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Q: Faster Computation of Product of Permutations?

JazzyMatrixGiven a graph \$G = (V,E)\$ with a unique labeling of each vertex, let the transposition \$(i,j)\$ (where \$i,j\$ are the labels on adjacent vertices) represent selecting an edge and swapping the labels \$i\$ and \$j\$. I would like to take a list of edges in a graph (a cube in this code), and d...

2 hours later…
Q: How to Optimize the following code. python #mapreduce #pearson coefficient

Praveen Allami am trying to find the similarity between the two movies using pearson correlation coefficient. the programs is working good for small inputs but for large inputs(like 100000 lines) it takes forever time. my professor said it would take few minutes. but my program is executing forever. the input...

Q: how to calculate running median more efficiently

Huanian ZhangI borrowed some code trying to implement a function to calculate the running median for a ton of data. The current one is too slow for me. Below is the code: from itertools import islice from collections import deque from bisect import bisect_left,insort def median(s): sp = [nz for nz in s ...

tyagi mu me le
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@PratikButani mare tamari help joi a che bhai
aama mare image sathe user na data pan post karva hoy to ?
3 messages moved from Android Smartness
@Kaushik flaoting button use kia hae ?
Q: Two python classes with different approaches to readability

Simon KemperThe following - working correctly - first python class is used in one of my current project and is a totally different approach to how I normally would take things. Before I refactored the class into the above I was not declaring instance-properties/variables. Instead the whole update procedure t...

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2 hours later…
ha ha ...#rathod
pagla gaya hai
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1 hour later…
2 messages moved from Softech devloper
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2 hours later…
Q: Project Euler 54: Winning Poker Hand

PaRaXeRoXThe problem can be found here. The file, poker.txt, contains one-thousand random hands dealt to two players. Each line of the file contains ten cards (separated by a single space): the first five are Player 1's cards and the last five are Player 2's cards. You can assume that all hands...

1 hour later…
Q: OpenCV: 4 camera Bird's Eye view?

user3818089I am having quite a lot of trouble thinking of how to make a four camera bird's eye view like that seen in luxury cars. Here is the original that I will be using as an example for this question... Right now, I have made it so the image is skewed using .getPerspectiveTransform but that is just fo...

Q: import: command not found with python 3.5

Murali MopuruI'm looking some clues or solutions to fix below weird problem. [sc-d02-087-017:~]$ cat mytest.py #!/build/toolchain/lin64/python-3.5.1/bin/python import platform, sys print(platform.system()) sys.exit(0) I'm trying to run my test program as shell executable, but shell not recognizing that its...

Q: in celery rabbitmq exchange type topic is not working properly

GauravI have two python projects. Both are enabled with celery. What i am trying to do here is from project A i am sending task using send_task() method. The task which is i am sending is in project B. So the project B's worker is up and its showing the task. Till this condition everything is working f...

Q: How would I install numpy library on Coding Ground?

Tin TranI tried to install neurolab, termcolor libraries on Coding Ground for python into the working folder using pip install --target=. neurolab pip install --target=. termcolor and they both worked. But when I tried: pip install --target=. numpy it didn't work. Here's link to my project with ne...

Q: Generate system of equations

greenthumbtackI'm trying to make a function that can generate a system of equations that are solved in a separate program. The equations are generated from a tree of isotope decays, but for simplicity I have the following tree: So this can be made into the 2 possible decay chains: [(A,0,1,5), (B,1,.4,4), ...

Q: Tic Tac Toe algorithm using itertools

MetallidogI'm looking for feedback on the readability of my code and opinions on the pick_best algorithm. I do this stuff for fun when I have time, and never get a chance to have anyone else look at it. Hopefully, I can use this site to improve my coding. from itertools import permutations from random ...

Aaron Hall has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Aaron Hall has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Q: Re-arrange table using Python

steveI have some tables presenting daily discharge values of some rivers from 1893 until 2010. Unfortunately, the tables have been organized in a strange way: there is no header, there is 13 columns. With the first one representing the days and the following ones the month (so column 2 = January; co...

Q: Complex join between two pandas dataframes

embI have two large pandas dataframes that I need to join and then fill in missing values: Dataframe #1 has columns A,B, and C, and Dataframe #2 has columns A,B, and C, but with all values from C missing I am trying to join dataframes #1 and #2 such that where the values in columns A and B are e...

Q: Python - insert variable when defining a name

salimI have a relatively stupid question which I am not able to formulate very well (and I think it explains why I am not finding any answer) I would like to calculate the mean, minimum, and maximum of a panda series in my dataframe for many variable (let's say age and weight) dataframe.age.min() da...

Q: How to force dtype to integer in dataframe

Mark AndrewsI am working with a dataframe that has a column in which all values are None. By default the dtype for this column is object. I need it to be an integer type, likely int64. Why is irrelevant; that's what I need. I've tried the following: df['field'] = df['field'].astype(int) This does not wor...

Q: Python Pandas DF - Group column with corresponding frequency count of another column

PeanutI have a data frame in python. In it I have one column with different people and another column with different products they bought. I try to create a summary for each person how much they bought of each product. Therefore, I tried to group by persons and products and count, but somehow I'm runn...

Aaron Hall has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Aaron Hall has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
Q: matplotlib axes.clear() of twinx axes does not clear second y-axis label

Hoseung ChoiI have an issue with updated twinx axes. In the following code, I expect that ax_hist.clear() clears data, ticks and axes labels altogether. But when I plot again in the same axes, second y-axis labels from the previous ax_hist.hist() are still there. How can I remove the old y-axis labels? I h...

Q: matplotlib draw only the image with desired resolution and dpi

marcoI've read all of the questions of stackoverflow about this thematic without success. The code above it's the closest thing that I can get to a image without axes and borders. I'm not able to control the image resolution, because the dpi when I open the image in gimp it's different from the one th...

Q: Bug in my brain or in pyplot? Whiskers in boxplot with iqr zero

trevoreUsing x = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,10,-10] matplotlib.pyplot.boxplot(x) plots the following: Where the whiskers are invisible at -10 and 10. The definition according to the documentation however states that the whiskers are at Q1-1.5 * IQR and at Q1+1.5 * IQR. Shouldn't they be a...

Q: Connecting three classes from methods inside of them in python

Pablo FloresI am using PyQt to create an application with matplotlib and I am trying to connect a method from one class with another method from another class. Class A is a QMainWindow that instantiate class B, which is a matplotlib figure. So, when I call method a from class A (connected to a QPushButto...

Q: Is there a function to return all single letter colors in Matplotlib?

sparkandshineI learnt of matplotlib.pyplot.colors that the basic built-in colors can be represented as a single letter. b: blue g: green r: red c: cyan m: magenta y: yellow k: black w: white Is there a function in Matplotlib to return those colors?

Q: Python - Pandas - How to mark elements in 1 dataframe with elements from a second dataframe?

jim basquiatI have 1 dataframe - lets call it dataframe 1: datetime event name 0 31/10/1996 08:30 US-US Personal Outlays SA 1 31/10/1996 08:30 US-Personal Income 2 01/11/1996 10:00 US-ISM Manufacturing 3 01/11/1996 10:00 US-Factory Orders 4 04/11/1996 10:00 US-Constr...

Q: animated Networkx Graph: if I clear the axes I can not zoom into the graph

edgarcostaI want to plot a real-time animated graph in which I update the value of the edges every second. I am plotting it remotely, so I receive the new values of every edge through a TCP socket every second. However, this has nothing to do with the problem. At every iteration I am receiving new value...

Q: Creating a new column based on condition with values from another column in python

muhammad waseemI have a Dataframe and would like to create a new column based on condition, in this new column if a certain condition is met then the value will be from another column otherwise it needs to be zero. The Orginal DataFrame is; df2 = pd.read_csv('C:\Users\ABC.csv') df2['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(df2...

Q: Python-performance-print large numpy array as strings to tab file

user3358205I recently had this post, where I was assisted in making a big matrix from two smaller matrices. The resulting matrix is correct and creating the multplied numpy array takes < 10min., however printing to a file takes a very long time (>7hrs). The final matrix is 108887x55482, with the file size ...

Q: using pandas to do kNN on a csv file?

MrLI have a csv file of reviews from this site http://jmcauley.ucsd.edu/data/amazon/ so I pull in this file http://snap.stanford.edu/data/amazon/productGraph/categoryFiles/ratings_Books.csv of books and they consit of tuples, they have a userid, bookid, a rating (just an integer between 1 and 5) ...

Q: Appending level of column labels to MultiIndex

user6435943I am trying to change a single level of column labels within a MultiIndex. For example, test = pd.DataFrame(np.random.random((4,4))) test.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['Level1'],['A','B','C','D'],['Level3']]) Out: Level1 A B ...

Q: groupby over an array

piRSquaredI have a data frame where the columns are a MultiIndex the first level specifies 'labels', the second specifies 'values'. A 'label' in the (i, j) position of df.labels corresponds to the 'value' in the (i, j) position of df.values. I want to rescale the 'values' such that they sum to one with e...

Q: TSV import name contains comma separated indexes

Sav-econImporting a large TSV into Pandas in Python works fine but the name given to each row contains information I'd like to exploit. For example be indexing with it. For example the first entry in the dataframe is as follows So an entry contains the data for each year which is good. But the name...

Q: Legends cut off when saving figure

Demetri PI am plotting two swarmplots on a single axis using subplots. I put the axis on the outside so as to be distinct from the data. Here is my code: fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2) plt.subplots_adjust(wspace = 2) ​ sns.swarmplot(x="Category", y="CTR",hue = 'Channel', data=aware...

Q: How to extract RGB triplets from an image and store in a numpy array of dimension width x height rows and 3 columns, without loops?

Harsh WardhanI have an RGB image in ther form of a (width, height, 3) array. Now I want to extract the RGB triplets from the image and store in a numpy array of dimension width x height rows and 3 columns. This is what I'm doing right now: arr = np.zeros((height*width, 3)) count = 0 for p in range(0, height...

Q: How to plot data read continuously at 15000 points per second in real time with Python?

dannn1I’ve written a Python script that reads and stores 15000 data points (voltage readings) per second as they are streamed from a LabJack U3-HV connected to a function generator. I am using Python’s multiprocessing to read the voltage data from the LabJack at 15000 Hz in one process, passing the dat...

Q: Pandas: merging two dataframes and retaining only common column names

Pag MaxI have two data frames and some column names are same and some are different. I want to make a merged dataframe which has only the common column names. For instance d1 = {'group' : ('A', 'B', 'C') , 'names' : ('alpha', 'beta', 'gamma') ,'num1': (1,2,3)} df1 = pd.DataFrame(d1) d2 = {'group' :...

Q: Convert rows of pandas Dataframe into an iterable list of strings

James EavesImagine I have a dataframe, df, that has 2 columns, a USER_ID and a PRODUCT they bought. df USER_ID | PRODUCT 1 a 1 b 1 c 2 d 2 a 2 k I want to convert this DataFrame into a new one, df2, ...

Q: Irregular binning of python pandas dataframe

Sam GregsonI am getting to grips with python pandas. The toy problem below, illustrates an issue I am having in a related exercise. I have sorted a data-frame so that it presents a column's values (in this case students' test scores) in ascending order: df_sorted = variable test_score 1 ...

Q: Python - splitting data as columns in csv file

DarthLazarI have data in a csv file that looks like that is imported as this. import csv with open('Half-life.csv', 'r') as f: data = list(csv.reader(f)) the data will come out as this to where it prints out the rows like data[0] = ['10', '2', '2'] and so on. What i'm wanting though is to retrieve th...

Q: ImportError libqhull.so.5 when importing pyplot

amalikI'm getting an ImportError whenever I try to import pyplot from matplotlib. Matplotlib is installed via pip in a virtual environment. This is the error I'm getting: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "/home/mikefrank/.virt...

Q: The right way to hang a man: final part

N3buchadnezzarThe problem: Making a simple hangman game. This is a continuation of the following question: The right way to hang a man. There I just tried to make the ascii-gallow. Now I have tried to write the rest of the code for the hangman game, using the ideas from the answer. I have tried very hard to...

Q: Condition based on nth row above or below current row - Python

limey_manI want to replicate something similar to the "Multi Row Formula" tool in Alteryx. I am currently reading a csv file and would like to be able to set a value in a list if the value of another row in the same tested column is true. Sample Data **Country** China India Brazil Indonesia When it lo...

Q: Calculating mean or median in one function in numpy

patrickI have function that is supposed to compute, depending on user input, either the mean or median of a numpy.array. I have written it like this import numpy as np ... if input=='means': return np.mean(matrix, axis=1) if input=='median': return np.median(matrix, axis=1) But this s...

Q: Numba with complex arrays

Travis AutryHi I am testing numba to optimize some code and have ran into some confusing behavior. Namely, I am getting the error: TypingError: Internal error at numba.typeinfer.IntrinsicCallConstraint object at 0x1180abc50: "Don't know how to create implicit output array " NotImplementedError: Don't kno...

Q: How to detect blurry numbers with openCV

spencerJANGI would like to capture the number from this kind of picture. I tried multi-scale matching from the following link. http://www.pyimagesearch.com/2015/01/26/multi-scale-template-matching-using-python-opencv/ All I want to know is the red number. But the problem is, the red number is blurry ...

Q: Irregular binning p2 python pandas

Sam GregsonI have one small follow up question regarding binning in python pandas. I have a data-frame like the following: df = variable test_score 1 52.0 1 53.0 4 54.0 6 64.0 6 64.0 6 64.0 5 71.0 10 73.0 15 ...

Q: Can you set a colorbar to match values of another plot?

LouI am trying to plot one figure that contains two different subplots. The first is graph of frequency vs decibels and the second is a spectrogram of the given waveform. The code is as follows: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import signal CF = 2400 fs = 100 plt.figure(figsize=(15,10)...

Q: pandas vectorized operation to get the length of string

DDDrupalI have a pandas dataframe. df = pd.DataFrame(['Donald Dump','Make America Great Again!','Donald Shrimp'], columns=['text']) What I like to have is another column in Dataframe which has the length of the strings in the 'text' column. For above example, it would be ...

Q: Plotting Data with a surface plot, gives strange results

maxEI want to plot a function chi_F which depends on another function (Chi_T). The functions are defined in the code below. Both functions depend on datasets F and T (write a message to me if you want to try the code with the data). If I run the code below, I always get very symmetric plots, which l...

Q: Saving a Pandas DataFrame to a Django Model

JohanI have stock price data that is stored in a pandas DataFrame as shown below (actually it was in a panel, but I converted it to a DataFrame) date ticker close tsr 0 2013-03-28 abc 22.81 1.000439 1 2013-03-28 def 94.21 1.006947 2 2013-03-28 ghi 95.84 1.014180 3 20...

Q: Sum the squared difference between 2 Numpy arrays

AllenSuppose I have the following 2 arrays: import numpy as np a=np.asarray([[1,2,4], [3,1,2]]) b=np.asarray([[2,1,1], [3,2,3], [4,1,2], [2,2,1],]) For every row a_row in a, I would like to get the sum of squared difference between a_row and every row in b. The resulted ...

Q: Python failed to parse dates when reading from csv file

CWlearnerI've been using pd.read_csv('file.csv',parse_dates=['date_time']) to parse dates and then run DateTimeIndex to read year, month, day from date_time variable. When done correctly, 'date_time' should be formatted as datetime64. But something is in the data column that I keep getting 'object' a...

Q: numpy count where the difference between values bigger than something

Rodney NogueiraI'm quite new to Numpy, and I could'nt find anything meeting my requirement. Is there any good way to do a count.where( value-value2 > threshold ) ? I have a x,y position numpy array and I need to count the closest neighbors Something similar to this: [(93, 256), (93, 256), (93, 256), (93, 2...

Q: How to use pandas on spark notebook (data on dashDB) in python

SaraidaHello I'm using IBM Bluemix. Here I'm using an Apache Spark notebook and loading data from dashDB I'm trying to provide a visualization and it's not displaying the rows, just the columns. def get_file_content(credentials): from pyspark.sql import SQLContext sqlContext = SQLContext(sc) ...

Q: sqlite query in matplotlib

V.V.V.V.I have two row from a sql querie (with hundreds of numbers): the first row are years and the second row the total of these years in the database. Looks like this when i print the querie: (1808, 1) (1861, 1) (1862, 1) (1863, 1) (1864, 4) I want to plot these numbers via Python 3.5.1 in a bar ch...

Q: Is my code structured well?

ResistoryIf anyone could review my code and answer my question about code structure & how should I code in the right way, I really appreciate that very much. About the script: A script to print the weather (fetching the information from public API). Questions: I used many functions to do just one spe...

Q: How to overlay a numpy matrix of points onto an image in opencv?

RichI used dlib and numpy to extract the list of facial keypoints. Code: def get_landmarks(im): rects = detector(im, 1) if len(rects) > 1: raise TooManyFaces if len(rects) == 0: raise NoFaces return numpy.matrix([[p.x, p.y] for p in predictor(im, rects[0]).parts()]...

Q: How could I do one hot encoding with multiple values in one cell?

Feng LiI have this table in Excel: id class 0 2 3 1 1 3 2 3 5 Now, I want to do a 'special' one-hot encoding in Python. For each id in the first table, there are two numbers. Each number corresponds to a class (class1, class2, etc.). The second table is created based off of the first such th...

Q: Graph a histogram or boxplot controlling bin width in seaborn or matplot

Luke AckerknechtI have data that is already binned. I have a lot of bins (e.g. len(bins) = 100) with corresponding counts. How can I visualize these bins, with the right labels? I am using seaborn and played with matplotlib, but I couldn't get the right layout. There must be a smipler way. bins = [0.05, 0.1, 0...

Q: Pandas groupby two columns then get dict for values

Bedi EI have a pandas dataframe: banned_titles = TitleId RelatedTitleId 0 89989 32598 1 89989 3085083 2 95281 3085083 when I apply groupby as following In [84]: banned_titles.groupby('TitleId').groups Out[84]: {89989: [0, 1], 95281: [2]} This is so close but n...

Q: Pandas .asfreq is giving a repeated index error

helloBI'm trying to make some regular time series with ffill with Pandas, but I'm getting a non-unique index error. Here's my code: for d in data_types: series = df[df['datatype'] == d]['measurementvalue'].values times = df[df['datatype'] == d]['displaydate'].values data_series = pd.Serie...

Q: Pandas time series asfreq - how to use linear interpolation?

helloBI'm using Pandas time series and I'm interested in using asfreq. I was looking at the docuentation and the how parameter in particular. Seems like interpolation is not an option. Can I add a custom method here or am I limited to the ones listed in the docs? If so, what would be the best way to cr...

Q: Prepending 1d array onto each 2d array of a 3d array

bcfSay I have the size (2,3,2) array a and the size (2) array b below. import numpy as np a = np.array([[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]], [[7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12]]]) b = np.array([0.2, 0.8]) Array a looks like this: I'd like to use numpy routines to concatenate b to the first row of each 2d arrray ...

Q: maplotlib figsize for 100 points and 365 dates mapping matplotlib measurements to screen does it work

theaksonI am about to try to plot 100 y axis points and 365 x axis points on a 1920*1080 screen. the code I am going to be playing with is this ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(12, 9), dpi=50) #width height inches' SO would I be way out to measure my screen then play around with things on a piece of ...

Q: Add a list to a numpy array

TylerRight now I'm writing a function that reads data from a file, with the goal being to add that data to a numpy array and return said array. I would like to return the array as a 2D array, however I'm not sure what the complete shape of the array will be (I know the amount of columns, but not rows...

Q: Numpy: Find from matrix based on one of the columns

jaycodeI have Xy: matrix([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 2, 2], [2, 3, 3, 3], [2, 4, 4, 4]]) How do I return all rows with first column == 1? Answer should be: matrix([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 2, 2]])

Q: group data by date based on values using pandas

user27976How can I group the following data into by month using pandas: 17/1/2001 800 7/1/2001 1300 2/1/2001 400 1/1/2001 200 25/3/2001 1800 8/3/2001 1300 and then have the following output with first and last days of the month and the corresponding first and last values: First Last ...

Q: DataFrame of means of top N most correlated columns

piRSquaredI have a dataframe df1 where each column represents a time series of returns. I want to create a new dataframe df2 with columns that corresponds to each of the columns in df1 where the column in df2 is defined to be the average of the top 5 most correlated columns in df1. import pandas as pd im...

Q: Weird behavior when adding two numpy arrays

theideasmithI'm adding two cv2 images height * width * 3 pixels (to calculate average). The problem is that a raw image differs from when I add it to an empty numpy array initialized to zero: base = np.zeros((960, 1280, 3), dtype = np.int64) frame = cv2.read()[1] # I know frames are coming in imshow(fram...

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