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@WilliamFrancisGomes ya say?
Hi @All
2 hours later…
@Androidg uru im trying to share image dynamically in my app
but its not sharable .
dynamically means?
like im having listview for images with facebook to share ..
each image have share button ?
and u need to share that selected item from list ?
so where is problem?
the problem is im selecting image clicking and typing the text after clicking on submit button appn gets crashed .
for static Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.icon); like this but for dynamic i changed it to
like this
String mlamg=getla.get(0);
URL url = new URL(mlamg);
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url
InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
bmImg = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e("Error", e.getMessage());

//System.out.println("username 1:"+mlamg);
// Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.icon);
u need to do the posting image on wall in async task
or thread and handler
i have no idea
cant we do with above code
share ur code then let me check
@sophie Hi
hi @AndroidGuru
@AnilPatel Hii
@AndroidGuru will you help me man
@sophie no idea
have not done
hmm.. nops anyways thaks
@sophie let me google
if i found some thing ping u
how to get access token or session from facebook application in my app?@AndroidGuru
@AndroidGuru i have shared my code to you
@AnilPatel u have to integrate fb login in ur app then u can get access token in ur app
yeah im getting it ..
@KAREEMMAHAMMED its for anil
i getting fb access token first time login from my app but i want get access token from facebook application.@AndroidGuru
its lunch time @All
@androidGuru have u check your mail
@AnilPatel u der?
@KAREEMMAHAMMED any library needs?
yes googlplay services for g+ login
@AndroidGuru googleplayservices from your sdk
@KAREEMMAHAMMED can u send me ur sdk for googleplay services?
@Android or else can u remove that googleplus activity class
from the appn
@AndroidGuru i have one question to ask for you may i?
@k YA ASK?
@AnilPatel Hello
can we prevent our appn in tablet to exit once it launches . it has to be locked if user wants to exit he has to reboot or restart the table ? can we do this ?
how to get current session from facebook application?@AndroidGuru
@KAREEMMAHAMMED yes u can do that any user can launch ur app only one time after that a exit app screen will call
i mean how can we do any conceptual implementation is there any link how ?
@AnilPatel fb only provide access token and when u hit using that access token if is expired it return new access token
@KAREEMMAHAMMED store a value in shared preference when first time app is open and after that check for that value on launching first activity and redirect to other activity with only ext button
@AndroidGuru did u check my facebook related issue
i m sending u that testpost.java file update it in ur code
@AndroidGuru this class is replaced with my which class ?
same class
@AndroidGuru thanks its working fine .
@KAREEMMAHAMMED ur welcome.enjoy happy coding
can u tell me about u in brief?
yeah sure im jameel ahmed from hyderabad
Android i would like to ask one question .
@AndroidGuru I have some problem in that code. please help me.
@KAREEMMAHAMMED and more about that?
how much exp ?
company whuich u working?
@JohnR ya say?
im having 3+ and my company is emirian software solutionss
I have to add any other code than that also?
and salary?
@JohnR have tried my last code?
@AndroidGuru may i know about u ?
ya sure
i have just 1.8 year exp
and working in gurgaon in clavax tech pvt ltd
@AndroidGuru great
@androidGuru as u said that we can do for user to prevent exit from android app did u remember it
u said session need to maintain
i m talking about shared preferences not session
@JohnR wher r u?
yeah sharedpref right ..
yes I tried your last code. not working on restarting device.
yes I am using shared preferences.
@AndroidGuru can u make a sample app based on that ...
@JohnR in ur code not needed shared preference
@AndroidGuru And instead of R.drawable.img I am using array of images for example mThumbId[position]
@JohnR u need to set one image on wallpaper or many images?
@AndroidGuru I have image array **public Integer[] mThumbId = {
R.drawable.kri1, R.drawable.kri2,
R.drawable.kri3, R.drawable.kri4,
R.drawable.kri5, R.drawable.kri6,
R.drawable.kri7, R.drawable.kri8,
And creating using Bitmap tempbitMap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), mThumbId[position]);
and set a particular selected image on wallpaper
I changed your code Bitmap tempbitMap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), R.drawable.img); into Bitmap tempbitMap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), mThumbId[position]);
I forget to tell you that day.
then u have to save that image sata and when phone is reboot then get that data and reset that image
@JohnR can u share me ur code?
will check and resolve ur issue?
share me on [email protected]
I have tried lot. watch several questions on SO but unable to solve.
ya i see
its last change
just share ur code
if have no problem
can i ask for ur mail id?
i will send u the demo with ur code
And I have posted new question because any alternative not working.
Q: How to set wallpaper permanently in android

John RI am creating app to set image as wallpaper. I am using following code to fix image in every screen. The code is working fine. Image fit properly. But I have one problem if I play any game and then back to home screen or I restart my device then size of wallpaper zoom. I want to stop this. I want...

@AndroidGuru can u send me a sample demo app which doesnt close the app ?i think i discuss related to this before .
@KAREEMMAHAMMED okz wait for some time
@AndroidGuru please help me as soon as possible.
Q: Check record exists or not into SQLite Database Table

JESUSHow to check if record exist with ImageName or not into database table, I am using below code to check that, is it the right way of checking that? // Check for Record using ImageName public boolean Exists(String strImageName) { SQLiteDatabase db; db = this.getReadableDa...

@AndroidGuru i hope this time you can help me
@AndroidGuru im waiting for your demo sample app which dint close the app.
@sophie yes i can try now for u
but now getting i can't change my name before 30days
Q: apportable facebook login error when facebook app is installed

user3383129I am using Apportable to port cocos2d game to android every thing is fine but facebook is headeach... I have a issue that when I login from my app there are two cases: 1)if facebook is not installed in android device , login dialog open and login properly. 2)but if facebook app installed in an...

any one knows this problem ?
hello @AndroidGuru
@KAREEMMAHAMMED here i m for all so i have to take time for ur answer
pls wait
@user3383129 hii
@AndroidGuru hello
@AndroidGuru k
@ AndroidGuru Hi . I have a query .
@AndroidGuru got my prob
what ?
Somebody online?
u r getting login problem in android??@user3383129??
yes exactly @AndroidGuru
ok i m sharing fb login demo code hope will help u @user3383129
i m putting that on answer of ur question
@JohnR just check ur mail
@user3383129 have u checked my code?
@AndroidGuru just checking your code
@JESUS ur problem solved na?
i'm very new to android
Hi AGAIN @AndroidGuru
could you give me any sample apps?
which type app?
some apps like calc?
could you tell me?
@AndroidGuru ya its working perfectly in android but i am coding in ios and port in to android so my code in ios
@AndroidGuru hello
how i can help u?
i am an android developer only
some apps like calc?
could you tell me?
some apps like calc?
could you tell me?
ok but had u face this type of error ever ?
@AndroidGuru how can we disable home button clicked
@KAREEMMAHAMMED above 4.0 is not possible to disable home press
@AndroidGuru i accepted your answer
thanks @user3383129
u can also upvote it
thanks @user3383129
hash key u know ?
is hash key is the problem ?
might be
it is use for identification of ur device
i have tried both release and debug
but still not working
Q: How to get the position of listview with custom Adapter in Android

Pooja RoyI am developing an Application. My Layout Screen is as below: In that I had Used horizontal Listview for Images. My requirement is: When I click on Preview Button the image which are currently displaying on screen should pass to another Activity as a URL. but how it can be possible I have r...

Please I need help
@PoojaRoy ohho aap gaye?
m here
what u need?@PoojaRoy
yes sorry forgot to tell you
anyways thanks again
@JESUS okz
its alright
I need The exzatly same ui which I got with Listbox
but I need when I click on preview button the image which are displaying on screen should go to next activity
@AndroidGuru i need a sample app which prevnets user not to close the app can u help me
@KAREEMMAHAMMED what do u means?
u need to open ur app all time in mobile?
@PoojaRoy okz .then whats problem?
@AnndroidGuru yeah i mean it shld not be closed
u r getting images from server or have in app?@PoojaRoy
M got img from sever
In that URL should pass to next activity
@KAREEMMAHAMMED but when user press home button it will not work
Problem is where should I pass that code and how
@PoojaRoy do u have sample code?can u share ur code?
whre I can get position of listview elements on the screen
if u r using custom base adapter then u can get position of clicked item
@AndroidGuru if we create an project below 4.0 version then will it work ?
if u runs ur app on device having android os above 4.0 then home button cant be disabled
@AndroidGuru can u clarify me this is it possible or not once the appn gets launced in tablet it shlld not be closed is the requirement for me so will it possible or not ?
@KAREEMMAHAMMED u can do it only with doing some thing like
restart app launcher activity activity onstop() methos
and also relaunch it on bootcompleted receiver
ok frndz
now time to leave
bye bye @All

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