Would any of you guys know why: <%= link_to 'View' + icon('caret-right'), admin_customer %> Outputs the raw html? View<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i>
HeckifIknow. Firefox used to have an awesome menu entry for turning off all the CSS... I would try that, if I could find it, but since everything has gone to this tablet look ("menus are bad, m'kay?"), I can't find anything.
Okay. I've found some resources which also say they've had problems specifically with the Fira Sans font. I'll probably try looking for another similar font
A/C repairmen want to replace some capacitors because they're "out of tolerance" (7% fewer mF than the label on the cap). In consumer electronics, 7% off is nothing. Are things different with large electronics?
NullObject pattern, one of my favorites
@fivedigit I don't know if you're still here, but the way you write fits the way I read and think very well. Little bits of text between little bits of code, just the right amount. I don't have to read and understand too much code at once, and I don't get lost in walls of text before I get to see more code.
I need to learn to customize Bootstrap for my own interfaces. My Mentor told me to look into SCSS so I can build my own styles and inherit the Bootstrap classes.
I have a ton of shit to build over the next month and I really need to get going with how to build custom styles with Boostrap since almost all of the projects are using it
Woohoo! standalone_migrations. This was created just about the time I was hand-rolling my own rake db tasks for an activerecord project. I'm doing it again, and this gem is going to be a life saver.
I remembered that the cat had stuck her paw into my water. I dumped it out and refilled it. I took a drink. Unfortunately, I did these things in a different order.