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I am running into an issue with a many-to-many relationship. I have 2 models 'Cartelitem' and 'Category'. I created the relationship and put in all the :through methods in place. I can create them without an issue and pull it easily. However I am running into an issue when I want to do a filter on cartelitem to find all of the objects that has a particular category (and not caring if it has more). I tied this, it doesn't error but it does not work if an object has more then just the one catagory
@cartelitems.where(catagories: catagory)
I can get it working by doing category.cartelitems, if there isn't a better way
15 hours later…
where is the best place to place my ruby scripts?
in my documents folder or in a home folder?
@Vass Under *nix, I put general purpose scripts in ~/bin (directory bin under my home directory).
Whether they're ruby, bash, or whatever.
so in my home directory i make a directory bin, and put it all there?
@Vass By the way... I don't know yet whether the unit testing book answers the question you had, but I've read enough of it to know it is important.
good news
@Vass That's right. And then add that directory to your path by adding something like PATH=~/bin:${PATH} to the appropriate dot file (.profile or .bashrc or whatever).
will do
5 hours later…
hello I was wondering, I am doing the first exercise in the cucumber book and I cannot get the step definitions to run properly. It is not updating as I am updating the definitions.
does someone know why?
I solved it
Quick question about where statements. anyone know how to do multiple where statements?
I have a variable that is either nil or false and I want to query for both
@posts = Post.where(top_card: nil)
nevermind I got it
Post.where(top_card: [false, nil])

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