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@OlafDietsche good morning
@chillworld good morning
1 hour later…
@sudheerkumar good morning
@SurjithSM good morning
@Pilot good morning
@sudheerkumar so how are you?
Iam fine ! how about you?
same here
@sudheerkumar you know hibernate,right?
@sankrish weclome
@JqueryLearner tell me
@sudheerkumar any good books to start with hibernate
i have written note book from ameerpet notes
Gud morning guys
@sankrish do you know regex
ha tell me
if u want materials i will forward
to ur mail
See for testing numbers we use regex ^\d+$
But I need to test numbers with +
for mobile numbers
like +911234567
how to do?
i dnt have any idea
@nguyên welcome
@JqueryLearner very good morning..
@Pilot you were not coming online these days
@JqueryLearner sorry for that I was busy doing some assinged task..
@Pilot completed now?
@JqueryLearner so how are you?
Yup..still have some pending work..will do parallely..
@Pilot I am good t
how are you?
I doing good..
s tell me
@sankrish what?
do u want validate numbers using regex?
I tried this /^(\+91)?\d{10}$/;
I want user to insert + 1st
but it accepts with + also
this is the regex for +
Cant understand this + 1st
can any one help me
I mean 1st character should be +
and total length should be 13
you are using javascript only know?
For the first condition u can check with this /d\+1/
You could rather validate the phone number using indexOf and .length functions .. Why do u go for Regex?
This could be the regex to validate for length \\w{1,13}\\b
sorry above link is bad please refer this stackoverflow.com/questions/21154419/…
1 hour later…
@OlafDietsche I have a doubt can you help me?
@JqueryLearner Did u try that
@sankrish which one?
that regex
I didnt another way
do you know jquery?
nope . i know to a little extent only
@JqueryLearner Hi, what help do you need?
@OlafDietsche hi
Thanks for coming online
1 sec I will create the fiddle
Last time you gave this
and told me to similarily for the groups table
line number 60 shows that
But this is not working
This doesn't work, because there is a button in between. You must extend the selector for that, see jsfiddle.net/LBPB6/43
First clicked on To button
then selected group and selected 1st rows
clicked ok
then again clicked to button
then selected users
and selected 1st 2rows
now clicked ok
Now if i click to button again then it does not show me any thing( no checkboxes gets selected either in users or groups)
Ok, now I get it. Without looking further, I guess this is because you copy the tables every time you switch between users and groups. One of the very first fiddles I sent you, I moved the tables into the dialog and switched by showing and hiding the tables instead of copying.
My time is up for now. I will be back in an hour or two. Goodbye.
@OlafDietsche ok
Thanks for helping
@OlafDietsche please ping here in this chat after coming online
2 hours later…
@JqueryLearner I'm back.
@OlafDietsche hi
did you go for lunch?
No, doing some voluntary work in school.
any solutions?
@sudheerkumar tell me the links for studying hibernate
or any books
i will send you my materials pls tell me ur mail id
sent u check mail
you gave me 2 materials
both are hibernate ans spring
you know spring also?
how many days for hibernate and how many days for spring?
did you take?
3 months i took for both, attended parallel classes
Q: what are good blogs to read relating java, spring, hibernate, maven?

antTo continue to question further I'm more interested in blogs, websites who once in a while release a tutorial, tip or best-practice on the topics I mentioned. For ex : http://net.tutsplus.com/ is very good website to follow if you wanna learn about or upgrade your knowledge about CSS, HTML, Java...

enough i think
for u
@OlafDietsche any solutions to that problem
@JqueryLearner You're talking about the jsfiddle? Yes and no. It depends on how you want to go further. I'd say either move the tables into the dialog, if this is an option or fix the switching in the current code.
@OlafDietsche i can not move the table into the dialog because I am usiing the same table in another tabs
See I have a tab named as send message
and another tab users
In the users tab ,one can add users and see his description
And the same table i am using when the to button is clicked
hope you understood
Then, you should copy the tables only once and switch by toggling between display: table and display: none. This will keep the checkboxes without further coding.
yes I did like that way
line number 18
in the js section
please review this... jsfiddle.net/2Ma69/26
is there any error
@swapna well you can see in the console
in console it works fine but two days it gave me few headaches until I slept
*two days ago...
day 0.. worked fine day 1.. i had to run backup on my system so i copied it twice in pendrive, again run it. It gave problems. day 2 .. i found that another copy was working fine.. hehe
I am not that much string in jquery
Hello, can i ask a simple question in jquery ?
but you can test in jshint and console
@Martialp its time for me to leave
I will try to help you tommorow
thanks for helping
@swapna I saw your code but i didnt find any errors in conolse
@OlafDietsche leaving now
@OlafDietsche bye take care good night
bye hav a nice day :D
@swapna bye
anyone else ?
what u want to ask actually
well, i think the solution is simple but i don"t find her ^^'
i have this code
and this problem gyazo.com/0e87d30ad6c1fe9c718b39c5b1cda37c.png when i click several time on the button
this is to hard ?
no but if u ask at SO you will get a solution within an hour. I am a beginner.
ok ^^'
hav u asked it earlier?
ok, someone give me a simple solution, thx anyway ;)

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