@Manjunath int igotit = getResources().getIdentifier(imagess, "drawable", getPackageName()); img.setImageResource(igotit); here imagess is a string name like String imagess ="login.png";
@kyogs happened with me many times... just publish the item and upload and save the latest build... after you have uploaded, it takes atleast 1 hr for changes to take place... after that log in to your google account, which has a Credit Card attached to it..(Google Wallet)...
Starting emulator for AVD 'JellyBeans' Failed to allocate memory: 8 This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information.
You want to find WHITE point in image then try below .
I hope it will help you, but it return all WHITE point in the image not only empty area.
ArrayList<Point> whitePoint = new ArrayList<Point>();
for (int i = 0; i < mBitmap.getWidth(); i++) {
I have created bar graph using AChartEngine library. Currently i am getting the two years revenue(2011 & 2012) and comparing them month wise. So in each bar, i am displaying two years data and displaying them Monthly (like Jan, Feb etc). But my requirement is, i have to display it quarterly.....
@ArindamMukherjee I also need bar chart .I able to draw bar chart with the help of AchartEngine .but I need more facility like I want to change color,length,border color,end color,start color etc
@ArindamMukherjee I have bluetooth enable dialog at onCreate() method of activity. I have manage configvchanges=orientation from manifest to that activity. I have double checked from logcat that onCreate and onResume methods are not callling on orientation change. But still when I change orientation bluetooth enable dialog redraws on previous dialog.
@Abhi I am creating the text fields dynamically on the layout but when I press the back button and show the fileds again the number of fields are doubled
@ArindamMukherjee in manifest I have stated that to manage orientation only so screen orientation changes and onCreate and onResume methods donot get called. I have double checked it from logcat.
@patrik yes but in bluetooth chat we will have same code in both app. but in my case there is no two android device. one android device and another one is glucose meter. i dont know how to make connection between them?
@ArindamMukherjee no onCreate and onResume both dont get colled but still dialog which was started in onCreate redraws itself and that dialog is bluetooth enable dialog.
@Manikandan So your glucose meter must work like request response right? i.e you gonna send some packet to it and sensor gonna reply with some data in packe tformat right ? In such case dont use UUID connection. and in read thread use cancel once read operation is completed. thats it.
@Manjunath i found this... ArrayAdapter is better if you have an ArrayList of objects. CursorAdapter is better if you have a database query and a Cursor BaseAdapter is the most customizable, so you can use it for anything (you have to customize it a little bit more than others)
@Pallavi I have some doubts in inapp purchase .ie in my app, there are some videos which are available to users only after purchasing each of these videos.So can you figure it out how inapp works in the present scenerio?
actually these files are downloaded from server after purchasing the videos through app.
hi everybody ,hope somebody has worked with dialog atleast once ... i have an issue displaying dialog .. in 4.0 negative button comes first and in 2.2 positive button is added first does anybody know any work around for this
actually I have created a database and a table in it
pasting the codes
for creating db:
// create or open database file db = openOrCreateDatabase("Test.db" , SQLiteDatabase.CREATE_IF_NECESSARY, null); db.setVersion(1); // db.setLocale(Locale.getDefault()); db.setLockingEnabled(true);
for creating table:
// creating table in database db.execSQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "+"contacts"+" " + "( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + " name varchar, " + " mobile varchar ); ");
for data insertion:
db.execSQL("INSERT INTO contacts(name, mobile)VALUES ('Swift','9830098300');");
Cursor c =db.rawQuery("SELECT name FROM contacts",null); if (c != null ) { if (c.moveToFirst()) { do { String firstName = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("name"));
final String format = Settings.System.getString(getContentResolver(), Settings.System.DATE_FORMAT); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(format)) { dateFormat = android.text.format.DateFormat.getMediumDateFormat(getApplicationContext()); } else { dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format); } Date date = new Date(); String date1 = dateFormat.format(date);