I am making a camera application. And I have to save the images after camera click on to server and as the size of the image captured is very large always ( in Mb's) . So it is always dificult for me to save the large sized image on the server. Is there any to compress the image before saving it....
haha you have to compromise on the quality segi and 100kb is not a perfect thing that you are looking for as i said earlier it depend upon image to image :)
@PiyushMishra @Segi @ExceptionInNameInitializer: i want to do pinch zoom in page curl how can i do it? i am following this stackoverflow.com/questions/17078977/…
After some operation i get the bewlow xml response from the server. Now i need to get the data from these tags. Please guide me how can i get that.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Response xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XML...
@Biginner what i suggest you please don't go that much fast, first look some sample about how to use pinch zoom download the sample and read the code. I am sure you are using harism page curl
yes your design of xml is not good first thing about scroll view is that it need only one parent to scroll and to add more view inside scroll is very difficult task and you have to make everything dynamic. what i can suggest you two linear layout and one listview that's it and you are done.
@user2477409 any particular issue because issue you didn't mention in your problem
Relative layout parent -> inside one linear layout having align parent top, Second linear layout- align parent bottom , listview in between of these two layouts :)
@user2477409 i haven't see any log in your code, try to put more logs in your code and see what response you are getting "eventType " and all inside loop also
I need help from any one..
I'm facing difficult in checks the radio button.
My concept is how to save the radio button in arraylist and again how to check the selected value from arraylist. If suppose imagine a quiz app. I have a set of questions and answers in a separate array. I'm displaying...
you checked one radio button and you moved from the activity and then you come back to the same activity you want to check those who checked before? @OneManArmy
i am not used getview for that here i used bindview remaining onclick listener are there only,i am confusing that can i write my code there and how it will fetch the data
@PiyushMishra i have logged it... When i selected language from listview then it is saved in shared preference and after that i force closed app from device even after it display selected language in log but can't display to UI
sorry for linux question : my contents of .sh file are 'sudo -i cd /home/madhu131313/Documents/',I run it ,then it asked for root password, it changed to root, but it doesn't execute the changing directory
@PiyushMishra yes..my que..is that because if it is activity then we will do setContentView(R.layout.main); in onResume Method and its work fine but in fragement when inflate a view then its returns a view itself...so problems create here
@BhavinChauhan @KrunalDesai @Bansal_Sneha am using TabGroupActivity The chlid activity is fine i have a spinner in the child activity and am setting it usual way but when i click it it show window bad exception the problem is in android 2.3 it spinner values comes in a alert window there is a problem in building a alert window in child activity the child activity is extends tabgroupactivity not activity pastebin.com/b87jD8BM