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Gooood Morning All
@CapDroid @Yul @Venky @all Good Morning
Good Morning buddy
Good morning all :)
can anyone help me out for recording and playing all types video files in mediaplayer in android
Any example or referance plz post
@all good morning have a nice day to all.......................
Hi Good morning
@all good morning have a nice day to all.......................
How to protect my application copying from one device to Andother
Did you google it?
@Yul Ya But I didn't found Correct Solution
My App is free , I am not using Any Google play Library
the only way i know is using application licensing.
once user root his device, he can do everything.
if you want protect your app source code, just use proguard
Good Morning Everybody. have a nice day :)
@Yul what is proguard ?
obfuscated tool
@Yul I thik thats for code protect
as i told before, once user root his device. He can do everything with his app. Regardless some explorer can copy your app easy.
just wonder
if your app is free
@Yul Not free , I am selling my app from my personal web site
10 mins ago, by sravan kumar
My App is free , I am not using Any Google play Library
i'm missing something?
may be possible solution. Force customer provide the IMEI and check in your app
@Yul I have two versions i am providing free and Purchase version , purchase version contains some other options
but all options i am providing inbuilt if he purchase i have to enable those options
@Yul Ok boss thanks for info , I will try
Hello everyone
Using something unique like IMEI or Android Id. Send to your server. If it's not in the list, blacklist it
@Yul Good Morning
good moring :).
@Yul are you here ?
@chintan i have one issue
@Yul i need your help .. see this pastebin.com/Q000x9TS
@dhrumil yes i will try if i can
@chinta i have one button when i click on button listview ok,that listview have total 5 raw now i want to set click event on that different raw
@all Hi, Good Morning.
@dhrumil each button have different task ?
@chintan yes
@chinta i have one button when i click on button open listview ok,that listview have total 5 raw now i want to set click event on that different raw
@dhrumil mean you want to set button in each row and it works individual
@chintankhetiya @dhrumil can u look over this link stackoverflow.com/questions/13813623/… any idea
@chintan i want to set clickevent in each row item and it works individual
@dhrumil you have set condition that if row one is selected then call A If row 3 is click then call D like this way.
@Rao's sorry never work on it.
@chintankhetiya k fine..
@chintan ok
@victor @Appu hello :)
HI @chintankhetiya
@victor Hello can you help me if you can . see this pastebin.com/Q000x9TS i want this dynamically
@malavika @Monika @CapDroid @Pallavi once see this if you can help me .
Hi @chintankhetiya @Appu and @all
@all hi
@chintankhetiya Hey, Sorry, no idea.
@Harish Hey. :)
@chintankhetiya How to give border of cells in tablelayout
@chintankhetiya Add setvisibility gone and visible.
to buttons.
Or dynamically add buttons through coding in the conditional statements where you need it to be displayed.
@Venky Hey man!!
@kongkea Hey
@Appu how are you?
I am good. you?
@Pooja see this may be work for you stackoverflow.com/questions/7117533/…
I am 5. did you day off in Human Right day? @Appu
???? @kongkea
yesterday you work or not?
@Pooja What do you want to achieve?
@kongkea Yeah. It was working day for us. For you?
No, yesterday is Human Right day? so I day off @Appu
Did you don't know Human Right day
@Appu that i know. see my question. i want add two buttons in sublayout as i code given and i tried it but not get exact output. one thing is fix there is no need to hide it should be always visible .
Okay. @kongkea
@kongkea I want to create table and adding rows dynamically to table.
@kongkea no :( Here we don't have even employee rights. How can I think about human right? ;)
@DivyaJehova HELLO
have anyone worked on sharing texts via facebook?@all
@chintankhetiya Candidly, I am scared by looking that diagram and your lengthy coding, so had a glance only at the button visibility and invisibility. So, I gave it buddy.
if it's not related to what you want, sorry.
@Appu just copy past that code you got the idea :) and sorry for that
@Appu on Saturday did you work also?
@kongkea Yeah. We have office even Saturdays too.
and How many time per day did you work? @Appu
@DivyaJehova there are so many example about fb on google
even i searched on those examples, but stil could not find hashkey to register on fb.. wen i give the path for keystore getting "access denied" msg..@chintankhetiya
@DivyaJehova that error is regarding your access
@chintankhetiya @Appu @kongkea @Yul i am getting an error like Error while recieving information from the server [RPC:AEC:0]
WHILE saving credit card details in google play
sorry i dont have experience with google play. Other member in my team do that part :D
Sorry No idea @victor
could you ask him why this error comes @Yul
ok @kongkea
he is not at office now..
my luck @Yul
i search google and there're some answers
@Yul i have one idea just let me know is it correct for me or not ?
@Yul see this copy and past this can i achieve this by dynamically ? i tried but not get
@chintan thanxs bhai issue is solve
i saw that link you gave me. Only suggestion. Create a custom view consist of image and two buttons. Add it dynamically like Button a = new Button (this)
your view will have contructor like that
@dhrumil good good keep it up. but till i am founding something that can help me
@chintan ask appu,capdroid
@Yul yes that i do but when i add image on parent and that two button in chilled its give me strange output.
wrong position or ?
dont get it :D i thought your first top and second top is where you dynamically push childs in?
@Yul see this .in parent it should be image and in child two button in horizontal way. this is my code to add view linear1.addView(btn, params); linear2.addView(txt, params); i.e linear1 is parent and 2 is for child
i try to write this afternoon. I haven't work with android for awhile.
@Yul as you know my question. i have main one root linear layout. in that 3 dynamically linear layout in vertical manner should be form. now i want to add 2 buttons in horizontal way for each image. so for that i have to add child layout. hope you are clear about it.
@Yul thank you so much
@kongkea 9-10 hrs
@victor Sorry, no idea.
@all any body can help me??
Q: How to create dial chart using aChart Engine for android?

malavikaNow i am doing chart application in android using aChart Engine. I can created bar chart, line chart, dual line chart,pie chart and combined chart too. Now i want to create dial chart for my application. I need to create dial chart like this I searched a lot but i couldn't get proper solution....

@chintankhetiya, do you know how to rotate a view by an angle? for Ex: how to display an image reversed
@chintankhetiya: the gridview has 3 column is not gridview in pinterest :D
the one has two columns seem a real gridview
@Yul are you talking about mac's answer ?
i checking how pinterest do that gridview
but the gridview has 3 columns in signup process is not gridview. It's webview :)
@Yul in mac's answer they just create main root layout for handling view. in sub way create 3 vertical layout and by % they add image .
@Yul past a link which you refer now
i dont talk about MAC answer. I though the pinteres use customview but that is simple webview
@Yul can you share that link which you are analyze now ?
i'm checking pinteres app source :) The signup gridview is a webview point to this
@Yul i found this one also but that is for web not for android stackoverflow.com/questions/10695256/….
@Yul yes you are simply talking about paintrest its a web view
@Manjunath r u der?
@Yul have you see this ? if i run this then its shows me out of memory .github.com/expilu/AntipodalWall
just download not import :D
i try to import that
@Yul okay.
What is MINIPC android ?
@Yul hpoe you are on the way
hello @chintankhetiya which city are you from?
i run on device. It's not smooth
but not OOM
hard to swipe.
@Yul due to my memory its not running for me.
@DineshVenkata you can see my profile ? BTW why ?
@Yul do you remember you was suggest a link yesterday in list. that is also not smooth.
i havent run it but it saw its code. I think is easy to access button.
@this one or previous one (in list)?
I suggested you try this
@Yul i have it. but its not looks like gallery and its not smooth have you run it ? even i check in phone also .
@Yul if i tried to add third list in that then it will looks like gallery .
i think there's a little delay between 2 lists. About scrolling, i think that is ok.
@Yul okay. so we have to think user view also . if we problem with loading then user will also dislike this .
@Yul sorry client didn't like this way they need as gallery
just finding another way...
@Yul right now if i add simple button then that's click event will work. if i add other view like image of text then it's not.
you mean you can't catch image click event?
@Yul yes
@Yul see this code.pastie.org/5510024
@Yul the problem is i use linear layout class in layout obj but instead of that i user viewgroup so its work.
@Yul now only one thing i need is view in proper manner.
told you before you can create a seperate custom view class.
@Yul really ? sorry for that i show you this both code number of time you point out may be i have not point it. sorry for that.
wait a minute i give you example...
@Yul okay :( :) i am waiting
@chintankhetiya: here you can write a view contain image and two buttons. Use for loop to add to layout.
@Yul i m not getting proper what you have do in that link ?
Hi all
Please help me.
Q: Not getting the reason of null pointer exception in list view

user1726619I am using a list view with a custom adapter.I am getting a null pointer exception whose reason is unknown.I have even tried to debug it but the debugger is not able to locate the location of the exception.This is the code: if(SplashActivity.s_contactNameArrayListSplash != null && Splash...

@AdilSoomro asynctask's do inbackground not called in tab
any idea
@Khan doInBackground?? why??
not know not a single log will be printed in it i have tab with activity group and one of activity having asynctask and in doinbackground a single log is also not printed
any one worked on sliding menu
@AdilSoomro i found one more thing is it actully bcz of service which is already running with asynctask that's y problem occurs if i stop or close service than it works fine how to solve this by runnig service in bg@altaf
Can Any one help Me
regarding Barcodes canner in Android
@JigneshAnsodariya sorry no idea
one help
i've add 5 view on frame layout
how to swap the views on framelayout
@Ganesh sorry never work on that
1 hour later…
@RBalaji Hi da
hi machi please check the source da
Any problem in this code?
1 message moved to DUST
how to change imageview and videoview 60sec once da 1by 1
Tomorrow is 12/12/12
12/12/12 12.12.12
is it not the end of the world ? :P @HJV @CapDroid
@victor it is coming at once in 100 year
so from how many times this world get smash.. :P @CapDroid
Bye alll
@CapDroid the last repetitive date was 11/11/11 11.11.11 so now you calculate the next repetition :P
bye @ALL
@Venky what happen machi
@Pallavi @CapDroid @RBalaji hi frnds... i am geting error in adding dynamic Imageview in android. here is image wt i am lokking for freeimagehosting.net/2jyt5 and my code pastie.org/5510911
imageview is in horizontal scroll view
@Rao's update the code without the comments
imageNameArray length is more than 1?
@Pallavi here is th code pastie.org/5510940
@Pallavi any idea..
what is the max size of sql db in android
@sravani 500 mb
is it for all apps or individual App@malavika
@sravani 500 mb
ok .. i mean if my occupies 500mb data. can i use another app which contains 100 mb
@sravani each app ll contains 500 mb
ok thanku @malavika
@Rao's still there? i got the images!
i just replaced imageButton.setBackgroundDrawable(image); with imageButton.setBackgroundResource(imageResourceId);
i am able to scroll the images, just that they are not fit to background...
ALSO add the methods after the onCreate() method, not inside it...
@sravani u r welcome dear
@Rao's AND first of all, do not give fixed positions
may be the images are loading, but not in that 160,160 frame..

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