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Hi @lokesh
2 hours later…
do any body used proguard using eclipse
i am new to android and I want to export my apk by using proguard. But am facing errors and not able to find any good tuts on it
@Manju welcome
u need to run apk file on emulator?
@AndroidGuru no am using my device
i want to enable proguard
hi guru
gd mrg
it is urgent task for me
hi guru
r u there
@Manju u need to sign apk file and want to run in ur device
@user3467237 have not worked on bluetooth bro
i did but am getting the below error
Proguard returned with error code 1. See console
Note: there were 4 duplicate class definitions.
Warning: library class android.content.res.XmlResourceParser extends or implements program class org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser
i think there is some warning in signing apk file in ur code
plz clean ur project and run again then sign the apk
then how suggest any user
@AndroidGuru but this is the first time i am tryin to use pro guard
hi guru
how to do now
2 hours later…
@Manju from where u r?
yz i got the answr
thanx a lot
ur welcome
@AndroidGuru hi
@manisa hiiiiii
@AndroidGuru how r u
Hello :)
@manisa i m good
@VipulKumar how r u bro?
kaha the?
@manisa u say?
@AndroidGuru bas yahiN tha. bit busy at app and college fest. How are you? what's happening?
@AndroidGuru I use thread handler
@VipulKumar i m good
it came the error
just doing work@VipulKumar
@manisa what is the issue?
@AndroidGuru viewRoot.chechThread
then when i click that time show the image
@all hi
Hello @AnkitaSinha. How's everything?
@AndroidGuru how's job? did that skype thing work out?
Hey @manisa. where do you work?
@AnkitaSinha Hii
need help on view pager@AndroidGuru
@VipulKumar ya work is going fine ya i find solution up to some extend
@AnkitaSinha say what is issue?
I am downloading the json data and showing this on listview and on click getting the details of click item in new actvity where i am using the view pager, I have successfully done this , but my problem is this that view pager only show the click item
means how to add the rest item to view pager
just send all the data from that actity to next activity using intent which u got from json response
and then bind data to the view pager
how to send the all data through intent@AndroidGuru
u have arraylist of data??@AnkitaSinha
@AndroidGuru ?
@AndroidGuru yes
@manisa can u show ur code?
Bundle bundle=new Bundle();
bundle.putString("album_id", albumDetailsDatas.get(temp).getAlbum_id());
bundle.putString("album_title", albumDetailsDatas.get(temp).getAlbum_title());
bundle.putString("price", albumDetailsDatas.get(temp).getPrice());
Intent intent=new Intent(getActivity(), AlbumMusicsActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("bundle", bundle);
send data from one activity to other this type
@AnkitaSinha Do you have data in fragments? do you want to bind fragments to viewPger?
musicDatas=(ArrayList<MusicData>) bundle.getSerializable("musicDatas");
no i am not using any fragment@AndroidGuru
i hav one problem
@AnkurSamarya ask?
Q: Finish UnityPlayerActivity in android unity project

Ankur SamaryaI am working on unity project and in my project I extend UnityPlayerActivity with PlayScreenActivity. There are also other activity from which I started the PlayScreenActivity so, I want to finish PlayScreenActivity after finishing gameplay, but when I call finish() method then it close applicati...

I have successfully implemented the view pager for the static array but unable to do the same for dynamic one, pls help@AndroidGuru
in this ques my activity stack is always gets killed so i wanted to prevent one activity to be killed @androidGuru
@AnkurSamarya have not work on unity yet
@sunshine, As i have already told that i dont want to use the fragment for this
okk now i m asking that i der any way to prevent the activity to be killed
u can start activity in ondestroy method @AnkurSamarya
@AnkitaSinha r u getting my point?
@AnkitaSinha then how are you using a viewpager? what kind of data do you want to bind with it? you said you've gotten it worked out with static array. can i see that code?
no i dont want to start activity again @androidguru
@VipulKumar, which one code
@AnkitaSinha You can implement viewpager without fragment the have a look stackoverflow.com/questions/18710561/…
is there any alternate of viewflipper in android to animate backgrounds and views
viewflipper causes out of memory exception
@AnkitaSinha where you bind static array with viewPager
@UmerKiani yes. you can use LayoutAnimations or AnimationController to animate views under a viewGroup
see what i have done pastebin.com/AvGCmE4S @AndroidGuru @VipulKumar @sunshine
and now tell me where i am doing wrong
i am trying to just animate the background and all the top elemts of the view remain the same
@VipulKumar it works fine but when animating it causes the app to goto out of memory error
@AndroidGuru r u see
I am 98% sure that I am doing wrong at intent sending, because i am sending only click item detail to viewpager. But i also need to add the complete view to viewpager somehow but dont know how to do this. @AndroidGuru @VipulKumar
@AnkitaSinha yes u need to send complete arraylist of hashmap data to next activity
@AndroidGuru have u seen my code.
@AnkitaSinha yes
can u share u demo code?
find from there@AndroidGuru
@AnkitaSinha not getting yet
give a refresh and find it@AndroidGuru
@AnkitaSinha got
can anyone give me a good example of loading GridView from sqlite database?
@AndroidGuru, resolved or not
@AndroidGuru hello Sir
how are you
@AndroidGuru u there?
@AnkitaSinha yes
@Maximus Hi i m doing good u say?
me too
you have any idea about www.enukesoftware.com
located in gurgaun
@Maximus no idea
its far from my offc
i am looking for job change in noida or gaugaun
@Maximus okz
have u gave intervw there
i will give tommarow
id=f your company have iPhone application developer requirement please inform me
ya sure i will let u know if any opening here
thanks @AndroidGuru
@AndroidGuru, what about my query?
@Maximus ur welcome
@AnkitaSinha yes i m checkeing wait for some time
@AnkitaSinha u der?
@AnkitaSinha check ur mail and let me know is ok or not?
@AnkitaSinha u there??
@WilliamFrancisGomes yaa
@AndroidGuru hello
@manisa issue fixed?
@WilliamFrancisGomes Hello
@AnkitaSinha and @AndroidGuru i am having problem
ya ask?
my each items in gridview actually repeatating each product
i wanted to load item name and description
u r getting different item data or not?
from sqlite database
i am getting different item data
but say i have 20 products
so each product repeating itself 20 times
then new product display
and do the same
can u share screenshot and some code?
do i need to create a viewholder??
yes u need to create view holder and adapter to bind grid view
wait let me give u screenshot
@AndroidGuru thanks
working as acharm
bye @all
bye @AnkitaSinha
@AnkitaSinha hmm good
bye bye
@AndroidGuru no
hello every one
is anybody there to help me im having few queries
regarding android
facebook integration.
@KAREEMMAHAMMED ya say what is issue?
i am implementing facebook image sharing .
u want to post image on wall?
after login in facebook the moment is getting closed
app is getting closed
what error u r getting?
r u getting user info after login
actually im not getting any error
@AndroidGuru after login the application is getting closed .
in facebook api
@KAREEMMAHAMMED can u share ur code?
@AndroidGuru will i paste my code here?
or u want screenshot?
paste your code.
@WilliamFrancisGomes nope use pastebin.com for code
@AndroidGuru ok man thnx
@AndroidGuru u mean the complete app
@KAREEMMAHAMMED just make a demo and share that one for only login and post image
or share ur mail id on [email protected]
i will gave u a demo for that
here is my product class code: pastebin.com/0yDmuVhA
@AndroidGuru this is my mail id u can share your code [email protected]
@WilliamFrancisGomes this is only for getting data from db
wait i am pasting rest
@KAREEMMAHAMMED check ur mail
@AndroidGuru this is my baseadapter code: pastebin.com/qJwmjrbM
@AndroidGuru im checking it
thanks for the help
yeah its sharing ur code sucessfully
@AndroidGuru any help boss?
@WilliamFrancisGomes u actually want to store data in db with image and show them in grid view?
No @AndroidGuru
basically i have a local database inside the app
i want to populate data from database inside my gridview
right now
its populating
but problem is
suppose i have 20 product, so each product repeating itself for 20 times and then a new product starts and it also repeat itself for 20 times
got it @AndroidGuru
@AndroidGuru have a small doubts wil you ..
@WilliamFrancisGomes u used custom list view ??the same concept is here for grid view..repeating means??
repeating means suppose total product is 5
so it appears
product1, product1, product1, product1, product1
product2, product2, product2, product2, product2
when u show it in grid then?
product3, product3, product3, product3, product3
like this
i am showing it in grid
while registration for facebook there we need to mention our prioject name and plus activity name i think so right ?
@AndroidGuru ?
@AndroidGuru as per your sample code which activity name shlld i mention there ?
I view the image from url image it take to so more time so thats I want to use background process either asynck task or thread handler
@KAREEMMAHAMMED which is launcher activity for my demo code
@manisa u can use async task without showing progress dilaog for loading images
@AndroidGuru how?
@WilliamFrancisGomes if u have sample demo for ur problem send me i will see this later
@AndroidGuru TestConnect is the activity right ..
@manisa check this pastebin.com/mZQcsdXZ
here is a global method to download image from url and return bitmap of that image u can just set that on image view it dont show progressbar do all work in background
now time to move
bye bye @All
@AndroidGuru u there?

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