would connecting to a shared database do what you need? Is the web application on the same computer as the server or a different one from the forms a...
order that would make getElementsByTagName ("s"); and give value = '2d331be47563423424abdb7fe2eee6401c7b00417'
my string:
<meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=windows-1251' />
<body onload="try { document.getEleme...
I think my answer has all the reasons listed plainly enough. I'm curious to see if he'll post a better version of the question. I wouldn't mind it being posted in Russian, just to let someone translate it.
lol i already did, because someone downvoted the question
if you don't understand the question, ask for a translation or an explanation. don't downvote it because someone else's first language is not english (and the consequent confusion)
@drachenstern Not sure if I'm better, than GT, but I'll try: "I have a string in JAVA and it contains html file (page of a site). I need a function to get 'value' in 'input'. I know, that it is easy to do through DOM model, but I unable to do so"
Hi All,
Is there any built-in function in Objective-C allows me to deep copy a NSMutableArray?
I looked around, some people say [aMutableArray copyWithZone:nil] works as deep copy. But I tried it seems no.
Right now I am manually doing the copy one by one (a 9*9 array):
//deep copy a 9*9 muta...
My iPhone app keeps crashing, and I've narrowed it down to this one line over the past bloody week:
NSArray *fetchResults = [managedObjectContext executeFetchRequest:request error:&error];
I'm getting the right result from the above, but the app crashes after accessing it (EXC_BAD_ACCESS)....
If you use a recursive CTE to combine the results of the query you have above, you could chain up to 32767 records together. You might consider that approach if you don't think you'll ever get near that amount.
I created a working example, because I wasn't sure. Your grouping would be differen...
It's from working with SQL Server 2000 for so long I just can't help myself.
also consider that I have 4 points and I will have 4 triangles how can I check these four triangles for each point that is the point within the triangles or not.
@drachenstern unfortunately, its a question of optimization, so without experience of using opengl you cant help. Guys, really, i understand what you say, but it will be just wasting of your time:)
@Anton However, questions of optimization are usually either tightloop problems which are often simple enough to understand and reverse the logic of for optimizing, or they are convoluted messes where the whole reason for optimizing is the convoluted mess in the first place
Someone posts a solution which is equally complicated and questionably as efficient then votes me down, I won't mince words.
I continued contributing to this community in the first place because it is often cooperative and fun, but if people want to flag me for calling asshats asshats, I can find other things to do.
If you think you've been unreasonably downvoted by someone, perhaps ask for feedback in that place. But right now we have no context, so it just comes across as a bit ranty.
and how did I make him feel bad? I only said that he needed to ask the question, even if we didn't know the answer, we would try to help, that we're good at helping
Guys, i was afk to check my friend who feels sick at the moment :) I will ask my question when i will finally add all i need to the scene im rendering, only after that i will start thinking about performance. Nothing to feel bad about, im not that silly :)