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Q: Prevent pandas read_table from dropping tab characters

CHPIn pandas, let's say I have the following string that I want to read with read_table: A\tB\tC\t\t\tD\t\tE\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Where \t are tab characters. If I use read_table like so: with open('file.dat') as f: df = pd.read_table(f, delimiter = '\r\n\') It will read every line in file.dat but ...

Q: Apply custom function on text on a pandas dataframe rather than iterating individual element

BonsonMy pandas dataframe is very large and so I want to be able to modify the textLower(frame) function so that it gets executed in one command and I dont have to iterate over each row to perform a sequence of string manipulations over each element. # Function iterates over all the values of a pand...

Q: how do I sum pairwise dot products of columns

BrianI have a dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(10, 10)) I want to take pairwise dot products of the odd columns with even columns then sum them up. So column 0 with column 1, column 2 with column 3, and so on. I've done df.mul(df.shift(axis=1)).sum().sum() But this gets me column 1 a...

1 hour later…
Q: python - understanding of for loop

jim basquiati have the following line in a python code: for tradeName, trade in data.iterrows(): ... "data" being a pandas dataframe in the following form: timestamp open high low close volume 2000-01-03 00:00:00 1481.50 1481.50 1480.50 1480.50 4 2000-01-03 00:30:00 14...

Q: Difference between elements when reading from multiple files

akshayI am trying to get the difference between each element after reading multiple csv files. Each csv file has 13 rows and 128 columns. I am trying to get the column-wise difference I read the files using data = [pd.read_csv(f, index_col=None, header=None) for f in _temp] I get a list of all sa...

Q: Unable to write file to disk

Ashwith UllalThis code runs fine, But it only writes last selected item to the file . I am trying to extract entire list to a column in a spreadsheet. import maya.cmds as mc mc.select(all=True) selected_items=mc.ls(sl=True) for selected in selected_items: open("E:\file_contents.ods","w").write(selected+"...

Q: Performing an indirect sort in numpy, preserving same indices for identical elements

Nikolay AmbartsumovLet's assume I have an array like this: a = np.array([5, 2, 13, 13, 222]) I want to convert it to an array like this: b = np.array([1, 0, 2, 2, 3]) I've tried np.argsort, but returns np.argsort(np.array([5, 2, 13, 13, 222])) # = array([1, 0, 2, 3, 4]) which doesn't do exactly what I need...

1 hour later…
Q: Conduct DBSCAN on radian distance matrix with sklearn?

cookiedookieI wish to conduct clustering on several timestamps(in minutes). So what i've done so far is: 1) Convert points to radian #points containing time value in minutes points = [100, 200, 600, 659, 700] def convert_to_radian(x): return((x / (24 * 60)) * 2 * pi) rad_function = np.vectorize(conve...

Q: long int* to np_intp* platform dependent conversion

maurizioOn my 64-bit office desktop this compiles fine: #include <Python.h> #include <numpy/arrayobject.h> ... Py_Initialize(); import_array(); // Build array object long int NUMEL=3; PyObject *out_array = PyArray_SimpleNew(1, &NUMEL, NPY_DOUBLE); Conversely, on my 32-bit laptop this fails producin...

recylerview autoscroll hota hae
1 message moved from Androidians
Q: how to sort dataframe based on particular (string)columns using python pandas?

Sai Rajeshmy dataframe contains following data product,values a1,10 a5,20 a10,15 a2,45 a3,12 a6,67 i have to sort dataframe based on product column i need output like product,values a10,15 a6,67 a5,20 a3,12 a2,45 a1,10

Q: Convert Pyhton DataFrame Sting column Value to DateTime format

Somashekar MuniyappaI have a DataFrame column where value is of string type 'June 6, 2016, 6' and I want to convert it into DataTime as 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM' format. When tried convert by just taking value , I could able to convert it into right format. import datetime stringDate = "June 6, 2016, 11" dateObject = dat...

Q: Concatenating two data frames on large no. of columns

ranadanI have to Use concatenate function for large no. of columns. Let say this my function. pd.concat([mdf1[['user','tag1','tag2','tag3','tag4']].groupby(['user']).agg(sum) Here I have large no. of tags so I want my function to take all the columns say after 'tag1' how can I do that?

pimple saudager
and you @ItachiUchiha?
Q: remove certain elements from numpy array without destroying the structure

Huanian ZhangI have a numpy array as below, I want to remove all zeros. a = [[ 5 2 0 9 4] [ 2 0 9 4 2] [ 0 9 4 2 6] [ 9 4 2 6 8] [ 4 2 6 8 0] [ 2 6 8 0 3] [ 6 8 0 3 11] [ 8 0 3 11 7] [ 0 3 11 7 1] [ 3 11 7 1 5] [11 7 1 5 21] [ 7 1 5 21 8] [ 1 5 21 8 ...

2 messages moved from Leaf Village Ninjas
Q: Cluster and visualize the spatial raster data in Python

Han ZhengzuWith a 2-d raster data which represent some attributes along the longitude and latitude. I want to cluster the whole area into several zones based on the geographical location and the value of attribute showing like this: Different colors represent the different clustering zone each point b...

Q: Python - delete object that points to another object

oshribrI have list of tuples like below In [136]: z Out[136]: [(0, array([ 0.71428571, 2.92857143, 1.64285714, 1.07142857])), (1, array([ 2.89473684, 1.68421053, 0.52631579, 3.21052632])), (2, array([ 1.03571429, 1.5 , 2.75 , 2.96428571])), (3, array([ 3.35714286, 2.07142857, ...

Q: What are Python .pyc files and how can one use them in django project and is there any way to open them?

AshutoshKumar.pyc contain Python bytecode for .py file(Please make a correction if i am wrong here). I have gone through this link.. < http://www.network-theory.co.uk/docs/pytut/CompiledPythonfiles.html>

Q: Sanitizing words extracted from text files and writing them to a database

RakeshThis code reads text files from some path, tokenizes, removes stop words, lowercases, removes punctuation and numbers, then writes the result to a database. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function import os, codecs, re, string, mysql import mysql.connector '''Reading files...

Q: how to find difference in dates in pandas dataframe in Azure ML

Abhishek ShankhadharIs Azure uses some other Syntax for finding difference in dates and time. or Any package is missing in Azure. how to find difference in dates in pandas data-frame in Azure ML. I have 2 columns in a dataframe and I have to find the difference of two and have to kept in third column ,the problem is...

Q: Comparing two DataFrames elements with different DataFrame

akshayI have a DataFrame which has multiple samples df1 = [[ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 \ 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1 13.4 5.2 7.7 -2.1 1.6 -4.1 -0.5 8.2 15.9 12.9 11.8 9.3 2 -3.1...

Q: Calculation occurance random numbers in csv file

A. TiekI have a csv file with the columns: recipe_name (index), apple, citrus, banana, melon, ... (and more columns with fruits). For each recipe there is a row with the weight percentages of each fruit. But not all recipes contain all fruits. These are empty spaces in the csv file. It looks like this...

Q: how to merge two data frames based on particular column in pandas python?

Sai Rajeshi have to merge two dataframes df1 company,standard tata,A1 cts,A2 dell,A3 df2 company,return tata,71 dell,78 cts,27 hcl,23 i have to compain both dataframes as one data frame.i need output like company,standard,return tata,A1,71 cts,A2,27 dell,A3,78

Q: python numpy strange boolean arithmetic behaviour

lurix66Why is it, in python/numpy: from numpy import asarray bools=asarray([False,True]) print(bools) [False True] print(1*bools, 0+bools, 0-bools) # False, True are valued as 0, 1 [0 1] [0 1] [ 0 -1] print(-2*bools, -bools*2) # !? expected same result! :-/ [0 -2] [2 0] print(-bools)...

Q: df.first_valid_index() returns an index which raises a KeyError?

j4ckI'm trying to group a pd.DataFrame by month and apply a custom function ultimo(x): def ultimo(x): if x.first_valid_index() is None: return np.nan else: return x[x.first_valid_index()] I've got this from another question of mine. However, today I've encountered an KeyErr...

Q: Can not import pandas in django project?

Vivek SableI am getting following error then I run application: File "/var/opt/igp_modules/Mod51_LAM/mod51_LAM.py", line 235, in process self.linesStructureCSV(inlist) File "/var/opt/igp_modules/Mod51_LAM/mod51_LAM.py", line 610, in linesStructureCSV from line_analysis import LAM File "/var...

Q: Importing certain matplotlib modules on Django 1.6.1 through .fcgi returns 500 page on AFS server

Daniel AbercrombieI'm running an .fcgi script on AFS to return an output from Django. I've gotten the following script to work. from django.http import HttpResponse import os, sys os.environ['MPLCONFIGDIR'] = '/tmp/' import matplotlib #import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ...

Q: How to remove % symbol for particular column in dataframeusing python pandas?

Sai Rajeshmy data frame have following data company,standard,returns aaa,b1,10% bbb,b2,20% i have to remove % from returns column

Q: Save one-hot-encoded features into Pandas DataFrame the fastest way

mkoalaI have a Pandas DataFrame with all my features and labels. One of my feature is categorical and needs to be one-hot-encoded. The feature is an integer and can only have values from 0 to 4 To save those arrays back in my DataFrame I use the following code # enc is my OneHotEncoder object df['my...

Q: My code isn't executing some lines--Python

rajinikanthPart of my code is : import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab for i in (1,5): #assigned i=1 in my code time.sleep(5) img=ImageGrab.grab() print('grabed') img.save('fds.jpg') print('saved') i += 1 My code isn't executing 4th,5th,6th and 7th lines.Anyone know why my code...

Q: Linear algebra package with domain checks before operations

dPolDoes it exists a (possibly efficient) linear algebra package that uses some form of domain check before performing linear operations? numpy performs already some kind of domain check before linear operations: if dimensions don't match, it raises a ValueError. I would like to identify my domains ...

Q: Plotting multi-line charts in python and embedding in HTML

Raghav AggiwalI am doing some data analysis in python. I have a time series data (for continuous dates) and I want to plot something like : I have plotted single line chart using matplotlib and embedded it to HTML using base64 encoding. But the concern is that I do not have hover facility when I embed graph...

Q: How to read the csv file properly if each row contains different number of fields (number quite big)?

user5779223I have a text file from amazon, containing the following info: # user item time rating review text (the header is added by me for explanation, not in the text file disjiad123 TYh23hs9 13160032 5 I love this phone as it is easy to use hjf2329ccc TGjsk12...

Q: Handle multiprocessing.TimeoutError in multiprocessing pool.map_async()

guettliUp to now I do this: rets=set(pool.map_async(my_callback, args.hosts).get(60*4)) If the timeout is hit, I get an exception: File "/usr/lib/python2.7/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 524, in get raise TimeoutError multiprocessing.TimeoutError I would like to handle this gracefully: The o...

Q: Deploy Django project on RedHat

CreedI'm trying to deploy my local Django project on my RedHat server. So I install all the libraries and dependencies that I needed (also mod_wsgi). So, I edit my project's settings and move my local project to the server. But I'm facing an issue: when I try to reach the URL of my project, I have th...

Q: Dig into variables while debugging

user1176316I am currently debugging code using Python. I have not been using Python for a while. I put some breakpoints on a variable which is an integer. Let's say this variable is X = 10. How can I: see what is in the variable (I can highlight and a yellow case appears but if there are a lot of informat...

Q: How do I use python-WikEdDiff?

AayDeeI recently installed python-WikEdDiff package to my system. I understand it is a python extension of the original JavaScript WikEdDiff tool. I tried to use it but I couldn't find any documentation for it. I am stuck at using WikEdDiff.diff(). I wish to use the other functions of this class, such ...

Q: Multiple exceptions and code coverage

alecxeThe Problem: Here is an artificial example of the code under test: from datetime import datetime def f(s): try: date = s.split(":")[1] return datetime.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d") except (ValueError, IndexError) as e: # some code here raise Here is a set o...

Q: Drawing an antialiased circle as described by Xaolin Wu

ChristopherCI'm tyring to implement the “Fast Anti-Aliased Circle Generator” routine that was described by Xiaolin Wu in his paper “An Efficient Antialiasing Technique” from Siggraph '91. This is the code that I wrote using Python 3 and PySDL2: def draw_antialiased_circle(renderer, position, radius): d...

Q: Python Pandas CSV import / Unicode woes

JHarrisI am working with message board posts (contained in CSV files), trying to clean data/etc, before training classification models. Things were going well, until I got TypeError: 'float' object is not iterable, in response to the line letters_only = ''.join([i for i in textToProcess if not i.isd...

Q: Want to open a tkinter window simultaneously with a matplotlib window?

thedarkgriffen'''My code opens the matplotlib window and the tkinter but tkinter window opens after quitting the matplotlib window. I want both of them to pop up at the same time.''' from pylab import * import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import style import numpy as np import pylab style.use('sea...

Q: Drawing window around frequency

Mehdi I was wondering how to plot like in points the red rectangles around some frequency, for now i just managed to plot this : But i want to make it look like this (they were poorly added with paint) : Thank you !

Q: Pandas Python. Top 3 recommended items in a column

Alexandr SerbinovskiyI am new to Pandas and I was given a task: for every product find three other products that are most viewed together in the same session Data frame viewed.products looks like: session products 00b3a43caf4209d2/10 1536 00b3a43caf4209d2/10 42 00b3a43caf4209d2/10 395 00b3a43caf4209d2/1...

Q: How to return a dataframe value from row and column reference?

AndyI know this is probably a basic question, but somehow I can't find the answer. I was wondering how it's possible to return a value from a dataframe if I know the row and column to look for? E.g. If I have a dataframe with columns 1-4 and rows A-D, how would I return the value for B4?

1 hour later…
Q: How can I rename multiple columns with numbers in python?

roune_67I have a data frame with ~2400 columns and I would like to rename all the columns from 1 to 2400. My current columns names are numbers and almost all of them are duplicated. I was trying something like that but it doesn't work : # An example # Create an example dataframe data = {'Commander': [...

Q: Select values from a set of arrays according to an array of permutations

martinakoI have 3 numpy arrays of shape 2xN (with N large), call them a1, a2, a3. Then I have another array of shape Nx3 whose row values refer to one of the arrays a1, a2, a3, call it permutation. This permutation array looks like: [[0, 1, 2], [1,2,0], [1,0,2], ... up to N rows ] I want to create anoth...

Q: How to import a text file on AWS S3 into pandas without writing to disk

alpalalpalI have a text file saved on S3 which is a tab delimited table. I want to load it into pandas but cannot save it first because I am running on a heroku server. Here is what I have so far. import io import boto3 import os import pandas as pd os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] = "xxxxxxxx" os.environ...

Q: Unable to blend two images using Pyramids in opencv, because the shape of the image changes during execution

MetalI'm unable to blend two images using Pyramids in opencv, because the shape of the image changes. Both images are originally of the size 1022*598, but after executing PyrUp twice like so: lpA = [gpA[3]] for i in xrange(3,0,-1): GE = cv2.pyrUp(gpA[i]) print GE.shape, gpA[i-1].shape L ...

Q: Easier way to get daily pictures with pandas.Timestamp on x-axis

DennisIs there a way to plot a graph with daily data from the past, where on the x-axis the timestamps go from 16 o'clock till 06 o'clock the next morning. I managed to get it with: Begin = "".join((Year, Month, Day, ' 16:00')) End = "".join((Yearend, Monthend, Dayend, ' 06:00')) ax3.set_xlim(pd.Times...

Q: How can I automate the creation of Pandas dataframes, from a folder of .xls, with a list of variable names?

user1318135I have a folder with a number of files. I want to import the sheet 'sheet1' as a pandas dataframe for each of them, assigned to the name of a portion of that title. I've successfully gotten a list of filenames: path = "/Users/path" files = os.listdir(path) files_xls = [f for f in files if f[-3:...

Q: Update pandas dataframe without iterrows

bpythonI have 2 dataframes such as: df1: index x y abc DF UK cde DF FR grt FD UK and: df2: index DF UK FR FD abc nan nan nan nan cde nan nan nan nan grt nan nan nan nan I would like to have a solution that sets the secon...

Q: matplotlib: coordinates convention of image imshow incompatible with plot

VinwimI have a problem of plotting points over a image using matplotlib.pyplot. AS we know, the convention of imshow is that the origin is located on the top left corner, x-axis pointing downward and y-axis pointing rightward. But when I use plt.plot() to plot some points, the axes seem to becomes ...

Q: Merge or Concat Dataframes using Pandas

LisleSimplified. I have 2 dataframes that I would like to merge/concatenate/join together into one using the following scenario as framework. df1 looks like C1 C2 C3 0 1659712000.0 1659712000.0 YQHDK 1 5797862000.0 5797862000.0 YQHJW 2 846369000.0 ...

Q: Nested json to csv - generic approach

An economistI am very new to Python and I am struggling with converting nested json file into cvs. To do so I started with loading the json and then transformed it in a way that prints out nice output with json_normalize, then using pandas package I output the normalised parts into cvs. My example json: [...

Q: How to relate the colour of arrows to their magnitude using 3D quiver function from myplotlib?

Scott AlistairI have created a lovely 3D displacement vector field in python using Matplotlib and I am happy with the results. However, visually it is not very east to see the magnitude of the displacements only the direction. Is there a way in python that I could use a colour scale for the arrows so that the ...

Q: python linear regression date as axis

IT13122256 Ranawaka R.A.S.Mi'm getting data from mysql and using panda DataFrame i'm separating the data to column data = pd.DataFrame(data) print(data.ix[:,3]) 0 2006-04-01 1 2006-08-01 2 2006-12-01 3 2006-02-01 4 2006-01-01 5 2006-07-01 6 2006-06-01 7 2006-03-01 8 2006-05-01 9 2...

Q: Get mouse events outside of Tkinter window in Python

TravisTI am writing a program that connects to design software, like an external plugin, then monitors mouse movement and events. It will take actions based on to the state of the connected software mouse events. The idea is the external application will have the capability to interface to multiple sim...

Q: Pandas error when trying to use get_loc

eijenI've been working on a program to do some parsing on a CSV and have Anaconda2 installed with the latest pandas package updated through pip. But for some reason, no matter how simple the program, I get an error trying to use get_loc. import sys import pandas as pd infile = pd.read_csv("Path/to/C...

Q: Segmentation Fault: 11 on OSX python

Brian PostowI'm getting an intermittant segfault in python, which really shouldn't happen. It's a heisenbug, so I haven't figured out exactly what's causing it. I've done the search and found that there was a known problem with an older version of python, but I'm using 2.7.10 (in a virtualenv, in case that ...

Q: Store the logic to select a pandas DataFrame subset in a string so logic can select rows dynamically

helloBI have been asked to generate a number of columns of data for a number of different selection conditions on the rows of a pandas DateFrame. I'd like to do something like the following, but I don't quite know how to do it: # df = some pd.DataFrame # names = some list of names that correspond to t...

Q: Using for and if to alter specific data using Python

M.RowlinsonI have a data set that has 3 columns - longitude, latitude and data - and 64800 rows. Lon Lat Data -180.0 -90.0 0.0 -180.0 -89.0 1500.0 -180.0 -88.0 18.5 etc... I want to edit the data column in certain geographical areas, e.g. when longitude is ...

Q: Plotting the boundaries of cluster zone in Python with scikit package

Han ZhengzuHere is my simple example of dealing with data clustering in 3 attribute(x,y,value). each sample represent its location(x,y) and its belonging variable. My code was post here: x = np.arange(100,200,1) y = np.arange(100,200,1) value = np.random.random(100*100) xx = xx.reshape(100*100) yy = yy....

Q: Multiprocessing without return values

whaI am doing an experiment where the result is high dimensional structured. I use multiindex to represent the result object and use multiprocessing to compute and fill it. The result set is quite large, which can be easily up to millions to billions of entries. If the result is 3d, I can let the fu...

Q: Matching 2 different dataframes to return value and then compare

BernardLI need to match these 2 dataframes of different size, get the matched field, and then compare if it is bigger or smaller. df = pd.DataFrame({'first_name': ['Jason', 'Molly', 'Tina', 'Jake', 'Amy'], 'id': ['a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4', 'a5'], 'id2': ['', '', '', 'b1', 'b2'], 'co...

Q: Changing the linewidth and the color simultaneously in matplotlib

Han Zhengzu The figure above is a great artwork showing the wind speed, wind direction and temperature simultaneously. detailedly: The X axes represent the date The Y axes shows the wind direction(Southern, western, etc) The variant widths of the line were stand for the wind speed through timeseries ...

Q: 1 Player to 2 Player Connect Four

greatdonutThis code works completely fine, however I can't seem to make this game into a two player game. Everytime I attempt it, I get thrown with error messages becauseI can't get the logic right. Can someone help me out? That last two functions are what need to be played with in order to achieve this, b...

Q: Pandas Dataframe - Isolating values

RageAgainstheMachineI have a dataframe (see below) and I want to run through it to isolate values above a certain number (60) and have it return the month, how do I do this: Month Increase 0 Jan 34 1 Feb 4 2 Mar 33 3 Apr 12 4 May 66 thanks

Q: inserting numpy data into a bigger array of zeros

Diego Alejandro Gómez PardoI would like to put data of a numpy array of any size from the start of another bigger array of zeros. Looking at numpy documentation I found the function np.put but it gives me a problem like this: Supossing import numpy as np b = np.zeros(5) a = np.range(1,4) np.put(b,a,a) produces somethi...

Q: Iterate a simple calculation in Pandas across multiple files

user5778614The code below generates a sum from the "Value" column in an ndarray called 'File1.csv'. How do I apply this code to every file in a directory and place the sums in a new file called Sum.csv? import pandas as pd import numpy as np df = pd.read_csv("~/File1.csv") df["Value"].sum() Many than...

Q: Emulating the behaviour of loc in composited module

mcocdawcI am creating a module that uses pd.DataFrame to store the data. I am aware of several questions regarding composition vs. inheritance on SO and github (for example Pandas DataFrame Object Inheritance or Object Use?) and decided to go for composition. My stuff works, but at the moment indexing is...

Q: How to find a value bigger than zero and write the corespondent column name in a new column in pandas?

MasoudI have a data frame like below: M1 M2T M2N FOKI LOESS PYRIT ABRAUM AV DEP_TON DEP_TON_15 FOKIFE FOKIMA KIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5755 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1284 0 0 2084 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4471 2922 ...

Q: pandas resample frequency issue

ArpitI am facing an issue w.r.t pandas resample. I have OHLC data of 1m frequency. I wish to convert this data into 5m frequency and calculate moving average of it. Say I am taking moving average of 20 bars (of 5m each) then first I am loading 100bars (1m bar) to dataframe, convert it to 5m frequency ...

Q: Python equivalent for do.call(rbind, lapply()) from R

Andrew TaylorOne of my main tools in my workflows is the do.call(rbind, lapply()) as exampled here in R: df1 <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(10), x2 = rnorm(10), x3 = rnorm(10)) df2 <- data.frame(x1 = rnorm(10, 5), x2 = rnorm(10), x3 = rnorm(10)) getp <- function(var) { return(t.test(df1[, var], df2[, var])$p.va...

Q: use of griddata for surface plots in matplotlib

maxEI want to create a surface plot from two datasets T and F ( each set contains 3000 numbers) . I want to plot the function chi_F described below , against the dataset F and a function chi_T (also described below). The problem is, that the data is not equally spaced and thus the plot looks strange ...

Q: Does sklearn silhouette_samples depend on the order of the data?

user5709080I’ve been trying to determine the silhouette scores for each sample in a data set, which contains two different classes. However, the distribution and sample values change depending on how I’ve sorted my data ahead of time. For example, if I sort my dataframe by the class labels (0 & 1) in ascend...

Q: Python server "Aborted (Core dumped)"

ArnaudI use web.py to create a Python web server. This server is called to solve linear programming problems, and it uses the library CBC to do that. Every once in a while, the server crashes with a log that looks like that: - - [03/Jun/2016 04:35:54] "HTTP/1.1 GET /optimization" -...

Q: Logarithmic scale in Excel or matplotlib

khexWant to create a bars in Excel or by PyPlot that I saw in some medical science magazine. As I understood that is not a classic logarithmic scale.

Q: Python: Using Pandas, how do I choose the columns in my output?

JetCoreyI am running my whole Active directory against user accounts trying to find what doesn't belong. Using my code my output gives me the words that only occur once in the Username column. Even though I am analyzing one column of data, I want to keep all of the columns that are with the data. ...

Q: Speed up pandas lookup

FraI have 2 pandas series: data and events. data is an ordered series of datapoints events contains indices of points of interest in data I would like to extract a window of fixed size around each point of interest. I came up with: res = [] for k in events: win = data.loc[k - ticks_before:...

Q: Matplotlib- How to smooth a discrete colorbar with specified values?

ChristineBI'm plotting the linear trends of precipitation data over a period of time, and in order to alter the colormap so that the data seems more evenly spread across the color range, I took the 'jet' colormap, discretized it, and assigned specific value intervals. However, I want now to smooth the colo...

Q: How do you plot 3D markers (i.e. spheres rather than circles, pyramids rather than triangles, etc.) on a 3D plot in matplotlib?

CosmoI've already scoured stackoverflow's archives and matplotlib's documentation extensively and found no solution nor any related discussion. The following code plots points at the tips of a neuron skeleton, the coordinates of which are stored in coords, and the colors of which are stored in tcolor...

Q: universal inner product of pandas.Series AND columns in a pandas.DataFrame

Alex MonrasI'm trying to build a function that computes the conditional Shannon entropy in a dataframe. I give it the following parameters: import random rows = 1000 columns = 3 data=pd.DataFrame([[random.randrange(0, 4, 1) for x in range(columns)] for y in range(rows)], columns=['a', 'b', 'c']) target = ...

Q: How can I put a string to an array

Kostas BelivanisI want to put a string to an array location but I get the "ValueError: could not convert string to float" error. My code is the following: k = np.ceil(99/8) rs = np.zeros((int(k), 10)) for i in range(0, int(k)): rs[i, 0] = "FREQ" for j in range(1,9): rs[i, j] = rs_imp[8*k+j, 0]

Q: I am looking for a programmer based in London Uk

user232595Willing to pay for the creation of a program for a website. I have very limited knowledge of engine databases and programming. I believe it is what is known as 'relational data' I am working with. We are a startup based in London. Contact: [email protected] Thanks, Ahmed Please allow this ...

Q: matplotlib 3d axes ticks, labels, and LaTeX

Phys251I am running this sample script, with the following modifications: import matplotlib as mpl from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 10 fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') theta = np.linspace(-4 * ...

Q: plot pandas period_range with matplotlib - set freq of axis

AxelI got a pandas DataFrame with values for time spans with variable lenths. I want to plot a horizontal line for the value of each timespan with the length of the timespan. Therfore, I converted the timespan to an PeriodIndex by ax0=fig.add_axes([.16,.2,0.8,.7]) ax0.plot_date(data['periodIndex'], ...

Q: How can I connect points on a 3D scatter plot?

Jesse BatsonSo currently, I have all these coordinates and so it's quite easy to create a 3D scatter plot of all the combination of coordinates. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20,10)) ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') z = numpy.transpose(z_coords_row)[0:100] x = numpy.transpose(x_coords_row)[0:100] y = numpy.trans...

Q: Generate all possible outcomes of k balls in n bins (sum of multinomial / categorical outcomes)

Andrew MaoSuppose we have n bins in which we are throwing k balls. What is a fast (i.e. using numpy/scipy instead of python code) way to generate all possible outcomes as a matrix? For example, if n = 4 and k = 3, we'd want the following numpy.array: 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 ...

Q: Arrows on Scatter

FootyStattowannab3Having had no luck myself I'm looking for a bit of assistance with this problem I have run into. I have CSV data in this format. Flow Amount,X_Start,Y_Start,X_End,Y_End 4,36.20740741,31.97407407,48.103125,9.4125 4,50.71851852,48.46666667,65.65714286,73.81785714 3,50.71851852,48.46666667,48.1031...

Q: Possible to keep same lines in same color in different plots in matplotlib?

Jamie Zemin ZhangSay I have a figure A consists of 10 lines : 1 to 10, colored by default settings of matplotlib. Now I want to plot lines 1-5 in figure B and lines 6-10 in figure C, but keep the colors of the lines consistent. I mean in figure B, colors of line 1-5 are the same with line 1-5 in figure A; and in...

Q: Python: How do you keep all of your data when using .Value_counts()?

JetCorey.Value_counts() gets rid of the rest of my data. Analyze my data without loosing the rest of the information? Or is there another word counter code I can use that doesn't remove the rest of my columns of data? Here's my code: from pandas import DataFrame, read_csv import pandas as pd f1 = pd....

Q: Python fill a list with the same string

DolphinGenomePyramidsI have a pandas DataFrame and I would like to make a new column with the same string in each row. Currently I'm doing this. tag=[] for x in xrange(len(preds)): #preds is a np.array, same length of df tag.append('MY STRING') df['TAG']=tag I know there must be a smarter way to do this. ...

Q: Creating non numeric chart using python

TanyaI need to create a flow chart-like structure in python, but the data I need to import is non numeric (essentially just text). Matplotlib only seems to be able to import numeric data, is there any other way to do this?

Q: Use Python to Build Nested JSON from Flat Table

spaineI'm looking for a python technique to build a double-nested JSON file from a flat table in a pandas data frame (or from CSV or Excel). For example how could a pandas dataframe table such as: teamname member firstname lastname orgname phone mobile \ 0 1 0 John...

Q: Write object array to .txt file

Kostas BelivanisWhen I do k=12 rsf = np.zeros((int(k), 9), dtype='object') for i in range(0, int(k)): rsf[i, 0] = "FREQ" for j in range(1, 9): rsf[i, j] = sampled[8*i+j-1, 0] and then try to write it by np.savetxt('test.txt', rsf, delimiter=',') I get an error Mismatch between array dtype...

Q: Reading a JSON in python and converting it to dataframe

haimenSuppose I have a JSON file as follows, {u'level': u'INFO', u'message': {"method":"someMethod","params":{"frameId":"9.6","loaderId":"3.2","requestId":"4.6"}} u'timestamp': 654789L} For parsing this into dataframe, for the first level, I am able to do data[1]['level'], data[1]['message'], data[...

Q: Python - Fitting exponential decay curve from recorded values

DarthLazarI'm aware that there are threads pertaining to this, but i'm confused to where I want to I fit my data to the fit. My data is imported and plotted as such. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline import pylab as plb import numpy as np import scipy as sp import csv FreqTime1 = [] Dec...

Q: Python pandas dataframe "Date" Index different format in xlsx and csv

KevinI have an xlsx file with multiple tabs, each tab has a Date column in the format of MM/DD/YYYY Read each tab into a pandas dataframe, applied some operations on each tab, and then write the dataframe back into two formats: xlsx and csv In the xlsx file, the Date column (index) becomes a format ...

Q: ipython sessions run separately communicating with a single ipython server

AminI am running multiple ipython sessions in the same time on my local machin, each one running its own code. I want to send some of their plots to a single ipython qtconsole located in a remote machine (I have an active ssh connection between the two). Optimally, I want to be able to plot each of t...

Q: tensorflow gather across multiple dimentions

Ben Usmangather(params, indices) does the following output[i, ..., j, :, ... :] = params[indices[i, ..., j], :, ..., :] so if you have 4-dimensional params and 2-dimensional indices, you end up having 5-dimensional array as a result the question is how to do output[i, ..., j, :, ... :] = params[indic...

Q: How to select range of columns in R dataframe based on their name and not their index?

ClebIn a pandas dataframe created like this: import pandas as pd import numpy as np df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(10, size=(6, 6)), columns=['c' + str(i) for i in range(6)], index=["r" + str(i) for i in range(6)]) which could look as follows: c0 c1 ...

Q: pandas: how to combine matrix with different index and columns?

Gabriel Sanchez Dos SantosI am using python, pandas and numpy to read a few data. I have two data frames: Input 1- Cost matrix(it has the cost per season and region): index = regions and columns = seasons Input 2- Binary matrix(value 1 when a month "a" belongs to a season "b": index=seasons, columns=months The output t...

Q: plotting 2 .dat files on the same plot

IntegralsHi I am trying to plot data from two .dat files on the same plot. When I try, I am getting an error message. I show exactly where it comes from below in the code. It has to do with a string or file handle. I am very new to python and do not know how to fix this. I import both of my .dat files...

Q: New numpy array from attribute of objects in another numpy array

ericksonlaIs there a way to do an element-wise attribute extraction from a numpy array? For example, say I have: import numpy as np class foo(): def __init__(self, value): self.bar = value obj_array = np.empty((2, 2), dtype='object') for i in range(obj_array.size[0]): for j in range(obj_...

Q: Numpy einsum broadcasting

AllenCan someone please explain how broadcasting (ellipsis) works in the numpy.einsum() function? Some examples to show how and when it can be used would be greatly appreciated. I've checked the following official documentation page but there are only 2 examples and I can't seem to understand how to...

Q: Python - Error when fitting arrays to exponential decay

DarthLazarI'm aware that there are threads pertaining to this, but i'm confused to where I want to I fit my data to the fit. My data is imported and plotted as such. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline import pylab as plb import numpy as np import scipy as sp import csv from scipy.optimize...

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