the problem is that when I press the back physical button to come back from the second activity group to activity 2(which is retained in first activity group) its called onBackPressed() from activitygroup 1
and it gets called without having to press the back button inside activitygroup1
I am developing an Android application with a TabHost in it SDK 7.
My problem is the screen orientation changing handler fails to do the job.
This is the scenario:
The screen is updated well when switching between portrait to landscape and vise versa.
The screen fails to be updated whenever t...
whenever the orientation is changed, the onConfigurationChanged() is called.
once i press the lock button, it calls onResume().
but after resuming, i change orientation again, onConfigurationChanged() is not called once. THen, the onConfigurationChanged() called again whenever i changed the orientation
i already change the xml file as well.
hmm.. i change my question then.. hahaha
after onResume() is called, which method is called nexT?
Hi... @MariaHientono can you please tell me how to put a question with a preview, just like you have uploaded here, rather than posting the question link
The thing is, I want to avoid the extra space that normally Gallery view is displaying at the end of the Gallery; like in (Figure 1)
I need to adjust it like Figure 2
How can I achieve that with out using HorizontalListView describe in here or extending Gallery.
Thank you :-)
I got the following problem , i made a form with a gallery, the gallery instead of containing images contains items from one of my classes, everything inside each item of the gallery displays perfectly. I removed the space between images using:
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas....
@androprabu you are consuming web service and showing data in 2 tabs and both tabs are showing same data, you want to show them separately, is this your problem?
My need is to show the first webservice's answer(ie.,FahrenheitToCelsius) in the first tab of a tabhost and to show the second webservice's answer(ie., CelsiusToFahrenheit) in the second tab of the same tabhost.......
@Adil Soomro I've done it ,but FahrenheitToCelsius webservice's answer is showing on both tabs...what i've did wrongly...will i send you my sources?
I am facing some strange issue in webview at time of loading html content with anchor link.
Following code works perfect for anchor tag but only once.
Second time when i press anchor tag it is not working.
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
do we need to set tax parameter or any other paramter wright now i have added newPayment.setSubtotal(BigDecimal.valueOf(10)); newPayment.setCurrencyType("USD"); this parameter and to get live appid do we need to sumbit original project apk or get demo project apk @sravankumar
is it ok that code or not do we need to add tax or any other paramter and to get live appid do we need to submit original project apk or we can submite demo project apk@SpK
Simple, Just take one more arraylist of boolean flags of size same as your listitems text arraylist..set all item in flag array to false..and when click on item check if flags.get(postion)==true then set it false and if false set it true.
@SpK examples are there but in app and will need to extract it to make clear example..but I think while making yourself you wont find anything difficult..
Then why you said yes when i asked you "you want something like once you click the row it will set TRUE and again clicking on it It will set it FALSE same as TB??"