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hi guys
@all:How to fetch value from edittext stored in listview?
4 hours later…
Good Morning every one
very good morning @NareshSharma
@NagarjunaReddy Hii
@NareshSharma hi
@NagarjunaReddy from where r u ?
bangulore last week you chat with me
@NagarjunaReddy Ohh sorry
@NagarjunaReddy now onwards i never forget :)
Good Morning
Morning People
good morning all
Good Morning my dear friends
@Abhi Yes
That's really good @Abhi
Today we got Brand new SAMSUNG S3
for development
Oho S3???? great
@Abhi it's really amazing!!
@Venky My TL already bought that.
Yeah da for NFC support
@SpK Neingalam yaru pa :P
@Abhi cool
@Venky En da?
@Pallavi hi GM
Ila great nu sola vanthe
@Goofy hello, good morning
@SpK nice...
@SpK My source you copied :P
@Abhi My Source you copy paste
@NagarjunaReddy :D
@good morning all
hey guys
@Manjunath hi after a long time ... Namaskara
Namaskar @Goofy
@Manjunath yen samachara how are you? how is your work going on
I am good and work too going well... how about you? @Goofy
how can i get rounded corner image in webview??
any idea
@Manjunath Same here... but work load is more...
ok @Goofy
@Sanket hi
Good Morning frnds
Q: display a context menu when clicking on tabBar

adrianI have a weird requirment to accomplish. Let say I have a tabHost with 3 tabs. And let say the second tab is curently displayed. What I need to do is - when clicking on the third tab to display a context menu. The context menu needs to be displayed in the activity from tab 2. IMPORTANT So, when...

su kare che
kai nai cmp ma chu
@Khan good morning
@Rstar good morning after long time
@Khan yeah buddy
@Khan no, I don't like that
if I have 4 tabs, where should I know which one was selected
@adrian what u want be clear in question u have asked something and here u tell other thing
@Khan no, I'm not saying
something different
actually in here I haven't said anything
just linked the question
@adrian u want something this type or not suppose currently u are on 2nd tab now u press 3rd tab which will open context menu without going to other activity means ur context menu will be displayed on second data am i right ?
@Khan yes, on the activity from second tab
@adrian u have not read my answer coorrectly plz read carefully and than try i have done same thing where my context menu shows on first tab view on click of third tab
hi guys , need help in JSON parsing
yes tell
@Manjunath which problem are u facing
how to parse this
@Manjunath is this string will be chnage in future or not first tell me or remain as it is
k wait
@Ram welcome.....
hi.. thanks @abhi..
how ru ?
I am fine..., you?
m fine 2..
@AamirPathan there?
@Abhi ya
You are working no phonegap ,right?
@Abhi yes
i have worked in phonegap but now working in android
@Abhi what is ur issue tell me
Not for me one guy is asking :P
@Abhi ok :)
@Abhi there are some phonegap developers in this room chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/11300/phonegap
@Manjunath are u there/
@Manjunath have try something for that and one more thing it is not good format of json
yup, but its coming from server, so no alternatives
@Manjunath first read carefully this json.org if u want any idea how to parse json from this u are able to get in which portion u need JSONArray and in which portion u need JSONObject
@Manjunath are u there
@Khan, thanks dude... I am trying it
@Manjunath i have make some changes in ur string to check data get parfect or not check this paste.org/51030
hi guys
how are you doing?
@Sameer hey after many days.., how are you
i am good yaar.you say?
@all anybody help me out for this stackoverflow.com/questions/11221201/…
your question is closed as you have not specified your requirement correctly .i think you are using authorize.
mention internet permission in Manifest
as previously i struggled a lot due to this problem
@Sameer i used all permissions in manifest already
which error you got during implementation
i got error on "authNetObj = AuthNet.getInstance(Environment.SANDBOX.." line
but what is error?
and also Intent authNetIntent = authNetObj.createAIMAuthCaptureIntent
red mark line error
SANDBOX is not a filed like tht
and authNetObj needs to instatiate like tht
what your Log cat tell about that.as authorize.net is very simple and easy to impleemnt
ive added only jar file into my proj.not added any reference library
ok then gave refrence to this jar
s.i gave
wait..ill send u my code
sorry now lunch
.will talk after 4 Pm
ok.but pls come here @4pm
ill be here only
1 message moved to DUST
7 messages moved to DUST
@AdilSoomro Where are you?
@Abhi: here, right before the screen..
@AdilSoomro Hi
I want super point to win the discussion here, i am supporting mobile applications some are web applications..., Tell me super duper point
@SpK hi
@sanjay Hi
im struggling this for past 2 days
@sanjay Did you try the In-app billing method?
s.But it asked me to register on market play with 20$
@AdilSoomro would you like to help me a little bit with animation?
so i chose authorize.net but getting error on this
this one
@sanjay Oh i see. Then try this it'll support both credit & debit payment
@sanjay I didn't work with authorize.net
@SpK is this link using paypal?
@sanjay Yes using paypal only
@SpK actually i need to do two ways of payment.one is using paypal(i did already).another one using credit card without any third parties like paypal or something
@sanjay Sorry i don't know about that.
can't we do payment without any third parties?
i donno first of all
@sanjay you must have to use some third party payment gateway for this
@sanjay No mate. i don't know. i just done that using paypal
@SpK k thanks
@mark did u use authorize.net before
no :(
i have a prob in this to integrate authorize_SDK into my app
Q: Android color change only in the triangle not in the out side?

NagarjunaReddyHi I m working on project change on color only in the triangle use color picker but use create menu click the view color change total screen but i want only in the triangle area how to do that one any idea this is my original image default back ground color is yellow use ing color picker cha...

but that is a good payment gateway to use @sanjay
@mark u mean in-app or??
in - app
Q: How to implement credit card payment in android application

barbarianI have android application. I want to accept payments in this application for some services. But unfortunately I can't find solution how to provide credit card(VISA, Master Card, etc.) payment inside android app. Can somebody help me with this? Any sample how to accept payments with any payment-...

@mark k ill check
i am facing problem of android twitter integration
@AdilSoomro have u every done this ?
@Rstar ask to @NareshSharma recently he has done it
@AamirPathan thanks buddy
@NareshSharma u there ?
@Rstar what is the issue?
@SpK hello
@adrian which animation?
@mark @SpK can't we use stripe in android?
@Rstar I've done it on iPhone, not on android..
@AdilSoomro between two activities within the same tab
@adrian are you using TabGroupActivity class still?
@AdilSoomro ActivityGroup, yes
@sanjay @abhi @AdilSoomro i am using this one github.com/punitmg/Twitter-Test-App
and I can't get to make the animation properly
@AdilSoomro it should slide the first activity to left and the second one to right to left. Instead the first activity dissapers and the second activity it slided but there is some black before it
@Rstar have u used correct key?
@mark @SpK ??
@AdilSoomro Still, no solution. :(
@sanjay yeah
@mark @SpK do u have idea about stripe in android payment
@sanjay Consumer key and secret
@sanjay No mate
@Rstar pls try my sample & check
@Rstar which problem first tell probelm
@sanjay sure i am also trying ur code
@sanjay no, haven't worked on it yet
@khan 06-27 15:42:19.906: E/e(888): winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException$E401: Unauthorized
getting this
06-27 15:42:19.906: E/e(888): api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json (anonymous)
@Rstar use Twitter4j
@Rstar are you using twitter4j?
@Abhi @AdilSoomro nope i am using jtwitter
@Abhi @AdilSoomro is there any problem with jtwitter ?
@Rstar i have also not used jtwitter i have used same example as abhi has suggested
@Rstar I've no idea, but my colleague used twitter4j in android.
@Khan @AdilSoomro thanks for the infowmation
@AdilSoomro @sanjay getting this error pastee.org/xvwmz
Have you created Consumer key and consumer secret? @Rstar
@Abhi yeah written
getting this null
String token = prefs.getString(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN, "");
String secret = prefs.getString(OAuth.OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET, "");
Log.d("tag", token +" "+secret);
means you didnt proper create onsumer key and secret
reseting keys
still getting same error buddy
@sanjay @AdilSoomro @Abhi any solution for this ?
you can see comments of that code
what is your call back url?
Q: E/AndroidRuntime(585): java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError twitter4j.http.AccessToken

AlexanderI have been following this tutorial http://www.android10.org/index.php/articleslibraries/291-twitter-integration-in-your-android-application I entered these details for the consumer_key and the consumer_secret public class Constants { public static final String CONSUMER_KEY = "<FILL IN...

change lib to libs
this is solution
worked now?
@Abhi Twitter Master :)
nope buddy
No, you are the big master @Venky
Have you added all the jars @Rstar
yeah 4 jars
http client , signpost commonhttp , signpost core , twitter4j core 2.1.11
@Abhi see this code
download it
try to run
Before asking new Question should look for similar asked already.
I have already used in my app , venky is the one who suggested me this link @Rstar
@Abhi can u able to check it right now for 5 mint ?
@Abhi :P
@MKJParekh also renamed buddy
@MKJParekh when we open api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token
, it should gives access token right ?
I dont know much in detail, Or may be I am not recalling it very well. So can't just comment on that, May be Abhi and Venky can help better.
ok buddy
@Venky dai
@sanjay buddy now what ?
@Rstar i also got this same error.This prob is because of key
so only ur getting null values
create a new key & try
create whole key and recreated key
@Rstar No hurry.., Read that link slowly and follow according to that..,
hello @MKJParekh I just want some help, advice, and suggestions ... that how to merge models in java
@MohitMathur Java, To tuff for me, I know only Core JAVA
Yeah da @sanjay
its core java
in this models i have java files and . class file
You just ask straight away, If anybody will have ans, then you will get it for sure.
ive done all the thing on this
but i got prob for adding SDK as library files into my existing proj
how you tried?
@Venky on step no.3 Open the Android Project Properties and link the project "anet_android_sdk" as a dependent library.
adhula than prob
@MKJParekh ok thanks
Did you marked that project as library project?
i did.but i donno its correct r not
anet_android_sdk - you should add this as separate project and make it as Library project , then in your Main project you should add that library
Is this Secure API , be sure before using third party Credit card API's @sanjay
ive unzipped anet_android_sdk and marked as library project.and right click of my existing project ->properties->libraries->add->successfully added
Yeah that's all , what you did is correct
but still got red marked error as some imports
import net.authorize.android.AuthNet;
import net.authorize.android.AuthNetActivityBase;
import net.authorize.android.SimpleActivity;
import net.authorize.android.button.AuthNetButton;
on this lines
Tried to import that ?
It cannot be resolve like this
Q: Selection of muiltiple images from gallery view

Ashish DwivediI want to create a gallery view, in which I want to select multiple images using an orange rectangular box. It should look something like the following: screen look like http://i.imgur.com/qAO0Q.jpg

so i think prob may occur on adding jar file or marking sdk as library to this proj
Inside your library project , check whether AuthNet,AuthNetActivityBase files are avilable?
s.its there
Then it should work Organize your Imports properly da
check ur mail
okay da
Nothing there
Yeah got it
@sanjay do u have any working integration code ?
@Venky pls check it
@Rstar wait
@sanjay yes
@Rstar send me ur mail id
ill send code to u
@Venky checked ah?
i think code is correct
@sanjey got ?
k.delete it
@Rstar check ur mail now
@sanjay i got checking
Guys...please HELP :)
Q: Android: textColor of disabled button in selector not showing?

Nouran HI am trying to make a button with a selector my button can have the following states: Enabled/Disabled Pressed/Not Pressed According to the states mentioned above. I need to manipulate the button's: Text color background image The button starts off my being disabled so it should have the...

Hello friends
@sanjay There?
Problem is that you didn't added jar to library project , check mail i send updated code
@sanjay ?
@venky Good evening.... u have any xp in developing meap application
What is meap?
Mobile Enterprise application platfrm
Sorry no idea
k venky.
sry gone for break
ill check & let u know
@sanjay app is working
@Rstar enjoy
but after login when i click on button , it gives toast that tweet sent but done not tweet anything
ur asking me?
@Rstar pls wait..ill get back soon
@sanjay yeah sure
@Rstar aur u try to tweet hard coded text am i right?
than if u tweet first time than in next 24 hour u can not able to tweet same text u need to change text again and again
@Rstar refresh your twitter page and change the text
@Abhi refreshed many times
change text and try
@Abhi nope.we can able to tweet same text @ many times
i did it already
@Rstar i did some modifications on code.thats y i couldnt post.wait
yeah ok
@sanjay found anything ?
@Rstar check ur mail now
ive sent u a file pls replace it
& try
@sanjay sure
@sanjay now it wont display toast
but getting false when logout
Hi anyone help me to send an file over bluetooth to PC by programatically without intents
is there any possible to convert byte array to corresponding data file back
@sanjay ?
@Rstar sry gone for call meeting
@Rstar its working fine here
ill check
@sanjay little mistake from me
i found
only given read access to key
bye everybuddy
bye all
@VipulShah hi..
6 hours later…
@all anybody online
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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