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Btw, I just asked a meta question - if anyone wants to shine :P meta.stackoverflow.com/q/220388/210016
ok, noted 3 candidates that I'll vote for: BlueFeet, Doorknob and Undo
@JohannesKuhn why thank you ;)
looked over the current nominations, and 1. I know you three from chat 2. I mostly look on the helpful flags, esp. bluefeet's record is insane (not even Andrew Barber had that much) 3. Your applications sound more like I want to hear and not like "I want to be moderator coz it's cool and I get awesome powerz"
(iirc, andrew barber had ca 14.000 helpful flags)
@JohannesKuhn He had ~ 9000
yes. could also be. was insane at that time.
@JohannesKuhn thank you :)
3 hours later…
Where do I go to propose the edit that "if there are 10 candidates or less" be changed to "if there are 10 candidates or fewer"?
1 hour later…
hi all
ohai, it's Stack Overflow election time again
I m new to this process want to know. how do we participate and vote for fav candidate. how to decide which is right candidate
Can I know why my comment is not displaying/removed from the election page? There was no offence. I commented on bluefeet's nomination. You can see the comment on my last comment activity
@LearnerStudent read their pitches, check for their stats
Q: There's an election going on. What's happening and how does it work?

ben is uǝq backwardsThe community bulletin says that there is a moderator election occurring. How does the election work and how can I get involved? Return to FAQ index

Is there any new rule for commenting?
it's visible, not sure what you're saying.
@Sathya - Can you see it on nomination's page?
@hims056 yeah
@Sathya - Ohh looks like it is cached too. Hard refresh solved it. Thanks.
@hims056 ah okay
@Sathya - Actually it is a bug.
@hims056 seems to have been fixed.
@Sathya Hello Sir. How are you?
@Prince I be good, thanks :) And you?
I am great.
All the best for ALL nominated Candidates.
@Doorknob @meagar
So When will the voting start?
or is it start already?
hi all btw :P
> nomination period began 9 hours ago
> primary voting begins in 7 days
hello ,can any one tell me from where i have to vote my moderate?
@Sathya Thanks :)
@Sathya How much reputation required to vote ?
@ExecutingDreams 150
@Sathya Thanks :)
Its election time again :)
OK. I am waiting for the election
Q: Terminated due to memory error iOS?

sanchitsinghI am working on a project where I need to manage videos. I need to rename or delete video. For that we need to hold the video in NSDATA and then manage it. But I am getting an error message as Terminated due to memory error on below statement. Edited NSData *data=[NSData dataWithContentsOfFile...

@PareshMayani good luck
So anybody can vote ?
anyone with rep > 150
You are not in a list? @Sathya
@RobinHood nope, not nominating :)
Come on! you deserve.
@RobinHood Yeah Thanks. Let's see!
nah yaar, been away + inactive for far too long.
lots of good candidates are there anyway
@Sathya you had applied last year too but why not again?
I think its due to personal life :)
@PareshMayani you should be apply :)
@ExecutingDreams Yeah I have applied already :) Thanks
@PareshMayani ohh best of luck :)
@PareshMayani was more active last year.. not so much this year. + busy with personal stuff :)
Does elections.stackexchange.com/#stackoverflow work properly? I've been already waiting 3 min to load it and nothing happens.
@mmBs looks like it's down
@ExecutingDreams Thanks man
@Sathya yeah can understand it by being an experienced person :D
@Sathya thanks for quick reply;)
@Sathya +1
hi @ManishDubey
i want give vote but how?
after 7 days
please any one help me.
@ManishDubey hi
@SumonBanerjee There are 3 stages of election: 1) Nomination 2) Primary 3) Election
And currently its in Nomination, you can leave a feedback by posting comment on particular nomination. And you would be able to cast in next phase!
@AbrahimNeil what the...?
Does this look like an Android room?
@AbrahimNeil FYI, this chat room is for the moderator election discussion! So you should not ask or post anything not related to election.
@Ahmad +1 but it seems he is new to Stackoverflow and chat room policy.
sorry guys
i removed
sorry guys i am new to this place, what is the eligibilut for voting??
I think you have to have a rep of more than 150
50 mins ago, by Sathya
anyone with rep > 150
okay.! but what is the primary phase of the election??
> In the primary phase, all nominees advance to preliminary community voting. Any community member with 150 reputation may vote in the primary.
@AmarnathBalasubramanian you know, it's mentioned right on the election page. A little bit of reading doesn't hurt anyone.
I just doubled the RAM in the election app - let me know if it craps out again.
@MadaraUchiha @bluefeet - best of luck! You have my votes!
Two Stewies :P
@Lix :O...there can be only one!
@Ffisegydd - well that just ru-eened my joke! :/
@Lix Ping...
@slugster - can always trust a nominee :) thanks much!
No probs, it's obviously working :)
@slugster - best of luck to you too in the elections!
@Lix thank a alot!
@MirkoCatalano - heya
How can I give my vote to someone?
You can't yet...
in a week's time you'll be able to start voting for specific people
this stage is just getting the nominees together
for now I have just to see the candidate for choose?
ok ok
Yeah, you can start to read up, check people's stats, see who you like (or don't like, whatever)
Just read that yellow-ish box on the right of the nominations page :)
of course you can still ask questions in here
nominees will start to hang round once they realise it's up and going
and you can ask them more specific questions rather than leaving a comment on their nomination
thank slugster
No problem :)
@Lix obviously I was not fully awake when I typed this chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/14632742#14632742 - but I meant to say thanks a lot!
Just to let you all know, if there's one nominee that I know will be elected, is @bluefeet :)
Good luck :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I would like to run as this profile, but I do not have enough rep
@qwertynl Don't stretch it, maybe next time :)
@MadaraUchiha :-P mayyybe
Also, my proposal still stands :)
If you are willing to write a high-detail answer, I'm willing to place a 500 bounty on it.
@MadaraUchiha We went through this already...
I am not in the right mind for that this week... :-(
@qwertynl Hey, your call :)
sure sure
@MadaraUchiha thanks you too! We will see, nothing is ever guaranteed :)
@bluefeet - I guess I wasn't all there either - I didn't even notice that typo :P
Hello. I am newbie to election phase of SO.. How can i elect someone??
@Mitesh - take a look at the yellow box on the right side of the election page.
The process is explained there
@Mitesh - for now there is no voting. Only nominations.
Ok.. :)
i guess voting will start after 25th of feb..
m i right?
@Mitesh That's when the elections end :)
I think...
Preliminaries begin in 6 days
Then?? when do i vote for a nominee??
@Mitesh - there are two phases of voting....
First phase helps us bring down the possibilities to 10 users... The second phase is voting on only those 10 users.
ok.. so when that voting will start?? and how can i do that?
@Mitesh - primary voting starts in 6 days
@Mitesh - see those other tabs on the page where the nominations are? Those tabs get enabled as the election progresses, so in 6 days time the second tab will become live, it will have the top 30 candidates on it, and you can start to vote on the ones you like.
Okay.... Thank you so much.. @Lix and @slugster
no prob :)
I'll just leave this here....
Q: Live refresh on the Moderator Elections page

LixThe elections page is one of those areas of the site that don't get much traffic (if at all) on a regular basis. However during elections, these pages receive a large amount of traffic in a relatively short period of time. Along with this traffic comes, by any Stack Overflow definition, a ...

have a good night guys, i'm outta here
@slugster - u2!
@slugster Best of luck to you!
@AmalMurali - thanks for the bounty on my Q :D
@Lix: haha. No problem :D
1 hour later…
wow, all the great candidates are up.
@Undo there are many good candidates this year
Hey, @bluefeet!
how can i vote ?
@Naeem You'll be able to vote in a few days
how can i see if i am nominated
@Naeem Did you nominate?
You didn't, minimum rep requirement is 3,000 :)
There's a "Nominate Yourself" link at the bottom of the election page, but you can't nominate this time.
oh ok i just get a badge of caucus, so i was thinking, its OK. next time :)
@AmalMurali hi
@Naeem You get that badge when you visit the election page :)
You also get a silver one for voting in the final phase.
@bluefeet: Tell me the truth. How many flagging bots do you have? :P
@AmalMurali haha, none.
was jk. Impressive work mate!
I first read that as a 2000. Then I had to double.. triple check to make sure I was reading it correctly! :)
@AmalMurali: what does a bot do
i wonder about this always
i mean even for flappy bird .. the creator was accused of those bots and all
@VamsiPavanMahesh: something that performs automated tasks
@VamsiPavanMahesh It does whatever you programmed it to do.
here to upvote one
@VamsiPavanMahesh: No, not voting. I was talking about the "Helpful flag count" on bluefeet's nomination
ohh ..
how do i create one ?
Depends on what you want the bot to do but I doubt if this is the right place to discuss that :)
can u give some examples of that automation ?
example: script that watches an IRC channel for pastebin.com links and repastes the content to a less spam-ridden site.
ohh ..
so u mean to say that a bot is something that related to a huge traffic flow ?
It's really just any software that interacts with some other system.
ok ..
don feel bad .. i donno really anything about web
i am a novice android developer
It's okay. This just isn't the place to discuss that :)
10 hours ago, by Paresh Mayani
@AbrahimNeil FYI, this chat room is for the moderator election discussion! So you should not ask or post anything not related to election.
omg !
din see it
Chat related, I think it's worth it meta.stackoverflow.com/a/220475/210016
A notification when people post links to my profile in a meta question would be nice :)
Note to self: ^
2 hours later…
I hope the primary and election use instant-run-off or ranked voting, etc. instead of first-passed-the-post as we do here in the ol' US-of-A! :)
The single transferable vote (STV) is a voting system designed to achieve proportional representation through ranked voting in multi-seat constituencies (voting districts). Under STV, an elector has a single vote that is initially allocated to his or her most preferred candidate and, as the count proceeds and candidates are either elected or eliminated, is transferred to other candidates according to the voter's stated preferences, in proportion to any surplus or discarded votes. The exact method of reapportioning votes can vary (see Counting methods). The system provides approximatel...
The primaries use a raw +/- vote count (all votes get to rank all candidates) to narrow the field to the 10 "most electable" that go on to the primaries which use STV (meek).
Hi, couple quick questions. I'll be a first time voter in 2014.
A: There's an election going on. What's happening and how does it work?

ben is uǝq backwardsWhat's happening? The community is electing diamond ♦ moderators; those individuals responsible for moderating the site the election is happening on. Moderators are elected by a three phase process: Phase 1: Nomination Duration: 7 days Anyone may nominate themselves to be a moderator as long...

Good! :)
I'm undecided still, since I want to keep my options open, and see how things develop. I'm hoping that this is a clean election with very few negative ads and jabs. Even though I don't mean that, I just say that because I'm a "sheeple".
So , I guess, what is the requirement to vote in the election? Do you have to have so much reputation to vote, or have been a member for so long?
Is there any other first time voters in the room?
@LowerClassOverflowian Me, I haven't voted before
I'd be curious to know the answers to those questions.
@JoshC PRIMARIES This is where the voting starts. Any community member with at least 150 reputation may vote, but candidates are not allowed to vote for themselves. You get one vote per candidate in the same manner as a question or answer. There are no comments allowed.
Lastly, comes the election phase. Once again any user with 150 reputation or more is allowed to vote; unlike the Primary phase candidates are allowed to vote for themselves. Once again, no comments are allowed and the candidates are displayed in a random order.

Each community member gets 3 votes, 1st choice, 2nd choice and 3rd choice. Votes are tallied using the Meek STV method.
A: There's an election going on. What's happening and how does it work?

ben is uǝq backwardsWhat's happening? The community is electing diamond ♦ moderators; those individuals responsible for moderating the site the election is happening on. Moderators are elected by a three phase process: Phase 1: Nomination Duration: 7 days Anyone may nominate themselves to be a moderator as long...

How long does a moderator term last? Do moderators often times end up becoming stack exchange employees later on?
I think until they quit or are removed.
@Caleb I'd rather have kemeny but that's still better than just plurality.
@LowerClassOverflowian indefinite - the reasoning being that reelection would pit mod vs mod in an epic battle of enormously nonconstructive proportions.
Evening folks
@MadaraUchiha hi
@LowerClassOverflowian Util it stops. Mods can step down if it gets to be too much or for whatever personal reasons they have. They will also be removed if they are inactive for too long (but it's pretty lenient, SE knows they are getting work out of volunteers) or for any other reason at the discretion of the SE community team.
I find the big and small icons on the left disorienting.
(oh, there)
@bjb568 It's based on the number of lines you post.
3 lines = big icon
4+ lines = big icon + rep
Good morning everyone
1 hour later…
@Madara Oh. Well, it looks weird.

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