a project of mine is killing me... have you worked on custom maps? like instead of map, you have image and we have to place markers on images and then we can zoom and pan the image, the markers should move with it...
any idea you have, any suggestions @LalitPoptani @Abhi
@SandeepTiwari it is a simple image which the user can select from the sdcard. for tiles, we need to process/ break the image into .tile format and save them and refer to the tiles later. the .tile creation part can't be done on mobile side... (as long as i have read about it)
@SandeepTiwari i studied the same code. the client wants to do it offline. any other way that the usage of maps.. FYI, i also have tried using RedPin project (quite similar to OSM) and it did help but still not getting the perfect results... As in, the markers are plot, the markers pan according to the image, but then they do not zoom in and out according the the image... something wrong in calculating the zoom factor for the markers it seems, need to find a correct formula to find the same..
@Segi what is your exact issue? autofocus is not a feature supported for all the mobiles, so you need to check if the feature is available or not first... i hope you already did that
@Pallavi yeah i did tht.. and i also set autofocus on surfacechanged method.. but i want to set on button like all camera provides when we capture photos..
its lyk ths booksDBhelper { public void on create() { super.oncreate();//calls dbhandler oncreate//create parent db here now create table in that db here, something lyk that by db.execSQL("create table query"); } }
is anybody know about, how can I compress the latitude and longitude data , if I have very large amount of data. So I need to make it compressed without changing result
Hi All ,
I am making custom calendar in android My requirement is that make multiple date selection same as shown in image any one have any suggestion.Till now I make calendar on view and trying to draw path according to touch but its not working for me.Here is My code:-
public class C...
@JellyBean yeah actually Tracking the routes on google map, but I have fetching per second data, so data is becomes very large in amount. So I need to reduce it without changing result.
@Abhi its lyk ths booksDBhelper { public void on create() { super.oncreate();//calls dbhandler oncreate//create parent db here now create table in that db here, something lyk that by db.execSQL("create table query"); } }
I want to resize the width and height of my DiaglogFragment window but the code below does not give the resized version of my dialog window but instead the main activity view has been modified. I also tried to modify the xml but still a fail.
public static class TestDialogFragment extends Dialog...
@Pallavi one application for Tracking the routes on google map, but I have fetching per second data, so data is becomes very large in amount. So I need to reduce it without changing result.
@pallavi but in a minute, I ll not get perfect result, I am making app for Harley Davidson bike tour in all ove rindia, and Harley would be cover 1-2 KM. in a minute.
i am working on Paint App and The app is working perfectly.So now suppose i want to draw something like making painting of someone else.So i draw wrong in this painting so now i want to go back means previous(past) step then i want undo button which is not working perfectly .this is my code te...
public class GeneratePDF {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
String k = "<html><body> This is my Project </body></html>";
OutputStream file = new FileOutputStream(new File("E:\\Test11.pdf"));
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter writer = P...
I want to resize the width and height of my DiaglogFragment window but the code below does not give the resized version of my dialog window but instead the main activity view has been modified. I also tried to modify the xml but still a fail.
I am not sure how to use getDialog() on this one, sti...
.. you can cleanup your nested fragment in the parent fragment's destroyview method:
public void onDestroyView() {
FragmentTransaction transaction = getSupportFragmentManager()
@RobinHood but it is displaying the error message as "Sorry,it took too long to find the document at the original source. Please try again later. You can also try to download the original document by clicking here."
@ExceptionInNameInitializer i have gone through the mkyong.com/android/android-listview-example and it worked perfectly...but i want to keep title to the entire list...where should i keep that ?
@ExceptionInNameInitializer hi i mean not the title to the app.....for example there is a list displaying all types of mobiles then i want to display a textview at the top of the list with mobiles and below that the listview should display
I am getting data like 123 - 246 - 345 and so three number should be clickable but its clickable as a single number 123246345. I tried to replace "-" with & #8211; but its displaying like this 123 – 246 & #8211; 345. How to solve it?