@Appu that i know. see my question. i want add two buttons in sublayout as i code given and i tried it but not get exact output. one thing is fix there is no need to hide it should be always visible .
@chintankhetiya Candidly, I am scared by looking that diagram and your lengthy coding, so had a glance only at the button visibility and invisibility. So, I gave it buddy.
even i searched on those examples, but stil could not find hashkey to register on fb.. wen i give the path for keystore getting "access denied" msg..@chintankhetiya
i saw that link you gave me. Only suggestion. Create a custom view consist of image and two buttons. Add it dynamically like Button a = new Button (this)
@Yul see this .in parent it should be image and in child two button in horizontal way. this is my code to add view linear1.addView(btn, params); linear2.addView(txt, params); i.e linear1 is parent and 2 is for child
@Yul as you know my question. i have main one root linear layout. in that 3 dynamically linear layout in vertical manner should be form. now i want to add 2 buttons in horizontal way for each image. so for that i have to add child layout. hope you are clear about it.
Now i am doing chart application in android using aChart Engine. I can created bar chart, line chart, dual line chart,pie chart and combined chart too. Now i want to create dial chart for my application. I need to create dial chart like this
I searched a lot but i couldn't get proper solution....
I am using a list view with a custom adapter.I am getting a null pointer exception whose reason is unknown.I have even tried to debug it but the debugger is not able to locate the location of the exception.This is the code:
if(SplashActivity.s_contactNameArrayListSplash != null && Splash...
not know not a single log will be printed in it i have tab with activity group and one of activity having asynctask and in doinbackground a single log is also not printed
@AdilSoomro i found one more thing is it actully bcz of service which is already running with asynctask that's y problem occurs if i stop or close service than it works fine how to solve this by runnig service in bg@altaf
@Pallavi @CapDroid @RBalaji hi frnds... i am geting error in adding dynamic Imageview in android. here is image wt i am lokking for freeimagehosting.net/2jyt5 and my code pastie.org/5510911