Ok. Listen there are 2 things. 1: OS shows text as suggestions while you type (stored in its own dictionary). 2: You use your own database to show user to suggestions as dropbox while he types & even store values to DB if word not present. Which 1 you want to implement?
I want to use an AutoCompleteTextView in my activity and populate the data as the user types by querying a web API. How do I go about doing this? Do I create a new class and override AutoCompleteTextView.performFiltering, or do I use a custom list adapter and provide a custom android.widget.Fil...
For swiping gesture you have to use view flipper.But be sure before using this,This requires fragments which is not supported in api level less than 10.
Below are the following listed links
1) http://androidtrainningcenter.blogspot.in/2012/10/viewpager-example-in-android.html
2) http://www.edu...
@Harpreet @Rakesh s i have 2 view A & B. in there is listview with some textview data . when i press button in listview its going to B view. when i Press onBackPressed()(Default back button) recent data in listview will not there so how to restore previous data.
@Harpreet @Rakesh any idea..
@Rakesh @Harpreet Reply please. you got my question
@Harpreet no if i use finish.. its going out f app i thing.. my problem is not in backbutton is going to A view but problem is in A that i have not store the data.So how to do .. i have to use onsaveinstance or on resume method.
@user1884437 What exactly I am thinking is if you havn't finshed/destroyed your class A then its in Pause state, so when you come back from B (onBackPressed), A will get active by Resume State. So the thing is that your values last saved will have to be same in this state of scenario. Can't say why are they overlapping.
i am using Camera Api in that when ever i lanch app it will show back camera it works fine but when i click front camera button it will get Runtime excetion Fail to connect camera service
in camera = Camera.open(cameraID);
in front camera button code :
if (cameraID == Camera.CameraInfo.CAMER...
@Harpreet i have made an facebook app, and i have tested on device and it works fine, but i have a question in my mind, in my app i am not using hashkey, but registered, so if i will launch it on Google Play it will work or not without hashkey...?
@koshWTF @Vinay @TheDevMan good evening, i have made an facebook app, and i have tested on device and it works fine, but i have a question in my mind, in my app i am not using hashkey, but registered, so if i will launch it on Google Play it will work or not without hashkey...?
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { } this is to check the version code. i want to display msg to the user if they have custom rom. !!!! i just want to know what i should put in that if statement to make it check whether the phone installed my app have custom rom or no !
I don't know where is your prob exactly is, that why i was asking. Never the less. Steps:- 1. Export apk as Signed Application 2. Open terminal & type command. Command::keytool -list -alias alias_name -keystore key_file_name.keystore -storepass Password -keypass Password -v
Hello Everyone , i am trying to change the default icon to my customized icon but after installing the app its still showing me the same icon , I have changed all image in resource folder and updated my mainfest file pastie.org/6086362 pls look at it...
yes @AkhilJain , I got it actually it didnt change when i made launcher as SplashScreen , I tried with mainAcitivty as launcher and again did splashscreen as launcher then icon came .. Anyways Thanks
I have developed an application, that captures image by its front camera, using a surface view. It is working fine on other phones except Sony phones.
The log cat for Sony phone says
Permission failure:com.sonyericsson.permission.CAMERA_EXTENDED
I have included this permission also, but its...
There are two different instances of my program not being about to connect to a BluetoothServerSocket.
One of the instances has only 1 UUID generated randomly before it initiates scan mode with SCAN_MODE_CONNECTABLE_DISCOVERABLE and before using the same generated UUID to create a BluetoothServ...