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Q: How to write in ORM rails?

errakesh select et.* from category_user as cu join category_exam_user as ceu on ceu.category_user_id = cu.id join exam as ex on ex.id = ceu.exam_id join exam_types et on et.id = ex.exam_type_id where cu.user_id = 1

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2 hours later…
If I have a bunch of strings of the form "word_word_0_word_word", and the digit from (0 to 2) can be anywhere in it, what is the best way I can move that digit to the next to last word?
So for example "word_word_0_word_word" should become "word_word_word_0_word"
and "word_2_word_word_word_word" should become "word_word_word_word_2_word"
@Flethuseo Are the words guaranteed to have no digits in them?
some may have no digits
in which case there is no need to do anything
but if they do have them they would be in the form digit
I mean "_digit"
def move_digit_right(s)
  return s unless  s =~ /^(.*)(_\d)(_[^_]+)((_.*$)?)/
  $1 + $3 + $2 + $4
@Flethuseo There's one way to do it, but I don't like it. It's write-only code.
def move_digit_right(s)
  words = s.split("_")
  digit_index = words.index { |word| word =~ /\A\d+\Z/ }
  return s if digit_index.nil?
  return s if digit_index >= words.size - 1
  words[digit_index], words[digit_index + 1] =
    words[digit_index + 1], words[digit_index]
@Flethuseo That's much plainer. I guess I prefer it, but I don't like it much either.
Wow, taht's a pretty complex reg exp
Yeah, it's pretty bad.
Thank you Conrad, I'll give it a shot
Good luck
q: the method move_digit_right does it change string s?
or is it returning something?
@Flethuseo It returns something, leaving the original unchanged.
ah cool
It works
Sweet. Marking a method private works in a refinement.
Since I need to move the digit always next to last I changed the method to this:
    def move_digit_right(s)
      words = s.split("_")
      digit_index = words.index { |word| word =~ /\A\d+\Z/ }
      return s if digit_index.nil?
      return s if digit_index >= words.size - 1
      words.insert(words.size - 2, words.delete_at(digit_index))
Looks good.
morning all
@jtzero Good morning
so I came across this stackoverflow.com/questions/13003662/…, and I like the second version better but it occurred to be that because require checks the load path every time, would it be slower?
I typically use some form of both, depending on how the class/module should be used
After working a lot with both ways, I prefer the require in each file. It's better for testing (a spec can require the file it's testing and not worry about dependencies), and as mentioned in the answers, order takes care of itself.
It won't be appreciably slower. The check only occurs at load time. Also, the check isn't checking the load path. It expands the path being required, and then checks a hash to see if that path has already been required. Pretty fast. Or, at least, fast enough.
And it allows for lazy requiring as well. Which is awesome.
It's also great when you've got dependencies on gems which you'd rather not expose everywhere in the code. You could write an adapter class, and in the same file do the necessary requires from that gem.
i wasted my time to automate things which i can do them manually in the meantime
This idiom require File.expand_path('../foo', __FILE__) exists because require didn't always expand the path correct?
@jtzero I'm not sure.
I think you're right, newer rubies expand the path. But older Rubies... I think... used to put the cwd in the load path. I think.
I dislike the hack of using "../" at the front of an expand_path to trick it into removing the filename from the end of __FILE__. I prefer the more explicit (albeit verbose) File.expand_path("foo", File.dirname(__FILE__))
Or, in Ruby >= 2.0, File.expand_path("foo", __dir__)
__dir__ is good medicine.
@WayneConrad yeah I pulled it from here benjaminfleischer.com/2013/07/18/ruby-requires-confusion
and I read somewhere that require_relative is O(1), constant and require is O(N) because it checks the load path, which is what brought up my question.
Curiously, autoload has been fixed. I think that it is still deprecated, though.
Oh yeah I saw that, I think he is referring to the autoload specific to Active(Record ||Support)
Oh. I thought that was referring to basic Ruby autoload.
OK, found it, it's in the bottom "...this is okay since rails makes autoload not broken"
I think that fix made its way back to basic Ruby autoload. Matz has not changed his mind, though; last I heard, Ruby 3 won't have autoload. I'll miss it.
the function encode does not exist
I beg to differ
Ew. Ew. If you add a method foo using refinements, and then ask the object respond_to?(:foo), you get false.
The added method is also not included in the list returned by #methods.
Gotta try that
I'm just trying to use a library in processing. :/ Staring at the source code. It definitely exists. It's definitely imported.
I think I like java less and less the more I use it
@Cereal What's the matter, don't you like typing a lot? And curly braces? And XML configuration files?
EnterpriseLevelSuperExcitingImportantImplementationOfHashTable ht = new EnterpriseLevelSuperExcitingImportantImplementationOfHashTable(*7 parameters*)
I was touching up an OpenGl app written in c# last week, and some of the classes in C# have the absolute longest names
seven parameters? That's, like... bad OOP.
OK, refinements are officially bothering me. Again. Each time I use them, I run into a funky edge case that makes them seem broken.
I've added the method "number" to a class by using refinements
This works: neighbors.map { |neighbor| neighbor.number }
This does not work: neighbors.map(&:number)
@Cereal could be worse, could be lisp reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/2cbyut/…
Gives the error: ``map': super: no superclass method number'
Does that make any sense at all?
Grumble grumble grumble. Ripping out refinements. They're not refined enough.
I spent like 2 seconds looking up ruby refinements, but doesn't the method number not actually belong to the class?
@Cereal It does whenever the refinement is in scope.
Playing civ5 until I stop being made at Ruby.
I think Venice needs to found the Shinto religion :)
Did you pick up the new civ, wayne?
Not yet. The reviews are mixed... I might wait until it gets some DLCs like civ5 did.
It just showed up for Linux yesterday. I was excited until I read the reviews on Steam.
If I can poke my own opinion in...
Please do
A lot of the reviews were complaining it didn't have as much content as civ 5 + all dlc. I mean, it's valid, but kind of silly.

I'm probably biased because I'm not a hardcore civ player, but the time I've put into BE has been really fun. It definitely plays different compared to civ 5. Seems to me (the casual player) there's way more to do during the game
I think I'll try using Jim Gray's casting gem as a replacement for how I'm using refinements.
@Cereal I'm not really hard-core either, so that's a valuable review to me. Thanks.
It was like 50% off at the start of the steam winter sale. Will probably go on again on the last day
Loaded up an example of this library and it all loads fine. I'm so confused
Is refinements no longer experimental? I have 2.0.0 and it's still labeled as such. 2.0.0 doesn't even have #using defined in Module ruby-doc.org/core-2.0.0/Module.html
@jtzero As of 2.1, it's not experimental. You get no warning when using it.
@WayneConrad does #send work? I mean if you can't dynamically dispatch a method, that says broken to me.
@jtzero Good question. Let's try.
I still think we should write bot that will run ruby code in the chat
I like the way you think
Calling the method directly works. Calling it via send does not.
Broken broken broken.
This is with 2.1.5
I really don't see an appreciable difference between these two snippets. The top one doesn't work.
// not ruby
@Cereal What flavor of "doesn't work?"
@Cereal code_size is different between the two snippets. Does that matter?
The content is different, too.
The function encode(String, ENCODE, int, int, CHARACTER_SET, ERROR_CORRECTION) does not exist
It shouldn';t
Oh, right. That makes no sense.
There's no funky unicode or unprintable chars in the source in the vicinity of the "require" statements, right?
Not that I can see
It finds the constants fine. Doesn't error on the EncodingResult
encode is defined on barcode, so it sounds like an argument is of the wrong type somehow?
I would get a different error
Ahhhh. That's right, Java does method overloading.
The method encode(String, ENCODE, int, int, CHARACTER_SET, ERROR_CORRECTION) in the type Barcode is not applicable for the arguments (String, int, int, int, null, null)
What's with the nulls?
Are those constants defined as nulls?
Yeah, you lost me there too
Oh sorry
Assigning them as null assigns them as the defaults
Because whoever wrote the wrapper didn't want to use an overload
I wondered if it was something like that.
public final static EncodingResult encode(
      String content,
      ENCODE type,
      int width,
      int height,
      CHARACTER_SET character_set,
      ERROR_CORRECTION error_correction_level)
    if( type == null )                   return null;
    if( character_set == null )          character_set = CHARACTER_SET.DEFAULT;
    if( error_correction_level == null ) error_correction_level = ERROR_CORRECTION.DEFAULT;
Something doesn't make sense. The code you just pasted implies that CHARACTER_SET.DEFAULT and ERROR_CORRECTION.DEFAULT are not null, but the error message you got implies that they are.
Because I was sending null
    EncodingResult res = Barcode.encode("g", ENCODE.CODE_39, 10, 10, null, null);
I'm retarded
Who pays me for this
Why am I even allowed access to a computer
Haha. Been there. Daily.
I have a class called barcode
@Cereal Downloading Civ Beyond Earth now. ~3 hours to go. I really should get good bandwidth.
3 hours later…
@WayneConrad TF2 8Gb, 8 hours. /me thinking the same
or perhaps, I'm not ready for games

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