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@NehaRathore Check this demo github.com/manishpatelgt/MyTwitterRepo which uses latest code
@DroidWormNarendra Sleepy?
I heard something about u
wt and wen?
Before some hours that u have done with swipable cards @DroidWormNarendra
@PiyushGupta any other solution instread of febric
@NehaRathore Want with Oath ?
@PiyushGupta nope, u r mistaken
@RRB did you got your gift
@DroidWormNarendra Omg Sure?
@TheNightKing did you send?
@PiyushGupta yes
@UchihaSasuke to select ?
@DroidWormNarendra O Man why are u doing this ?
@DroidWormNarendra O Man why are u doing this ?
@NehaRathore Yes
@TheNightKing you sending gifts?
@PiyushGupta doing what?
i guess block of ice as gift
I want too
@piyush gupta it is uses this url search.twitter.com/search.json?q=android
@DroidWormNarendra Swipable cards
@AnshulTyagi to set on the multiple fragment on tabLayout and to select each tab
@ankitagrawal no some one was
but i have to get particular user feeds
Q: Status bar not covering the Navigation Drawer

Dima RostopiraI have ImageView in Navigation Drawer, and I wan't status bar to overlay it. I have tried some instruction from internet and stackoverflow including "fitsSystemWindos=true", add translucent flag, but nothing works. Can somebody help? (BTW, min api 21, testing on Marshmallow) Also I have problem ...

@ankitagrawal (Y)
check this question
@PiyushGupta naah
name of drawable image @TheNightKing
@UchihaSasuke Everything is fine at my end
@PiyushGupta what?
but at one condition I need to change position of it when this activity gets opened
at that time that tab is selected
@TheNightKing LOL
but text of another tab is also highlighted
@RRB Good mam. Nice to see u here
@AnshulTyagi can u show me what r u trying .i am cleared right now.
@ρяσѕρєяK So hows u man
@UchihaSasuke ok
if else statement will clear to you
let me go throgh it..
sure have your time
@NehaRathore Checked?
@AnshulTyagi yes.
@piyush gupta yes communication with service provider faild message
got any idea
nope ...
lol ok
@PriyankaMinhas Hello Mam
@PiyushGupta hello '
whats up @PiyushGupta
@HitMan PhilJay
I wanna know about this lib
I wanna remove text from chart
Just Good. U say @PriyankaMinhas
Hey Man
yeah you can do this
i have customized it
Tell me i wanna remove text
let me check buddy which chart useing?
hey any idea about reverse engineering?
@PriyankaMinhas android app?
@PriyankaMinhas Yes I had made before
@PriyankaMinhas many times
@HitMan wait
Please tell me also..
third party games expect which type of data by a game controller connected through bluetooth?
@HitMan Line chart
ok @AnshulTyagi
first one
@PriyankaMinhas what you want to know?
I want to do reverse engineering
I mean all the code you got after doing this?
is it easy?
to implement reverse engg.
super EASY @PriyankaMinhas
but you dont get all code
only if not proguarded :p
@DroidWormNarendra you can progaurded code also
but cannot read it
A: Reverse engineering from an APK file to a project

Swapnil SonarFirst of all I recommend this video may this is clears all yours doubts If not please go through it Procedure for decoding .apk files, step-by-step method: Step 1: Make a new folder and put .apk file in it (which you want to decode). Now rename the extension of this .apk file to .zip (eg.: ...

you can read it also @DroidWormNarendra
are you sure? @Ankit
@AnshulTyagi let me check
yes do
I'm also trying
yes absolutely @DroidWormNarendra
i have done it many times
but, don't we need mapping file for it
so, wts the benefit of proguard then?
can you refer any link for that? @ankitagrawal
that is if you want to retrieve proguarded code @DroidWormNarendra
proguard generally only changes variable names ,method names ,removes unnecessary code
@ankitagrawal How can you read code when it is being obfuscated by progaurd?
@PriyankaMinhas All experts giving u good solution
and ofuscate it
@HitMan its inside Entry class
but cant understand
@PriyankaMinhas All experts giving u good solution
@ManishAndroid i have implemented many features just by copy pasting proguarded code
@ankitagrawal yes, so changing variable names ,method names, won't make it easy to read code
wt u say?
everyone becomes hero here for girls :/
so must read what proguard does
@DroidWormNarendra why you want to understand what the code does
you only need to know as a whole what it does
@ankitagrawal what type of features? and which progaurded file you used
and i read many proguarded code so i never had a issue reading proguarded code
Yes luckyto be a part of this group @PiyushGupta
@ankitagrawal I asked you something, what features you implemented from a progaurded apk
@PriyankaMinhas first tell which anime that girl picture is from
@ManishAndroid many
give me an example of one
@PriyankaMinhas If u were from ahmedabad !
I want to give you my progaurded apk and want to know which code you got @ankitagrawal
sry net gone @AnshulTyagi
@PriyankaMinhas Yes If !
@PiyushGupta cartoon character just
@PiyushGupta what if bhabhi read this msg :P
@PriyankaMinhas ha ha ha LOL
anshul line chart or line chart DualyAxes @AnshulTyagi
hahhahaahhahahahahaah @JaiprakashSoni
@HitMan line chart
first one of this lib
in my app logic of album artist is taken from a proguarded app @ManishAndroid
@PriyankaMinhas LOL @PiyushGupta
@Manish Android Why are you angry ?
Is bhabi ji also in android? @PiyushGupta @JaiprakashSoni LOL
@PiyushGupta I think he thinks that is impossble
@AnshulTyagi @saif
@PriyankaMinhas ha ha LOLw
@ankitagrawal Who Mr @ManishAndroid
@PiyushGupta not angry, some frustated due to not getting any answer from my question, and being curious that someone challenging Google developed progaurd
but whatsapp plus and many other are live examples of it
@PriyankaMinhas ha ha LOLw
@ManishAndroid But Sir it is possible . Also someone posted a answer to your question
@PriyankaMinhas don't know.. piyush can answer this
@HitMan ?
@AnshulTyagi first check library ---> chart and Line Chart
I have checke
Yes yu right@JaiprakashSoni
I have implemented code also
and proguard is not developed by google
@PriyankaMinhas :(
@PriyankaMinhas once he give me a code and said "it's code of bhabhi check it" so I guess may be
@PiyushGupta How it is possible, I want to do security check on my progaurded app too, And you didn't read my comment on that answer, it was just copy paste of chat convo from a room , there is no solution @ankitagrawal
@JaiprakashSoni Dada Bas... Much Kidding :P :P
@JaiprakashSoni I cant control my laugh.... big LOL
@PriyankaMinhas Ok laugh loudly then :P
m inplemnted bar and pie chart @AnshulTyagi but i'm checking this
From now onwards i will also say Its the code of your bhaiya...hahahaahahhaha
solve it
@HitMan oh alright
@PriyankaMinhas LOlwa :P
@ankitagrawal can you tell me that tool or process/methods you are following to get source code from an progaurded apk
@ManishAndroid using proguard u can obfuscation ur code.. still developer can read code by de-compile it.. yet it will be hard to understand
I don't think i can remove it because this chart is totally depend on this range @Hitman
@ManishAndroid Yes bro @JaiprakashSoni is right this way
@ManishAndroid well there are many method but since you are not aware of many things i wont speak any further
Hi all, any one know how to do this.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
m checking this in Entry class & LineChartRanderer
@PriyankaMinhas OMG u r bhabhi g :P
I'm checking since 3 hours
@JaiprakashSoni lol
@PriyankaMinhas my question answer?
@ankitagrawal wht was the question?
your profile pic anime name @PriyankaMinhas
@PriyankaMinhas real name is same ?
Lucy Heartfilia from Fairy Tail i think
@JaiprakashSoni that's the point it is hard to understand
@PriyankaMinhas dont kid me, that is not her
how ankit is able to understand all the code, that i want to know
@ankitagrawal thn its me
@ankitagrawal and what are the things I am not aware of
many things @ManishAndroid and btw proguard is not developed by google
@ManishAndroid U need a lot of patience to understand it
@HitMan i got a trick
 set1.setValueTextSize(9f);  // replace 9 with 0
@HitMan your work done?
@JaiprakashSoni I have, but he is not going to explain it , as he just trying to being hero
where it is
if you have done, can you explain it more @JaiprakashSoni
@AnshulTyagi in which file
@ankitagrawal :)
in main activity/fragment where you call entry
Cool buddy u r gr8
No, I'm not
@ManishAndroid yes I have done it.. and it take 2 days to find a piece of code
that I want
I dont have added firebase in the project and suddenly got crash with below error:
Getting Exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.google.firebase.FirebaseOptions after updating to the new firebase
Anyone know what is the issue?
@JaiprakashSoni time taken depends on skill to decode everything without a mapper file
I want to know how you decode without a mapper file
@iDroidExplorer Lol
show me gradle
And if you guys using any tools so you can share the link
@ManishAndroid steps are simple just de compile apk using apk tools and start reading all classes and try to create replation between class u have read
@ManishAndroid btw there are far intelligent chaps then me who have done far more than what i have done, i dont want to be a hero anyways, only trying to explain you that things can be done which you thing cant be done
@JaiprakashSoni great
you were manage to find a piece of code
       compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.2.1'
    //Replace 23.2.1 with 23.4.0
@ankitagrawal If you have done the same thing by using any tools without any mapper file, you can share it here
@iDroidExplorer In both support libs
@AnshulTyagi is that causing the issue?
@ManishAndroid there is no tools, it involves skill not tools
when I de-compile any progaurded code, I just see variables and method names like a,b,c etc
if there was a tool every app would have been pirated and remade
and same things happend in every class
@AnshulTyagi sure?
yes that is what proguard does @ManishAndroid
@piyushgupta Buddy
@iDroidExplorer why are you asking so many questions? You can try if no then simply say it didnt work
i know that, how you remap varibales classes and names or how can you know exact name for that alphabatic varibales
@AnshulTyagi I have asked here to have best and quick answer. Not for try and error. So asking you
after updating I also got issue of it
it depends on you now
Do whatever you want to do
@ManishAndroid that is why it is called skill
you gain that skill from experience
@AnshulTyagi lol you got issue after updating it. Then Why should i update it.
not from any free online available tool
@iDroidExplorer lol
sure, can you give me some hint to develop that skill, what approach i have to follow
@iDroidExplorer fine don't update
1 min ago, by Anshul Tyagi
Do whatever you want to do
@AnshulTyagi seems like you are wasting time for other developers
Yes, I have no work
instead of googling you came here
so silly
@iDroidExplorer then why are you asking here
@TheNightKing I got strength issue. And I need quick solution to that. That's why I came here.
RIP to your skills
Someone flagged msg
I don't like people who use buttering
may the sun shine so bright that you fade away
@PiyushGupta who?
@AnshulTyagi lol correct your sentence and spelling
@TheNightKing this constraint layout is messing with me
Whoever is flagging those messages in here: Don't. Only flag messages that are actually spam / offensive.
@Cerbrus @iDroidExplorer flagged
because he doesn't like truth
You don't know who flagged.
@ManishAndroid that's why I said u need a lot of patience
Who flagged?
Nobody knows.
@iDroidExplorer I won't correct anything
8 mins ago, by Anshul Tyagi
Do whatever you want to do
@PiyushGupta @AnshulTyagi wants to flagged me
ha ha
flagger everywhere
@JaiprakashSoni patience need for getting readable code, not in following approach
this line for u @AnshulTyagi
@iDroidExplorer no one is god here, if any one is helping u here,its not mean he/she knows everything. we can give you just hint,
@Cerbrus U also don't know?
beware flaggers everywhere
@HitMan you wanna say?
I have no problem with you
@AditayKaushal thats fine. that's why I have tell him that its solution or try and error things.
changes this group nameto " came here and get flagged"
m asking @AnshulTyagi what do u want you'll done this
misunderstanding with that sentence :) @AnshulTyagi
@HitMan you misunderstood?
thats ok
m always from ur side
@ankitagrawal i didn't started with that
@TheNightKing man start with that
that stupid layout is messing with me @TheNightKing
@HitMan thanks but I know these situations :D
@ankitagrawal right now i don't have time
@HitMan is from nobody sides he kills if he gets money
@TheNightKing i didnt mean right now dude
just check it and if you are able to understand how to use it just let me know
:) @ankitagrawal @AnshulTyagi
@ankitagrawal it should be easy

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