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hello guys
i see you used some api or code yourself fully @Tufan
is there any way to access lib layout control id
when i do that it will send me null
nah using firebase now but i have restricted user so i have to pic user from my api
@Tufan whats the banefits of firebase?
alternative of gcm it has its own relatime database ..you can authinticate user from any account fb.twitter
and for other i have to read theory
@Tufan is it free??
@Tufan Actually I am also working on chat app integration
but using Quikblox API
Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of Firebase for a database?

Peter PeterI am currently developing a site to track credits gained from exams, and how these stack up against the user's goal credits. I am looking for a database system that will store all the possible exams someone could take in NCEA (New Zealand's qualification system), and store the user's goals and a...

getting some theory but i know it has other benfit too
ohk ..i was thought to try but somehow i manged to do it in firebase
@Roshnijain did it run with 23 ?
@Roshnijain quora.com/…
@TheNightKing it is 23 already
I checked on Android M its working
now I am showing u errors on 4.1.2
@Roshnijain did you change the compile sdk version
or build tool version
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion "23.0.3"
then how running 4.1.2
does app crash ?
its showing errors on gradle console
let me share error
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@TheNightKing see in SS
see last one @TheNightKing
Q: Game Command format between bluetooth controller and console

Manish AndroidI am creating an Android project, in which I have to make android wearable smart watch as game controller which can send commands to games running on handheld device connected to that smartwatch over BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy). I designed controller pad on wearable and can send some hard coded te...

wait compile filetree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
do you have this in gradle
compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
there will duplicate jar of bolts
@TheNightKing its happening in only older version of android.
@TheNightKing facebook module is using bolts.jar
i think because of duplicate jar
that giving you error
how to fix it
compile files('libs/bolts.jar') in facebook gradle
compile 'com.facebook.android:facebook-android-sdk:4.0.0'
are you using that in app/build.gradle file
remove that
but my fb login is using this
then execlude
  compile ('com.facebook.android:facebook-android-sdk:4.0.0'){
        exclude module: 'bolts-android'
        exclude module: 'support-v4'
like that
@LordNarendra ????
@PriyankaMinhas what?
she is just checking
are you there or not
ok, seems missing me :P
she remind you
of what?
@TheNightKing are you priyanka?
@LordNarendra did i replied to you
is there any way to access library layout in our project
@LordNarendra lol i replied to anshul
did you see that question mark
did i tag your name while saying :P
@TheNightKing Again fighting start...
@Roshnijain done or same error
@LordNarendra u too
@TheNightKing its building
@Roshnijain ok, I won't
6 hours ago, by Anshul Tyagi
aka flagger
someone seems scared
@LordNarendra need to ask
do your work
my current lat longitude is 0.0
still scared lol
you should
@PriyankaMinhas aye
bit busy
@PriyankaMinhas btw, good
@LordNarendra its enough yr
what I did?
@Roshnijain need to finish the work in hand :)
@LordNarendra ok carry on
@AnshulTyagi ^^
Error:Uncaught translation error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/facebook/AccessToken;
Error:Uncaught translation error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/facebook/AccessToken$1;
Error:Uncaught translation error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/facebook/AccessTokenSource;
Error:Uncaught translation error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/facebook/FacebookAuthorizationException;
Error:Uncaught translation error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Lcom/facebook/FacebookBroadcastReceiver;
how to exclude these all
@Roshnijain becuase you added module again
that why it is giving you error
@TheNightKing I need module too
remove that dependencies
compile 'com.facebook.android:facebook-android-sdk:4.0.0' remove this
and use older code for
or comment your code today and change tomorrow
facebook code in app
@LordNarendra what are you saying budd
@Roshnijain you got error ?
@Dude about what?
@TheNightKing I am fully tired from these errors
@Roshnijain in any project if you have duplicated jar
@Dude hmm..my work
it will give error
@Erum @Erum
becuase of conflit
that happen on older version of android studio
hi anyone having idea any cloud based api that can take image or image url and give me text and cost of items from a receipt
the receipt may of groccery stores
i already tried so many none of them is giving me correct read
@TheNightKing I need fb dependency bcoz I used fb login in my current project and I added fb module bcoz Q-municate project used it and I need to use that now
what is the current output
@TheNightKing suggest me. What should I do now
@Roshnijain ok. in app use older version facebook login
and remove dependencies
of facebook
So I need to update my fb login whole
1 que
Why its working on my phone?
@Roshnijain it's newer version
we that error in older version
ok I will again work tomorrow for this problem
today I cant do work more
i'm doing nothing
just spending my time
@TheNightKing meas?
ok go home take some rest but make sure you are online
which means i'm going home
u r helping me. its a work
then pay him :p
i want to work on http2
i 'm tried with android
@TheNightKing wt r u doing in http2
yes ..but first teach me than go for http2
@Roshnijain nothing
@TheNightKing go fo it
@Roshnijain ok just do quick work
remove that facebook dependencies and build
hmm ok
and tell what error you
might be you have error in classes i mean Login
in Java and Android era , 1 hour ago, by Dude
When you play like pro they called you hacker but when you fail they called you n00b
its true
@TheNightKing yes doing
@Roshnijain have you finished with quickbox api
@Tufan seen their sample
Q-municate app sample
then integrating it into my app
@Tufan will do xmpp
okay go for it
nope i will do in firebase
its easy and almost half work i had done
@Tufan half work
so fast
@Tufan how many msgs per second it supports for free??
yes almsot means one to one chating done only i have to make layout and put condition just made sample
hello i want to import this project manually. i try too much but not done it.please yaar any one can help me
hey guys i am back
@Roshnijain its totaly free and it has its own database
@ankitagrawal gn .P:
yes so quickblox also have db
i want to import this project in my project
@Roshnijain done ?
still syncing
@TheNightKing windows is slow
yes @Roshnijain it has its own
android is slow
and it quite simple
@Tufan lol
kol P:
@ShaileshLimbadiya you can either use the dependency or you can import that library as a module
@TheNightKing whats the problem with Shubhank why he/she is interrupting
its a public chat :p
ha ha
@Roshnijain i don't know
let it be
i tried but not working @dude
@ShaileshLimbadiya sorry dude haven't use it so no idea
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when i import as a module then error like
specified location as a gradle or android eclipse project
lol monisha ji left :D
@Roshnijain ping me weather that work or not
but its still building
its too slow yr
i'm going home
@TheNightKing whether
just leave message wethere it is work or not
back back
@ankitagrawal thanks
u will be online
ok will leave msg here
ol lol
bye bye
byee @TheNightKing
18 messages moved to Trash
@Dude nice work
bye guys i am leaving too
@ankitagrawal yup
I always do nice work Bye
@Dude hehe ok great
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superb work P:
null pointer exception ???
@TheNightKing someone check @ankitagrawal
@Tufan have you declare it in manifest
got it
thank you
ha ha silly mistake
but you don't need that
for accessing displaymatrics
and that does not solve my problem
again null pointer came
should use camelCase in naming variables
@Tufan getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density;
this will give you density
no need of application context
yes but why dont it work on application class
probably need context
@Shubhank that was application class
null pointer on which line
@Tufan you can create a static method in application class and return density from that method
check comment i was doing like that
returns null is not null pointer exception
sorry null pinter exception read my old message
atleast try to solve my problem don't irrirate me ..
ok. Dude will solve then
i will solve someone else
i know you cant
@Shubhank solve mine :P
@ManishAndroid get lost :p
@Shubhank come with me :P
ask bhabhi ji she will solve
if she can solve, why I will put SO ques
@TheNightKing My AS hanged. I am leaving now will see this tomorrow
bye all
@Roshnijain bye
@Dude solved
@Tufan (y)
density is in my onother class ..what i have done made a init func and intilize it in application class
I have a problem regarding Google map here is the question stackoverflow.com/questions/38437800/…
If anyone know anything about the question please let me know..
@Subho why is it tagged javascript ?
@Dude bye
@Shubhank because the solution i have found those are java scipt code
still you don't want a answer in javascript so don't tag it javascript
I didn't find any solution on Google map V2
If anyone can give me a answer in JavaScriptthat will help me
but you have already found answer in javascript you said
No those are not proper answer,i also provide those link in my question
From those answers i got some idea which is also shared in the question
Q: Google map Highlight Country With Border using polygon

k-sI am using google map and want to highlight multiple countries using its country border lines lat lng information. I am drawing polygon but I want information for each country borders. From where can I get those information to highlight country using polygon? Or is there any other good way to hi...

this one provides boundaries
Ok checking your link
Do you know how to use the kml file?
not really
Actually this is a requirement comes from redfin app
In the emulator i have seen that their is a option to load the kml file
Talking about the new emulator
nope. didnt worked sorry
Thank you for your reply

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