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Can anybody out there help in this please: stackoverflow.com/questions/14726917/…
hello @All
Good Morning Friends :)
@Harpreet good morning
how to fetch keyboard predictive dictionary in application ?
hmm let me check
where do you want it to work?? on EditText?
@Kutbi ??
@Harpreet yes.and i want to store it in my database
Ok. Listen there are 2 things. 1: OS shows text as suggestions while you type (stored in its own dictionary). 2: You use your own database to show user to suggestions as dropbox while he types & even store values to DB if word not present.
Which 1 you want to implement?
@Harpreet great.i will go with 2 option.
but for that i want to store that predictio
n word dictionary to my phone to my application databse
@Kutbi: then you have to use AutoCompleteTextView
fetch whole data from db to List<String>
@Harpreet yes but my friend main question is that k is it possible to fetch that dictionary ?
and then add adapter to it, same procedure as we do to Spinner
@Kutbi Have he/she added question to SO?
@Harpreet no. not now.
@Harpreet cant we get our own prediction word dictionary which is stored in phone ?
@Harpreet upto now i found this only
Yah you can use that too.
I didn't used it yet, so have no knowledge regarding it.
Hi all
Q: How do I Use AutoCompleteTextView and populate it with data from a web API?

AJ.I want to use an AutoCompleteTextView in my activity and populate the data as the user types by querying a web API. How do I go about doing this? Do I create a new class and override AutoCompleteTextView.performFiltering, or do I use a custom list adapter and provide a custom android.widget.Fil...

@Harpreet thanks. i m looking into it
If want to go for it, then can also check it.
Ok. good.
@Harpreet i have one more question related to view page indicator..may i ?
as many as u can. :P
@Harpreet :) how can i scroll that indicator title ?
u can see in images that "album","songs","play" (titles) i want scroll that also
@Kutbi I just say I never done anything like that but here something for you.
A: how to create dynamic swipe screens in android?

tusharFor swiping gesture you have to use view flipper.But be sure before using this,This requires fragments which is not supported in api level less than 10. Below are the following listed links 1) http://androidtrainningcenter.blogspot.in/2012/10/viewpager-example-in-android.html 2) http://www.edu...

Just check its answer. :) Let me know if helps
@Harpreet no.i succeed to do it with view pager but only problem is that to scroll title also
Not sure, but see if you have solution in this.
@Hardik: @chintankhetiya: @RobinHood: Good Morning Guys
good morning android people
any one can tell how to apply Print page in android print is possible in android ?
@all good morning, can anyone help me on this: adilsoomro.blogspot.in/2011/06/iphone-like-tabs-in-android.html here while selecting tab getting curve shape but i just want to show rectangle shape
@Rakesh Hey, if you are using AdilSoomro's blog. then why you not ask him directly. :P
He'll be in room soon.
@Harpreet ok...i will ask hime..thanks
@Harpreet @Rakesh How to store Arraylist Data of Listview data when pressing the “back” button
public void onDestroy()
@user1884437 :)
public void onBackPressed()
Invoke these Override methods from Source & get it done. :)
and do what you want ...
:) I said so. :P
@Harpreet ok... buddy...
i have removed
@Harpreet @Rakesh s i have 2 view A & B. in there is listview with some textview data . when i press button in listview its going to B view. when i Press onBackPressed()(Default back button) recent data in listview will not there so how to restore previous data.
@Harpreet @Rakesh any idea..
@Rakesh @Harpreet Reply please. you got my question
@Rakesh I didn't said to remove anything. :P
@Harpreet i did that, because i don't want to heart you my friend that's it..
@user1884437 How are you navigating from A to B and B to A?
@Rakesh I never get hurt from anything. :P Not to worry buddy. :D
A to B by button in listview and from B to A default back button
@Harpreet ok...buddy now i am happy...God Bless You.
@user1884437 Have you used finish() while moving to B from A via Intent?
Do 1 thing, paste your code at pastebin and let us see it once.
@Rakesh You too buddy. :)
@Harpreet ok buddy i will see that ....
hi guys i am trying to use kannda and telugu fonts in my app but they are not displayed properly so anybody knows anything about this
any idea of blackberry z10 give away ?
@vamsi do you anything about it?
@Harpreet no if i use finish.. its going out f app i thing.. my problem is not in backbutton is going to A view but problem is in A that i have not store the data.So how to do .. i have to use onsaveinstance or on resume method.
they are some rumours ,but donno correct details
@user1884437 ok... tell us step by step what are you trying and what you are getting??
@user1884437 What exactly I am thinking is if you havn't finshed/destroyed your class A then its in Pause state, so when you come back from B (onBackPressed), A will get active by Resume State. So the thing is that your values last saved will have to be same in this state of scenario. Can't say why are they overlapping.
Can you show us your code.?
@Rakesh Where has he gone?? :P
@Harpreet buddy don't have any idea, i guess he don't want to show us code...
Hi @all
hi all
@Rakesh may be. :P
@Kirti hello
i tried the solution , but still its showing error
@SAHIL Then you might not have added the library project correctly or you are referring it in a wrong place where this keyword doesn't work.
@Appu ok , i will check
@Appu can you help me on adding the libirary
@SAHIL Lunch. BTW how did you add it?
hi guys
@SAHIL If you followed that exactly, you shouldn't have any issues while adding the library project.
@Robinood : hello
@Harpreet buddy i need ur help...
@All does anyone tried qrcode scanner using zxing library?
@All Hi Amazon Kindle Fire HD 8.9 or Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 which one is better /popularity/best seller ?
1 message moved to DUST
@Maid786 Don't paste it multiple times.. Stay calm. If anyone knows they'll reply you :)
@Praveen Thanks
@Rakesh Yes sir g. :)
Sorry i was out for lunch
@TheDevMan Please check question again.
@Harpreet failed to connect camera service while open front camera
@Kutbi You are trying it on Emulator or on Device?
@Harpreet Device
Q: Fail to connect camera service in front camera?

VR.Nareshi am using Camera Api in that when ever i lanch app it will show back camera it works fine but when i click front camera button it will get Runtime excetion Fail to connect camera service in camera = Camera.open(cameraID); in front camera button code : if (cameraID == Camera.CameraInfo.CAMER...

@Harpreet ok.i will try this
@Harpreet i have made an facebook app, and i have tested on device and it works fine, but i have a question in my mind, in my app i am not using hashkey, but registered, so if i will launch it on Google Play it will work or not without hashkey...?
hello everyone :D
@harpreet - Answered your question. Thanks!
@koshWTF @Vinay @TheDevMan good evening, i have made an facebook app, and i have tested on device and it works fine, but i have a question in my mind, in my app i am not using hashkey, but registered, so if i will launch it on Google Play it will work or not without hashkey...?
hey guys how do i know if the user have cutom rom or a stock one ? like whatsapp do. !!!
@AmitSuri Is it HashKey or AppKey? As I think HashKey is mandatory and so is AppKey.
@Harpreet buddy i am not able to generate hashkey...please help ...
@koshWTF Didn't get ur question. :P
@AmitSuri Have you ever submitted any app to Google Play? Asking to help in steps
this is to check the version code. i want to display msg to the user if they have custom rom. !!!! i just want to know what i should put in that if statement to make it check whether the phone installed my app have custom rom or no !
hey the almighties of chat rooms, please hail to my rescue
@Harpreet i am not asking to help in steps but getting problem while trying to generate hashkey
wants to know it is mandatory while working with facebook or api key is enough?
I don't know where is your prob exactly is, that why i was asking. Never the less. Steps:-
1. Export apk as Signed Application
2. Open terminal & type command.
Command::keytool -list -alias alias_name -keystore key_file_name.keystore -storepass Password -keypass Password -v
You'll see the hashkey
& SHA1 Key
@Harpreet : too busy?any help
@Harpreet thanks to help me but buddy i have generated by using this link.: javatechig.com/2012/12/10/… anyways thank you...
@AkhilJain Hi bro. :)
@Harpreet hi :)
ok, so my problem is i am trying to set image in image view at rum time, hhow do i do tht?
@AmitSuri Good Job Sir. :)
@AkhilJain You are getting NullPointerException. I think?
@Harpreet you are spot on
one min plz. have to check
ImageView update = (ImageView)findViewById(R.id.imageView);
Hope you want this.
@CapDroid su k bov busy lago cho ?
Hello Everyone , i am trying to change the default icon to my customized icon but after installing the app its still showing me the same icon , I have changed all image in resource folder and updated my mainfest file pastie.org/6086362 pls look at it...
hi every one i have an issuee regarding sqllite database
any one help me ??
@AkhilJain @AmitSuri @Kirti @Kutbi @TheDevMan pls look at the message
I am running splashscreen has my firstactivity
@Harpreet ok so there is not null pointer but resource not found exception, its a warning not a error o such, the app works fyn , how to get image
when I start my app with MainAcitvity Icon is displayed but i want to run first splash screen
@Harpreet setting image in adapter
@AkhilJain Put image in a folder drawable under res
and use the code i sent above
@Harpreet its nt a rookie mistake, i m a roookie++ ;)
sorry. :P
I didn't read that u setting in adapter
@AkhilJain pls help akhil
@krish dude, make your splash activity the launcher activity from manifest
@AkhilJain I'll see it soon, sorry buzy for some mins.
@Harpreet oks
@AkhilJain Yes I did But Android icon launcher I am getting
@AkhilJain Yes I did But Android icon launcher I am getting
android icon launcher?? wt do u mean ?when you start your app what exactly happens
@krish what is ic_launcher image? is that you want to show as icon?
public SearchAdapter(Context context, *int resource*, List<SearchInfo> items)
super(context, *resource*, items);
this.list = items;
You havn't set it.
yes @AkhilJain , I got it actually it didnt change when i made launcher as SplashScreen , I tried with mainAcitivty as launcher and again did splashscreen as launcher then icon came .. Anyways Thanks
i am calling this adapter from other activity
there i pass a textview id, which is completely irrelevant to me in this code @Harpreet
@krish Hit n Trial...gud way to go always
@Abhi hi
Hi hi
Power(hi)n @Abhi
@Abhi how to open front camera in application
i want to use like a mirror
@Kutbi I worked only with back camera. Normally open cam from app, in cam there is option to change :P
@AkhilJain Give me ur email.
@chintankhetiya What?
@Abhi n times HI :)
@Abhi i did some code but its not open the camera view
copied, u can delete now
@AkhilJain Use gmail :P @chintankhetiya then n+1 times Hi :)
copied :P
@Abhi rofl :)
hey everyone, what is up with my mail id??
@Abhi have tht, i use many mailing ids
@chintankhetiya yes
@Harpreet ???
one min
@AkhilJain now check
@CapDroid @RobinHood
@AkhilJain got any email named code?
@Harpreet i seen the code tht u mailed me and it does not show how to get resouce
tht already pre exist in drwaable
have to now, get bitmap of the image resource, guessing so
ok wait
I sent you fetch via webservice, sorry. :P
@Harpreet hey buddy, figured it out
@AkhilJain Cool, so it was
ok it is see
Bitmap icon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(cntxt.getResources(), R.drawable.male);
i gt the icon of the drawable resource
@AkhilJain Yah dat was exactly i was trying to give you. :P
but i havn't able to find it.
and the cntxt here is context of the activity that calls adapter, which intialize in constructor
used it in Feb, 2012 last time. :P
@Harpreet anyway men,thnks a lot, u helped very much
quite a memory u have there, what is ram size ;)
@AkhilJain my pleasure sir g
hahaha. 256 MB only. :P
hahhaa...memory efficient..i lyk tht
hello i want to add my own places in google places api.. can anyone help me ???
@AkhilJain :D
do we have the defalut listview with check box at the right corner instead of left
@sravani Custom you have to do
@CapDroid Capy how are you?
@Abhi fine n u?
ok thanku
hello @billgates
@billgates How is windows? :P
windows is good. but android is better :p
ya, bill gates knows the best
do you know any alternate library for viewflow??
this is not updated for months
View pager
i am using fragmets. i cant use a view pager inside a fragment
View pager with fragments available
@billgates define can't.
nested fragmets is not possible. i think so
A: Is there any alternative to nested Fragments?

drooooooidThere is Nested Fragments!!!!!!! in the new support library version(support library v4 , version 11)

thanks a lot
let me try this
@RobinHood how to open front camera in application
i tried all links of SO but no any preview is shown
@Pallavi aka :D
A: How to open "front camera" on android platform?

Ketanprivate Camera openFrontFacingCameraGingerbread() { int cameraCount = 0; Camera cam = null; Camera.CameraInfo cameraInfo = new Camera.CameraInfo(); cameraCount = Camera.getNumberOfCameras(); for ( int camIdx = 0; camIdx < cameraCount; camIdx++ ) { Camera.getCameraIn...

@RobinHood i tried this first but no error and also no results
tried with Surface Holder also
which device?
sony experia miro
Q: Getting camera instance in Sony xperia

AnujMathur_07I have developed an application, that captures image by its front camera, using a surface view. It is working fine on other phones except Sony phones. The log cat for Sony phone says Permission failure:com.sonyericsson.permission.CAMERA_EXTENDED I have included this permission also, but its...

@LalitPoptani hey DON!!! how are you!
@Pallavi Late :P
@Abhi yup i know... :)
@Abhi how are you?
Next target is abhi??? :P
you tried making app like Talking Tom...
so i need a TARGET???!!! :P
@Pallavi No no i didnt tried, You only gave me idea but i left :P
hmmm okies...
@Pallavi You are working on that?
@Abhi yes, i am trying to... you have any idea about libraries used? or atleast what all libraries could be used??
Here's a question I need help with.
Q: Android Bluetooth: Unable to connect to listening socket after generating a random UUID

tom_mai78101There are two different instances of my program not being about to connect to a BluetoothServerSocket. One of the instances has only 1 UUID generated randomly before it initiates scan mode with SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE_DISCOVERABLE and before using the same generated UUID to create a BluetoothServ...

@Pallavi No idea at all
@Abhi oh.. ok...
hey guys anyone online ?
1 hour later…
i need help for this question plz


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