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@WayneConrad Gm, around a minute for deploying.
@Nithin That's so much better.
4 hours later…
Hello guys.
I want little help in rails forms
How can I have form fields where only some of them are linked to model and some without model?
I know form_tag can have form fields without linked to model but I also want form fields that do links with model in the same form...
5 hours later…
Q: Pass custom data while subscribing and use it while publishing to a channel - private_pub

Mohammad Areeb SiddiquiI am creating a chat module for my application and using private_pub for sending and receiving messages. I want to update the unread message counter on receiver's as soon as receiver gets the message. Each page is subscribed to a channel where message gets published, so that every time I get the...

2 hours later…
Good morning, all.
Hey Wayne
good afternoon :)
@XavierAkram Doing any programming this morning?
@WayneConrad Yes I am, I was offsite with a client for 3 days so i didn't get anything done (well lots of drinking done if that counts as an achievement)!
what about yourself, what you working on?
I'm working on the side project. I didn't get anything done on it yesterday, so I've got just half a day today to show some progress.
is it a paying project?
or just something you're doing for fun?
It's a paying project.
nice :)
I'm making slow progress on it, though :(
ah, i guess it's not paying enough
Haha! Maybe that.
What are you working on?
Well it's my first rails application but it's a subscription website
which allows customers to purchase a chocolate subscription :D
chocolate subscription! That's a splendid idea.
yes i'm hoping to increase the worlds obesity count.
@fivedigit i see you lurking, don't be a stranger say hi :)
A chocolate subscription doesn't work too well in desert areas, except in the winter. For example, Harry and David, a company that ships fruit and chocolate, only ships to Phoenix for about six months of the year.
yes i can imagine however my market is huger than the states
but i'm keeping to just the cities for now
you can order speciality chocolate to your doorsteps from different countries (starting with british chocolate first as it's easy for me to obtain!)
I was actually think of the middle East. Dubai, etc. I can imagine that they enjoy good chocolate. Who doesn't?
yep potential markets :D
would you keep your transaction information separate from subscription information?
yes i think so that would be silly otherwise
a subscription can have many transactions
Hiya ;)
hey stranger :)
I would put transaction into in a different table too. And set a foreign key to the subscription
yes that's what im doing
They're not very related concepts, so they should go into different tables :)
now honestly it's the tricky part of the app :D
I'm always very table happy
How's your weekend been Five?
Been good so far, taking it easy :) Yours?
I think 92.3% of all database problems can be solved by adding a table.
And, 67% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
I always choose my tables so that they make sense and are related in 1:N relations
well i'm writting the schema as i go along in a google doc
that way i can keep tabs on what i'm trying to do and map it out prior to doing it
less room for errors i guess
It's always helpful to have an ER diagram handy
well i didn't go that hardcore just some coloured cells in Excel
Saves you from drawing a mental image of it very time.
do you guys know an online tool that does it?
for free ofc!
try out yEd. Way easier than making sense of excel tables
yEd seems hardcore
very easy to use
automatic layouters = awesome
yep didn't look hard, i'm used to wireframing / diagramming software so it should be easy enough :D
click to place nodes, drag to place edges, double click in palette to select for placement
entity relationship diagrams
super easy!
also super useful when creating export-worthy diagrams: grid mode and layout semi-manually
@JanDvorak / @fivedigit Could you gents have a look at my diagram and let me know if you think the relationships are correct?
Why does a customer have an address ID?
you mean opposed to just having an address ?
customer can have many addresses, and an address can have one customer
in theory i could have it many to many but i don't want shared addressbooks
your IDs say that each user belongs to an address and each address belongs to a user
the former doesn't seem correct
so it should be address_ids ?
a plural, that's what you're getting at right?
nope. You should find the address IDs in the address table
AH my arrows are the wrong way around
so the arrow should point to where it's collecting the data from
data doesn't move from table to table. Data is aggregated from multiple tables into a single view. Your relations tell you which tables refer to which (each address knows its user).
yes its just a link, my arrows made it look like its pushing the data
if it's about using the wrong symbol let me know i'm very new to this
What I'm referring to is that you probably shouldn't have relations going in both directions
multiple users can't belong to the same address, so why should a user have an address ID?
ah i understand!
so the addresses table should hold the association to customers
where-as customers doesn't need to hold the association of addresses
that makes sense.
anything else you can see that's incorrect?
it makes sense to have relations in both directions if you want every user to have a primary address, but then you need to add an extra constraint that I don't know if the database engine can enforce - that the user's primary address belongs to that user. The DB engine should be able to enforce a 1:1 ratio but I don't think it can correlate two relations.
it could just be handled with a primary boolean in the address table?
allergen_id / allergy_id: name mismatch, probably unintentional
@XavierAkram correct; the DB engine can index that nicely but then you can't have it enforce the constraint that each user has exactly one primary address
subscription shouldn't have transaction_ids
as most users will have a small subset of users couldn't i do an update all action to false then update the current record (desired) record as true?
*users will have a small subset of ADDRESSES
doing things in two updates is inefficient. Also you better use transactions lest you'll face race conditions
with the subscription & transaction_ids i understand same as before with addresses / customers
Jan, i could do the enforcement client-side
if you mean in javascript - that could easily go wrong
yes i mean js
what if the user just pulls out fiddler and starts sending out random POST requests?
that's a good point, but if they want to ship a product to a random address then that's their choice
but i guess two products could get shipped for one order because it prints 2 primary addresses
that could cause problems
i will look at the 1:1 ratio thing
how is that generally done in rails / SQL ?
shipping to a random address might only hurt the script kiddie but a script kiddie changing a random user's primary address would be pretty bad
that would be pretty bad
in SQL it's just a foreign key with a unique constraint
eh, shipping to a random address will hurt you
okay i'll make a note on that to check it out on the addresses table
or rather, having a large amount of outstanding fake orders will.
yes that would...
> sir, a convoy of 12 trucks is nearing Fake st., but there doesn't seem to be a house #123 around. Can you lend us an eye on Google Maps, please?
considering this product will be launched in Russia
100% i will be hacked.
so i've updated the diagram based on our conversation @JanDvorak pasteboard.co/1yRYpo72.png
good luck sending this oversized cargo across Siberia, only to find out the city has been devoid of human life for centuries. Not to mention the gas station your driver assumed would be there.
should you store both the cyrillic and the latin version of each name? Can you derive one from the other?
What's Customers.updated_at for?
well you could, however sometimes the translation isn't 100% accurate
needs testing
when they last made a change to their details it's the default rails convention that's added in there
i guess it's not really necessary
ah. A system-added field you have no use for?
that's the one :D
Fine then :-D
also you're right about the name we could store it in Cyrillic and then translate to English
does a transaction have no other information than that at a particular moment something happened concerning a particular subscription?
at the moment yes, that will get populated when i play with the stripe api
i just realised we need a shipping table, to show what needs to be shipped and when
Does each product belong to a particular subscription?
If so, they should be linked by subscription ID, not by product ID
If not, your arrow is backwards
price_monthly, price_quarterly and price_half_yearly sure are mathematically related? Why are you storing all three of them?
i'm not entirely sure let me word this out

A subscription is a unique agreement between the business and the customer,
The subscription can be for 1, 3 or 6 month terms, it's auto billing
A subscription is for a product and the price is selected based on the subscription period
A transaction is the outcome of a payment made via the Stripe API, only when a payment is successful do we generate a shipping command
price_monthly is a price we define for the product per month and a different price per 3 months and a different price for 6
it's not based on a static discount of say X
oh, so it's just that the arrow is backwards :-D
oh lol
would you have a shipping_queue table of somesort
that creates a new record when a payment is successful?
what's Subscription.price? I'd use a price_type enum here.
price_type what would be stored against that?
depends. Do you want to track each individual payment?
the total yes
i wanted to track the total value of the subscription
I assume the subscription price is one of the three product prices?
so let me ask you a question on that!
if a user completes a subscription for 3 months, do we extend the current subscription if they continue or create a new one?
it makes logical sense to continue the current subscription and push the finish date to +3 months
I guess so. Do you have any reason to store each subscription season separately?
statistics, perhaps?
actually thats a good point
because unless we store more information like what type of subscription the user chose
and then the subscription they changed to
future retrospective data mining
yes so in that case it would just the total price of the transaction
so it's not require because the transaction table holds it
the more you store, the more you know.
With this system you immediately forget any late payments when they're paid off
so in this scenario a subscription can't have multiple transactions
because each time a transaction is initiated it's a new subscription, so a subscription can have a single transaction
which starts my next question, do we need a subscriptions table?
if it's just a one to one relationship
perhaps you just want to move some statistical data from subscripton to transaction?
yes i think so just remove the table all together
if it's not required
and store the data in transaction
I mean, you could have a long-term subscription paid off by multiple transactions, which then bear little more than a statistical value
well the terms of our subscriptions are 1, 3 or 6 months and they re-bill in those periods
so there is no 12 month subscription with monthly billings
should there be?
not required for this
contracts are tricky in Russia
at this point it's about business decisions rather than technical ones, though, which I don't think I can decide for you.
yes so that way we don't need it :D
wouldn't a transaction require an address_id that the user defines as the shipping address?
That could be useful
@JanDvorak i think this is right now!
its missing the link between transaction id and customer id
I guess the customer_id in transactions is kinda redundant? It doesn't even have an arrow
well it does need a customer ID how else do we link it back?
join through addresses
good point, so we don't need it
you're totally right if i didn't map it out in yEd how the hell would we of understood what was going on
in general: whenever you have a loop in your ER diagram, you should look at it and think about if it really belongs there. Can one of the relations be derived from the others? If not, what constraint does this loop generate?
thanks Jan that's helpful information
woow mapped my first database !
even more generally: a loop without a comment is almost always bad. A comment could be "transaction.address.customer is whom we send the product, transaction.customer is who is paying for the delivery. They may be different people (gift cards and such)" or "after careful testing, mapping users through addresses has shown to be extremely slow and needs to be denormalized. transaction.user := transaction.address.user"
g2g, bye
@JanDvorak +1 for commenting the unusual, the strange, the surprising, the abnormal.
thanks i'll make on the comments in the source-code
okay so i have
customers/1/ ( using show action therefore before_action is invoked )
I've just mapped:
/addresses/ to the end via the routes file
But because i'm in /customers/1/addresses/ it's invoking the before_action how to exclude if i'm calling another controller?
@XavierAkram I don't know the answer, but the question might be easier to read (and get more attention) if it were more than one sentence.
guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html I'm having a read myabe i can find the answer :D
oh you mean i'm not clear? i have that habbit i'm clear in my head lol
"How to exclude it from running on a resource." should be a separate sentence. Also, I know that "it" means "the before action," but it would be clearer to just be explicit in this case.
Q: Routes and Controllers

Xavier AkramI am trying to include a resource into my routes file that shows the addresses of a customer via the url customers/1/addresses. This is constructed with the following routes code: resources :customers do resources :addresses end However when I access the URL customers/1/addresses I'm throw...

i re-wrote it lol
let me know if that makes sense @WayneConrad
Much better, thanks!
awesome :D
you aren't invoking the proper view by the looks of it
oh, how do i invoke the proper view?
well it is just a guess since you do not post your whole controller, your route would be going to the index but you only post the custom method
you need to edit your question with your controllers
which controller? the customers controller?
addresses, alternatively you can post both
the more info you provide the better
@JonathanMusso Hello, happy Sunday.
@JonathanMusso Er... up to a point!
@WayneConrad Hey there boss, you as well! How are ya?
Fine. Getting some work done. Not wanting to get some work done. Work is against my religion, you know.
what are you working on
The side project. I'm trying to figure out this third-party library that is kind of poorly documented.
ah, doesn't sound like fun
Yet it's the kind of thing I do the most of in my career. It's kinda weird.
GET /customers/:customer_id/addresses(.:format) addresses#show
GET /customers/:customer_id/addresses(.:format) addresses#index

Why is it running the show action? and not the index?
okay i fundamentally understood it wrong, i believe i've figured it out.
You can show the index as the index displays all the addresses, you need to use a do loop to iterate all addresses for that user and you can provide actions to edit / destroy them etc, but you can't show them all as there is no template defined for it.
index will show the ocllection and show is the individual item
i mean if i define a template called index_children and create a do loop in that for customers.addresses that will show them all
i understood the routing / rails conventions wrong
now i understand :)
+1 fudging hurdles
@WayneConrad you rock mate, thanks again
1 hour later…
@theyCallMeBobu Hello, Bobu! Good to see you.
A: Generate custom length array of combinations from the elements of another array

suslovYou can use Array#permutation if you don't want repetetions in the subarrays. col1 ∈ [1; 3] row2 ∈ [0; 3] days.permutation(col).to_a.slice(0, row) Demonstration If you want repetitions in the subarrays, you can use Array#repeated_permutation. col ∈ [1; 3] row ∈ [0; 33(= 27)]: ...

That answer seems to have an unnecessary amount of math notation in it. It could be a lot better without that.
How are you Wayne?
Doing fine, thanks. Stalling leaving the house, even though it's only 104F. We'll have days this summer that will make 104F seem cool. But right now, it doesn't seem cool at all.
We'll be hitting triple digits in a few days ;) Still only two digits in celsius though :P
That's it. From now on, I'm going to consider the temperature in C, and my age in hex.
I'm a 0x1D
I'm 0x35
2 hours later…
This is awesome. I've wanted to learn to play the Irish a washerwoman for a long time and I might be at the point where I can play it now. Yay for years of practice!
I'm sitting in dad's house waiting for him to get home from church and learning this song I live. Maybe it's just the double latte, but this is making me high.

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