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3 hours later…
Q: Pass custom data while subscribing and use it while publishing to a channel - private_pub

Mohammad Areeb SiddiquiI am creating a chat module for my application and using private_pub for sending and receiving messages. I want to update the unread message counter on receiver's as soon as receiver gets the message. Each page is subscribed to a channel where message gets published, so that every time I get the...

@MohammadAreebSiddiqui Good morning. Please don't invite people to private chat to ask them to answer your question. If I had an answer, I would give it on SO. Unfortunately, I do not.
I can tell you that your question is a bit of a muddle... it's not exactly clear what you're asking. So perhaps with some careful editing, it stands a better chance of being answered by someone.
Good morning
Good morning.
How goes Wayne?
Hey Five how are ya man?
Great! you too?
I am well thanks for asking!
Good morning guys :)
:) I've just discovered something cool on active record scopes, writing a blog post about it tonight ;)
@JonathanMusso Not bad. Going to go be bored waiting around in a hospital later, so charging my batteries with a little programming :) How are you?
@fivedigit I look forward to it. You write well and I always learn something.
Please keep language safe for work
^ That is not addressed to anyone. The pin on the previous one expired and you can't re-pin the old one (argh).
Okay. My blog is also always safe for work. ;)
@fivedigit Awesome man I need to check your blog out sometime! Look forward to reading it.
@WayneConrad Right on! Volunteer work or you going for a checkup? Not bad working on another app today and putting together some design concepts.
I wrote a blog entry this weekend, but it's just a minor rant about an anti-pattern. Not actually about Ruby or anything.
@JonathanMusso Step-mom is having surgery, so mostly I'll be trying to keep dad from going insane with that weird combination of boredom and anxiety that comes with the waiting.
@WayneConrad Link?:)
I hope it all goes well @WayneConrad!
Thanks. I think it will. I just have to keep dad from imploding.
@WayneConrad Guilty as charged! I ~~do~~ did this sometimes, even on my blog ;)
yeah i t is difficult at times
The Disqus comments don't seem to work though
I noticed that. I've had a heck of a time getting disqus to work. I must have set the ID wrong (again).
@fivedigit I think I fixed it.
@fivedigit So many programmers do this, programmers I respect, that I wonder if I'm off the rails. Perhaps the benefit far outweighs the cost.
True. The only valid reason is "it looks nice". But any practical argument against it (such as versioning conflicts) are a good reason to stop doing it ;)
@fivedigit do you use Bootstrap a lot as a Rails dev?
Disqus still doesn't work though.
I do when creating a quick app
I've also used foundation
@fivedigit That might explain why I don't get comments. That, and that I have no readers :D I'll see about getting Disqus fixed later. Or see if they have competition. Right now, I gotta get ready to go.
Morningb @Cereal how are ya bud
ttyl, y'all. Good day, and happy hacking.
Later, good luck @WayneConrad!
Thanks. And good morning, Cereal.
hi all
@WayneConrad Peace buddy, all the best
4 hours later…
I forgot how time consuming mockups are :p
2 hours later…
well my app finally made it to the app store \o/ ...w00t
for WinMP?
@Chris long time no see buddy, how goes? congratulations! link?
going well now that my app is finally in the store ;)
oh. Apple. I'm not buying that.
Why are they even charging for free apps?
@Chris how many dls?
of your app
not sure
oh you cant see yet?
i don't think so, analytics usually update over night :l
congrats man that is a big achievement
@JonathanMusso thanks dude that means a lot :)
awesome when people get things built and released!
indeed, ...hows the schooling coming along?
great man. 6 weeks left. I'm juts beginning my final projects now! will be learning JS heavily over the remainder of the program as well
awesome, JS is really powerful stuff, especially the angular / ember frameworks
yea I am not sure which framework to learn. I think I will stick with Angular to start and branch off from there if needed. my mentor is going to teach me this as well so it will be great
right now I am building about 20~ UI mockups for one of my final projects. need to finish them for tomorrows meeting XD
sweet, i've been told that ember tends to follow the convention over configuration more so than angular does
cool, and geter done ;)
he said meteor is good too XD
yea thx man
yeah JS frameworks are a dime dozen these days ;P
1 hour later…
I wrote that post I was talking about ;) craftingruby.com/posts/2015/06/29/…
@fivedigit awesome I look forward to reading it
@WayneConrad I really enjoyed your article. Your contribution to the better specs repo is appreciated.

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