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ah, I see
wow, that seems really hackish
but I guess there is no other way to do it in c
The first D means D(efinition) and C stands for C(omma)
@Ja͢ck Washington_DC .. makes sense now...
@Leigh inorite!
(and CC is call, comma)
so you CC something defined with DC, and you C something defined with D, simples
TSRMLS_* will soon disappear I hope
@ziGi it stands for thread safety resource manager local storage.
I saw... I think Dmitry? Is working on it
Together with AB I believe, yeah.
not been following the native tls branch, looking good?
@Ja͢ck haha you seriously know your abbreviations
why don't you just name them a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3
it's much simpler
@ziGi Full disclosure, I had to look that up :P
Yup static build is even better, still an issue with shared build apparently
A performance issue
But static build is faster than current
So... Looking good for sure
Yup, just don't touch the static build once it's done.
windows has pretty good TLS built in
Well, you know, static (electricity)
@Leigh windows required hacks to make it work apparently
@Jack oh. Way over my head.
@Ja͢ck ...you're reaching a bit with that one.
Yeah, I should have mentioned getting your finger too close to it heh
It's 6am ... ;p
@Ja͢ck did you sleep at all?
I did, actually.
Woke up because the missus had to grab a taxi to the airport.
@FlorianMargaine I should have been clearer, windows has mature native TLS, I remember using it like 15 years ago when when I actually did Win API shit
Hopefully you added "shit"
windows API was kinda fun before it was documented, and before .NET
Define "fun"
By fun you mean the hours of banging your head against the table?
hours with glazed over eyes starting at disasm/debuggers :p
such fun, much asm
there's actually a cool feature of windows executables, there's kind of a TLS init callback pointer in the exe header, that gets invoked before main()
(useful when you want to patch an exe at runtime after loading to mem but before execution starts)
I think elf has this too
oh, I also define fun as hand building PE files with a hex editor
@AndreaFaulds looks fine, minus the autotrim
@AndreaFaulds I'd suggest adding an explanation why bool(false) was chosen (over null and over exceptions)
Please do, because I'm not sure why I'd ever want a bool(false) from to_int
if (to_int($int) !== false) <- who wants to write that?
@LeviMorrison what would you want instead?
if (!can_be_safely_cast_to_int($int))
if (false === $id = to_int($_GET['id'])) { error out; } is how I imagine this to be used
I'll be completely honest.
I think we should return a tuple.
This doesn't seem very popular in PHP.
a tuple is hard to use
@NikiC Oh, right, will do.
[$wasItSuccessful, $valueThatYouShouldNotUseIfFirstWasFalse]
it's hard to use, it's easy to ignore failures and it's also inefficient
You can think that if you want. Tell it to Google.
Of course, that's C++ which is a bit different, admittedly.
There's a bit of a difference if the language is designed around doing error handling in that way
And also being entirely honest, I think that Go error handling totally sucks
@NikiC "The functions return ''FALSE'' on failure instead of ''NULL'' so that, if strict type hinting were added, they would fail for a nullable typehint" ?
That alright?
@AndreaFaulds yes
Please explain that, because I sure didn't follow.
at least for part of the question
the other part is about why exceptions aren't used
Ah, I'll add something about that too
@LeviMorrison function_accepting_int(to_int($foo)) <-- Will convert $foo to int, but make sure (sure as in "assert") that typehinting continues to work correctly
And why is NULL any different than FALSE here?
@LeviMorrison because null will be let through silently by a nullable typehint
Yeah that's kind of the whole point.
If you use function_accepting_int_or_null() there instead
@LeviMorrison Nullable typehints are supposed to let through the value null (in uses like "skip this argument"). Not let through every crap you pass to them, which would happen if to_int() returned NULL there
So instead of handling int? I get a Catchable error instead
I fail to see how the latter is better.
@LeviMorrison Or an exception, yes.
In that usage it is effectively an assertion
What good is int? being different than int if everything returns false instead of null?
int? allows null
Maybe I'm just in a weird mood right now, but I really think you've got it backwards.
"An error return value was chosen instead of an exception to make chaining easier, and because checking for FALSE is easier than checking if an exception was thrown."
int? does not allow "foobar"
That sound alright for the exceptions rationale?
and int? should not allow to_int("foobar")
@NikiC Why not?
There's the key.
Why or why not?
@LeviMorrison huh? I don't understand you
why would you want to use a safe cast if you let everything through?
if you want to let everything through, use (int)
Why should int? not accept to_int("foobar") ?
because then it's just accepting any old garbage
if you wanted that, you could've used (int)
That's basically what the ? means though.
no, that's not what ? means
And no, (int) is not the same as int? accepting to_int("foobar")
? is just nullability. Not garbageability
Look, it's all about use cases. You are saying that int? means that you don't want garbage.
I'm saying int? means I take an int or null (read: nothing)
@LeviMorrison that is correct.
What is to_int("foobar")?
It's nonsense, it's nothing.
That's int?
@LeviMorrison nonsense is not the same thing as nothing.
Your point of view has no more validity than mine.
Not as the arguments stand.
We might continue this discussion tomorrow, I'll let you think about this. I think you're being very dense here.
I'm not saying I'm not.
Regardless, the argument is too thin.
I don't think garbage value == no value
NULL and garbage are different in intent
So false and garbage are the same?
for something_taking_int_or_null(to_int("blah")) to get a NULL and assume there was no value seems weird.
'seems' is vague
OK, is weird. It's certainly not the most ideal behaviour
Why isn't it?
Because it makes writing safe code more difficult
I'm talking with someone from the HHVM/Hack team now.
Yes, they agree with me here
null is the better option.
lol, of course they agree with you
because you're talking to them ^^
Hang on, I wasn't finished.
4:48 PM <LeviM> hhvm-help: Has anyone here used `int?` in their codebase?
4:48 PM <LeviM> I need use-cases because of a discussion I'm having about `int?` vs `int` and what is expected
4:48 PM <•jwatzman|work> LeviM: not sure what your question is; the Hack type is `?int` if htat's what you mean
4:48 PM <LeviM> Oh right, you put it before.
4:48 PM <LeviM> Same thing.
4:49 PM <•jwatzman|work> LeviM: OK, yeah, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something :)
4:49 PM <•jwatzman|work> LeviM: what's the question/context?
Note that I did not l did not lead them one way or another @NikiC
And I agree with their justification
to_int("foobar") means you don't have anything to return, really
It's not an int
It is, exactly, ?int
I am more convinced you have this backwards.
to_int(mixed): ?int should be its signature
If you think that "foobar" is a reasonable value for an ?int typehint, I just can't agree with you, sorry.
null means nothing, or absence of a thing
What should to_int("foobar") return? It can't return an int, so it should return 'nothing'
It could throw an exception, actually.
@LeviMorrison That's a very philosophical distinction in a language where bool(false) has always been the error return value
I understand the historical context.
I do not agree with it, nor have I ever.
You might not agree with that decision, but false is the error value that is used everywhere, in every single function.
I mean, I originally made it not throw an exception because of what JS does (NaN for parseInt)
But, actually...
But I'm not arguing from a type-theoretical POV here, but from a usage POV
The usage being use with strict scalar typehints
This actually handles multiple parses better.
I'm talking from both type-theory and practice.
try { ... } catch (StrictCastException $e) { ... }
That works, no?
I am very sure that if I wanted ?int then what I want is int or 'nothing'
to_int("foobar") is the latter case
@AndreaFaulds Depending on usage, a cast failure is likely not an exceptional situation
@NikiC Yeah, that's the thing... :/
If it's NULL, then...
Also it will blow up your code size if you actually need to handle each cast failure individually
to_int("blah") ?? throw new Exception(); would work, right?
using exceptions has advantages in some cases and disadvantages in others
@AndreaFaulds nope
throw is a statement
OK, but to_int("blah") ?? false?
Though that's an ugly hack.
@AndreaFaulds That's damn ugly
to_int("foobar") ?? 0 is more likely
and you'd have to remember to use that
@LeviMorrison we discussed this, but couldn't really come up with a good use case for to_* with ??
because getting a fallback of 0 is what you already get with (int)
Except it is explicit for intent
I hate looking up cast behavior.
But I see what you mean.
@NikiC yep
basically, it's pretty pointless to use an explicitly safe cast if you're just going to continue using GIGO
I will think about this more (I probably can't stop thinking about it)
(I get thinking on these things and it sucks up my whole evening)
anyway, return value is not so important, it's not like I'm gonna use nullable typehints anyway ;)
much more important is the trimming behavior :P
Alright, walking home from work.
@NikiC Removing trimming might be a good idea, since you can just call trim first.
Regarding the bool(false) decision: who all was in that conversation?
can someone point me to the right direction .. ok so say i submit a text form with text inside it and within that text how can i make a link clickable if there is a link within the text?
NikiC, me, possibly ircmaxell
function stringSlice(string $str, int $offset, int $length = null) {
    if (null === $length) $length = strlen($str);
    // ...
$len = [];
stringSlice($str, 0, to_int($len)); // shouldn't pass!
It won't.
Not as you've typed it.
yes, it won't with the current bool(false) result. It would pass with NULL result
function stringSlice(string $str, int $offset, int $length = null)
@NikiC You can't do that
That declaration is invalid.
@LeviMorrison you can, just like you can do array $array = null
?int $length = null
but anyway, that's not the point, you could do the same with ?int
int $length = NULL would be and must still be valid
the point is that that call should not work - if it does then the to_int invocation there is essentially useless
I'm not saying this would work:
int $length = null
But to me this means that it is an optional parameter
If provided, it is of type int
Not ?int
or NULL.
@LeviMorrison I'm just describing the type system as is. I doubt this will change.
I am 100% fine with deprecating array $array = null
$ php -r 'function bar (FooBar $bar = NULL) {} bar(NULL);'
You can do array $array = []
callable $fn = null
But PHP likes pretending [] and NULL are the same. Sometimes. :p
and what @AndreaFaulds said (about class typehints)
?int means that we make a difference between null and the other similar types, such as false, [] and 0
Anyway, I think this is getting a bit too far away from to_int
Think about it more; I know I will.
@AndreaFaulds yes, that's what I'm thinking. the other way around is less obvious
Should I put the RFC to the mailing list?
and for user input people always trim anyway ^^
@AndreaFaulds nah, wait a day, no rush
Please don't for one at least one more day.
man, looks like my university requires my to use svn
I just had to look at the calendar to make sure that I'm still in the twenty-first century
git has only existed for a few years
@NikiC @AndreaFaulds Simon says that if you don't want something that would normally pass the typechecking but you don't want it to use nullThrows()
I'll just have to figure out how to use git svn
Anyway, walking home now, I mean it this time ^^
@LeviMorrison nullThrows() is a thing?
@LeviMorrison that basically means I always have to check whether or not is something is nullable and insert a meaningless dummy function call if it is? That does not sound particularly appealing to me.
I feel similarly to NikiC.
What we really need is Option<int> of course :D
I really like error handling in Rust
We need parameterised enumerations... :p
Conceptually it's quite similar to Go (well, at least in that it's return value based ^^), but with the difference that it doesn't totally suck ^^
Oh yeah, @NikiC, another thing I talked to Anthony about was parameter parse failure
what about it?
Basically, it's BAD BAD BAD that functions currently skip the function body and emit an E_WARNING on parameter parse failure
But fixing this would be a BC break
But for new functions, why don't we emit something more fatal?
@AndreaFaulds hm, if limited to new functions that might work
In fact, for new functions, why don't we use the same codepath as userland functions do for their typehints? Enables reflection, more code reuse, and means the function only has to handle parameter extraction, not conversion/validation
If engine exceptions get in and we have some precedent for use of exceptions ... maybe we can expand on that precedent :P
This relies on scalar type hints happening, though :p
@AndreaFaulds I don't think this will work because internals typehints and what we'd like for user typehints do not match
Hey guys, can you check the following code and give comments about the usage of function names and arrays as maps
basically it is a data mapper
@NikiC Yeah :/
@ziGi Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_TAB in %s on line 3
I really hate PHP. Quite often. Why the hell do I try to improve it? Burn it and move on :P
You need PHP 5.4 or above
@AndreaFaulds You would burn an elephpant?
@NikiC No no, I would never burn such a poor, defenseless, cute creature :'(
See, so everything's fine :)
You know how every time you don't use PHP for something an Elephpant dies
haha, @AndreaFaulds, An Elephant Terminator xd
@NikiC Yes. Mark Karpelès is the saviour of ElePHPant kind by writing an SSH server in PHP, truly.
Also the saviour of Bitcoin by destroying its credibility and defrauding people out of millions of dollars...
@AndreaFaulds See, finally someone who understand PHP. He took all the $$$ to heart ;)
so I really don't like how the whole structuring thing is being presented in this example
what would you do to improve it
@NikiC @AndreaFaulds I think we are solving the wrong problem.
I think what we need is just the condition part.
function can_this_safely_cast_to_int($arbitraryInput): bool
That doesn't really help
I mean, you can already do to_int($foo) !== FALSE
Mixed return types are bad.
Whether we return null or false, both are bad.
@LeviMorrison Says the person advocating for nullable type hints
I realized this on the way home.
@AndreaFaulds I think you misunderstand that proposal if you think I'm advocating it.
"Mixed return types are bad." – Levi Morrison, 2014 (Inventor of the Nullable Return Type)
@AndreaFaulds The whole point of the nullable types proposal is so we can leave them out in the return typehints proposal, in the hope that they won't land at all
@NikiC ...oh, okay.
@NikiC Can we add parameterised enumerations and pattern matching and option types?
@AndreaFaulds And generics, of course
First-class Enums too
And a static type checker, while at it
And remove the $
and drop the rest of the language as well, while we're at it ^^
@LeviMorrison With parameterised enumerations comes enumerations :p
Also allow for function type signatures for parameters and returntypes
@AndreaFaulds By first-class enums I mean enums with methods! (In case you did not know, Java does this)
hm, it's getting late
@LeviMorrison Enums... with methods?
@NikiC Ja.
^^ I'm glad I could enlighten you.
Hey @NikiC, why do you work on PHP?
@AndreaFaulds Did the semester already start for you?
@NikiC Yes.
A month ago, in fact.
@AndreaFaulds what courses are you taking?
@AndreaFaulds Why, to satisfy my sadistic tendencies of course!
My degree is MA German and Language and Linguistics (the "Language and" is redundant), I'm taking Mandarin for Beginners as an optional course.
@NikiC I got into PHP dev because of you... I sometimes question why I do this
You and your stupid 2012 blog post on Hacker News about adding a feature to PHP
@AndreaFaulds And what courses do you take for that first part?
My Mandarin is getting is getting rather dated ^^
I suspect that I forgot everything short of saying hi
@NikiC For the first year? Er, Mandarin is my only optional course for this year, I mean. For German I have to take German Language and Modern German Culture. For Linguistics, English Structure and Use. Because it's Dual Honours, there's only enough unfilled credit points for that one optional course, Mandarin.
No idea what I'll do next year. Perhaps I'll keep doing Mandarin for Beginners...
lol my friend did an eating challenge and still had room for dessert (3rd pic)
@AndreaFaulds Any idea what you will do with that orientation later?
I mean, once you have the degree?
@AndreaFaulds It's a good question, I don't think I can give an honest answer off the top of my head.
...no clue, actually :/
@NikiC It's difficult for me to answer. I suppose ultimately "because it's fun"
Which is a bad reason since PHP development isn't fun
...or is it?
Yeah, that's the weird bit ^^
Solving problems is fun. PHP is a pretty okay tool to use for solving some problems, and PHP has problems of its own to solve. So it's a twofer really.
Right. Solving problems in other language just isn't challenging enough :P
Q: Good practices for mapping/serializing database table data to input/output data

ziGiCurrently I have implemented this simple example of a database to output for a REST API to show the way information is being parsed, mapped and serialized starting from database data converting it to JSON. This solution currently works fine, but the problem comes from the fact that it makes use o...

since no one pays attention, and I think it is an important topic
@ziGi As soon as you start asking what's "better" you're begging for the question to be closed as primarily opinion-based
well I need someone to criticize it otherwise how can I formulate it to not be closed

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