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2 hours later…
hii all
3 hours later…
Good morning.
Hi all
How is everybody doing?
Quite fine. Just another workday, first of this week though. Yesterday we had King's day, a national holiday ;)
I've tried to get my boss to let me take King's day off, due to my Norwegian ancestry. He tells me he'd better seeing me eat more canned fish before I can claim that.
I don't know why I'm so reluctant to wrap libraries in my own set of classes. It's almost always what I end up doing anyhow.
You can either wrap them or override that class itself. I think one of those options wins out ;)
I prefer wrapping if I'm adding behavior specific to my app, which is most of the time. Overwrite if I'm doing a hot-fix of a library bug, but I haven't done that in ages... these days I just fork the project, make the fix, tell my Gemfile to use the fork, and submit a pull request to the maintainer. Yay github!
Forking and pull requests are super complex, i'd rather just do a horrible workaround and maintain cringeworthy code for years /sarcasm
Hmm, it appears I may have found a gas tank for this Honda.
Yay for gas tanks.
What's wrong with the gas tank you have?
This bike was brought out of storage after nearly 20 years. The stock tank is full of rust and holes. It's possible to repair but it might not be worth it
A restoration, cool. Did you just buy this bike, or was it yours 20 years ago and got put away?
My father took it on trade years ago on a piece of equipment, been stored in a container ever since. Was doing some cleanup, so instead of scrapping it I will restore it. Probably going to build a British inspired Cafe Racer. It's funny, hooked a battery up to it and everything works, all the from 1969! haha
That's very, very cool.
Ya I think it will turn out pretty cool
I'm tired of the !! idiom for turning truthy/falsey into true/false. It looks like magic, and its intent isn't at all obvious.
What would you think of a global function def Boolean(o) ; !!o; end that wrapped the magic? Then I could replace !!@consumer with Boolean(@consumer)
oh wow, you can put the Bang operator in front of the instance variable?
I have not come across that yet, so far in the course only ! at the end of methods
Yes, it's logical negation, and it's a prefix operator. Example: the result of !true is false
So sometimes it's part of a method name, and sometimes its an operator.
At the end of a method name, it's not an operator at all. Just part of the name.
ahh, so similar to !=
when you use !true returns false, right
It's pretty standard in javascript
Correct. Now, both nil and false are considered falsey, and anything else is considered truthy. But when you create a predicate function (one that returns a boolean result), it should probably return true/false rather than truthy/falsey.
Thus, !!
Using double-bang, you can convert truthy/falsey into true/false. For example, !!nil becomes false, and !!1 becomes true
Hmm, so NIL does mean false? In my course they were saying it means "nothing", empty
Ok I get what you have said though
Yes, nil is considered falsey. So if nil ; puts "foo" ; end will print nothing.
But the double-bang idiom has always chapped my hide. It just looks like magic and doesn't (to me) communicate intent at all.
I can understand that
So far for me learning Ruby and Rails...a lot of things spoken you can understand in English...lol
That...may take some time to get used too xD
So what I'm asking the room is, would seeing Boolean(o) be an obvious improvement, or would you say to me, "just use double-bang. It's the Ruby way"
With this Wayne are you modifying the Ruby base? Boolean? I think they called this "monkey-patching" in my program when you modify the language core.
I am introducing a previously undefined global function Boolean. It's not considered monkey patching, although technically it is, since it is adding a method to the pre-existing main object.
@JonathanMusso Is English not your native tongue? You speak it like a native.
No, wait. You're saying that a lot of Ruby and Rails code reads like English?
It is my native language yes, yeah I was saying it reads like English
That's cool.
2 hours later…
Q: How to split a string containing ":" in Ruby?

SMWI have a string that contains a : string = "user:pass" What should I use to split this?

I'm about to leave this comment. I feel like it might be condenscending. Can it be phrased better?
"Someone else edited the question for you, but it's really your job. The purpose of questions isn't just to help the original asker, but to help others who find the question via a search. Please help us to keep question quality high."
Sounds alright. What a careless guy though
I don't think he will care anyway.
I think you're right. OK, thanks.
Here's a "request for offsite resources" that I wish I could leave open.
Q: Tools for creating call graph for Ruby applications?

Nikita  LuparevI am looking for tools that create call graph for Ruby applications, like this https://pycallgraph.readthedocs.org/en/master/ but unfortunately it's for Python. Anything that could help me analyze unfamiliar code easily would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

"To turn off the music, press 1" is the coolest thing ever. I wish all telephone holds had that.
Sounds like a convenience, but it's another 3 seconds you have to pay for! ;)
2 hours later…
Argh. There are still gems... too many!... that don't use semantic versioning
as in they just throw random numbers on or worse?
It's all over the map. Some use the version numbers like advertisements. "Get 2.0.0! It's way better than 1.X.X!". I just caught one that incremented the minor number for a bug fix that didn't change the API at all.
Thats fun. "oh no a 4.3.1 to 5.x upgrade! oh wait, it just fixed a nil error" I can see that getting old fast
Hello, can anyone help with nested attribute forms?
in rails?
How would you write the form_for so that nested attributes are being passed?
<%= form_for(@outer_object) do |f| %>
   #... use f as form builder
   <%= f.fields_for :association do |builder| %>
     #... use builder as form builder
   <% end %>
<% end %>
Then your controller has to be setup to clean those attributes coming in and handle them, but that is how I've set up the forms
I apologize @Jared, it is a form_tag I am suppose to use
Because I do not have a Rails active record object I am dealing with
I am seeing online that it is this
fields_for :form_fields do |ff|
ff.text_field :my_text_field
ff.select :my_select_tag
is that true?
Yea, that is essentially what my inner bit is doing
just in html.erb markup
and as for not having active record I haven't created a form for something that wasn't in AR so probably not much help if that is the crux of the problem
Yeah it is accepting the owner, but not the related has_many relation

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