I am new to python. I am trying to combine several matrices to a new matrix. For example: - A = np.matrix([1, 2, 3], [5, 6, 7], [9, 10, 11]) B = np.matrix([4], [8], [12]) C = np.matrix([13, 14]) D = np.matrix([15, 16]) at the moment im using: - E = np.vstack((np.hstack(([A, B])), np.hstack((C...
I am using pandas to plot some data from a larger data set. I have the following code that sorts out specific columns (categories/description) and plots them from one large DF. df.amt[df.categ=='A'].cumsum().plot(legend=True,label='A',figsize=(11,5)) df.amt[df.descrip=='B'].cumsum().plot(legend=...
I have a DataFrame where the rows need to be replicated (and then modified) and I'm not sure how to do this efficiently in Pandas. A sample df is: >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3], 'b':[24,42,44]}) >>> df a b 0 1 24 1 2 42 2 3 44 I'd like df[a == 1] to be replicated and modified t...
I am trying to vectorize the following triple product operation on an N x N array called p below: for j in range(len(p)): for k in range(len(p)): for l in range(len(p)): h[j, k, l] = p[j, k] * p[k, l] * p[l, j] - p[j, l] * p[l, k] * p[k, j] I thought numpy.einsum should...
I'm having issues trying to pull data from a .txt file in a certain directory into Spyder. The basic idea is that I have a table of data in a .txt file, and I want certain columns to be used as arrays in Python. I'm using the numpy function genfromtxt() to do this, and it works fine when I write ...
I have want value map that associates a real number to each node in a networkx graph. I want to use value map to color the nodes of the graph based on a color bar so that the min value receives the lowest color in the bar and the node value recessives the highest color in the bar. Any help is app...
I have read this question- Overlay shape file on matplotlib and I am not sure it applies to me but I have a shapefile of my country and I want to overlay the precipitation data from a GRIB file onto that shapefile. This is using pygrib and matplotlib. I am not interested in using the Basemap.coas...
I asked similar question at: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38410982/superfast-regexmatch-in-large-text-file from datetime import datetime startTime = datetime.now() f = open('data.txt', 'r') t = f.read().splitlines() paid = list(set(t)) with open('f.txt') as f: for line in f: fo...
I want to make a graph using online data but i am unable to make it interactive. The following is my code import time import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from selenium import webdriver ##Imports the selenium web driver driver = webdriver.Firefox() ##Create a Firefox Webdriver url = "https://in.fin...
I am trying to connect from a python app with pyodbc to a MS SQL server. I have pyodbc and unixODBC installed and I tried to install the MS driver for linux. I think the issue is that the MS driver has missing dependencies but as near as I can tell the dependencies are installed. Because the Micr...
I'm creating a simple android app for pre-highschool students which teaches the very basics of addition or multiplication of integers or decimals. The part of the program in this question is aimed at allowing them to practice without the need of a teacher giving them exercises and checking thei...
Is there a way of getting the volume under the closed contour in an scatter plot. Finding largest closed 3D contour plot explains way of finding largest closed contour. I need to find the volume inside the points ,covered by the largest closed contour.
I am working on a project where I pass some data between R and Python. While in R my timestamps (seconds from epoch) gets interpreted perfectly fine but when I export the data and read it into python the integer timestamps is interpreted as if they were in Milliseconds. I'm fairly new to python a...
I have a curve of some data that I am plotting using matplotlib. The small value x-range of the data consists entirely of NaN values, so that my curve starts abruptly at some value of x>>0 (which is not necessarily the same value for different data sets I have). I would like to place a vertical...
Why could this be? My data seems pretty simple and straightforward, it's a 1 column dataframe of ints, but .describe only returns count, unique, top, freq... not max, min, and other expected outputs. (Note .describe() functionality is as expected in other projects/datasets)
I am trying to split an image in a grid of smaller images so that I can process each small image separately. For that I realized that I'll have to define each small image as an ROI and I can use it easily from there. Now, my grid size is not fixed. I.e, if user inputs 5, I have to make a grid ...
I have a large data frame (~1million rows). I am ultimately going to be interpolating spectra between two age groups. However I need to first find the nearest values above and below any age I need to find. The DataFrame briefly looks like this Age Wavelength Luminosity 1 1 1 4 4...
I would like to convert my dataframe from this string to a usable date-time format 01/May/2016:06:38:13 +0100 I'm currently using Python V 3.5.1 :: Anaconda 4.0.0(64-bit)
Suppose i have two csv's one.csv 1,2,3,4 5,6,7,8 two.csv 6,7,4,5 7,8,10,15 I have to replace last two columns from first file with last two columns of second file and output files should be 1,2,4,5 5,6,10,15 I want to do this in python. Can you please let me know the way
You see two equal arrays is created using Core Python methods and using Numpy methods: from time import time import numpy as np a = [3] * 100000 b = np.array(a) The question is that how is that possible that Numpy is faster than Core Python methods in filling process: Fill: st = time() for ...
Consider the following dataframe: columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([('datetime', 'yearmonth'), ('datetime', 'month'), ('quantity', 'Q1'),('quantity', 'Q2'),('price','P1'),('price','P2'), ('cost', 'C1')]) data = [[201601,1,47,21,13,54,23],[201601,1,35,53,61,33,33],[201602,2,55,11,25,54,3...
I have a multiindexed (3 column levels) pandas.Dataframe which is something like this: t1 t2 p1 p2 p1 p2 v1 v2 v1 v2 v1 v2 v1 v2 A B C D E F G H I need to rearrange it ...
I have a dataset which consists of 1000 columns but is not labeled. I want to label them such as {A,B,C.....}. How can I do this in python ? Since the dataset is too large to name it manually.
if ([dataClassObj.hotelName length] == 0)
[tableView1 deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES];
[AppDelegate showAlert:ALERT_PROPERTY];
AppDelegate *appDelegate = [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate;
[appDelegate.customTabBarController selectTabAtIndex:indexPath.row];
[appDelegate.window setRootViewController:appDelegate.customTabBarController.tabBarController];
In order to test some software I've written, I need to write values to a test harness with OPC. The problem is, for a larger range of values I'm generating points for (say 10000), this code can take 15 seconds to execute. I need it to work in under 1 second. import OpenOPC import argparse impo...
I'm looking to collate 2 entries into one for many columns in a data array, by checking to see if several values in the two entries are the same. 0 A [[0.0, 0.5, 2.5, 2.5] 1 B [0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0] 2 M [2.5, 2.5, 0.5, 0.0] 3 N ...
I have a dataframe data which looks like: Holiday Report Action Power 0 0 0 1.345 0 0 0 1.345 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.345 0 0 0 1.345 0 1 0 0 0 0 ...
It seems this question has already been asked but I wasn't able to find any clear answer, just a mix of: "That kind of thing works for me in that project but doesn't work for anyone else" -answers. I have module in which I have a class with many functions in that class. I would like to import th...
I have created an HDFStore. The HDFStore contains a group df which is a table with 2 columns. The first column is a string and second column is DateTime. The Store has been created using the following method: from numpy import ndarray import random import datetime from pandas import DataFrame, H...
I have 7 pi-charts (4 are listed below). I am trying to create a dashboard with 4 pie charts in first row and 3 pie charts in second row. Not sure where I am going wrong with the below code. Are there any other alternatives to achieve this? Any help would be appreciated. from matplotlib import p...
I have a dataframe which looks like this. I want to flatten out the Final_Column data so that if there are two data (separated by a comma), the row gets duplicated with the second/third/fourth data in the next duplicated row. Query_Name Market Details Final_Column 0 dummy_queryname ...
Quick Q: Have a dataset: That is a measurment per day over several years. Trying to work out the average of all the same dates. i.e the average of 01/01/1995 and 01/01/1996 and 01/01/1997 etc. Tried this: z=df.groupby(df.index.day,df.index.month).mean() But get: TypeError: unhashable type...
Writing a dataframe: New_DF = caviae species murliniae freundii braakii freundii cloacae \ 15368485 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15368486 NaN NaN NaN 1 NaN 1 NaN 15368487 NaN NaN ...
I want to group by two columns and get their cumulative count. I tried looking for that data in the group and couldn't find it, but got few hints based on what I have coded, but it is ending up with an error. Can this be solved? ID ABC XYZ 1 A .512 2 A .123 3 B .999 4 B ...
data = [['aaa', 1, 110, 2, 0], ['bbb', 0, 123, 10, 11], ['ccc', 0, 134, 1, 2], ['ddd', 1, 333, 2, 3], ['eee', 1, 444, 2, 0]] data2 = [['Average', 0.1, 0.2, 0.3], ['Mean', 0.5, 0.5, 0.5], ['denom', 0.3, 0.35, 0.4]] df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=data, c...
I'm using pandas in my ML project to outer-join multiple csv files data and save it into a single file. However, when I try it, I run into MemoryError. My RAM is 8GB. Here's my approach def load_data(): device_group_data = pd.read_csv('gender_age_train.csv') print list(device_group_data....
I was writing the Python code below to merge two tables, which could be done in Excel using Vlookup, but wanted to automate this process for a larger data set. However, it seems the output data is too big and contains all columns from both tables. I just wanted to use the second table, df_pos to ...
I'm trying to group numerical values by quantiles and create columns for the sum of the values falling into the quantile bands. Here's a simplified, reproducible example: raw_data = {'female': [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1], 'male': [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0], 'number': [25000, 34000...
I have this script, which has previously worked for other emails, to download attachments: import win32com.client as win import xlrd outlook = win.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI") inbox = outlook.GetDefaultFolder("6") all_inbox = inbox.Items subject = 'Email w/Attachment' ...
i am new to python. I am writing a data logging program and want to open a serial port, then read from it. My problem is that calling this in my main(): # Handle serial ser = serial.Serial(strPort, 9600) doesnt allow me to invoke methods on the ser handle in other functions. Should i make a ...
I have a dataframe where time is a float relevant to the dataset: Time Value -47.88333 90 -46.883333 23 -45.900000 66 -45.883333 87 -45.383333 43 The time column ranges from -48 to 0. What I would like to do is compute the average value on ...
Given a Python script with print() statements, I'd like to be able to run through the script and insert a comment after each statement that shows the output from each. To demonstrate, take this script named example.py: a, b = 1, 2 print('a + b:', a + b) c, d = 3, 4 print('c + d:', c + d) Th...
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18,10), dpi=1600) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((2,4),(0,0)) plt.pie(df_14,colors=("g","r")) plt.title('LOG1') ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 1)) plt.pie(df_24,colors=("g","r")) plt.title('LOG2') ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 2)) plt.pie(df_34,colors=("g","r")) plt.tit...
I realize that this error is usually due to a float or a decimal being passed through to the int() function; however, I do not understand how it is applying to my program now. I am using a function called dateparse to parse dates from generic file formats in order to make csv files that follow a ...
I am trying to use use the .read_html() function in the pandas library and keep getting this error when I run the code in the shell. I saw that you need to install the lxml so I did that using apt-get. But afterwards when I tried to run it again I was getting the same error. (trusty)mdz5032@loc...
In a barchart with two subgroups, my boundaries are ymin=0, ymax=100. After plotting the bars and specifying ax.set_ylim(0,100), I get an errorbar which goes out of bounds, and I am not able to cut it before it reaches the limit. This happens for both ymin=0 (the errorbar reaches negative values)...
Consider the series s below: s = pd.Series(np.arange(18, 0, -3), list('ABCDEF')) s A 18 B 15 C 12 D 9 E 6 F 3 dtype: int32 I want to be able to access all elements after index 'D' E 6 F 3 dtype: int32 If I s.loc['D':] I get D 9 E 6 F 3 dtype: in...
Very new to pandas so any explanation with a solution is appreciated. I have a dataframe such as Company Zip State City 1 *CBRE San Diego, CA 92101 4 1908 Brands Boulder, CO 80301 7 1st Infantry Divisio...
Consider the series s below: s = pd.Series(np.arange(18, 0, -3), list('ABCDEF')) s A 18 B 15 C 12 D 9 E 6 F 3 dtype: int32 I want to get the numeric position of 'D' This will do it, but I think we can all agree this is gross: s.reset_index().index.to_series()[s.reset_in...
I have plotted two 'half-cylinders' that are plotted along the x-axis with a fixed radius R. However (as seen in the image below) it is quite clear that these are different cylinders. I think this is primarily as a result of the different shadings. That is, the shading on the left cylinder is 'di...
I have not the permission to install numpy in a virtual environnement (ubuntu 14.04): (DeepL)jeanpat@laptop:~$ pip3 install -U numpy Downloading/unpacking numpy from https://pypi.python.org/packages/dd/9f/cd0ec9c50e4ed8650901ad4afde164e5252b6182a9e0c7bff5f8b4441960/numpy-1.11.1.zip#md5=5caa3428b...
Right now I need one class (GraphPage) to access parameters of others (StartPage) once entries has been input. So I've binded update function in GraphPage to an Event in StartPage. However, the update function needs to access the controller for both frames to get the entries input. But now update...
Consider the series: np.random.seed([3,1415]) s = pd.Series(np.random.rand(100), pd.MultiIndex.from_product([list('ABDCE'), list('abcde'), ['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four']])) I can groupby...
I spent a few hours cleaning up a really old Python library, ProxyTypes. Two days from now will mark 10 years since it was updated. Today, I updated it to support the newer Python 3, and to be compliant with the PEP8 style guide. I've stripped out some of the code I don't need, but the functional...
I have an xml file that looks something like this: <root> <data_coeffs> <coeffs_0>6.891826 -1.674641 -0.002788087 -1.662732E-06</coeffs_0> <coeffs_1>6.916866 -1.673133 -0.002835441 -3.022999E-06</coeffs_1> <coeffs_2>6.958995 -1.667976 -0.002869904 -7.788709E-06</coeffs_2> </data_...
I am trying to scrape a table out of a site. I have tried to convert data_row to a Pandas DataFrame; however, all the data are lumped in one cell of the DataFrame. Would you guys please help me convert the data_row into a Pandas DataFrame with "Business Mileage, "Charitable Mileage," "Medical mil...
I have a very large dense matrix (1M * 30K) stored in a hdf5 file. I was able to read the hdf5 file using h5py using the following script: import numpy as np import hdf5 f = hdf5.File('myFile.hdf5', 'r') mat = f['matrix'] # sub_mat = mat[:, :1000] # write sub_mat into another hdf5 file I want...
I am plotting a cylinder where the shape of the top half is different to that of the bottom half. In other words, the radius over theta = 0 to theta = pi is different to that of the radius of theta = pi to theta = 2pi. Over the top half the cylinder is an ellipse while the bottom half is a circle...
I am continuously creating a randomly generated list, New_X of size 10, based on 500 columns. Each time I create a new list, it must be unique, and my function NewList only returns New_X once it hasn't already been created and appended to a List_Of_Xs def NewList(Old_List): end = True while e...
I have data like this, without z1, what i need is to add a column to DataFrame, so it will add column z1 and represent values as in the example, what it should do is to shift z value equally on 1 day before for the same Start date. I was thinking it could be done with apply and lambda in pan...
I am trying to zoom in on a section of my plot. I used the following code to produce the high level plot below. fig = poll_df.plot('Start Date', 'Difference',figsize=(12,4),marker='o',linestyle='-',color='purple') # Now add the debate markers plt.axvline(x=403+2, linewidth=4, color='grey') pl...
I create the 7 plots using the below code. I would like to have a common legend for all the 7 plots, preferably in the top right corner. For green region, legend should be 'Sending data', for red region, it should be 'Not sending data'. I tried using figlegend but could not achieve it. Any help w...
I've got a rank four tensor A (say indices (a, b, i, j)) and a rank two tensor B (say indices (i, j)) and I want to compute a kind of Hadamard multiplication of them. That is, if we call the product C, I want C[a,b,i,j] == A[a,b,i,j] * B[i,j]. There is a fairly straightforward way to do this w...
I am doing some data handling based on a DataFrame with the shape of (135150, 12) so double checking my results manually is not applicable anymore. I encountered some 'strange' behavior when I tried to check if an element is part of the dataframe or a given column. This behavior is reproducible...
I´d like to understand why the following code: print((hypothesis(x, theta_))) results in a array with this format [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0...
I know this adds consecutive columns of same index: df['C'] = df['A'] + df['B'] But how to add columns of different index: Lets say I have a dataframe like this: df A B 0 9 40 1 1 70 2 5 80 3 8 30 4 7 50 I need to create another column C which is the addition of...
Why do setuptools/easy_install .pth files not place nicely with PYTHONPATH, and how do I get them to play nicely, and keep the directories in my PYTHONPATH before those .pth shoves in the sys.path? My current problem is I've created a package for our project, with the both PyYAML and PyCrypto as...
Here is my code: import pandas as pd left = pd.DataFrame({'AID': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'D': [2011, 2011,0, 2011], 'R1': [0, 1, 0, 0], 'R2': [1, 0, 0, 0] }) right = pd.DataFrame({'AID': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'D': [2012,...
Let's say I have a .dat file, filename.dat, and I wish to read this into a Pandas Dataframe: import pandas as pd df = pd.read_table('filename.dat') Is there a size limit regarding this? I was hoping to save the columns of a dataframe individually for a file of size 1 TB. Is this possible?
Let's say I have some DataFrame (with about 10000 rows in my case, this is just a minimal example) >>> import pandas as pd >>> sample_df = pd.DataFrame( {'col1': list(range(1, 10)), 'col2': list(range(10, 19))}) >>> sample_df col1 col2 0 1 10 1 2 11 2 3 12 3 ...
I have a m4.4xlarge (64 GB ram) EC2 box. I'm running dask with pandas. I get the following memory error. Is this a RAM error or disk memory error? I get this after about 24 hours of run, which is approximiately the time it should take for the task to complete so I'm not sure if the error was due...
I have the following pandas DataFrame: import pandas as pd import numpy as np data = 'filename.dat' df = pd.read_table(data) print(df) 0.098722 08l23252 243434214 5 True 0 0.469112 -0.282863 -1.509059 2 True 1 0.283421 1.224234 7.823421 2 False 2 -1.135632 1....
I am trying to create a text file with multiple array as the columns in this file. The trick is that each array is a different datatype. For example: a = np.zeros(100,dtype=np.int)+2 #integers all twos b = QC_String = np.array(['NA']*100) #strings all 'NA' c = np.ones(100,dtype=np.float)*99.9999...
This seems simple, but I can not find any information on it on the internet I have a dataframe like below City State Zip Date Description Earlham IA 50072-1036 2014-10-10 Postmarket Assurance: Devices Earlham IA 50072-1036 2014-10-10 Compliance: Devices ...
The following code is part of a bigger project. In my project I have to read a large text file, with probably many million lines, with each line having a pair of decimals separated by space. An example is the following: -0.200000 -1.000000 -0.469967 0.249733 -0.475169 -0.314739 -0.086706 -0.901...
I am currently trying to make a simulation in which multiple particle agents (blue dots) try to follow the enemy particle (red dot). I have managed to get my simulation to have one blue dot follow the red dot, but I am having trouble producing multiple version of the blue dots (appears at random ...
I have data in 10 individual csv files. Each csv file just has one row of data entires (500000 data points, no headers etc.). Three questions: How can I transform the data to be one column with 500000 rows? Is it better to import them into one numpy array: 500000 x 10 to analyze them. If so, ho...
I have a script that reads in a spreadsheet of measurements as a pandas.DataFrame and adds measurements of the same soundfiles from a second source. I can thus index on the file names, which occur in the spreadsheet as well as the name of the files of secondary measurements. Example: I have a ...
I have a dict that holds computed values on different time lags, which means they start on different dates. For instance, the data I have may look like the following: Date col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 01-01-15 5 12 1 -15 10 01-02-15 7 0 9 11...
I am trying to use matplotlib. However, when I type import matplotlib, I get this as an error: ImportError: No module named 'matplotlib.pyplot'; 'matplotlib' is not a package I installed matplotlib using pip install matplotlib. How do I fix this? Thanks!
I've created a little hangman game. It's pretty simple, and not to exciting but I want to know if there's a way I could turn this little game into something more extravagant and more exciting. How can I take this delicate piece of crap machinery into something a little more fun and a bit more com...
I'm fairly new to python. Currently using matplotlib I have a script that returns a variable number of subplots to make, that I pass to another script to do the plotting. I want to arrange these subplots into a nice arrangement, i.e., 'the closest thing to a square.' So the answer is unique, le...
I've got some code that performs a simple MNIST classification, by flattening the 8x8 image using numpy.reshape: from sklearn import datasets, metrics, cross_validation import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.contrib import layers from tensorflow.contrib import learn from tensorflow.contrib.lear...
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