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a Verry Good Morning to all....
@Allzz gm
Gm @Alll
Good Morning
Good Morning
@stacks28 gm..
hello every 1
@Segi gm
@Segi Good morning Being cool :P
gud morinig @all
@dreams i am. :)
Good Morning to all
Eid Mubarak to all :)
anyone having challenging work on UI ? waiting to solve if it is possible from my end.
Eid Mubarak
I have developed app but it is not working in 4.2.1 version can any one tell me do i need to set any specific for that ?
@Yug are you getting any error ?
@iDroid the problem is that i do not have device i have just so can not test in it, what error i am getting
@Yug you can test it in Emulator na
@iDrod, yes i am downloading developer.samsung.com/android/tools-sdks/…
@iDroid but emulator may not give real out put as device
its true but as you dont have device, you can test it in Emulator. there is no any other option.
@iDroidExplorer yes i am dowloading that
@Dev :D
Eid mubarak to All
@aamirkhan Eid mubarak
good morning everybody....
@randomize ?
28 eid mubarak
god eid mubarak
means god
hey its mah name
kya bnan dia tumne hahha
Dont break rules..... both of you.
ok , shitan bolu phir
@Segi chup hoja
rules todne k liye he bnte hain
28 kuch bhi bolo yr but god ni
@Dev i dont mind brother. its good for you.. owner will suspend you from this room..
koi na
@Dev okey. continue..
fine,get back to work now
@Exception have you solved my problem.?? :P
@Stacks28 i need one help..
@Segi not yet, didn;t got any proper soltuion
@Exception ohhk.
@Stacks28 i want to compress captured image into 100kb around..
post the code
ok. wait
hi every one
good morning
1 hour later…
@Stacks28 ???????
was in meeting
@Stacks28 oke, np.. nw.??
did u tryied other code from SO?
there is no other options for that..
if you have then tell me..
i will try ..
image is from server or drawable image i mean from where u getting the image?
url or something?
i said na, its captured image from camera..
he is captureing image from camara mam
u want same size image ? or scaling wont be problem
and what is the error u getting?
@Stacks see,
i used that code and its works but it gives me 150kb around..
but i want around 100kb..
i dont know about its calculation for that..
how abt this?
Q: android camera image compression

Long miles to Go..I am making a camera application. And I have to save the images after camera click on to server and as the size of the image captured is very large always ( in Mb's) . So it is always dificult for me to save the large sized image on the server. Is there any to compress the image before saving it....

i already tried before long time and it returns around 500kb..
u need image of same size right?
i mean dimansion
what ht and width
its depend on device..
i mean i didnt give any specific width and height..
u tried thubnailutil
thumbnail for what??
image that u hv
Bitmap ThumbImage = ThumbnailUtils.extractThumbnail(BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imagePath), THUMBSIZE, THUMBSIZE);
thumbnail if you send, then it will be tough to recognize its segi or its piyush :D
@Piyush yeah right. :D
@Stacks its not workful..
@PiyushMishra hi
@PiyushMishra how are you?
i am fine, what about you?
@Bhavin ga :)
@Stacks any other solutions.?
need one help :)
you guys don't have any holiday or something on eid :/
piyush u hv any solution for compress image
@Piyush noooooooooooooooo
if so kindly answer here
@Stacks i already asked him.. :P
k, sorry i dont know
@PiyushMishra : hello
i already suggested stack but he want 100kb that particular size is tough to get :)
@Stacks ookkk.
@Piyush but its not work. and you said you are finding solution but still not give any solutions to me.. :P
@Biginner hello
haha you have to compromise on the quality segi and 100kb is not a perfect thing that you are looking for as i said earlier it depend upon image to image :)
@PiyushMishra i want to share with you one image for new layout how i will share without drop box:) means give me site like pastie.org
@PiyushMishra @Segi @ExceptionInNameInitializer: i want to do pinch zoom in page curl how can i do it? i am following this stackoverflow.com/questions/17078977/…
tinyimage you can use bhabin
@Piyush and i also told you that i dont need exactly 100kb. but around that..
and if quality will be little decrease then its fine.. no problem.
@Biginner pinch zoom is just a view what i remember so you can replace your view with custom view do you have any sample for pinch zoom?
@PiyushMishra : i have downloaded jar file for zoom
@PiyushMishra i want this tinyuploads.com/share/files/Jr1N1T I have designed pastie.org/8221220
@PiyushMishra with outer layout scroll and with listview srcrollable
@PiyushMishra it mean i have 2 vertical scroll view
your xml is too large, its not required as per the UI that you showed you can use simple listview that is enough and can inflate the xml
@Biginner that's fine but for pinch zoom you are surely using some view right instead of imageview?
@PiyushMishra : yes..but i dont know how can i use that jar file..:(
@BhavinChauhan Two linear layout and in b/w one listview that's enough for your UI
@PiyushMishra : i have tried same as this link.. stackoverflow.com/questions/17078977/…
can anyone help me in this issue
Q: XML Parsing in Android

user2477409After some operation i get the bewlow xml response from the server. Now i need to get the data from these tags. Please guide me how can i get that. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <Response xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XML...

@Biginner what i suggest you please don't go that much fast, first look some sample about how to use pinch zoom download the sample and read the code. I am sure you are using harism page curl
@PiyushMishra I have put leaner layout b'cz i want to design with xml style like row :) may be this is complex for view :) let me inflate :)
@PiyushMishra thanks :)
yes your design of xml is not good first thing about scroll view is that it need only one parent to scroll and to add more view inside scroll is very difficult task and you have to make everything dynamic. what i can suggest you two linear layout and one listview that's it and you are done.
@user2477409 any particular issue because issue you didn't mention in your problem
@piyush after that may I set weight for both layout and listview?
@PiyushMishra XmlPullParser.START_TAG: gives all the tags inside the xml not the starting one
Relative layout parent -> inside one linear layout having align parent top, Second linear layout- align parent bottom , listview in between of these two layouts :)
@PiyushMishra got your idea :) thanks man :)
I have edited the question now @PiyushMishra
@user2477409 i haven't see any log in your code, try to put more logs in your code and see what response you are getting "eventType " and all inside loop also
@PiyushMishra Ok
@all Good afternoon
any one check this and help me
Q: save the radiobutton and check

OneManArmyI need help from any one.. I'm facing difficult in checks the radio button. My concept is how to save the radio button in arraylist and again how to check the selected value from arraylist. If suppose imagine a quiz app. I have a set of questions and answers in a separate array. I'm displaying...

hello one man
@piyushMishra check my question
yah checked difficult to understand actually :)
@piyushMishra What i can't get your point
@OneManArmy hmm you can do in many ways actually
can use tag for that checkedId tag
hello everyone
instead of arraylist can use hashmap have key and value
can use data model class, lot of things :)
@piyushMishra how to implement in hashmap can you put your any in my question
is it possible to dialing call automatically in background
there is no need to put there oneMan can simply use hashMap<int,string>
where int is the checkId and string is the value.
later you can get the value using checkID :)
or can do the reverse also string as key and int as value so you can check the Id for particular string as per your need you can do that @OneManArmy
@piyushMishra can give example to refer
ohh common man if some fresher need any link can understand
first tell me did you got what i said?
just put your answer i hope your answer will help me
i can vote @piyushMishra
ok first let me clearify from my side @OneManArmy
haha thanks for your kindness oneman :)
@PiyushMishra ok put your answer please with example
you checked one radio button and you moved from the activity and then you come back to the same activity you want to check those who checked before? @OneManArmy
i can refer
yes right @PiyushMishra
ok fine it will work
Hi all, can anyone help me out with this: stackoverflow.com/questions/18144350/…
@PiyushMishra u thr?
yah doing your thing only :)
@PiyushMishra ok instead of activity, think of next button and perivous button
yah no problem same thing
@PiyushMishra search bar ka text color kha define krte hain?
@PiyushMishra ok
search bar mey
maine custom theme bnayi hai
searchable wali file me?
try karo
option he nhi hai
@PIyush dont use mother language brother..
haha what to do segi :D
@piyush just use english. :P
haha i thought have to use french or something ;)
@PiyushMishra u thr?
@PiyushMishra you there?
@OneManArmy yes i am, check your question
time for lunch
can somebody help my with this? stackoverflow.com/questions/18142474/…
I did the receiver, just as it needs to be, but When I uninstall the app, it is not called
BUT, if I reinstall the app, from Eclipse, it enters the action = ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED check
anyone here
hello someone help me
how to auto answer call in android mobile i have one link but i cant get it code.google.com/p/auto-answer/source/browse/?r=17
@PiyushMishra are you there
no my ghost is here i am on vacation :D
:D :D :D
okies will your ghost solve my issue ..I am not getting how to use swich back port lib in my app :|
my host cannot but my ghost can :D
hai frnds,i have one doubt,where i have to write checkbox code for dynamic listview
see what i have said:)@PiyushMishra
haha the only thing is i have reply a bit later :)
how to auto answer call in android mobile i have one link but i did not get it @segi code.google.com/p/auto-answer/source/browse/?r=17
@KarthickM in activity :)
ok ..so how to use that lib:|
ya dude activity only
@PiyushMishra hi
i checked with that link sneha i can implement the listner as well can add new views inside main.xml
@KarthickM i thought you are thinking inside adapter :)
@ShaniGoriwal hello
@PiyushMishra Can we remove view from listview accroding to its position but without set visibility gone
check here
@PiyushMishra had already read your reply yesterday and tried again then I am asking again
i am confusing that where i can write the checkbox code
And also can we call onCreateView method of fragment on onResume method??
and if i click it has to select the row data
@ShaniGoriwal better to update your arraylist
@KarthickM inside adapter also you can but outside getview :)
@PiyushMishra i have tried for both condition
@Bansal_Sneha hmm tell me one thing backport project is there as library project
i am not used getview for that here i used bindview remaining onclick listener are there only,i am confusing that can i write my code there and how it will fetch the data
@KarthickM show me your adapter code
@PiyushMishra yess Do I need to extend android.preference.PreferenceActivity to set listeners on switch ?
@ShaniGoriwal the simple answer to your question is NO
@Bansal_Sneha the simple answer to your question is also NO
org.jraf.android.backport.switchwidget.Switch switchButton = (org.jraf.android.backport.switchwidget.Switch)findViewById(R.id.buttonSwitch);
So how can we save selected language even after force close app from device?
can use something like this in your mainactivity
give id buttonSwitch to your switch button in main.xml
i havnt give it full path
just directly used Switch myswitch=(Switch)findViewById(R.id.myswitch);
I have created an app but it is not function in in 4.2.1 do i need to set up any particular for that ?
ohhh poor jraf who wrote this lib :D
who wrote this lib ;)
@PiyushMishra So can't we save language in fragment with onResume method?
yes you can lot of ways to do that :)
thank you:)@PiyushMishra
i can recommend data model class to store the objects and later you can get the objects
here is the example
its there
class Data{
String Name;
int Age;
List<Data> data= new ArrayList<Data>;
so your list will contain the Data class object and inside the Data class you can store anything :)
@PiyushMishra ... i have tried to save my language after selected from listview on onResume method but nothing happen
shani put a log and see the behavior of the app, i mean the flow of code where is stoping and going after ANR
@KarthickM extends SimpleCursorAdapter this is wrong
can extend array or base and can inflate your view
@PiyushMishra i have logged it... When i selected language from listview then it is saved in shared preference and after that i force closed app from device even after it display selected language in log but can't display to UI
@PiyushMishra ok for checkbox where i have to write the code
you can load the data using simplecursor and the pass this data to the arrayadapter
button.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
public void onClick(View v){
StringBuffer sb2 = new StringBuffer();
String strContactList1 = (sb2.toString().trim());
this is wrong
all are working fine
ok its fine the way you are doing no problem
sorry for linux question : my contents of .sh file are 'sudo -i
cd /home/madhu131313/Documents/',I run it ,then it asked for root password, it changed to root, but it doesn't execute the changing directory
but everytime the new object of onlick is not good
then what to do dude
create private onclick of outside the bindview and button.setonclicklistner(click);
where click is your private click listner outside the bindview
you can use tag to set the position and values like button.settag google it.
@PiyushMishra so what should i do
i checked your code you are doing lot of things inside oncreate
oncreate is just to initialize the objects inside on resume load the data to the objects
so everytime onresume will call not the oncreate, correct your code
for checkbox click where i have to write code dude
same thing like click listner create private checklistner outside bindview and set inside bindview as i described above
@PiyushMishra yes..my que..is that because if it is activity then we will do setContentView(R.layout.main); in onResume Method and its work fine but in fragement when inflate a view then its returns a view itself...so problems create here
its not good thing so seContentView in resume
Ok...so i have just inflate a view in OnCreateView method and find the id of objects in onResume method???
yes can do that
i mean just load the data in onResume i am sure your resume will be called
So any problem occured during it because view returns in onCreateView method.
hmm i don't think so your oncreateview will call again and again it will call after OnDestroy and in destroy you can make your all global objects null
Sorry but i understood little bit
please tell me in brief.
read lifecycle of activity and fragment on android docs :)
Ok..but i have to need call onDestroy method.
its all callback shani you don't need to call any method it will call automatically :)
Yes.....I know it.. So i have to set all objects null in it?
yes you can it will release the memory and later you can again create the objects and load the data in the objects inside on resume :)
@PiyushMishra get flickering issue..in gallery view not scrolling smoothly
@Hardy get flickering issue..in gallery view not scrolling smoothly..please help me
@Bansal_Sneha hi
@Bansal_Sneha need one help :)
@BhavinChauhan @KrunalDesai @Bansal_Sneha
am using TabGroupActivity
The chlid activity is fine
i have a spinner in the child activity
and am setting it usual way but when i click it it show window bad exception
the problem is in android 2.3 it spinner values comes in a alert window
there is a problem in building a alert window in child activity
the child activity is extends tabgroupactivity not activity
@arnp sorry i have no idea:)
@BhavinChauhan hi
@randomize hello:)
@randomize got my mail??
@BhavinChauhan yup,
but I don't get you
i got an exception from url
not getting xml
hope something is wrong with authentication
is ur listview bind ??
anyone knows how to read the .stacktrace file using android adt
its not a programming thing
@BhavinChauhan meaning, I've done everything WRONGLY!?
no no :)
currenly i can't get any item in list so from your url i couldn't get data
can't be uh
I could get data lei
it's working prettyfine
you open my file?
or you did your own
because if you did your own,
you've to edit the android manifest
no i just open your app:)
can't be lei
cause when I do it, it work
wait a moment, I try again
kind of busy now
@BhavinChauhan i get back to you tomorrow
sure:) sorry i am bussy today :)

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