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I've got a Stack Exchange question: what's with logging in, and the different sites? Do you have to create a new profile on each site?
@BudgieInWA Yes you do
MMM no.
The accounts are associated, but otherwise not linked
You'll need to use the same open id provider I think
Ok. Does that mean I put a different "About Me" blurb, etc., and all that on each one? (Obviously reputation doesn't carry across)
Actually, my accounts are associated via openId and I receive alerts from webmasters.stackexchange.com for example via stack exchange
@BudgieInWA You can copy each to each of them, there's a button to let you do that
@BudgieInWA , no neeeddd
@BudgieInWA If you register on each site with your openID, they'll be shared. Plus, you'll earn 100pts.
Adios !
@YiJiang, doesn't it do it by default when you associate?
@NinjaDude Bye
@Benjol Not sure, I think they do
But if they're different for any reason there's always that button
@Chouchenos Ahh, cool. That's what I was looking for.
@BudgieInWA :)
Man, they're on top of, the Stack Exchange guys.
@YiJiang, so, what's the next new function on /soirc?
@Benjol Not sure yet, I'm working on a clipping function but I think it might be more suitable as a separate script
what did you think of the /post site id idea? I guess it's not much advance because you have to go and find the post anyway, so you've already got the url...
@Benjol Well, you have to memorise the id, which doesn't seem like a very attractive option
@YiJiang, yes. what's clipping?
@Benjol That's clipping ^
So it's like an executive summary from all the rooms you're in?
@Benjol No, it's a clipboard that allows you to take down stuff which persists between rooms
Hm, I still don't get it: for pasting something you've already said into a new room?
I should explain the sudden influx; I've put a site-banner up on SO
Well, it's not like any of them are talking
Hi anybody familiar with TinyXPath in C++?
Hi, need a little help with CSS gradients
Specific questions are probably better asked on the main site, but if it is more general?
Just testing this app. 1, 2, 3.
Note there are lots of rooms here; css may have a good room, for example
and C++ marc?
@MarcGravell It doesn't
Hi. I'm looking forward for OnionArchitecture tips. Where mappings should belongs?
Hello World


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
@YiJiang ....yet :)
/me wonders how long it will take for my IT deptartment to block this....
@MarcGravell how do the rooms work in this?
Hi Android People
theres an FAQ for that...
Console.WriteLine('Hello, World!');


Don't say hi. Don't ask questions. Don't have fun. Don't do an...
where I can find other rooms?
wow, it looks cool :D
Hello World!
@bhups, chat.stackoverflow.com
@bhups click the "all rooms" on the upper right corner
System.out.println(" Hi :)")
cool thanks :)
this ajax based constantly refreshing real time chat is what I wrote when i was 13. How did stackoverflow team come up with this childish app?
@MarcGravell There are so many people joining I almost thought you linked this room to the banner
@Volatil3 , yes
Well, the home page, the "all rooms" button, or you should hopefully see (on the right) yet another advert for lots of rooms
My, that's a lot of ppl now...
Do you know of a better way to create real time chat?
@HasanKhan, Childish?
@Sam Uh socket.io
@HasanKhan 13? Nah, I didn't even get broadband 'till I was 13
@HasanKhan And now, one year on, do you still use what you wrote?
refresh is annoying
what's this?
@YiJiang well, here's the thing. Jeff had this "don't make people think" thing - so we wanted newcomers to come into a room straight away. I guess this one is the victim...
Knock Knock
well SO Finally got there "third place" :)
how come there's no room for JavaFX :(
dlrow olleh
@TTT Matrix got you?
@Joopiter Create it.
@MarcGravell I wonder what @AidenBell would think
Does it use WebSockets?
IRC style
(looks at the system log) - hmm, all of a sudden 182 people are polling... that'll be SO traffic, then...
This almost reminds me of the MSO stress test they did
Had it been silverlight, the situation would have been a bit better
@Chouchenos How?
@William, hahahaha good comeback! :D
@TTT Do you mean Matrix?
Don't know if Silverlight lets you use sockets
No, I mean HTML5 WebSockets...
hello everyone!
@Hasan Silverlight? Uh.... what about the poor linux folks? Mono plugin... uh.. su***
this is great
@TTT in short, no. We might change that later
This room currently has 160+ people in it.... Hmmm...
kurdos for spolsky
Yup, stress test :P
spolsky is a god :D
thats a lot of people here, prove SO is very popular
RoomOverflow :)
Heyho everyone
@IvoWetzel yea linux users would not like it
@MarcGravell, "auto response on (.*)more(.*)rooms(.*)"
@Marc Nice :) BTW, you could use something like socket.ie for cross-browser WebSockets
@yi jiang - little orange banner did it
but polling was a horrible idea, who ever made it
lol more than one room
Hi I'm new
more than one room
any CSS guys here?
room indeed overflowing
this is what you get from coyboy coders mr spolsky
@bhups i do CSS
My god, this room is flooding /o/
c++ room is very quiet
@Hasan - WTF?
they know how to get the job done but they screw up the system very easily
hi all
@Chouchenos Cool, thanks
hi KhanS
@Bolt: No you are not
@thephpdeveloper I need a bit help with CSS gradients
any body familiar with google map infowindows
@Tony well, it has only been there (with people in) for a few moments...
@codaddict: Yes, I am.
hi gyanni ji i want to know about u
i like this :)
@MarcGravell yes ok
@YiJiang: I'm glad someone agrees with me about the ISP's caching.
any women programmers here?
@bolt You mean on chat..
@MarcGravell Did you disable oneboxing here?
hi this is ranjeet sajwan
@codaddict: No, all over the site.
That's a lot of bip now...
1 message moved to Chat feedback
@thephpdeveloper I want to achieve this using pure CSS i.imgur.com/xYjl2.png
Hi everybody
@YiJiang no - why?
@MarcGravell how are you able to instantly reply to answers? it almost seems you're updated in real time about all the questions posted on .NET
any examples on customizing basic tabbed infowindows on google map
@gyanni: you are an iphone programmer....correct?
just remember @Marc - you brought this on yourself :)
@MarcGravell This message: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/18830#18830 isn't turning into a box
I wonder how many second is takes for this msg to get "lost in space" :p
@mahesh that would probably be a good question for SO
2 mins ago, by Yi Jiang
@BoltClock http://meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/63845/account-mixup-on-stack-overflow/
@YiJiang - it has to be only a link
yes it is
@MarcGravell,i need help on fixing map search issue in droid
@MarcGravell Well erm... I'm not seeing it
@gyani: you are an iphone programmer....correct?
@YiJiang - to get the question preview, it has to be only a link on the line, nothing else, and that has an @reply
Right... well... I'll come back when there will be less ppl in here o/
Not even after a refresh
@NickCraver No, it should work... oh right, only to specific messages
@bhups Easy, border-radius + linear gradient css-tricks.com/examples/ButtonMaker
A chat room.... I thought these disappeared long time ago :-P
298 pollers...
prolly not @nvin
this place is a bit too slow for my taste. and the frequently changing gravatars on the right are too distracting
Does SO have any Mobile (smart phone, nokia , Ipod) application
@pharalia Can you please show some CSS? I am just one day old in css
@Stillstandin: it does look a bit busy on the right...
@Greco: at our side of the world, they're. Only forum-type places exist
@bhups: If you've only known CSS for a day you should stick to the basics.
good moorning everyone
@adopilot There's someone writing the iPhone app for stackOverflow
@bhups Eh... try doing something else then
Why is this highlighting thing so good
Never seen anything like it
@MarcGravell can we customize the infowindow displayed with tabs using GInfoWindowTab api
html5 websockets are a joke
@HasanKhan why are they a joke?
I find the standard SO site works well on the iphone (safari) anyway?
@Joren - @Marc and @balpha built it with pure sexy
@TheEliteGentleman What about other OSs
i just quickly ran through an article, it seems you're still polling some server side page
@Mark: The textareas are pretty slow on my iPhone 3GS.
@NickCraver Built jQuery actually. And a bit of unicorn blood.
@Nick so it seems
they are not sockets as we know them
It is really cool to have this live chat ..
speaking of, where are the unicorms?
IRC or SO Chat?
@BoltClock Oh wow, viewing this on a iPhone, you're brave :P
Hey there ;-)
@HasanKhan I guess SO will be used via mobile browsers then.
Will that annoying "third-place" ad disappear now that I've clicked on it?
@zerk How's things?
@HasanKhan They are sockets as we know them. Open them, attach a listener to the data event, there you go that's all.
@Marc - when is the planned cornify.com integration?
@HasanKhan - Well its still based on HTTP, so its not like it can work that differently from polling.
So how many here read Eric Lippert's blog? I'd ask this in the C# chat but it's mostly dead
Anyone here know how to test javascript with cucumber?
Andrew: fine ;-)
Joren: i do
@fivetwentysix very carefully
<javascript>alert('hello, world')</javascript>
@Marc Is that a real rainbow?
@Joren rooms become less dead when you start talking in them...
@YiJiang Not chat, I mean the main site.
@DavidCaunt It's not exactly basic css, you also gotta use proprietary implementations for the gradients to support different browsers. Search border-radius and linear-gradient with your favourite search engine
@HasanKhan oh come on!
Wow, what makes this site my firefox slow! Unexpected SO experience...
@Marc That concept is alien to me :P
@HasanKhan Good try...
@HasanKhan The only thing that's really different is, that they start out as an HTTP connection which is then upgraded.
@HasanKhan Please, do your testing in the Sandbox room
this char is so laggy at ff :-S
no that wasn't testing yi jiang
@MarcGravell Mind pinning the faq and the sandbox room?
@zerkms Hm works fine with 4b8pre
can we have videos into google map infowindows
To all the new users: you're not restricted to one room, you can join the others that you have questions/expertise/interest in at the same time. Please do so :)

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