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01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 18:00

website to android app then you should work on website how to send notification to the application you can send push notification to the app and put a listner for that and you can handle it inside onreceive of the broadcast receiver
Hi guys good evening @all
I have a question regarding on downloading files. Can I still download the file even If I'm not on the activity where I declared my Downloading Process?
@Laux yes background thread will do the same thing right?
@PiyushMishra @PiyushMishra
How are you , haha? :P
i am fine thanks :), what about you
I am haha :P
@Abhi background thread sure I will try that thing .. does AsyncTask consider as a background threading?
SO even if I coded my Download asnycTask class inside on Activity 2 it can Still run on activity 1? even i press back button on the device? @Abhi
I just want to continue downloading files even I'm still on the different activities
@Laux Try it :)
@PiyushMishra You are only on android?
@Abhi Ok sure dude I will try it. Thanks for response ^_^
This question may sound kind of strange because I'm not really an Android developer. I only use Java when I need to... How can I add a view to R.layout.main?
Hi guys :)
I have finished an android app to send sms from pc through my phone using bluetooth connection , and now I would like to use voice with this same conection.
Silly example: (R.layout.main).addView(newView)
I saw HFP could be implemented but I don't really how begin... If you have some simple examples?
Basically what I'm trying to accomplish
@Hope4You setContentView(R.Layout.main), right?
@Underground72 Voice to Text? and Send the text through bluetooth
@Laux I did text for sms, sending it by bluetooth to my phone.
Now I would like to use my computer like a headset when I have a call
@Abhi here is my current code: adView.setContentView(R.layout.main);
AdView does not have setContentView
@Underground72 oh.. sorry dude that's to way more advance ^_^
What is adView?@Hope4You
(I am using adView)
@Laux No problem, thanks for trying :)
@Hope4You You got my question? show your code in pastie.org
@Underground72 sorry for that dude Ok gonna sleep.. thanks @Abhi again.. bye guys.
@Abhi private AdView adView;
I think you have to add it one layout. like layout.addView(adview);
LinearLayout layout = super.root;
The problem in this case is super.root cannot be resolved
However r.layout.main can be
So how can I switch the two?
Also adView = new AdView(this, AdSize.BANNER, "code") is undefined
It worked fine from the "main" java file
However this is not the main Java file I ma trying to load the Ad from, so I'm getting these two errors and don't know how to fix?
2 hours later…
@PiyushMishra @N-JOY: gaye nai abhi tak?
about to leave mahaveer
ohhkk had dinner?
nope planning to skip it
01:00 - 15:0015:00 - 18:00

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