I have ImageView in Navigation Drawer, and I wan't status bar to overlay it. I have tried some instruction from internet and stackoverflow including "fitsSystemWindos=true", add translucent flag, but nothing works. Can somebody help? (BTW, min api 21, testing on Marshmallow)
Also I have problem ...
First of all I recommend this video may this is clears all yours doubts
If not please go through it
Procedure for decoding .apk files, step-by-step method:
Step 1:
Make a new folder and put .apk file in it (which you want to decode). Now rename the extension of this .apk file to .zip (eg.: ...
@PiyushGupta not angry, some frustated due to not getting any answer from my question, and being curious that someone challenging Google developed progaurd
@PiyushGupta How it is possible, I want to do security check on my progaurded app too, And you didn't read my comment on that answer, it was just copy paste of chat convo from a room , there is no solution @ankitagrawal
I dont have added firebase in the project and suddenly got crash with below error: Getting Exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.google.firebase.FirebaseOptions after updating to the new firebase
@ManishAndroid steps are simple just de compile apk using apk tools and start reading all classes and try to create replation between class u have read
@ManishAndroid btw there are far intelligent chaps then me who have done far more than what i have done, i dont want to be a hero anyways, only trying to explain you that things can be done which you thing cant be done