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04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

Good Morning & Have a Nice "NAVLI NAVRATRI"
Good morning
morning @Abhi.How's your work going?
Hmm going on..., For you?
@all gud mrng to all ve a nice day............
@asha :)
@Abhi @AamirKhan good morning
@CapDroid :)
@Goofy Gm:)
@jeet @furqi good morning
good morning
@Goofy thank you
@jeet what for?
good morning @Abhi
@Goofy for wishing me a good morning
@jeet :) then i should thank you also...
@Goofy hahaha
how are you?
and how is work
@Goofy gm :)
@jeet i am fine... not much work from past 20 days just R&D work... whats up on your side...
@Goofy hmm, past two months were good, at point of work
was very much busy in these two months
@jeet oh thats good i guess u would have learnt many things...
@Goofy hmm
@jeet still working on android?
@Goofy @smiley Morning
services, databases, queries, filesystem, camera, media players
@jeet oh thats really good... i havent gone through services ,camera and media players rest of it i am ok ok...
@Goofy actually, I also had, but, explored these by some more depth
@jeet yes even i have to learn in depth on those items but not getting proper projects...
@Goofy yes, thats true
we can learn how much we get chance to learn
hi frnds
@jeet i am trying to learn html 5 and css to learn phonegap but not getting enough time...
can someone guide me .. how to make an media player which can be controlled by bluetooth headset in android
good morning all
@Manjunath hi good morning...
@Goofy, VGM :)
@Abhi, @jeet, I want to get Images from drawable folder by using string path. Is it possible?
R.drawable.* is int
int igotit = getResources().getIdentifier(imagess, "drawable", getPackageName());
here imagess is a string name like String imagess ="login.png";
@Abhi hello good morning
Q: Finding empty area in an Image to fill another image

VenkyI want to find empty area in an image (it's xy co-ordinates) , from that i need to fill another image in that empty area.

Any idea guys??
@Manjunath g m r u der?
@Goofy, thanks :)
@asha, VGM, bit busy
@Venky Hey very good morning
good morning da , how are you?
Hmmm Hmm fine, you?
sooper and cool
good morning Kyogs
good morning all
have u seen this question ...
hello venky
you can do one thing
@Pallavi gd mrng
for your question
make you image transparent at that particular area rather then finding xy position on screen
may be that can help
and with the help of framelayout you can show image below your frame.
without any trouble.
yes we can do programmatically but i m suggesting you an easiest way
have u any idea abt this ....stackoverflow.com/questions/12893047/…
@DeepikaLalra hello
@kyogs happened with me many times... just publish the item and upload and save the latest build... after you have uploaded, it takes atleast 1 hr for changes to take place... after that log in to your google account, which has a Credit Card attached to it..(Google Wallet)...
yes venky
and it will work...
Even for filling i have to know xy co-ordinates right?
yes but that will be fixed. you can give top margin to imageview
in xml file
No that is dynamic image i might get different shapes even
hi toall
hello da
@Venky:do u know ECG graph view
need a help regarding formatting the phone number in (xxx) xxx xxxx format
@tamil No idea da
hello all
Any one help to solve problem in my android phone ?
can this be accessed via IRC?
Hi @manjunath
@sravani, yes
how to unlock a samsung galaxy y, when it is locked because of too many attempts?
hi manjunath
@Manikandan, yes dude
i am getting the xml response from the url
that is plist type
@sravani, ok
so in one dict i am getting one image url and name and email and phone num
so 1st time when i call the webservices i am getting all but i am taking only image url downloding that and showing on the screen
@manjunath how to connect android mobile to glucose meter via bluetooth
@Manikandan, sorry no idea
if i click that image i have to display the extra info which is associated with that image
i am getting 14 images from the serve
@Manikandan, check the library they are exposing
ok, what library?
@Manikandan, find the library, they must be exposing
hello user 13814, here is your answer :String num = "xxxxxxxxxx";

String first ="("+num.subSequence(0, 3)+") "+num.substring(3, 6)+ " "+num.substring(6, 9);
@Manikandan ok thanks
@Manjunath ok thanks
hi Deeepika lara
hello manikandan its Deepika Lalra.
@SenthilMg hello
@Venky...have u got the solution
47 mins ago, by Venky
Q: Finding empty area in an Image to fill another image

VenkyI want to find empty area in an image (it's xy co-ordinates) , from that i need to fill another image in that empty area.

No not yet da
hi Deeepika lara
@Venky..lets try this way.. place two images using framelayout
hi senthil Mg
yes manikandan
how to connect android device to glucose meter via bluetooth?
Did you asked him? @SenthilMg
@Venky...he told like that only.
do you hav any idea?
@SenthilMg How?
sorry i didn't work for this yet.
@Venky...I'll get the more details after the lunch..d ping u
@Venky...meantime try the link below stackoverflow.com/questions/3592136/…
@deepika lalra: ok thanks
What is the Solution for this error?
Starting emulator for AVD 'JellyBeans'
Failed to allocate memory: 8
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.
@RajeshRajaram How much memory you gave, i mean Ram size?
@sravani, hello
@Manjunath did it work?
any one have used flurry adspot i have query regarding it
@Venky check yr question
@Abhi are u there?
@Khan Yes i didnt work with that
A: Finding empty area in an Image to fill another image

CapDroidYou want to find WHITE point in image then try below . I hope it will help you, but it return all WHITE point in the image not only empty area. ArrayList<Point> whitePoint = new ArrayList<Point>(); for (int i = 0; i < mBitmap.getWidth(); i++) { ...

@Abhi it's k
@Khan hi
@Abhi how are you?
@Khan are you also into windows app development
@arnp Hello..,I am fine you?
@Abhi am fine dude
is long time back
@Abhi hi
how r u??
@Abhi 512MB
@RajeshRajaram Check this
hi rajesh rajaram
@Abhi thx abhi, I try. @Manikandan Hi
how to connect android device to glucose meter via bluetooth]
@arnp nope
@Abhi i was able to resolve the bar graph issue
how to share an image in google+ account?
Hello there<
@ArindamMukherjee Nice
@ArindamMukherjee Hello could you help me on bar Graph
does anyone know?
but only issue i am facing is now to change the color of the bars
@Maid786 tell me the issue
See you have color array of int type you can change there
Q: Implementation of AchartEngine For Bar Graph

Arindam MukherjeeI have created bar graph using AChartEngine library. Currently i am getting the two years revenue(2011 & 2012) and comparing them month wise. So in each bar, i am displaying two years data and displaying them Monthly (like Jan, Feb etc). But my requirement is, i have to display it quarterly.....

check this..
@ArindamMukherjee I am working on bluetooth application.
I am suffering from problem with orientation change can u help me plz?
actually I able to graph but it is not Good .I also help from AchartEngine .@ArindamMukherjee
hi arindam mukherjee
hi pratik
which kind of problem..@Pratik
So If u could better then plz guide me .I want to change color,length ect ?? @ArindamMukherjee
@Maid786 what u want and what graph u r getting..can you tell me
@ArindamMukherjee I also need bar chart .I able to draw bar chart with the help of AchartEngine .but I need more facility like I want to change color,length,border color,end color,start color etc
hi pratik
@Manikandan hi
@ArindamMukherjee I have bluetooth enable dialog at onCreate() method of activity.
I have manage configvchanges=orientation from manifest to that activity.
I have double checked from logcat that onCreate and onResume methods are not callling on orientation change.
But still when I change orientation bluetooth enable dialog redraws on previous dialog.
@Maid786 so can u post the code..and what are the changes u need..
Ok sure
Just give me 5 min
@DeepikaLalra, did you check this
I did not work on bluetooth exactly
@ArindamMukherjee how to connect android device to glucose meter via bluetooth. Pls help me. Give your valuable suggestion
@ArindamMukherjee ok
@Manikandan i did not work much on bluetooth
@Pratik but the issue is with orientation or bluetooth exactly
do you know about bluetooth sockets?
@ArindamMukherjee orientation , Bluetooth is working fine.
hi patrik
i have few clarification on bluetooth connection.can you clear it?
@ArindamMukherjee orientation , Bluetooth is working fine.
@patrik pls help me.
@Abhi hi
@Manikandan yes tell me.
@Abhi may I ask you something?
how to connect android device to glucose meter via bluetooth
did u able to get the changed orientation
@Abhi I am creating the text fields dynamically on the layout but when I press the back button and show the fileds again the number of fields are doubled
@Manikandan Have you referred bluetooth chat code
How can I clear and create these fields each time
i mean when u r changing the orientation, r u able to get some response
@ArindamMukherjee yes
@answer88 Before adding first removeallViews then add
yes but what is the method ? @Abhi
I mentioned already
@ArindamMukherjee in manifest I have stated that to manage orientation only so screen orientation changes and onCreate and onResume methods donot get called.
I have double checked it from logcat.
So now u mean when orientation is changing, those two are geting call
removeallViews ?
@patrik yes but in bluetooth chat we will have same code in both app. but in my case there is no two android device. one android device and another one is glucose meter. i dont know how to make connection between them?
@Pratik So now u mean when orientation is changing, those two are geting call
@answer88 Yes
@Abhi sorry but there is no such method I did not find it.
How you are adding views?
@ArindamMukherjee no onCreate and onResume both dont get colled but still dialog which was started in onCreate redraws itself and that dialog is bluetooth enable dialog.
@Abhi with addView()
To which layout?
@Abhi to a layout that I was created dynamically
layout.removeAllViews(); Cant you find this?
@Manikandan So your glucose meter must work like request response right?
i.e you gonna send some packet to it and sensor gonna reply with some data in packe tformat right ?
In such case dont use UUID connection.
and in read thread use cancel once read operation is completed. thats it.
@Pratik Can you check the dialog code once??
@Abhi I find it not
may be it is creating the dialog and again it is going to same part of the code in dialog
@Pratik did you tried with this part of code
@Maid786 did u get??
i will check after the lunch
Dont paste codes here.Read room description
how to proceed it without giving uuid ?
@pratik how to proceed it without giving uuid ?
@CapDroid there?
@Manjunath thanks manjunath. i will try this
Hello @ALL
@Venky yes
anyone got problem with DEL KEY in softkeyboard? It can not delete text in edittext.
I searched but it seem not able to catch even DEL KEY in softkeyboard. Hard keyboard is possible
@Manjunath @jeet @Abhi @SpK i have a question what is the difference between arrayadapter ,basadapter and list adapter...
@Goofy, :)
@Goofy, BaseAdapter is the super class of other two
@Manjunath i found this...
ArrayAdapter is better if you have an ArrayList of objects.
CursorAdapter is better if you have a database query and a Cursor
BaseAdapter is the most customizable, so you can use it for anything (you have to customize it a little bit more than others)
@Goofy, yup
@Manjunath thanks :)
@Goofy yes
what is your question?
@Goofy, :)
@jeet what is the difference between arrayadapter ,basadapter and list adapter...
@jeet @Manjunath actually i am writing a blog which might help others so collecting info on that... :)
@Goofy you have mentioned already
@Goofy, great dude
@jeet yup...
anybody here?
Hey guys @Manjunath @Goofy @jeet hi
@Harish, hello
@Harish hello...
@Krishna You can find many are here, Why again anybody here?
@Abhi :)
@Abhi ...you have any idea in inapp purchase??
@Krishna Yeah but no practical experience ,Ask pallavi, She had recent work on that
@Pallavi: hiiiiii..
@Abhi ok macha..
@Krishna hello
@Pallavi I have some doubts in inapp purchase .ie in my app, there are some videos which are available to users only after purchasing each of these videos.So can you figure it out how inapp works in the present scenerio?
actually these files are downloaded from server after purchasing the videos through app.
@sky90 hi
@harish,hi~How do you know ProcessDialog in android4.0?
i want to displayed a processdialog in any activity when needed,Who gave me some advice?
@sky90 what is ProcessDialog
@shruti, hello
hi everybody ,hope somebody has worked with dialog atleast once ... i have an issue displaying dialog .. in 4.0 negative button comes first and in 2.2 positive button is added first does anybody know any work around for this
hi @Manjunath
hey wer do u wrk ?
@Harish,sorry ,it's ProgressDialog
@Shruti Hello What kind of dialogs you are asking is it alert dialogs
@Shruti does it matter?
@Harish,there is no problem in my code in android3.2,but not android4.0
@Harish : i have one confirmation dialog with yes and no button ...
@jeet : it does matters coz app ui shud look same on across all platforms
@Shruti ok.what do you want to do for that wt kind of prob? you are facing
i am not facing any problem its jus yes button appears on left in 2.2 and it appears on right on 4.0 ,so i want it to be uniform
uniform means if it appears on right on on one device then it shud appear on right side on all devices
@Shruti Then you can design a custom dialog
@Harish : is it not possible without using custom dialog ?
@Shruti is it not working only in 4.0 devices
@Shruti Its AlertDialog, what you are using
yes i am using alert dialog
@Shruti In which version it is showing the other side
@Harish : it is working on 4.0 bt it shows no on left side and yes on rite side but i want its inverse to b shown up on ui
@Shruti you hv to create custom dialog, there no any other option
ok .. thanks everybody for replying will try to create custom dialog
@Shruti :)
anybody knows about android-support-v4.jar
@CapDroid @Shruti @Manjunath
@Harish, what you want to know ?
i want to use FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK this in api level 8 but it is available from 11
@Harish it is not in android-support-v4.jar?
@CapDroid is it in v13
dont knw bro
Can we browse any file which is at the server in our app ? @jeet
@Harish: Link, link
@SenthilMg hello
@Yul SO where ever logout is there, In that activity i need to wright BroadcastReciever yes and then where i need to wright IntentFilter
Hi @Venky
Do u know twitter api
hello all
can anyone help me with a little sqlite problem
tel @kittu88
actually I have created a database and a table in it
pasting the codes
for creating db:
// create or open database file
db = openOrCreateDatabase("Test.db" , SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY,
// db.setLocale(Locale.getDefault());
for creating table:
// creating table in database
db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "+"contacts"+" " +
" name varchar, " +
" mobile varchar ); ");
for data insertion:
db.execSQL("INSERT INTO contacts(name, mobile)VALUES ('Swift','9830098300');");
but I can not see any data inside the table
for data selection, I have used:
Cursor c =db.rawQuery("SELECT name FROM contacts",null);
if (c != null ) {
if (c.moveToFirst()) {
do {
String firstName = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("name"));

}while (c.moveToNext());
@Pandiyan did you understand?
use contentvalues for inserting
@Pandiyan please can you help me with a samle code
Anyone know Android NDK ? i have some problem in building class.h file
k wait
@Venky..look the below example
@Venky.. in order to do this you need to work with canvas to draw images over other..
dot't post code here @kittu88
@venky.. u need to second canvas as your default image and on below u need to place ur second canvas image..
@Pandiyan ok sorry for that
pastie.org use this one
i want to get date format which has been set on the phone? Any idea?
which phone? which format?
there will be a date format for each phone under date and time settings
how to get that
current time &date?
i gt
final String format = Settings.System.getString(getContentResolver(), Settings.System.DATE_FORMAT);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(format)) {
dateFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getMediumDateFormat(getApplicationContext());
} else {
dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
Date date = new Date();
String date1 = dateFormat.format(date);
04:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

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