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@salathe the docs-to-git discussion seems to have died down yet again, is there any movement that I haven't noticed? Everyone seemed to go "yes! we should do this!" and then not do it.
@Ocramius you mean the project that powers the online documentation?
just have a chat with philip olson, he will explain all the things :D
I know there's a web interface, but I hit it randomly a few times just linked to it by someone
bring a sick bag
@Ocramius If you hit "edit" on one of the docs pages you will reach it
pretty easy to remember...
@DaveRandom Blocking things are a) making the online editor work with Git (some work was done here, a long time ago, but the online editor author isn't confident with Git), and b) getting the translators to give us any feedback on the switch to Git.
oh, it's built in now? I'm using my IDE too much then :D
@salathe I still like your approach of do it now, fix it later
if stuff is broken, people fix it. While everything still "works" there's not a lot of motivation to change it
@DaveRandom Ain't that the truth!
posted on October 13, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Mouseas */

@Ocramius Been there for a long time ;-)
Thanks all of y'all so much for your helpful input RE: my questions. I might just idle here and in #phpinternals, and I'm hoping a little time with trying to contribute to the docs will give me a better understanding. @ircmaxwell @joewatkins @daverandom @ocramius @salathe
welcome :)
@MattStauffer there's no "w" in my name :-P
@MattStauffer Hanging around here may be bad for your health. Sanity levels may go down as well as up. Fire kills children. Slippery when wet.
@ircmaxell we all know that it was a typo when you wrote your nickname
I'm still patiently waiting for this (don't think I'll forget, either :-P):
Apr 7 '11 at 21:23, by ircmaxell
No argument @Gordon... The story of my last SN was fairly epic, but I don't talk about that. Statute of limitations on some of what I did still isn't up...
@DaveRandom all baggage left unattended will be ravaged for candy and pictures of kittens, then burned for crimes against backward compatibility ...
somehow I just read that as "fire is slippery when wet" and didn't question it a bit.
@DaveRandom it is up, but I'm not putting it on a searchable site
you should have asked me in person at the bar at NW... I would have gladly said the story :-P
There's always next year...
SN ?
screen name
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whoops @ircmaxell... I've been reading your handle for AGEs now and always assumed it was "maxwell"
Chris will remember to ask next year ... I, probably won't ...
@DaveRandom Haha, warning duly noted.
chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/11?m=568826#568826 <-- as it turns out, that was true. It was, but it was for the best
don't you people just hate "rest apis" which use cookies for "login sessions"
@ircmaxell which bit, job suicide?
@AndreaFaulds "Shouldn’t it return fully-qualified class names beginning with a backslash?". The leading slash is only used in code to escape the current namespace. A FQCN doesn't need (and probably shouldn't have) a leading slash.....
@Leigh yup
Ok, now I'm curious
no, I went to the managing director, told him "I want some commitment that you're not going to cut me like the rest of the team". He said "if you come in tomorrow and gave me notice tomorrow, I wouldn't be upset". So that's precisely what I did (2 days later)
I'm also curious ...
morning @rdlowrey
ah I remember that @ircmaxell
wow, I remembered a thing ...
@rdlowrey Morning - so Artax is now php 5.5+ ? Not a problem for me to upgrade my servers, but was planning to use it for a project on someone else machine...
Well that's a shame to hear, but I'm sure you thought it though.
it worked out for the best, but :-)
been hired by someone else already? :p
@Danack Well it works for 5.4 -- I just added the 5.5+ thing because the generator stuff.
You can use it just fine, but the preferred method for handling concurrency is generators.
Also, if you're using ->wait() to do things synchronously you'll never need 5.5
@rdlowrey parse errors though?
So if there's a way to tell composer that it will mostly work with 5.4 still I can do that.
(he says, without actually looking at the codez)
@rdlowrey My coffee hasn't kicked in yet - I can't see the word yield in Artax.
@DaveRandom It doesn't actually use generators internally.
Use of generator stuff is up to you, the user.
Then you should be able to do 'suggest php5.5.' and give a reason why that is preferred - let me find the syntax.
Not bad: "A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things." https://github.com/ziadoz/awesome-php
yeah I saw that ... @ircmaxell
I replied :-P
@rdlowrey Although you can list packages as suggested things, you can't list versions of them....I think just having a note in the examples where you show how generators can be used, that says - this example needs php5.5 - would be fine. Having the minimum listed as php5.5 in the composer.json makes it almost impossible to install through composer.
@Danack Okay, cool. I will make the necessary adjustments. Thanks for looking into that.
@ircmaxell :)
@Danack Just "suggest PHP" for everything :-P
man, I'm in a feel-good togetherness mood lately. I think I need to see a doctor...
@DaveRandom I would have hoped it would test to see if it was already installed....and not suggesting it if it is. And if you get that far in the install process....presumably it would be.
@ircmaxell I got a better idea, seek a genius that can bottle that shit ...
@Danack /me goes off to re-implement composer in python just to screw with people
pah - a nice big bash script would be even better.
You don't need composer in python because its package system is already sensible. Composer is a necessary hack in PHP because our package resolution at the namespace level is crap/nonexistent.
> namespace resolution at the namespace level
don't think I didn't see that :-P
I can't write coherent sentences, man.
You about talking what idea no are I have.
@JoeWatkins :-)
@rdlowrey uhhh.... yeah... no...
its module system is sensible. But the package system, including package managers, are anything but
Y U NO LIKE ez_setup.py?
and don't get me started on pip
@ircmaxell I like how it has a built in RPM generator......that's pretty cool.
yum install all the things
In any case, I feel like I'm slowly losing my grasp on Python. There was a time when I used it every day but that's now been years and it's all slowly becoming hazy.
what has a built in RPM generator?
that word, it does not mean what you think it means
Is it possible to open bank account without being citizen of EU in EU?
That script gets a python package, and builds an RPM from it.
it's a script
not a language feature
python setup.py bdist_rpm --install-script=install.txt
The script is just tooling to build the things that I want it to build but that ^^ is the command that builds the rpm.
@JoeWatkins yeah, I need to blog on that
php isn't on the list. not sure if good thing or not
@Danack did you see my pm to you? (thx for the help btw)
@ircmaxell we'll see if it dies with PHP "7" adoption
@Naruto I did but couldn't remember the context - but if it's working now, well that's good I guess.
it was about the creation of a zip file that was sent somewhere else for processing..
Gah, I hate pear
Everyone hates pear, I think.
@Jimbo Why are you using pear?
not everyone
I'm allergic to pear
literally :X
@Ocramius That's really sad :( Pears are delicious!
I know :(
Pear 'n Grana Padano :Q_
I really can't believe how many people still want us to change argument order.
It's their biggest concern!
/cc @EveryoneWithPHP.net
@ircmaxell Ruby??
I'm not a big fan, but I don't see it as "dying"
is it possible if I have a definition of an array in a class field like this
class A {
	const FIELD_1 = 'field1';
	const FIELD_2 = 'field2';

	const FIELD_A = 'fieldA';
	const FIELD_B = 'fieldB';

    private $field = array(
		self::FIELD_1 => self::FIELD_A,
		self::FIELD_2 => self::FIELD_B
I don't think Ruby is dying. Rails maybe (hopefully)
@LeviMorrison and how many think it's a trivial "just change it!"
@ziGi Have you tried it?
to extract the $field like this
from a year ago, almost to the day ...
 private $field = array(
		self::FIELD_1 => self::FIELD_A,
		self::FIELD_2 => self::FIELD_B
as a string
what I mean is, do I have to parse the PHP file?
@ziGi What do you mean by "extract"?
@Ja͢ck probably okay. though the undef name is a bit spooky. I also don't think you need to do the fcall_info_argp etc. You should be able to use the arg array directly (unless I'm missing something?)
because if I say (new A())->getField()) it will return just an array like this: array('field1' => 'fieldA', 'field2' => 'fieldB')
@DaveRandom I just want to take the text from the PHP file and convert it but I am doing this using a PHP scrip
I wan't to replace those self::FIELD_1 => self::FIELD_2 stuff everywhere
For large projects you need to have a decent amount of static analysis because it becomes too difficult to change things without it.
so basically I have to traverse all my .php class files and parse them, and I am writing script for it now
This is why I care about return types and other type information in PHP.
@DaveRandom that doesn't work properly, I want the result to be
private $field = array(
		self::FIELD_1 => self::FIELD_A,
		self::FIELD_2 => self::FIELD_B
I want return types so bad. That feature alone makes me want to upgrade to PHP 7 ASAP
do you understand, I want to keep the self::FIELD_1 stuff
@DaveRandom I have to use the Reflection API, right
@LeviMorrison I am agree with all.
@ziGi No I don't think that will help you, the value will be resolved at compile time and won't be kept in a state where you could reflect on them
You will probably have to parse the file. Start here
well I have to open the php class files with php and parse it
10 Internet points to the man who puts a gyro in a camera to add meta for the direction of gravity so I don't have to rotate so many damn photos.
@Patrick Hey man, I wasn't on the computer at all on Saturday/Sunday. Are you still having issues? If so, I'm happy to help.
@Fabien My camera detects the orientation of the camera so it can show it to me on the screen in that same orientation. But do you think that they added something to do the same with the photos? I think Canon was just trying to screw with my head.
@tereško Only because the cat was doing it wrong uploads.neatorama.com/images/posts/326/62/62326/…
@Fabien Surely gopro etc have shit like that?
Probably, if not it should. I just despise rotating photos.
@Machavity Canon 5DMkIII has that...probably not many other models.
And in general cameras that do set the exif/orientation tag.
My old-ass k10d has auto-rotation... It's surprising that it isn't ubiquitous.
Canon have a really shitty business model where they try to differentiate their products as much as possible to give you a reason to upgrade. Which is why the sales of compact cameras have basically stopped? Why bother to buy a camera that is only marginally better than an iPhone camera, and it's lacking features like 'being able to upload photos easily' or being able to edit photos in the device that took it.
s/differentiate/include as few features as they can get away with at a price point/
I never really like the handling of canons. Everything just felt to be in exactly the wrong place.
I like them.....but I definitely agree that how the camera feels is a major factor in whether to buy a camera or not, and what feels right for one person isn't necessarily right for other people.
Btw, the default values in a PHP Class are initialized when creating a new object of that class but before the constructor, right?
@ziGi easy to find out: 3v4l.org/PS3vG
true, I didn't think of that, maybe I am tired already
when are the static fields initialized then
at the first call of the class, right?
You can't call classes, so that question makes no sense.
@rightføld static function __invoke() ? ;)
Doesn't work. :P
@ziGi when the property is first accessed
@NikiC I see
posted on October 13, 2014 by Anthony Ferrara

Last weekend I gave the opening keynote at PHPNW14. The talk was recorded, and no, the video isn't online yet. The basis of the talk was centered around community and how we can come together (and how we are drifting apart). But there was one point that I mentioned that I think requires further thought and discussion. And that point is that there is far less trolling going on than it may se

@rightføld son of a... crushing my hopes and dreams every day, this room does.
@Feeds You suck; that's a repost!
@KevinMGranger Parser would consider it to be a function call, they're different symbol tables. __invokeStatic() (which is the theoretical thing you are referring to) doesn't and can't ever work unless the symbol tables are merged (which they should be IMO, but that's another story)
Guys I was using this class for encrypting and decrypting, but it takes really long time to crypt the string. Do you know any faster way, function? This takes like 3-7s in total to encrypt/decrypt string..
class Syman_Cipher {
    private $securekey, $iv;
    function __construct($textkey) {
        $this->securekey = hash('sha256',$textkey,TRUE);
        $this->iv = mcrypt_create_iv(32);
    function encrypt($input) {
        return base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $this->securekey, $input, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $this->iv));
    function decrypt($input) {
        return trim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, $this->securekey, base64_decode($input), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $this->iv));
@TomášAresakMalčánek Not an answer to your question, but you're using the wrong encryption algorithm and the wrong block chaining mode and a wrong key derivation function
@ircmaxell "are they actually saying something valid" - this is the important bit. I frankly don't care what their motivation is - whether it's trolling or "passion" or whatever - what's important is what they're putting out there.
faster? what about more secure?
I want a PHP–AWK hybrid.
posted on October 13, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by MrJ */

@TomášAresakMalčánek don't use that, use Zend\Crypt if you must
@ircmaxell I'm encrypting not so important data like permissions to the system
I will check it
@TomášAresakMalčánek if you're encrypting it, it must be of some importance. Therefore, you likely want to do soemthing secure in the first place
@KevinMGranger You can do 3v4l.org/FPZF9 (but for the love of God, don't)
Woot! That makes PHP look like Python!
@DaveRandom huh?
@ircmaxell Of course it is in some kind of importance
7 mins ago, by Kevin M Granger
@rightføld static function __invoke() ? ;)
ah yes
@rightføld Them's fightin' words
@ircmaxell I'm not so experienced in this area but, they're saying I will type just 'use xxx/xxx' in the code and it will be implemented? Without any including the libraries
@TomášAresakMalčánek it's a library. You can install it in a few ways, but I'd suggest learning and using composer. Then you can install the dependency and just use the code without worrying about it
3v4l.org/00ukA <-- this is my argument for merging the symbol tables.
"but I have no root access"
@DaveRandom yeah
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@rightføld, @Machavity I apologize to you, I need some idea. such as Is it possible that I can get my fb's friend list to invite my fb fan page, then my friends' friend recursively or any others idea?
@DaveRandom It hurts us precious.
Hi folks
@rightføld Hei
Is anyone else using a constants.php file similar to functions.php and including it in their composer.json autoload files array? Any reasons not to do that instead of using class constants (that can be autoloaded)? I thought about doing that this weekend ...
Is there a way to select multiple rows in mysql subquery?
@Stol3x Yes, just use IN instead of = in your WHERE statement
@rdlowrey I don't, but I happily would. I've been kicking around the idea of throwing out a lot of my class constants, they get kinda messy very quickly.
Although @rdlowrey I would personally use a single bootstrap.php in composer and have it include any files with funcs/consts etc
@rdlowrey We've had this conversation before - the autoload files get loaded on each request, which sucks a tiny bit for people who don't have their own webserver written in PHP. Having them in a file along with a 'Constants' class and then loading them with \Artax\Constants::load() is a tiny optimisation.
It's much of a muchness, but I'd rather keep composer.json clean, for a reason I can't explain because I don't know.
@DaveRandom I tend to agree. The only sane argument against it that I can think of is "it adds an extra file stat on every page load that you may or may not need and this is costly in the web SAPI when you could get free autoloading with classes." However, all my code is long-lived so I don't care about this.
And if that one extra file include is a bottleneck then it's quite likely you've already won at PHP.
@rdlowrey I don't use constants anyway...
@rdlowrey If you really cared about a single stat() you'd put all your classes into one monolithic file.
@DaveRandom No, you'd write a preprocessor.
And even then it's a stupid idea.
@Danack strongly disagree there... Yes, it is overhead, but with opcache it's trivial. The conditional require of actually triggering the autoloader is likely going to be more expensive than the unconditional require of a bootstrap
@ircmaxell Does opcache intercept plain file includes? I thought it only intercepted class loading?
opcache intercepts all file compilation requests
@ircmaxell mostly I am thinking about things like this that are truly constant values ... not the sort of things you'd be better served to inject:
class Reason {
    const HTTP_100 = 'Continue';
    const HTTP_101 = 'Switching Protocols';
    const HTTP_200 = 'OK';
@rightføld s/put/ship/, but yeh. The point being that autoloading is waaaaay more expensive in that regard because there's an implied stat() for every class. But this is the very highest order of micro-optimisation and a pointless discussion
@rdlowrey sure. Not arguing that. But in that case, it's more an ENUM than constants
Well, yes, but we don't have enums :)
/me goes home
@DaveRandom later dude
well, if it's an enum, it belongs in a class, like your "reason" (which is the precise example I use in the answer)
A: Pros and Cons of Interface constants

ircmaxellWell, I think that it boils down to the difference between good and good enough. While in most cases you can avoid the use of constants by implementing other patterns (strategy or perhaps flyweight), there is something to be said for not needing a half dozen other classes to represent a concep...

Hmm ... I guess I can't actually think of any constants that really make sense outside of "enum" classes now that you mention it.
In mysql, in where statement, select where table.row has whatever value (all) ?
@PeeHaa Hi everyone
anyone here WordPress expert
WordPress Experts ?
@AziBaloch please read the chat guidelines: room-11.github.io
I have a problem with wordpress multi site installation. all attachments in subblogs are broken . if open an image in subblogs you will be redirected to home page . i dont know why .
probably broken .htaccess rules
@tereško here you can see my .htaccess code
you might need to hire a developer
Q: WordPress multi site

Azi Balochi have problem with wordpress multi site installation . all the images in subsites are broken . when i open an image in browsers new tab .. it redirected me to home page .. i don't know why . can any one help me . how i can resolve this issue . here is my htaccess # BEGIN WordPress RewriteEn...

check the access log
there is probably something wrong here: RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+/)?files/(.+) wp-includes/ms-files.php?file=$2 [L]
aside from that, you will probably have to ask the question in wordpress.stackexchange.com
i have updated the .htaccess from codex . now i am getting internal server error when i open an image by url .
can you see what's wrong with the new htaccess ?
@AziBaloch please don't re-post your question over and over
@Gordon shutter
@Gordon why do you do this to us?
@Gordon I really want to cancel the star and flag it as offensive
On a Monday too
@Gordon 43000 video views
Aw, it seems like I missed an interesting conversation about enum classes.
@ircmaxell I am a Mischief Executive Officer :)
@ircmaxell \lim_{1\rightarrow\infty} 1
@NikiC $i = round(0) because 0 is round. it's descriptive. for clarity. duh.
> CodeIgniter Learn It Correct
@Gordon I feel like there should be a word that starts with W that comes after Officer.
Bro, we don't grammar, but we sure know how to learn you some coding!
lern you sum haskell brogrammer
We'll learn you good.
See, everyone's having fun ^^
@Gordon if you weren't a mod, I'd kick you for that
@NikiC ummm, wut?
@ircmaxell feel free to unpin it if you object to it
while speaking about frameworks, fabpot has released the early preview of the Sf Best Practice book: symfony.com/doc/download-best-practices-book
@Gordon :-)
@Gordon it's probably as terrible as I suspect
@CSᵠ yup
I just don't speak latex off hand
@tereško you gotta love it. and you're gonna hate it. which then will make you love it. because that's your guilty pleasure.
@tereško it's worse. It's really worse
awesome markup
my favorite part so far from the sf2 best practise book is this:
> Symfony follows the philosophy of "thin controllers and fat models" . This means that controllers should hold just the thin layer of glue-code needed to coordinate the different parts of the application.
which is then defined as
> As a rule of thumb, you should follow the 5-10-20 rule, where controllers should only define 5 variables or less, contain 10 actions or less and include 20 lines of code or less in each action. This isn't an exact science, but it should help you realize when code should be refactored out of the controller and into a service.
"thin" controllers
Symfony also does Dependency Injection - by passing the DIC into everything that needs any dependencies injecting.
@Gordon So lean, man!
So... this is an actual line from the build command of some software I'm compiling:
> icpc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -Wall -openmp -m64 -O3 -axAVX,SSE4.2 -xSSE3 -no-prec-div -ipo -MT cigar_tweaker.o -MD -MP -MF ".deps/cigar_tweaker.Tpo" -c -o cigar_tweaker.o cigar_tweaker.cpp;
totally left a message on your blog post .. @ircmaxell
How much is 63 - 48 lol?
Php can't calculate it probably..
It's here. http://pastebin.com/DrVqEscK
Probably wrong algorithm lol :D
$crypt size is 63 and $forChunk 48
Result is -49 wtf
THE real question is: when will http://yolophp.com Best Practices be available?
@couac `__call`|`__callStatic`|`__destruct` based domain logic, all going through `__invoke` with unified signature ($obj, $method, $args)
@Ocramius ooooh that's a nice idea
"All logic must be placed in the __destruct() method"
@NikiC dude, I'm #YOLO certified for a reason
@Ocramius did you ever get a job offer because of that?
@Gordon I did, and when I left, I be like:
/me bails for the evening ... lata chaps
look what I found!
if ('duplicate_group' == substr($message, 0, strlen('duplicate_group'))) {
@Ocramius if ($message->startsWith('duplicate_group')) { mumble mumble
Yeah, I wonder how much time the original developer spent in trying to code 0 === strpos(...) there :P
@Ocramius Pah, totally should have used substr_compare() there!
@Ocramius Does Yolophp use HTML9?
we went for RDFa
Is there a way to make a method alias in the Zend API? I want to alias ReflectionType::name() and ReflectionType::__toString() so that you don't have to cast to string to get the string value.
I don't want to duplicate the logic either.
@LeviMorrison using the PHP_MALIAS macro?
ZEND_MALIAS(reflection_type, __toString, name, arginfo_reflection__void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
^ Doesn't like 'name' here
/Users/levijm/Projects/php-src/ext/reflection/php_reflection.c:6159:2: error: use of undeclared identifier
      'zim_reflection_type_name'; did you mean 'zim_reflection_type_kind'?
        ZEND_MALIAS(reflection_type, __toString, name, arginfo_reflection__void, ZEND_ACC_PUBLIC)
Ah, seems I have it backwards.
I would expect 'alias' to mean the new thing, not the old thing.
I still mix up the arg order for ln -s after 15 years. :/
it's like trying to plug in a usb cable. I swear it flips around on me.
@PaulCrovella if it helps, think about it like this: you run ln the same way you run cp -- but instead of creating a copy, it creates a link.
@cHao I try to use this trick, but it doesn't always match up with the way some people naturally think.
ln -s order makes sense; ZEND_MALIAS doesn't ^^
Mutliplied and Multiplied what's the difference?
I don't necessarily think in terms of $command $original $new, I think "$command $left_side to $right_side"
Which ln doesn't fit
@TomášAresakMalčánek one's correct, one's not. :P
@cHao 15 minutes of my life :D
Thanks, @cHao, I appreciate the effort. There's just something in my head that will always get it wrong. I've come to accept that.

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