I've tried to get my boss to let me take King's day off, due to my Norwegian ancestry. He tells me he'd better seeing me eat more canned fish before I can claim that.
I prefer wrapping if I'm adding behavior specific to my app, which is most of the time. Overwrite if I'm doing a hot-fix of a library bug, but I haven't done that in ages... these days I just fork the project, make the fix, tell my Gemfile to use the fork, and submit a pull request to the maintainer. Yay github!
This bike was brought out of storage after nearly 20 years. The stock tank is full of rust and holes. It's possible to repair but it might not be worth it
My father took it on trade years ago on a piece of equipment, been stored in a container ever since. Was doing some cleanup, so instead of scrapping it I will restore it. Probably going to build a British inspired Cafe Racer. It's funny, hooked a battery up to it and everything works, all the from 1969! haha
Correct. Now, both nil and false are considered falsey, and anything else is considered truthy. But when you create a predicate function (one that returns a boolean result), it should probably return true/false rather than truthy/falsey.
I am introducing a previously undefined global function Boolean. It's not considered monkey patching, although technically it is, since it is adding a method to the pre-existing main object.
I'm about to leave this comment. I feel like it might be condenscending. Can it be phrased better?
"Someone else edited the question for you, but it's really your job. The purpose of questions isn't just to help the original asker, but to help others who find the question via a search. Please help us to keep question quality high."
I am looking for tools that create call graph for Ruby applications, like
this https://pycallgraph.readthedocs.org/en/master/
but unfortunately it's for Python.
Anything that could help me analyze unfamiliar code easily would be helpful.
Thanks in advance.
It's all over the map. Some use the version numbers like advertisements. "Get 2.0.0! It's way better than 1.X.X!". I just caught one that incremented the minor number for a bug fix that didn't change the API at all.
<%= form_for(@outer_object) do |f| %>
#... use f as form builder
<%= f.fields_for :association do |builder| %>
#... use builder as form builder
<% end %>
<% end %>
Then your controller has to be setup to clean those attributes coming in and handle them, but that is how I've set up the forms
Yea, that is essentially what my inner bit is doing
just in html.erb markup
and as for not having active record I haven't created a form for something that wasn't in AR so probably not much help if that is the crux of the problem