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Good morning
1 hour later…
Has anyone had experience with using a faker type of gem but generating the results in another language like Russian?
1 hour later…
@XavierAkram Nope, sadly not.
Hello btw :)
Hey dude, how are you?
Good good :)
Bit disappointed with the traffic to my blog after my latest post, but then again perhaps Saturday night isn't the best moment to be posting haha :)
yep less people reading blogs on a saturday night :P
Would any of you guys know why:
<%= link_to 'View' + icon('caret-right'), admin_customer %>
Outputs the raw html?
View<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i>
I don't do RoR but my best guess would be to blame %=
@JanDvorak %= means to eval the parameter as ruby code
@XavierAkram Because that's the output of link_to I imagine
i managed to fix it with a do clause
thanks Cereal :)
and you too Jan
Funny how none of the regulars here actually use rails
i think it's time for you to use rails regulars
@fivedigit I catch up on blogs during work ;)
Haha :) Last time I posted on a Friday it was good though, but that was still during US workday ;)
The article is supposed to have no text, right? Just code?
No, wait... there's text in the HTML. Very weird that it's not rendering on my box using either Firefox or Chrome.
My blog?
It should have text, are any fonts blocked or something?
HeckifIknow. Firefox used to have an awesome menu entry for turning off all the CSS... I would try that, if I could find it, but since everything has gone to this tablet look ("menus are bad, m'kay?"), I can't find anything.
Bloody tablets, ruining everything.
Tablets even ruin people's ability to taste
I have even tested everything on BrowserStack but never seen any invisible text issues there
@WayneConrad What are your OS and browser versions?
Debian Jessie, 64-bit. Chrome 42.0.2311.135 (64-bit). Firefox 37.0.1.
Hm weird.
Aha. Figured out how to turn on the menu bar in Firefox. Yay for menu bars! If I turn off the CSS (view->page style->no style), then I see text.
web font that failed to load?
It's gotta be something like that.
Still weird since it should then still show text, in a different font.
Text doesn't show while a webfont is being loaded
@WayneConrad Agreed.
I'll hit F12 and see if I can figure anything out.
Mine loaded fine
Could it have something to do with this? I've never seen this tag before, and it's set on the divs
The f12/network view shows one request that is pending/stalled, but that's to disqus.
Do you see the article title H1 though?
Blah. Why doesn't the elements tab have an "expand all?" I'm playing "click on random triangles 12 deep to fry to find some text."
Usually I'd just click on the element on the page, but... :)
If I disable this style: font-family: 'Fira Sans', serif; then I see text.
Can you refresh?
I just added Times to that list, dunno if it makes any difference though
hard refresh, no change.
Except that it reset my F12 view, haha. Now I gotta find some text again.
Okay. I've found some resources which also say they've had problems specifically with the Fira Sans font. I'll probably try looking for another similar font
My kingdom for "expand all elements"
@JonathanMusso Haha!
this is the pre solder @WayneConrad lol
I tried a different font, does this work @WayneConrad ?
I'll find a better one later since I need to run in a minute or two :)
@fivedigit Works like a champ. Thanks!
As an added bonus, it might be easier to understand now :D
Cool! :D
A/C repairmen want to replace some capacitors because they're "out of tolerance" (7% fewer mF than the label on the cap). In consumer electronics, 7% off is nothing. Are things different with large electronics?
NullObject pattern, one of my favorites
@fivedigit I don't know if you're still here, but the way you write fits the way I read and think very well. Little bits of text between little bits of code, just the right amount. I don't have to read and understand too much code at once, and I don't get lost in walls of text before I get to see more code.
typo: "alredy"
That is an awesome article. Thanks for writing it!
2 hours later…
Any of you guys played with Ransack?
Never heard of it @XavierAkram. Hey you are a JS wiz right? Can you make fancy page animations with Angular?
as far as i'm aware Angular isn't really for animations, i could be wrong however
For really slick looking animations I cheat and use Edge Animate from CC :)
ok cool
I am going to be learning JS in another week or so, so was just curious
you are looking particularly at animations? or just js in-general?
I wrote my custom validator. But when I am trying to access the booking model from the Rails console.. getting error gist.github.com/aruprakshit/64d9efd0876617b236d8 What wrong am I doing ?
@XavierAkram i did while I was working in a Spree based Rails project
@ArupRakshit nice I'm just playing with it now for my project, seems pretty straight forward out of the box.
Crystal is where its at
Crystal Meth?
efficiently compiled Ruby
@XavierAkram ATM animations for the front-end yea
not quite sure what I will be doing with JS otherwise at this point
@ArupRakshit hello buddy!!! I will check your program out shortly.
before you look at animation wizardry have you learned Node.js or Angular ?
no, I will be soon though
no need for Node.js atm because Rails
super fast Rails :P
Well there might be some good frameworks for animation out there i personally don't use them too much
i havn't had a good program in a few years (stopped frontend developing a few years ago) in favour of UX
@Vikaton I have seen this before
@XavierAkram aye, I am re-learning all the new shit for the front-end. Haven't done any computer work since 2012. So I am retraining everything
Need to get my front-end skills up there once more, then with Rails I should be good to go
Well if you need pointers let me know
would be nice to see Ruby go over to Crystal
checkout codeschool.com they have some good tuts
Ah thx @XavierAkram
I need to learn to customize Bootstrap for my own interfaces. My Mentor told me to look into SCSS so I can build my own styles and inherit the Bootstrap classes.
SCSS is dead easy
and yes Bootstrap if you re-face it can do wonders let me show you some stuff i stumbled on
just look at the re-designs these guys have done :)
all bootstrap/
ok great so I can still make nice designs
I have a ton of shit to build over the next month and I really need to get going with how to build custom styles with Boostrap since almost all of the projects are using it
everyone uses it now
from small the large companies its' a solid foundation
so I got Ubuntu 15 running on the Surface Pro 3, time to install Rails and git
A laptop with Linux is a happy laptop.
i hv SUSE
it's only temporary until August Wayne, well , the Surface.
Then I will get a new 15" MBP I think.
Why the blazes would someone write an article about code, and have all the code in images instead of text?
Woohoo! standalone_migrations. This was created just about the time I was hand-rolling my own rake db tasks for an activerecord project. I'm doing it again, and this gem is going to be a life saver.
Oh, lookie! Also active_record_migrations
snnnd I am back on Ubuntu 15
"Oh, the thoughts I'd be thinking, I could be a another Lincoln, if I only had a brain"
I've been playing that on my Banjo this morning. It's not too hard, but has a few new chords for me to learn.
@ArupRakshit Did you end up fixing the validator loading issue?
@WayneConrad Thanks Wayne! Which one was that? :)
@fivedigit Saturday's, where you show what polymorphism and duck typing can really do for a Rails project.
Ah :)
Time to hunt that typo :)
Fixed :)
anyone use cloud 9?
@fivedigit I really wish you worked at my company (but it's not hiring. Plus it's 115F outside right now).
Yikes I'd melt instantly at direct exposure to those kind of temperatures :)
You get... well, not really used to it, but inured.
I went out for a take-and-bake pizza last night. I thought it was going to cook in the car on the way home.
Wow. Whereabouts do you live exactly?
Phoenix, Arizona, US.
I remembered that the cat had stuck her paw into my water. I dumped it out and refilled it. I took a drink. Unfortunately, I did these things in a different order.
Haha you drank right after the paw? ;)
About an hour after. And then remembered what I had seen her do.
I wish I could find out what was using all my disk space
Every time I turn on my computer, it drops a gig or two
du -sx * | sort -n from the root partition
> windows
OK, first install cygwin. Then do that.
I can't save the cygwin installer because there isnt enough space on my disk
Well good
Oh, that is a bind.
What I think is happening is I turned off windows update
but it keeps downloading them
just not installing them
!!google du -sx
!!google bash du
-s means "summary", -x means "don't follow mounted file systems"
-h means "human readable", but if you want to run it through "sort -n", you want just numbers that are all in the same units.
@CapricaSix I know you try hard, but sometimes a human is really what's needed.
The first result worked well.
I have a program WinDirStat does that the same nicely, I believe
Installing cygwin anyway
because I have it on my work computer and it makes me like windows a little more
It doesn't make me like windows more, but it does make me hate it less.
In a Cygwin term, your C drive appears at /cygdrive/c
I'd go back to linux if all my games ran on it. Hopefully someday I'll have two computers
@fivedigit Yes I did. Actually need to add the path to the autload paths...
@ArupRakshit was it an engine? Otherwise the rails server just needs a restart if you just added the validators folder iirc
@Cereal I hope those numbers are wrong.
@WayneConrad I believe they are
I am out of here in a few moments. Do you guys know off hand how I can handle server side requests (ie. multiplayer for a game) in Ruby?
3 hours later…
Hi everyone!!
Not much
hey anyone know a good workflow for actually creating a live site?
I have a question about rails. I am going to be doing the Rails Guides blog tutorial.
like should i dev locally then push it to the hosting server?
And with the blog tutorial, I want it to be hosted via github pages. Is that possible?

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